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Proposals are held to high standards. Each of these elements must be included in your proposal and project:
1. Abstract:
Provide a detailed overview of this project so that a reader with no background on this topic would fully understand
your projects goals and what you intend to learn. If you are proposing a global studies eperience! provide an itinerary.
What does the project entail and why is it personally meaningful?
"escribe the etent of your time commitment! including planning! eecuting! and reflecting throughout this project.
#our work and learning should be e$uivalent to a %&credit hour honors seminar. 'hile the $uality of the eperience and
your ability to meet learning outcomes are most important! you should epect to engage in at least 75-9 hours of
direct contact and(or preparation! research! and reflection. Describe both the quantity and quality of your time
commitment to this experience.
). C!""ect#!" t! Lear"#"$ O%tc!&es '#t(#" a" H!"!rs T(e&at#c Area:
#our project should result in substantial learning through which you make progress towards meeting specific learning
outcomes within the thematic area. #ou must e)*l#c#tl+ choose *i.e.! copy and paste+ )&% honors learning outcomes
associated with the thematic area *see page ) for the complete list of learning outcomes+. List 2- honors learning
outcomes that you will ma!e progress towards achie"ing as a result of your project. #hen$ explain how your actions
related to the project will help you meet the learning outcomes you identified. %ro"ide specific examples.
%. C!""ect#!" t! G!als a", Aca,e&#c T(e!r#es *,his is a two&part prompt+:
-. #our project must be related to your development *personal! academic! general education! or professional
interests+. &ow does this project contribute to your future academic$ professional$ and'or personal goals?
.. #ou are epected to connect academic theories or readings to your eperiential learning work. #our proposal
should identify several theories or readings you plan to eplore in your project. (ame 2- specific theories$
readings$ concepts$ or courses you will use to prepare or gain bac!ground !nowledge for your project. )xplain
how'why you chose your resources and how they will inform your project. %ro"ide citations$ as appropriate.
/. I"#t#at#-e. I",e*e",e"ce. a",/!r Creat#-#t+:
#our project must include a uni$ue(independent(creative contribution and some aspect*s+ of the project must be self&
initiated. What is your unique contribution to this project? What s!ills$ ideas$ or pre"ious experiences do you bring to
the table? &ow is your in"ol"ement unique as compared to other participants? &ow ha"e you demonstrated initiati"e?
0. Re0lect#!":
1eflection leads to higher&level conceptual learning and can take many forms including journals! lab notebooks! blogs!
audio(video blogs! sketch books! and more. 1eflection is not merely a summation of activities completed and opinions
formed2 rather! it should be thoughtful! integrative! substantive! and well&crafted. #our project must have an active
reflective component. &ow will you acti"ely reflect on your learning throughout the experience? Describe the format
for reflection and what you will reflect upon *e.g.$ pro"ide a list of reflection questions+.
-dditionally! in order for a project to be considered completed:
#ou must write and submit a reflective essay through the honors database within one month of project
completion *more details available on the 34P website+.
#ou must document the eperience in your learning portfolio.
12 D#sse&#"at#!":
#our eperience and learning must be shared with others publicly. 5onsider how your reflection can inform your
dissemination. Eamples of dissemination include presentations to groups at 35 and(or beyond! poster displays!
websites! published papers(articles! video compilations! scrapbooks! a well&developed blog! etc. &ow will you share
what you learned'created with others in a public forum? Why is the specific audience you,"e chosen rele"ant?
6. Pr!3ect A,-#s!r:
Projects must involve the guidance of a faculty or staff member! mentor! supervisor! or other person with whom you
can develop a base of knowledge. Who will help you conceptuali-e this project and pro"ide you with support? %ro"ide
your ad"isor,s name$ title$ and contact information. 7ote: ,his will not be your honors advisor or another student.
8. 4%,$et:
- budget is not re$uired. ,o re$uest an honors grant to support this project! provide an itemi9ed budget listing all of
your project&related epenses and evidence to back up your estimates. ,o re$uest grant funding for unpaid research or
an unpaid internship! please list the total number of hours you will work per week and the total number of weeks. If you
plan to receive funding from other sources! please indicate that in your budget. Gra"t 0%",#"$ #s #&*acte, b+ t(e
5%al#t+ !0 +!%r *r!*!sal2
#our project should result in substantial learning through which you make progress towards meeting )&% of the learning
outcomes for an 4onors ,hematic -rea. #our proposal must focus on one thematic area2 choose one that best fits your goals.
