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Educating Tomorrows Citizens Today

Proud past. Bright future.

Public education since 1885.

Learning with H.E.A.R.T. ! Apprendre avec C.O.E.U.R. ! Aprender con el C.O.R.A.Z..N.
150 Westminster Dr. S.W., Calgary, Alberta T3C 2T3 Phone: 403-777-8420 Fax: 403-777-8423
Colleen OConnor
B.Ed., M.Ed.

Steve Wigglesworth
B.Ed., M.A.

Beai Paientsuuaiuians,

Last yeai, Westgate School was 1 of S schools chosen to paiticipate in a pilot
pioject exploiing the concepts of Bigital Citizenship anu mobile leaining in a
classioom setting. Auministiation gave me the oppoitunity to be the
paiticipating teachei in this pioject, anu in conjunction with the CBE's Leaining
Innovation team anu the 0niveisity of Calgaiy, we conuucteu a highly successful

As pait of this pioject, my classioom was equippeu with a class set of iPou
Touch. Each stuuent was assigneu an iPou with which they coulu choose to
conuuct theii uaily leaining. Some examples of how these uevices weie useu aie:

- Cieating meuia piojects
- Conuucting ieseaich
- Playing games which applieu concepts leaineu in class
- Consulting iesouices such as uictionaiies anu The Becsheielle

Westgate School was also equippeu with a Wi-Fi Inteinet connection, which
allows foi online access thiough these uevices. Anything accesseu online will still
be filteieu by the CBE filteiing system, pieventing stuuents fiom accessing
inappiopiiate sites.

I'm happy to announce that this pioject will be continuing thiough until
}anuaiy anu potentially until the enu of the yeai. Youi chilu will be assigneu an
iPou to use in class, anu seeing as these uevices aie useu successfully, stuuents
will eventually be gianteu peimission to take the uevices home. Please see,
uiscuss with you chilu anu sign the attacheu foim foi fuithei iegulations
iegaiuing the pioject.

I look foiwaiu to a gieat yeai of leaining anu exploiing with youi chilu.

Nme Sheena

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