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Ponitavanje servisnih intervala na

VW vozilima pomou VAG-COM programa

Na svim novijim VW vozilima za europsko trite postavljen je Servisni posjetnik koji
Interval izmjene ulja
Servisni interval prema broju preenih kilometara
Servisni interval prema vremenskom razdoblju
i u nekim sluajevima postavke kvalitete ulja i naina vonje
U ovim uputama objanjeno je kako ponititi servisne intervale koristei program VAG-COM
i VAG KL interfejs.
Na poetku spojite vozilo i raunalom pomou VAG KL interfejsa i pokrenite program VAG-
Vozila sa fiksnim servisnim intervalom:
Polo 6N 1998-2002
Golf IV
Passat B5
Lupo -2002
New Beetle
Transporter T4
ostali identino konstruirani modeli
Odaberite opcije VAG-COM programa sljedeim redom:
[Odabir] (Select)
[17 Instrument ploa] (Instruments)
[Adaptacija - 10] (Adaptation)
Unesite broj kanala ovisno o tipu vozila prema donjoj tablici
[Prikai] (Read)
Broj u polju Vrijednost predstavlja trenutno upisanu vrijednost
U polje Nova vrijednost upiite vrijednost prema donjoj tablici
[Test] (Test)
[Sauvaj] (Save)

Naprimjer, da resetirate OIL interval na Golf IV, snimite novu vrijednost 00015 na kanal 10.

Napomena: Nova vrijednost za kanale 10 i 11 kod svih modela, osim Pola i Lupa, predstavlja
kilometrau ili vrijeme do sljedeeg servisa izraenu u tisuama kilometara. Recimo nova
vrijednost 00015 predstavlja 15000 km. Kod Pola i Lupa kilometraa je izraena u stotinama
km tako da vrijednost 00150 predstavlja 15000 km.
Vrijeme koje se upisuje u kanal 12 predstavlja vrijeme do aktiviranja podsjetnika servisa
izraeno u danima x 10 (recimo 00036 predstavlja 360 dana). Kod Pola i Lupa ova vrijednost
izraena je u danima.

Odaberite opcije VAG-COM programa sljedeim redom:
[Odabir] (Select)
[17 Instrument ploa] (Instruments)
[Adaptacija - 10] (Adaptation)
Unesite broj kanala prema donjoj tablici
[Prikai] (Read)
Broj u polju Vrijednost predstavlja trenutno upisanu vrijednost
U polje Nova vrijednost upiite vrijednost prema donjoj tablici
[Test] (Test)
[Sauvaj] (Save)
Na primjer, da bi resetirali OIL interval na Sharanu upiite 00150 u kanal 05

Vozila sa fleksibilnim servisnim intervalom novija od 1999/2000:

Golf IV
Passat B5
New Beetle
Transporter T4
identino konstruirani modeli
Odaberite opcije VAG-COM programa sljedeim redom:
[Odabir] (Select)
[17 Instrument ploa] (Instruments)
[Adaptacija - 10] (Adaptation)
Unesite broj kanala prema donjoj tablici
[Prikai] (Read)
Broj u polju Vrijednost predstavlja trenutno upisanu vrijednost
U polje Nova vrijednost upiite vrijednost prema donjoj tablici
[Test] (Test)
[Sauvaj] (Save)

Resetiranje kanala 2 automatski e ponititi fiksne servisne intervale
(15000km/30000km/12mjeseci). Ako se koristi standardno motorno ulje ovo je sve to treba
uiniti, no ako koristimo tzv. Long Live ulje moramo izvriti dodatna podeavanja na
kanalima 43, 44 i 45


Ponitavanje servisnih intervala na
Audi vozilima pomou VAG-COM
Na svim novijim AUDI vozilima za europsko trite postavljen je Servisni posjetnik koji
Interval izmjene ulja
Servisni interval prema broju preenih kilometara
Servisni interval prema vremenskom razdoblju
U ovim uputama objanjeno je kako ponititi servisne intervale koristei program VAG-COM
i VAG KL interfejs.
Na poetku spojite vozilo i raunalo pomou VAG KL interfejsa i pokrenite program VAG-
Kliknite na Odabir Kontrolnog Modula (Select Control Module) i izaberite modul 17-
Instrument ploa (Instruments). Kada se VAG-COM spoji na kontroler odaberite opciju 10-
Adaptacije (Adaptation). Nastavak procedure ovisi o goditu automobila.