Lear"#"$ O%tc!&es 0!r t(e C!&&%"#t+ E"$a$e&e"t T(e&e:
Possesses awareness of purpose of service! including need for reciprocity! understanding of social issues! and ability to see
those issues from multiple perspectives.
1ecogni9es how public policies and practices! and power and privilege! have an influence on social issues. Eplores ways to
alter public policy and(or identify solutions.
1elates! communicates! and works effectively with others towards sustainable social change.
Participates in community and understands own role as citi9en of community.
Lear"#"$ O%tc!&es 0!r t(e Creat#-e Arts T(e&e *adapted from ../01 /reati"e #hin!ing 2.L1) 3ubric+:
-c$uires or further develops competencies within a particular creative domain.
Possesses ability to define the creative problem2 ability to frame and develop a problem statement and appropriate
Possess a well&developed awareness of theories and methods in the field.
"emonstrates(takes appropriate risk in successfully completing project *going beyond original parameters of assignment!
introducing new materials and forms! tackling controversial topics! advocating unpopular ideas or solutions! etc.+.
Possesses ability to embrace contradictions and integrate alternate! divergent! or contradictory perspectives.
Possesses ability to think innovatively.
5onnects! synthesi9es! and transforms ideas.
Lear"#"$ O%tc!&es 0!r t(e Gl!bal St%,#es T(e&e:
Possess global literacy! including knowledge of geography! history! current world issues and similarities and differences
among cultures
1ecogni9e the interdependence of world economies! political systems and the environment
Interact with individuals from different cultures and epress a sensitivity! appreciation and respect for the comple range of
eperiences of diverse peoples
Participate in a global society and understand the role of a global citi9en
N!te: If you are planning a self&designed travel eperience! you must include a detailed itinerary. #ou are re$uired to attend a
pre&departure orientation session with 35 International Programs if your honors eperiential learning project involves
international travel. It is your responsibility to schedule a session with 35 International. -t minimum! your time abroad should
be at least 1 week. Proposals for eperiences with less than 1 week of travel will not be approved.
-dditionally! the :tudent ,ravel Policy restricts 35 sponsored& travel to countries under a 3.:. "epartment of :tate ,ravel
'arning. ,hose who wish to visit a country with a travel warning may download and complete a ,ravel Eemption ;orm.
Students traveling without a faculty or staff leader must individually request an exemption. ;aculty or staff leading a group of
students must complete a re$uest on behalf of the entire group.
,he 3niversity 4onors Program cannot approve any travel to a country with a 3: "epartment of :tate ,ravel 'arning until
after the a travel eemption is granted by the International ,ravel <verview 5ommittee. This means that we cannot allow you
to count this travel as an honors experience nor can we give you a grant if the ITOC does not approve travel.
Lear"#"$ O%tc!&es 0!r t(e Lea,ers(#* T(e&e:
Possesses knowledge of various leadership theories and identifies with the characteristics of leadership
Identifies the various characteristics of a leader in a given situation(role
4as the ability to relate! communicate and work effectively with peers
"evelops a vision of the future and acknowledges the impact of decisions *as applicable to the individual and affiliated
Lear"#"$ O%tc!&es 0!r t(e Researc( T(e&e:
-bility to frame and develop the research project $uestion or problem.
Possess a well&developed awareness of literature in the field.
;ormulate a theory! problem! or hypothesis for the proposed research project that is based on the literature review.
-bility to identify and apply appropriate methodologies to design research study! and collect and analy9e data.
"isseminate the research results and knowledge gained.
"emonstrate awareness of key weakness(limitations of the research and provide guidance on the most important and fruitful
directions for future research on this topic.
-bility to think beyond the just completed research and articulate how your world view has been impacted by the eperience.
5omplete this proposal *r#!r to your projects start date and upload it in the 34P "atabase
*https:(( 5reate a project *=-dd a new record>+ in the =,racking Project> tab and then
upload your proposal document as an attachment. ,he deadline for submitting proposals is on the 0
of each month.

