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A. Comprehension of Whoe N!m"ers
1. Read and write numbers through millions in symbols and in words
1.1 Identify numbers from 100 001 through millions
1.2 Identify numbers from millions through billions
1.3 Give the place value of each digit in a 6
1. Give the place value of each digit in more than 6 digit numbers
1.! Read and write numbers through millions
1.6 Read and write numbers from millions to billions in symbols
1." Read and write numbers through millions in words
1.# Read and write numbers through billions in words
2. Round off numbers to the nearest
2.1 $ens
2.2 %undreds
2.3 $housands
2. $en thousands
2.! %undred thousands
2.6 &illions
2." 'illions
B. Comprehension of A##i$ion
1. (dd 6 or more digit numbers with or more addends with sums through billions
1.1 without regrouping
1.2 with regrouping in any two or more places
2. )stimate the sum of 6 or more digit addends
3. (dd mentally 2 to 3 digit numbers with sums up to 300 without regrouping
. (pplication of (ddition
.1 *olve word problems involving addition of whole numbers including money with sums
through millions and billions without regrouping following the steps in problem solving
.2 *olve word problems involving addition of whole numbers including money with sums
through millions and billions with regrouping following the steps in problem solving
.2 *olve mentally 1 step word problems involving addition with sums up to 300 without
C. Comprehension of S!"$r%&$ion
1. *ubtract ! or more digit numbers from 6 or more digit numbers without and with regrouping in any
or all places and involving three or more +eros in the minuend.
1.1 *ubtract ! or more digit numbers from 6 or more digit numbers without regrouping
1.2 *ubtract ! or more digit numbers from 6 or more digit numbers with regrouping
1.2.1 having +eros in the minuends and,or subtrahend
1.2.2 with three continuous or non-continuous +eros in both minuends and subtrahend and
with regrouping in any or all places
1.3 )stimate the difference of two numbers with four to si. digits
2. *ubtract mentally numbers with minuends up to 300 without regrouping
3. (pplication of *ubtraction
3.1 *olve 1-step word problems involving subtraction of whole numbers including money without
and with regrouping following the steps in problem-solving
3.2 *olve mentally 1- step word problems involving subtraction without regrouping
. (pplication of (ddition and *ubtraction
.1 *olve 2-step word problems involving addition and subtraction including
'. Comprehension of M!$ipi&%$ion
1. *how the properties of multiplication
- /ero 0roperty
- Identity 0roperty
- 1istributive 0roperty of &ultiplication over (ddition

