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USD 116: Kindergarten Reported Standards and Associated I Can Statements

English/ang!age Arts
"all# $%1$
Reported Standards Associated I Can statements
Strand: Reading Foundations
RF.K.1 Demonstrate
understanding of the
organization and basic
features of print.
I can hold a book correctly
I can recognize that books are read from left to right and
top to bottom.
I can recognize that words are created by putting letters
together in a specifc order
I can turn pages in a book from front to back and read the
left page before the right.
I can name all uppercase and lowercase letters in the
I can recognize that words are separated by spaces before
and after them.
I can recognize the diference between uppercase and
lowercase letters in the alphabet
RF.K.2 Demonstrate
understanding of spoken
words, s!!ab!es, and
sounds "phonemes#.
I can recognize words with the same end sound
I can recognize rhyming words
I can recognize that a syllable has one owel sound
I can identify the beginning sound! owel sound! and end
sound of words "three#phoneme$ words
I can rhyme one word with another.
I can break words into syllables by clapping! snapping or
I can say each syllable sound in a word.
I can blend syllables to say a complete word.
I can blend letter sounds to say a single#syllable word.
I can add or change beginning! middle! or end sounds to
create new words
RF.K.$ Know and app!
grade%!e&e! phonics and
word ana!sis ski!!s in
decoding words.
I can identify the fe ma%or owels
I can recognize the common spellings of long and short
owel sounds.
I can recognize common words found in te&t.
I can identify words with similar spellings
I can say the most common sound of each consonant.
I can say the long and short sounds for each owel.
I can read common words without haing to sound them
I can identify the letter sound that is diferent in words with
similar spellings
RF.K.' Read emergent%
reader te(ts with purpose
and understanding.
I can recognize common sight words in a te&t.
I can read a te&t with common sight words.
I can use the pictures in a te&t to help me understand it.
I can retell the story I read
Reading ")omprehending# *iterar and +nformationa! ,e(ts Reported Standards
"R*.K.1 R+.K.1#-ith
prompting and support,
ask and answer .uestions
about ke detai!s in
!iterar and informationa!
I can e&plain that a key detail is an important part of a
story! poem! or other te&t.
I can ask and answer 'uestions about a te&t "e.g.! who,
what, where, when, why and how$.
I can ask and answer 'uestions before! during! and after
reading a te&t
"().*.+! (I.*.+$ ,ith
prompting and support! retell
familiar stories and identify
the main topic- including key
I can listen to a story and tell the key details.
I can retell "put into my own words$ stories using key
I can defne main topic "who or what the te&t is mostly
USD 116: Kindergarten Reported Standards and Associated I Can Statements
English/ang!age Arts
"all# $%1$
I can retell the key details of a non#fction "informational$
I can identify the main topic of a non#fction
"informational$ te&t.
R*.K.$ ,ith prompting and
support! identify characters!
settings! and ma%or eents in
a story.
I can defne character! setting! and ma%or eent
I can identify the characters in a story
I can identify the settings in a story.
I can identify the ma%or eents in a story.
USD 116: Kindergarten Reported Standards and Associated I Can Statements
English/ang!age Arts
"all# $%1$
Reported Standards Associated I Can statements
R+.K.$ ,ith prompting and
support! describe the
connection between two
indiiduals! eents! ideas! or
pieces of information in a
I can identify indiiduals! eents! ideas! or pieces of information
in a te&t.
I can describe a connection between two indiiduals in a te&t
"e.g. Cliford is Emily Elizabeths dog). (R)
I can describe a connection between two eents in a te&t "e.g.!
The Pilgrims come to America the !rst Than"sgi#ing is
celebrated.$. "($
I can describe a connection between two ideas or pieces of
information in a te&t "e.g.! The s$n and the moon are both in
the s"y.$. "($
R*.K./ Recognize common
tpes of te(ts "e.g.,
storbooks, poems#.
I can recognize when a te&t is a storybook! poem! play! etc.
I can listen to and look at diferent types of te&t.
I can e&plain that some te&ts look the same and some look
diferent. "($
R+.K./ +dentif the front
co&er, back co&er, and
tit!e page of a book.
I can identify the front coer and back coer of a book
I can identify the title page of a book.
I can e&plain that a title page is inside of a book. "($
(I.*./ ,ith prompting and
support! identify the reasons
an author gies to support
points in a te&t.
I can identify why an author wrote a te&t. "inform! persuade!