While the quality of the proposal is most important$ strong proposals are typically -4 pages in length *single-spaced+.
%lease maintain the proposal format.
4as#c I"0!r&at#!"
;ull 7ame: 5hristian 5appel ?ipa
35 Email:
5ollege: 5E-:
Aajor: Aechanical Engineering
,itle of Project: Engineers 'ithout .orders 'ater Project In 7yambogo! ,an9ania
,hematic -rea *choose only one+: Blobal :tudies
Epected Project :tart "ate: -ugust 8! )C1/
Epected Project End "ate: -ugust 18! )C1/
Pr!3ect I"0!r&at#!"
1. Provide a detailed abstract of your proposed honors eperiential learning project.
?iving in a modern! Drst&world country like the 3nited :tates can easily lead one to take for granted simple
necessities and resources such as running water. ,here are citi9ens in many countries throughout the world that are not
nearly as privileged as those residing in the 3nited :tates! and who lack the basic necessities for survival. <ne of these
countries is ,an9ania. It is easy for people halfway around the world in the 3.:. to sit back and not think about or help
their fellow human beings who are in dire need of support. -s a college student with the time and resources available! I
want to do my part to help make a difference in any way that I can. -n organi9ation that I am involved with! Engineers
'ithout .orders *E'.+! has been making a difference for the people of ,an9ania for several years. :pecifically! they are
partnering with :hirati 4ealth! Education! and "evelopment *:4E"+ to design and construct a water supply system for
the village of 7yambogo. 7yambogo was in need of a fresh water supply! as the water was contaminated! and therefore!
undrinkable. E'. will contract a company to drill a borehole for a well and then create water storage tanks and a water
distribution system.
In -ugust! )C1/! E'. will be working with Eillage <utreach Project! and I! along with other students will be
traveling to the village of 7yambogo to gauge how the project is progressing and to collect data and information that will
assist E'. in planning for the net steps of the project. Fey project objectives of the trip will be to make sure that the
village is being served in the best way possible include the following: a+ assess the condition of the borehole well in place
in the village *including taking various readings on water $uality! Gow rate! energy consumption! and solar panel
production+! b+ collect locational data! and c+ meet with the local water committee to understand their wants! needs and
concerns. .oth technical skills and interpersonal communication skills will be needed for making the trip a success. Fey
personal objectives I have for this trip are to make the most out of the eperience by: a+ advancing my global literacy in
order to become a global citi9en knowledgeable about global problems! b+ interacting with natives of ,an9ania and
learning about their culture to gain respect and appreciation for their different way of life! and c+ understanding my
privileges as an -merican and learning how I can use them to assist the global community.
Ay time commitment to the project has spanned many months. Every 'ednesday during the )C1%&1/ school
year! E'. has held committee meetings lasting one to two hours each. ,hese meetings are important to the success of
this project because they have focused on reviewing designs to improve the water distribution system. I have also been
learning about the history of the 7yambogo 'ater project! which is essential if I am to be a contributing member on the
-ugust trip. In the near future! all individuals who will be going to 7yambogo will be meeting weekly to discuss
preparation work for the trip! as well as collecting materials and reviewing the designs of the work we will be completing.
,he biggest time commitment will be the trip itself. 'e will be traveling to ,an9ania and working on the project for 1C
days in -ugust.
