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On the distant planet X (with NO atmosphere) the acceleration due to gravity is 5 2.

A ball is thrown straight up at 10 1 and falls back to planet X.

Find the time of flight of the ball.




Find the greatest height it reaches.



Considering the total flight, complete the graphs below, showing relevant values on the axes.
(i) Speed versus time





Displacement versus time

Now consider only the flight of the ball as it falls. On the axes below

graph acceleration versus time for the falling ball (with a solid line)
and on the same axes


give an indication (with a dotted line)

of how this graph would be different if
there was an atmosphere on planet X.

Explain your reasoning for each line.


(i) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
(ii) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



A railway engine is travelling along

a horizontal track at a constant velocity.


On the diagram, draw labelled arrows

to represent the vertical forces that act
on the railway engine.


(b) Explain, with reference to Newton's laws of motion,

why the velocity of the railway engine is constant.



The constant horizontal velocity of the railway engine is 16 1.

A total horizontal resistive force of 76 kN acts on the railway engine.
Calculate the useful power output of the railway engine.



The power driving the railway engine is switched off.

The railway engine stops, from its speed of 16 1, without braking in a distance of 1.1 km.
A student hypothesizes that the horizontal resistive force is constant.
Based on this hypothesis, calculate the mass of the railway engine.



Another hypothesis is that the horizontal force in (c) consists of two components.
One component is a constant frictional force of 19 kN.
The other component is a resistive force F that varies with speed v where F is proportional to 3 .

(i) State the value of the magnitude of F when the railway engine is travelling at 16 1 .


(ii) Determine the total horizontal resistive force when the engine travels at 8.0 1.





A ball is suspended from a ceiling by a string of length 7.5 m. The ball is kicked horizontally and
rises to a maximum height of 6.0 m.


Assuming that the air resistance is negligible, show that the initial speed of the ball is 11 m s1.


The mass of the ball is 0.55 kg and the impact time of the kickers foot with the ball is 150 ms.
Estimate the average force exerted on the ball by the kick.



Explain why the tension in the string increases immediately after the ball is kicked.



Calculate the tension in the string immediately after the ball is kicked.
Assume that the string is vertical.




In his Principia Mathematica Newton expressed his third law of motion as

to every action there is always opposed an equal reaction. State what Newton meant.



A book is released from rest and falls towards the surface of Earth. Discuss how the
conservation of momentum applies to the Earth-book system.



A large swinging ball is used to drive a horizontal iron spike into a vertical wall.
The centre of the ball falls through a vertical height of 1.6 m before striking the spike in the
position shown.

The mass of the ball is 3.5 kg and the mass of the spike is 0.80 kg. Immediately after striking
the spike, the ball and spike move together. Show that the

speed of the ball on striking the spike is 5.6 m s1.




energy dissipated as a result of the collision is about 10 J.




As a result of the ball striking the spike, the spike is driven a distance 7.3 102 m into the
wall. Calculate, assuming it to be constant, the friction force F between the spike and wall.



The machine that is used to raise the ball has a useful power output of 18 W. Calculate how
long it takes for the machine to raise the ball through a height of 1.6 m.



(a) A system consists of a bicycle and cyclist travelling at a constant velocity along a horizontal road.

State the value of the net force acting on the cyclist.




On the diagram draw labelled arrows to represent

the vertical forces acting on the bicycle.


With reference to the horizontal forces acting on the system,

explain why the system is travelling at constant velocity.


The total resistive force acting on the system is 40 N and its speed is 8.0 m s1. Calculate the
useful power output of the cyclist.



The cyclist stops pedalling and the system comes to rest. The total mass of the system is 70 kg.

Calculate the magnitude of the initial acceleration of the system.




Estimate the distance taken by the system to come to rest from the time the cyclist stops


State and explain one reason why your answer to (c)(ii) is only an estimate.



The graph shows the variation with time t of the speed v of a ball of mass 0.50 kg, that has been
released from rest above the Earths surface.