1995-1997 (kod nekih modela i dio '98):
Kanal 05 predstavlja razmak do sljedee promjene ulja u tisuama kilometara. Recimo
ako elite postaviti idui uljni interval na 8000 km potrebno je upisati broj 8 na kanal
05. Standardna vrijednost koja se upisuje u ovlatenom servisu je 12 (12000 km)
Kanal 06 predstavlja razmak do sljedeeg servisa (IN-1) i kao i u gornjem sluaju
upisana vrijednost predstavlja razmak u tisuama kilometara. Standardna vrijednost je
24 (24000 km)
Kanal 07 pokazuje vrijeme do sljedeeg servisa (IN-1). IN-1 lampica pali se kada
vozilo pree kilometrau odreenu u kanalu 06 ili kada proe vremenski interval
odreen u kanalu 07, bez obzira koji se uvjet prije ispuni. Vrijednost u kanalu 07
rauna se u deset dana. Standardna vrijednost je 36 to oznaava 360 dana
Kanal 08 odreuje vrijeme do IN-2 servisnog intervala. IN-2 interval baziran je
iskljuivo na vremenu, a standardna vrijednost je 72 to oznauje 720 dana.
1998 i noviji:
Za resetiranje servisnih intervala postavite kanal 02 na vrijednost 0


VW Service Interval Reminders
Updated 23 Feb. 2010
Ross-Tech is not responsible for any damage or problems that may result from following these
instructions. They are to be used at your own risk.
Some VW's have a Service Interval Reminder that includes oil mileage interval, the service mileage
interval, and the service time interval. To reset the Service Reminders using VAG-COM:
Using the current version of VCDS simply click on the SRI Reset button. VCDS will automatically
interrogate the cluster to determine what if any reset parameters are available. Click this link for more
If you are using an older version of VAG-COM then you should follow these instructions:

General Service Reminder Instructions:
[17 - Instruments]
[Adaptation - 10]
Enter channel 02
The "Stored Value" is the current value for that channel.
Enter the "New" value of 0 (zero)
Note: It is normal for the display to show something like "--/--" instead of an actual distance/time to
service after resetting until you have driven some distance.

In non-US model cars, VW has included a Service Interval Reminder that includes oil mileage interval,
the service mileage interval, the service time interval, and in some cases oil quality and driving style.
To reset the Service Reminders using VAG-COM:

Vehicles with fixed service intervals:
Polo 6N 1998-2002
Golf IV
Passat B5
Lupo -2002
New Beetle
Transporter T4
and identically constructed models
[17 - Instruments]
[Adaptation - 10]
Enter the correct channel from the chart below in "Channel Number"

The "Stored Value" is the current value for that channel.
Enter the "New" value of from the chart below.

So, for example, to reset the OIL reminder in a Golf IV, save a "New" adaptation value of 00015 to
channel 10.
on Display
"New" Adaptation value to reset
Polo 6N Golf4
Lupo -
10 OIL
which can
be reset
00150 00015 00015 00150 00015 00015 00015
which can
be reset
00300 00030 00030 00300 00030 00030 00030
which can
be reset
00360 00036 00037 00360 00036 00036 00037
Note: Distance is in 1000's of km, except Polo and Lupo, which are in 100's of km. Time is in 10's of
days except Polo and Lupo, which are in days.
Oil change service every15000 km Reset Channel 10
Inspection every 12 months Reset Channels 10 & 11
Inspection service every 30000 km Reset Channels 10, 11, & 12

Vehicles with fixed service intervals:
[17 - Instruments]
[Adaptation - 10]
Enter the correct channel from the chart below in "Channel Number"
The "Stored Value" is the current value for that channel.
Enter the "New" value of from the chart below.

So, for example, to reset the OIL reminder in a Sharan, save a "New" adaptation value of 00150 to
channel 10.
on Display
Contents "New" Adaptation value to reset
05 OIL
Distance which can be
06 INSP Time which can be reset 00360
07 IN 01 00000
08 IN 02 00000
Note: Distance is in 100's of km. Time is in days.

Oil change service every15000 km Reset Channel 05 & 06
Inspection every 12 months Reset Channels 05, 06, & 07
Inspection service every 30000 km Reset Channels 05, 06, 07, & 08

Vehicles with Flexible service interval from MY 1999/2000:
Golf IV
Passat B5
New Beetle
Transporter T4
and identically constructed models
[17 - Instruments]
[Adaptation - 10]
Enter the correct channel from the chart below in "Channel Number"
The "Stored Value" is the current value for that channel.
Enter the "New" value of from the chart below.

The Flexible Service Interval Considers: The Fixed Service Interval Considers:
Condition of the Oil
Time Time
Distance Distance
Driving Style

Channel Indicated as "Stored Value" "New" Adaptation value to reset
00001 = Service Due
00000 = Service Done
Auxiliary work with Long Life service:
Resetting the value in channel 2 will automatically reset fixed service intervals (15000/30000/12
If conventional engine oil was used, then this is all that needs to be done.
If Long Life oil is used, then adaptation must be done the vehicle according to following table with
respect to the oil quality:
Channel Meaning Contents
"New" Adaptation value to reset
Bora Sharan Transporter T4
Used oil
Long Life service
Diesel engines
00004 00004 00004 00004 00004 00004

506.00(TDI) or
Long Life service
Gasoline engines
specification 503.00
00002 00002 00002 00002 00002 00002
Not Long Life 00001 00001 00001 00001 00001 00001
to the next
Oil Service
Long Life service
Diesel engines
00050 00050 00050 00050 00050 00050
Long Life service
Gasoline engines
00030 00030 00030 00030 00030 00030
Not Long Life 00015 00015 00015 00015 00015 00015
44 Time
Not Long Life 12 months 00360 00365 00360 00360 00365 00360
Long Life 24 Months 00720 00730 00720 00720 00730 00720
Note: Oil Quality is in arbitrary units. Distance is in 1000's of km. Time is in days.

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