2. &ultiply ! or more factors by 3 to ! digit factors without and with regrouping and with +ero
2.1 &ultiply ! or more digit factors by 3- to !-digit factors without regrouping
2.2 &ultiply ! or more digit factors by 3- to !-digit factors with regrouping
2.3 &ultiply ! or more digit factors having one to three +eros in both factors without and with
2.4 &ultiply ! digit or more factors by multiples of 102 100 and 12000
3. )stimate the products of two factors with ! or more digits by 2 to 3-digit numbers
. &ultiply mentally 2-digit numbers with products up to 200 without regrouping
!. 3rite numbers in e.ponential form
6. 3rite numbers in standard form to scientific notation and vice-versa
". (pplication of &ultiplication
7.1 *olve word problems involving multiplication of whole number including money following
the steps in problem-solving
#. (pplication of &ultiplication and (ny of (ddition,*ubtraction
8.1 *olve 2 step word problems involving multiplication and any of addition, subtraction following
the steps in solving 2-step problems
E. Comprehension of 'i(ision
1. 1ivide ! or more digit numbers by 3 or more digit numbers without or with remainder and with
+ero difficulty.
1.1 1ivide ! or more digit number by 3 or more digit numbers without remainder
1.2 1ivide ! or more digit numbers by 3 or more digit numbers with remainder
1.3 1ivide whole numbers by 102 100 and 12000
1. 1ivide ! or more digit numbers by 3 or more digit numbers with +eros in the middle or
continuous +ero in the dividend
2. )stimate the 4uotient of ! or more digit dividends by 3 or more numbers
3. 1ivide mentally 2-3 digit numbers by 1-digit numbers without remainder
. (pplication of 1ivision
.1 *olve 1- step word problems involving division of ! or more digit numbers by 3 or more digit
numbers including money following the steps in problem-solving
!. (pplication of the 5our 5undamental 6perations
!.1 *olve 2 to 3 step word problems involving division and any one or two of the other
fundamental operations learned including money following the steps in solving 2-step problem
A. Comprehension of 'e&im%s %n# mone)
1. Read and write common fractions in decimal form through hundredths
1.1 7isuali+e common fractions as decimals using models li8e bloc8s2 grid and money
1.2 3rite common fractions in decimal form
1.3 Read and write decimal numbers through hundredths
1.4 Rename in decimal form fractions whose denominators are powers of 10
1.5 Give the place value of each digit of a given decimal
2. ).press money as pesos,centavos
3. Round decimal to the nearest tenths,hundredths, thousandths
B. Comprehension of A##i$ion %n# S!"$r%&$ion of 'e&im%s
1. (dd and subtract decimals through hundredths without and with regrouping
1.1 (dd decimals through hundredths without and with regrouping
1.2 *ubtract decimals through hundredths without or with regrouping
2. (dd and subtract mi.ed decimals with regrouping
1.1 (dd mi.ed decimals with regrouping
1.2 *ubtract mi.ed decimals with regrouping
3. (pplication of addition and subtraction of decimals
3.1 *olve word problems involving either addition or subtraction of decimals including money
following the steps in problem-solving
3.2 *olve 1 to 2 step word problems involving addition and subtraction of decimals including money
following the steps in solving 2-step problems
C. Comprehension of Fr%&$ions
1. 1ifferentiate fractions including those with denominators of 10 and 100
1.1 Identify proper fraction, improper fraction,mi.ed forms from a given set of fractions
including those with denominators of 10 and 100
1.1.1 Identify fractions using regions2 sets and number line
1.1.2 9se fraction to represent division
1.2 Identify similar and dissimilar fractions from a given set of fractions
2. 6rder similar fractions written in different forms from least to greatest and vice-versa
3. :hange improper fraction to mi.ed forms and vice-versa
. :hange one ;1< to fraction form and vice-versa
!. Rename decimals to fractions
'. Comprehension of A##i$ion %n# S!"$r%&$ion of Fr%&$ion
1. (dd similar fractions and whole numbers without regrouping
1.1 7isuali+e addition of similar fractions
1.2 (dd similar fraction
1.3 (dd fraction and a whole number
1. (dd mentally similar fractions
2. *ubtract similar fractions without regrouping
2.1 *ubtract similar fractions
2.2 *ubtract a fraction from a whole number
2.3 *ubtract mentally similar fractions
3. (pplication of (ddition and *ubtraction of fractions
3.1 *olve word problems involving addition of similar fractions without regrouping following
the steps in problem solving
3.2 *olve word problems involving subtraction of similar fractions without regrouping following
the steps in problem solving
E. Comprehension of M!$ipi&%$ion of Fr%&$ions
1. &ultiply fractions
1.1 7isuali+e multiplication of fraction
1.2 5ind a fractional part of a number
1.2.1 $ranslate e.pressions such as=

1.3 &ultiply a fraction by another fraction
3. (pplication of &ultiplication
3.1 *olve word problems involving multiplication of fractions following the steps in problem solving
A. Comprehension of ,%ne Fi-!res %n# An-es
1. :onstruct plane figures
1.1 Identify the different 8inds of plane figures
1.2. a. Identify the parts of a triangle
b. 4uadrilateral
1.3 1escribe plane figures according to sides2 corners2 shapes and their functional use
1.3.1 1escribe plane figures with 3 and sides and corners
- s4uare
- rectangle
- different types of triangles
1. 1raw plane figures using a ruler and compass
2. 1raw different 8inds of angles
2.1 Identify parts of an angle
2.2 >ame different 8inds of angles such as right angle2 acute angle and obtuse angle
2.2.1 7isuali+e the different 8inds of angles as acute2 right obtuse
2.3 :lassify angles as right2 acute or obtuse
2. Identify congruent angles
A. Comprehension of ,erime$er
1. 5ind the perimeter of polygons= triangle2 4uadrilateral2 pentagon2 etc.
2. 1erive a formula for finding the perimeter of polygons
3. (pplication of 0erimeter
3.1 *olve word problems involving perimeter measures following the steps in problem solving

%. Comprehension of Are%
2. 5ind the area of polygons in s4uare meter,centimeter of a triangle and a parallelogram
1.1 $ell the unit of measure used for measuring the area of triangles and parallelograms
1.2 $ell the unit of s4uare measures used for measuring the area of a triangle,
1.3 1erive a formula for finding the area of =
1.3.1 $riangle
1.3.2 0arallelogram
B. Comprehension of Vo!me

1. &a8e measurement using non-standard units= cubes2 marbles
2. :ompare among the non-standard units of measuring volume in terms of consistency and
3. (ppro.imate measurement of volume
IV. *r%phs
A. Comprehension of B%r *r%ph
1. Read and interpret data presented in a bar graph
1.1 Read the following parts of a bar graph = a. title b. legend c. labels
1.2 Interpret bar graphs
2. :onstruct bar graphs
2.1 6rgani+e data presented in a bar graph
3. 5ind the average of data presented in a bar graph

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