The force of air resistance is not negligible. Assume that the acceleration of free fall is
g = 9.81 m s2.

State, without any calculations, how the graph could be used to determine the distance fallen.



In the space below, draw and label arrows to represent the forces on the ball at 2.0 s.



Use the graph opposite to show that the acceleration of the ball at 2.0 s is approximately
4 m s2.


Calculate the magnitude of the force of air resistance on the ball at 2.0 s.



State and explain whether the air resistance on the ball at t = 5.0 s is smaller than, equal
to or greater than the air resistance at t = 2.0 s.



After 10 s the ball has fallen 190 m.


Show that the sum of the potential and kinetic energies of the ball has decreased by 780 J.
........................................................................................................................... (3)


The specific heat capacity of the ball is 480 J kg1 K1. Estimate the increase in the
temperature of the ball.



State an assumption made in the estimate in (c)(ii).





Suggest why, in terms of the molecular model, the energy associated with melting is less
than that associated with boiling.
...................................................................................................................................... (2)


Milk in a cup is heated to boiling point by passing steam through it. Whilst cooling
subsequently, some milk evaporates.

Distinguish between evaporation and boiling.




The cup contains 0.30 kg of milk at an initial temperature of 18 C. Estimate the

minimum mass of steam at 100 C that is required to heat the milk to 80 C.
Specific latent heat of vaporization of water
Specific heat capacity of water
Specific heat capacity of milk

= 2.3 106 J kg1

= 4200 J kg1 K1
= 3800 J kg1 K1



State two reasons, other than evaporation, why the answer to (b)(ii) is likely to be
different from the actual mass of condensed steam.
1: .......................................................................................................................
2: .......................................................................................................................



(a) State, in terms of molecular structure and motion, two differences between a liquid and a gas.
1. ..................................................................................................................................
2. ..................................................................................................................................

The internal energy of a piece of copper is increased by heating.


Explain what is meant, in this context, by internal energy and heating.


Internal energy: .................................................................................................

Heating: ............................................................................................................


The piece of copper has mass 0.25 kg. The increase in internal energy of the copper is
1.2 103 J and its increase in temperature is 20 K. Estimate the specific heat capacity of



An ideal gas is kept in a cylinder by a piston that is free to move. The gas is heated such that
its internal energy increases and the pressure remains constant. Use the molecular model of
ideal gases to explain

the increase in internal energy.

........................................................................................................................... (1)


how the pressure remains constant.

........................................................................................................................... (3)

(a) single downward arrow labelled W/weight or mg/gravity force; (do not allow gravity)
Four upward arrows labelled reaction/contact forces;


(b) horizontal forces have resultant of zero; (must describe or imply horizontal force)
valid statement linked to theory (e.g. Newton 1/Newton 2/conservation of momentum)
explaining why zero force results in constant velocity/zero acceleration;


(c) power =16 x 76000 = 1.2 MW;


(d) acceleration =



7.6 104

= 0.116

= 6.5 105 kg;


use of Fs = 2 2

(e) (i) 57 kN;

(ii) 8 =



= 7.1 kN

Total force = 19 + 7.1= 26 kN ;


8 = 19.91 x 83 =7.1 kN

Total force = 19 + 7.1= 26 kN ;






attempt to equate gpe and ke;

v = 9.8 6.0 2 ;
11 m s1
Award [0] for use of v2 = 2as. Allow use of g = 10 N kg1

40 N ;





ball accelerates towards centre of circular path / OWTTE;

therefore force towards centre / upwards;
that adds to tension;

mv 2 0.55 112
= 8.9 N;
F =

weight = (mg = 0.55 0.98) = 5.4N;

total = 14N;
Allow use of g = 10 N kg1.





when a force acts on a body an equal and opposite force acts

on another body / in the interaction between two bodies A
and B, the force that A exerts on B is equal and opposite to
the force that B exerts on A;

forces on Earth and book are equal and opposite / no external

force acts on the system;
changes in momentum of Earth and book are equal and opposite /
net force on Earth-book system is zero;
hence momentum of Earth-book system stays the same/is always
zero and so is conserved;



v = 2 9.8 1.6 ;
= 5.6 m s1
calculation of speed of ball and spike 3.5 5.6 = 4.3V;
3.5 5.6
= 4.6 m s1;

KE before = [3.5 5.62] KE after = [4.3 4.562];
energy dissipated = 54.88 44.70 ;
= 10 J
Accept 9.4 J if 4.6 used for V.

