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Mom: Harry, you have offended your uncle!

Harry: You hurt my dad!

Mom: You are being foolish!
Harry: And you are wicked!
Mom: Why, whats the matter
Harry: Whats the matter! As in the !lay you desecrated your marriage
Mom: Who do you think am " Have you forgotten me
Harry: #fficially, not yet$ You are the head, your brother%in%laws wife$
&it down, stay !ut and kee! your mouth shut$ You shall see yourself with my
Mom: Youre not gonna kill me, arent you Youre not going to$$someone hel! me!!
'(river will enter and Harry will kill him)
Mom: My son, what have you done
Harry: *o+was that ,laude
Mom: -oolish! Youre such an idiot! You killed someone too rashly$
Harry: &o this one is bloody for you How about marrying ,laude
Mom: &o youre going to kill him as well
Harry: 'to the driver) &tu!id fool! &ee what s!ying has done to you .oodbye! " thought
you were ,laude$ 'to his mom) (ont worry because " will bring your an/iety even
if your heart is already bra0en against what " have done to 1auli$
Mom: What did " do What ha!!ened to the res!ect you had for me
Harry: You have been committing a wrong doing$ &omething that damages your own
dignity and faith2an act that violates the holy sacrament of matrimony, an act
that would sure send you to hell once you die!
Mom: &o tell me, what had i done that has been trembling your world for such a long
Harry: 3ook at this % a !icture of two brothers$ ,an you see the grace of the one seating
on this side, my father ,an4t you see how much of a king he is, that he is so like
a god but does not com!are himself into! He is a man which the world needs, a
man that men can look u! to$ 5his was once your husband$ *ow look at the other
one % this is your current husband$ He is like a vegetable killing his wholesome
brother$ (on4t you have eyes and heart Why did you leave my father, a
mountain that reaches the heavens, and have an affair with that !ervert brother
of my father! What was it about, was it love You cannot call it love6 lust maybe,
but se/ 7uices are already bitter at your age$ &o what is it What !ossessed you
!lay with a blind man4s game &hame on you, where is your dignity &omeday, "
ho!e that your dirty conscience would burn your soul and incinerate those brittle
bones$ #h " know! $$$$$when you catch me having se/ with twelve !rostitutes at
the same time with my wife, don4t you ever re!rimand me for what "4m doing
because you, you at your age whose se/ual drive should have been roughly
tamed, is still active! *o, but you4ll still have se/ on a sweat moistened bed,
mi/ed with the oils of vile betrayal6 both of you and ,laude sharing honey%7uices
on a !igsty!
Mom: #h, my son! 1lease sto!$ Your words affect me so much6 your words mean the
most to me$ 1lease sto!, my sweet, sweet child$ 85ears9
Harry: A cruel father, a worker of your business, not even reaching a high !osition$ He is
a vile being an emblem of vices, the thief of our treasures$ 5reasures that under
a roof was safe but taken and !ut into !ocket$

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