I can identify the points an author makes in a te&t "e.g.!
E#eryone sho$ld recycle.$
I can identify the author0s reasons to support main points. "e.g.!
E#eryone sho$ld recycle beca$se land!lls are becoming %$ll.$
R*.K.0 -ith prompting
and support, compare
and contrast the
ad&entures and
e(periences of characters
in fami!iar stories.
I can identify the characters in stories I read or hear.
I can describe the adentures and e&periences of characters in
a story.
I can tell how the adentures and e&periences of characters are
alike. "($
I can tell how the adentures and e&periences of characters are
diferent. "($
R+.K.0 -ith prompting
and support, identif
basic simi!arities in and
di1erences between two
te(ts on the same topic
"e.g., in i!!ustrations,
descriptions, or
I can identify how two te&ts on the same topic are alike.
I can identify how two te&ts on the same topic are diferent.
R*.K.12 , R+.12 3cti&e!
engage in group reading
acti&ities with purpose
and understanding.
-riting Reported Standards
,.*.1 4se a combination
of drawing, dictating, and
writing to compose
opinion pieces
I can identify the topic or name of a book.
I can determine my opinion or preference about a topic or book.
I can use drawings and words to share my opinion or preference
about a topic or book.
-.K.2 4se a combination
of drawing, dictating, and
writing to compose
I can select a topic and information to share.
I can use drawings and words to name and gie information
about a topic.
-.K.$ 4se a combination
of drawing, dictating, and
I can tell a story about something that happened.
USD 116: Kindergarten Reported Standards and Associated I Can Statements
English/ang!age Arts
"all# $%1$
writing to narrate a sing!e
e&ent or se&era! !oose!
!inked e&ents
I can tell what happened frst! ne&t! and last.
I can create a drawing"s$ to show what happened in my story.
I can describe how I feel about what happened in my story.
,.*.2 3articipate in shared
research and writing pro%ects
I can defne research
I can e&plain how research is diferent from other types of
I can research a topic with others.
I can work with others to write about a researched topic.
USD 116: Kindergarten Reported Standards and Associated I Can Statements
English/ang!age Arts
"all# $%1$
Reported Standards Associated I Can statements
)anguage 5sage (eported 6tandards
).*.. 7emonstrate command
of the conentions of
standard 8nglish grammar
and usage when writing or
I can identify the diferences between uppercase and lowercase
letters "e.g.! uppercase letters neer e&tend below the baseline
whereas some lowercase letters e&tend below the baseline$.
I can print uppercase and lowercase letters correctly.
I can use common nouns and erbs correctly when writing or
I can make the correct plural noun when writing or speaking by
adding &s or
I can use 'uestion words correctly when writing or speaking.
I can use common prepositions correctly when writing or
I can share my ideas and respond to 'uestions using complete
).*.+ 7emonstrate command
of the conentions of
standard 8nglish
capitalization! punctuation!
and spelling when writing.
I can recognize and name end punctuation such as a 'uestion
mark! e&clamation point! and period.
I can capitalize the frst word in a sentence.
I can capitalize the pronoun I in a sentence.
I can recognize the common sounds made by letters.
I can write the letter or letter"s$ for consonant and owel
I can spell words by matching sounds to letter.
*.K.6 4se words and
phrases ac.uired through
con&ersations, reading
and being read to, and
responding to te(ts.
I can discoer new words and phrases through reading!
listening! and conersations.
I can use my new words and phrases when speaking and
6peaking and )istening (eported 6tandards
S*.K.1 7articipate in
con&ersations with
di&erse partners about
kindergarten topics and
te(ts with peers and
adu!ts in sma!! and !arger
I can identify and follow the agreed upon rules for discussion.
I can listen to the comments of others and share my own ideas
S*.K.$ 3sk and answer
.uestions in order to seek
he!p, get information, or
c!arif something that is
not understood
I can identify when I do not understand something.
I can ask and answer 'uestions that help me get information or
make something clear.
S*.K.' Describe fami!iar
peop!e, p!aces, things,
and e&ents and, with
prompting and support,
pro&ide additiona! detai!.
I can identify familiar people! places! things! and eents.
I can use details to describe familiar people! places! things! and
S*.K.6 Speak audib!
and e(press thoughts,
fee!ings, and ideas
I can e&plain why it is important to form my words clearly when
I can speak in a oice that others can hear and understand.
I can share my thoughts! feelings! and ideas clearly when I

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