,rip Itinerary:
-ugust 8 & "epart the 3:
-ugust H & -rrive and :tay <vernight in 7airobi
-ugust 1C & "rive to :hirati! ,an9ania and :tay with :4E" for the 7et H 7ights
-ugust 11 & 'ork with villagers near :hirati! ,an9ania
-ugust 1) & 'ork with villagers near :hirati! ,an9ania
-ugust 1% & 'ork with villagers near :hirati! ,an9ania
-ugust 1/ & 'ork with villagers near :hirati! ,an9ania
-ugust 10 & 'ork with villagers near :hirati! ,an9ania
-ugust 1I & 'ork with villagers near :hirati! ,an9ania
-ugust 16 & "epart :hirati and "rive to Aara :imba :afari ?odge
-ugust 18 & Aorning :afari! ?eisure -ctivities! and -fternoon :afari
-ugust 1H & "rive to 7airobi and ;ly <ut of 7airobi
-ugust )C & -rrive .ack in the 3:
Places t(e $r!%* '#ll be sta+#"$:
1. 'hile in 7airobi the group will stay at either the Aennonite Buest 4ouse: http:(( or Aethodist
Buest 4ouse:
). 'hile in :hirati! ,an9ania the group will stay with our sister organi9ation! the :hirati 4ealth! Education and
"evelopment ;oundation *:4E"+: http:((
%. 'hile on safari! the group will stay at the Aara :imba ?odge: http:((
Clearl+ a", t(!r!%$(l+ a,,ress (!' eac( !0 t(e 0!ll!'#"$ ele&e"ts '#ll be e)(#b#te, #" +!%r '!r8:
). 5onnection to ?earning <utcomes within the 4onors ,hematic -rea *identified above+
Part#c#*ate #" a $l!bal s!c#et+ a", %",ersta", t(e r!le !0 a $l!bal c#t#9e"2
Aany individuals living in modern -merica are patriotic and take pride in supporting their country and being
active members of and helping their local communities. 4owever! I think its far less common for people to relate to
being citi9ens of the entire world. I view myself as a global citi9en who not only wants to help my country and my
own community in 5incinnati! but also reach out to those around the world that can benefit from my time! knowledge
and commitment. -dditionally! because I reali9e that I am very fortunate to have unlimited opportunities and so much
more than the basic needs for survival! I feel that it is my duty to assist in improving the lives of others who are not as
fortunate as myself. I feel obligated to give back to the world because I am part of its future! and E'.Js projects in
foreign countries provide a safe and structured platform for me and others like myself to help people in other
countries. ,aking this trip to 7yambogo will teach me to be a true global citi9en. .y traveling to a foreign country
and volunteering my time and efforts! I will be stretching out of my comfort 9one and actively engaging as a member
of our global society.
I"teract '#t( #",#-#,%als 0r!& ,#00ere"t c%lt%res a", e)*ress a se"s#t#-#t+. a**rec#at#!" a", res*ect 0!r t(e
c!&*le) ra"$e !0 e)*er#e"ces !0 ,#-erse *e!*les2
,he trip to 7yambogo this summer will focus heavily on interaction with village natives whose culture and life
are completely different from my own. 7ot only will I be communicating with the locals! but also with the elder
leaders of the village. In order to effectively communicate with them I must understand their culture and background.
I believe the only way to gain this understanding is through knowledge and eposure. I will research and review all
information available from other 3niversity of 5incinnati E'. trips to learn about the students eperiences with the
people of ,an9ania. I will also conduct research online to educate myself about the local culture and traditions! so that
I will be respectful and not inadvertently offend anyone. Ay ultimate goal is to ensure that I gain a respect&based
understanding of 7yambogo! its people! and its rich culture.
P!ssess $l!bal l#terac+. #"cl%,#"$ 8"!'le,$e !0 $e!$ra*(+. (#st!r+. c%rre"t '!rl, #ss%es a", s#&#lar#t#es a",
,#00ere"ces a&!"$ c%lt%res2
In order to better possess global literacy I must have knowledge about world issues as well as the problems that
are arising in other countries! speciDcally -frica. .ased on what I have read and learned from reading maga9ines such
as ,IAE and the Economist! a pressing issue is that many prosperous nations are neglecting the needs of third&world
countries where basic human necessities are a constant struggle to obtain. Ay involvement in E'.Js 7yambogo
5ommittee has led me to increase my knowledge of this issue and! therefore! increase the global literacy I need to
become an active global citi9en. 7ot only do I need to have knowledge on world issues! but also of the geography and
topography of ,an9ania. In preparation for this trip! my peers and I will be meeting to discuss designs and plans for
the water system and! in order to do this and understand the water distribution! we must be knowledgeable about the
specific topography and geography of 7yambogo. ;or this volunteer trip to be successful! myself and my peers must
not only be well&versed about native culture! but also about 7yambogoJs environment.
