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Standard: ELA6LSV1 The student participates in student-to-teacher, student-to-student, and group verbal

interactions. ELA6LSV2 The student listens to and vies various !or"s o! te#t and "edia in order to gather and
share in!or"ation, persuade others, and e#press and understand ideas. The student ill select and criticall$
anal$%e "essages using rubrics as assess"ent tools.
Grade: 6
Topic: &reating 'raphic (rgani%ers using part o! speech
Duration: ) da$s
The students ill distinguish their understanding o! the di!!erent parts o! speech b$ using di!!erent so!tares to
create graphic organi%ers and present to the class.
*ith the class e ill revie and again identi!$ the di!!erent parts o! speech in a sentence. + ill then use an
L&, pro-ector .overhead/ to sho the steps on ho students ill learn to create concept "aps .using
+nspiration or S"art+deas so!tare/. + ill de"onstrate ho to insert te#t, create s$"bols, lin0 s$"bols ith
connectors, and create picture s$"bols and anser an$ 1uestions. Each group ill receive printed directions.
+ ill divide the class into groups o! !our here each student ill have an active role in the group. Each group
ill designate a !acilitator, a note ta0er, a t$pist and a designer. The group ill 2 create sentences using a ord
processing so!tare. The students ill identi!$ the 3arts o! Speech in each sentence: noun, pronoun, verb,
adverb, ad-ective, preposition, con-unction, inter-ections. +n each group, the students ill create a graphic
organi%er !or each sentence b$ identi!$ing the 3arts o! Speech used. Each graphic organi%er "ust include title,
s$"bols, and lin0ing s$"bols ith connectors. See attached directions. Each group ill save co"pleted
graphic organi%er in a designated !ile or shared drive. (n 4rida$, each group ill present their !inal graphic
organi%er to the class and co"plete a sel!- assess"ent o! their peers.
Teacher ill evaluate each group5s co"pleted graphic organi%er b$ using the rubric titled +denti!$ 3arts o!
Materials and Equipment
63rior 0noledge to ord processing so!tare
Student 3arts o! Speech notes
&lass &o"puters or &o"puter Lab
'raphic organi%er so!tare .S"art +deas 7/
+nteractive hite board

Technology Connection:
Students ill use ord docu"ent so!tare to create a selected nu"ber o! sentences. Students ill then use
graphic organi%ing so!tare .S"art +deas 7/ to create a concept "ap identi!$ing the parts o! speech used in the
sentences. Students "ust use s$"bols, lin0ing s$"bols, la$ered diagra"s and hidden diagra" trees.

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