KE = 0.50 4.3 4.62 = 45 (J);

= 6.2 102 N;
7.3 10


a = 1.45 102 m s2;
F = ma = 4.3 1.45 102 = 6.2 102 N;





work = (3.5 1.6 9.8 =) 55(J);
= 3.1s;
time =
time =



(ii) correct position and labelling of

weight/gravity force/mg;
two reactions drawn as shown;
force downwards on pedals;
Ignore any other vertical forces and all horizontal forces.
The total upward vector lengths should approximately equal the downward vector lengths.

drag force = thrust/forward force/driving force;

net force=zero therefore acceleration is zero;

320W ;




acceleration = = 0.57 m s2;


use of Fs =

1 2
mv ;


v2 = u2 + 2as equivalent seen and substituted correctly;


sensible physical reason e.g. air resistance / bearing friction/

brakes effectiveness varies with speed;
attempt at explanation:
e.g. air resistance drops as speed drops, underestimate /
distance travelled will be further;


the area under the curve;



arrows as shown, with up arrow shorter;

Do not accept gravity.



drawing of tangent to curve at t = 2.0 s;

calculation of slope of tangent in range 3.64.4 m s2;
Award [0] for calculations without a tangent but do not
be particular about size of triangle.
calculation of F = ma = 0.50 4 = 2N
R(= mg ma = 0.50 9.81 0.50 4) 3N;

the acceleration is decreasing;

and so R is greater;





air resistance forces increase with speed;

since speed at 5.0 s is greater so is resistance force;

loss of potential energy is mgh = 0.50 9.81 190 = 932 J;

gain in kinetic energy is mv2 = 0.50 252 = 156 J;
loss of mechanical energy is 932156;

mc = 780 J;
3K / 3 C;
0.5 480
all the lost energy went into heating just the ball / no energy
transferred to surroundings / the ball was heated uniformly;


in boiling, energy is required to break bonds (in vaporization) and
to separate molecules;
in melting, (more) energy available to overcome bond energies
of molecules without large separation;






evaporation at surface of liquid, boiling occurs throughout liquid;

evaporation occurs at all temperatures, boiling at boiling pt only;
boiling: vapour pressure = atmospheric;
evaporation: vapour pressure < atmospheric;

2 max

attempt to equate energy gained by milk to energy lost by steam;

minimum energy required = 0.30 3800 62 = (70680 J);
energy supplied = [steam mass] [2.3 106 + 4200 20];
minimum steam mass = 0.030kg;

energy required to heat cup;

energy lost to surroundings / steam escapes from system;

sensible comment comparing molecular structure;

e.g. liquid molecular structure (more) ordered than that of a gas.
in gas molecules far apart/about 10 molecular spacings apart /
in liquid molecules close/touching
sensible comment comparing motion of molecules;
e.g. in liquid: molecules interchange places with neighbouring
molecules / no long distance motion.
in gases:
no long-range order / long distance motion.



internal energy:
the total (potential energy and) kinetic energy of the (copper)
molecules/ atoms/particles;
amount of stored energy in the copper;
the (non-mechanical) transfer of energy;
(from the surroundings/source) to the copper;


1.2 10 3
1 1
= 240 J kg K ;




the molecules gain kinetic energy (from the heating);


molecules collide with the walls with a greater velocity /

momentum transferred to the piston greater;
to keep pressure constant frequency of collisions must decrease;
volume must increase;

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