%. 5onnection to Boals and -cademic ,heories *include reference list! as appropriate+
-. The trip with EWB to Nyambogo involves the work of Civil and Architectural
Engineers. A civil engineer would work on designing and building the structure of
the distribution system and storage tank while the architectural engineer would
work on the piping and ltration of the water distribution system. Even though !
am ma"oring in #echanical Engineering$ ! am e%posed to many learnings and
practices of other engineering ma"ors. &earning to understand the "obs$ abilities$
and limitations of individuals in other engineering elds will make me more of a
well'rounded individual and professional. The e%perience of applying my
knowledge as an engineering student to real'life problems serving the global
community will strengthen my resume and stand out to employers. Eplaining my eperience during
interviews will give my interviewers a better sense of who I am! what is important to me! and my ability to work
in and adapt to a difficult work environment.
Ay development as an engineering student will be impacted by this trip because I
will learn engineering fundamentals that I can apply to my future courses. ,his past semester I took Physics I and
ac$uired basic knowledge of Guid mechanics and dynamics! both of which are essential in building a water
system. ;or the water distribution system to work properly! my peers and I must understand the basic nature of
Guid movement and pressure. ,he Drst&hand eperience I will gain from this trip will assist me in the Guid
mechanics course I will take within the net two years that is part of the mechanical engineering curriculum. 7ot
only will Guid mechanics and dynamics play a role in the project! but static systems and e$uilibrium will also
affect the building of the water storage tanks. -s I am working with my peers in 7yambogo! I will be eposed to
more advanced statics than I have learned in Physics I and will prepare me for the :tatics and Particle "ynamics
course I will be taking net semester.
Ay main goal of this trip! besides designing and creating the distribution system and storage tank! is to
ac$uire knowledge about working in a different country. I have never traveled to -frica and I believe traveling to
,an9ania will allow me to face the difficulties of working in a foreign land and prepare myself in the future to
take part in the 3niversity of 5incinnatis International 5o&op Program. Ay eperience on this trip will determine
whether or not I am truly comfortable traveling to Bermany in the future for an eight month co&op! and allow me
to eperience working with people of a different culture! who speak a different language! and have a way of life
that is eotic to me. I plan on focusing part of my daily reflections on this.
.. :ome of the academic theories and concepts that are connected to this project I have either covered or
will cover in my engineering courses. -s I stated above! I will gain knowledge about Guid mechanics and
dynamics! as well as statics and e$uilibrium through Drst&hand work and design. :tatics and e$uilibrium tie into
E'.Js main goal of building water tanks that will properly function for a long period of time. <ne of E'.Js
main tenants is sustainability! believing that the best engineering is that which lasts the longest. :ince E'. does
not have the resources to constantly travel to 7yambogo to D the water system and tanks! our design must be
Gawless and sustain the harsh conditions of -frica. -ll the engineering fundamentals that I will be eposed to
during this trip will affect the sustainability of our work.
Engineering fundamentals are not the only concepts and academic theories that are pertinent to this trip.
,he concepts of leadership! as well as community engagement and development play into my personal growth
and development. ,he 4onors :eminar taught by Kessica Fing! Eploring 5ommunity Engagement! has prepared
me for future honors eperiences that will grow my leadership and ability to effectively communicate and form
communities with other groups of individuals. ,he class focused on readings from /ommunity5 #he 6tructure of
7elonging by Peter .lock. 'e delved into the sections of the book regarding privilege and effective
communication that are both essential to discovering what it means to become involved in and transform a group
of individuals into a community that works toward a common goal. :ince I am one of only a few individuals
traveling to 7yambogo! I will have to take a signiDcant leadership role if we are to complete our project goals. .y
using the methods of effective leadership that I have learned! I hope to better understand the villagers of
7yambogo and work with them and my peers to make the trip a success.
;inally! to better understand the concept of -frican culture and history! whose importance to the trip I
described above! I found a wonderful book called #al!in #hat #al!5 Language$ /ulture$ and )ducation in .frican
.merica by Beneva :mitherman to gain a better understanding of the types of backgrounds and education levels
of many individuals in 7yambogo. ,his book includes information on communication in -frica as well as the
various traditions that many modern -fricans follow.
