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Aspire Preparatory Academy Vocabulary:


Key Words



Pan = All
1. pandemonium: n. uproar
Pandemonium threatened to break out after the crowd heard the concert was cancelled.
2. panacea: n. a cure-all for diseases or troubles
Some politicians think tax cuts are a panacea for the countrys economic problems.
Supplementary Words
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Omnis = All
1. omnipotent: adj. having unlimited power; all-powerful
The US military seeks to regard itself as omnipotent.
2. omnipresent: adj. present everywhere
In North Korea, the secret police are omnipresent, watching to see if anyone criticizes the
policies of Kim Jong-Il.

3. omnivorous: adj. feeling on both plants and animals; devouring everything

a) Bears are an omnivorous animal.
b) To be a good writer, you must be an omnivorous reader.
Supplementary Words
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Holos = whole
1. catholic: adj. referring to the Roman Catholic church.
South America is predominantly a catholic church.
2. holocaust: n. a great destruction, especially by fire; murder of the Jew by the Nazis
during World War II
a) After earthquakes, holocausts sweep through the area.
b) Many Jews were killed during the holocaust.
Supplementary Words
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Totus = Whole
1. totalitarian: adj. referring to a form of government in which one person of party holds
absolute control
North Korea is a totalitarian government under the control of Kim Jong-Il.
Supplementary Words
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Claudo / Clausum = To Choose
1. cloister: n. / v. a covered walk along the inside walls of a building; a monastery or
similar place of religious seclusion; to seclude, as in a monastery
a) The cloister of the house offered protection from the midday sun.
b) During the Reformation, many cloisters were closed and the monks dispersed.
c) To cloister children from the evils of the world is important when they are young.
2. preclude (preclusion, n. preclusive, adj.): v. to prevent or to make impossible
Rain precluded our going on a picnic.
3. recluse: n. a person who avoids mixing with people
The recluse preferred the company of a dog and the library to that of other people.
Supplementary Words
1. ______________________________________________________________________
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4. ______________________________________________________________________

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