Block$ (eter. Community: The Structure of Belonging. )an *rancisco+ Berrett'
,oehler$ -../. (rint.
)mitherman$ 0eneva. Talkin That Talk: Language, Culture, and
Education in African America. New 1ork+ 2outledge$ -.... (rint.
/. Initiative! Independence! and(or 5reativity
Ay past eperiences working long days in the humid climate of 5incinnati doing yard work for my family!
running a small lawn mowing service! and volunteering at an animal sanctuary in the 3tah desert has given me a
taste of the type of environment I will be living and working in while in 7yambogo. Ay research eperience at
7orthern Fentucky 3niversity studying static systems and concrete! as well as conducting tests on concretes tension
and compression strength! gave me knowledge about the properties of concrete while using it to build. ,hat uni$ue
eperience will also help me to analy9e any problems that may occur while building the water containers and come up
with solutions to strengthen the design. Ay volunteer work in ;lorida at Bive Fids ,he 'orld allowed me to directly
interact with children and their families from various countries around the world whose lives were so much different
from my own.
I have taken initiative for this project by speaking with Kohn Ayers! the project coordinator! about vaccines I will
need! as well as collecting any information I can read to help prepare me for the trip. I have also attended 7yambogo
5ommittee meetings and am working with the E'. 5-':, team! which is designing! building! and decorating a
water Dlter for 35.
0. 1eflection
1eGecting on my eperiences each day while in 7yambogo will be crucial to understanding and tracking my
personal growth during the trip. Each day I will write in a journal and focus on a few key topics. I will discuss what I
have learned! how the environment and people I am interacting with are different from -merica! and how the dayJs
eperiences will affect my global literacy and my steps toward becoming a better! more involved global citi9en. In
addition! I will eamine the challenges of the work I have done and how I plan on overcoming these challenges! and
record any personal thoughts or emotions that have resulted in any uni$ue eperiences I have had. I will also devote
time to discussing how this eperience will impact my thoughts about international co&op and how I feel it will
prepare me to work in Bermany in the future. ,hese topics of reGection will assess how well I am meeting the
learning outcomes of global studies! the etent that I am growing! how I can improve growth! and my feelings and
emotions about 7yambogo and the villagers. -t the end of the eperience I will type up the journal entries! post them
on my honors portfolio! and draw conclusions on them to see that I have gained a deeper understanding of respect and
acceptance of different cultures! beliefs! and ways of life.
I. "issemination
I plan on sharing my eperiences with other 3niversity of 5incinnati students through two methods. I will type up
my journal entries and post them on my honors portfolio for everyone to read! along with photos that illustrate what I
am thinking and eperiencing. ,hrough my blog entries and photos I hope to give people insight into my thoughts
throughout the trip! so that they will be able to see the changes in me that have resulted from this adventure. I will
also create a pamphlet about traveling to 7yambogo that I hope to post in the lobby of :wift 6CC! and that I can
present to E'. members to spark their interest in traveling to volunteer. ,he pamphlet will outline the type of work I
completed! the culture and lifestyle of individuals from 7yambogo! what it means to be a global citi9en! and how to
get involved in E'. and take part in volunteer trips. I would like to create a pamphlet because it will be a source of
$uick information that anyone can pick up and read. :ince E'. had difDculty in Dnding individuals who wanted to
take part in this summer trip! I hope that E'. can pass my pamphlet out to new members and encourage them to
volunteer outside of the 3nited :tates.
6. Project -dvisor *list the persons name! title! and contact information+
Project -dvisor
Aark Ailler
Professional Engineering -dvisor
8. .udget *if applicable+

,otal budget cost *developed by Eillage ?ife <utreach Project+: L%!8CC
5ost .reakdown:
-irfare M L1!8CC
Bround ,ransportation in -frica M L%CC
Fenyan Eisa M L/C
,an9ania Eisa M L1CC
,an9ania Immigration ;ees M L)CC
1oom N .oard in 7airobi M L1CC
1oom N .oard in ,an9ania M L%CC
1oom N .oard on :afari M L%CC
:afari Park ;ees M L1IC
-dditional Epenses *,ranslators! 'ater! Aeals! :upplies! etc.+ M L0CC

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