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Pachi TangLang

Marcial Arts Institute

Master Su Yu-Chang

Srta Marit Ramberg (Noruega)
Sr. Jos Antonio de Paz (Espaa)
Sr. Jos Antonio Bonilla (Espaa)
Mr. Kuan-Ting Chen (Taiwan)
Mr. Chang-Jung Du (Taiwan)
Mr. abriel !uang (Taiwan)
Tanglang Chuan

Master Su Yu-Chang's complete curriculum of Tanglang Chuan
. YELLOW. AMARILLO (10-9 chi)
"#RMS $ %S&'%MAS(
12 Fundamental technics (+two-man set)
12 Tcnicas fundamentales (+pareja)
*. C!+P%, S!+! %R! -' C!'%, ./T'%+R%,0
Twelve asic lines (!"#$TNE$)
%oce lineas asics
a. chishing&meihua' () chipens
b. papu' () chipens
1. liohoe' () chipens
d. pimen' () chipens
*eginners will onl+ learn the asic chipen, mi- of all . st+les/ lac0 elt stu1ents will stu1+ others
to go 1eeper in an+ st+le2
Principiantes solo estudiarn los chipen bsicos, mezcla de los 5 estilos; los cinturones negros
estudiaran los otros para profundizar en un estilo2
2. ,- TA,-A, TS' D#,
Comination an1 two man set of the asics lines
Combinacin y pareja de las lineas bsicas.
3. ./ .01230 -+P+ C!'%, ./T'%+R%,0
Strong Stri0es(two 3man set)
Esuema golpes fuertes !"P#$E%#& !papu&
4. 4567 5' S' S!' C!+ !'A
4ive 5a+s to $ela- the Energ+
Cinco maneras de relajar la energ'a !chishing&
6. 89:; C!+, K#, T+ T#, S'
6ight *o1+ to 7ump 8igh
Cuerpo ligero para saltar alto !pimen&
.#RA,%. NARANJA (8-7chi)
"#RMS $ %S&'%MAS(
7. <=> .<?@AB0 !S+A#!' 8'%, .T'%+R%,0
Small Tiger Swallow (!two-man set) (There are three levels, all of them stu1ie1 here)2
Peue(o tigre golondrina !"preja& !)ay Peue(o, *ediano, y +rande, ue se estudian aui&
9. <CD !S+A# "A, C!% C!'%,
Small 5in1mill
Peue(a rueda de molino !papu&
:. EFG M+A# TA# C!+P%, S' -' ./T'%+R%,0.
Sprout Swor1 *asic 4our 6ines (!two-man set)
,uatro lines basicas del -able de espiga !"P#$E%#& !pimen&
);. HIJK S', 8#', PA T'%, C!+,
Eight Movements of Chi0ung the "owerful Saint2
.cho mo/imientos de chi0ung del santo poderoso !pimen1chishing&
.$REE#.VERDE (6-5chi) (Intermediate-Intermedio)
"#RMS $ %S&'%MAS(
)). LM C!AC!'%+ C!'%,
"enetrating 4ist
Pu(openetrante !chishing&
)*. NO P, P' C!'%,./T'%+R%,0
%emoloshing Step (!two-man set)2
Paso de derrumbe!"pareja& !chishing1pimen&.
)2. JPF S!+! PA TA,TA# !'A2
Eighteen *roa1 Swor1 Techni9ues
2ieciocho t3cnicas de sable !pimen&
)3. 4=Q& 5' !' -A, M%, TA#
4ive Tiger are guar1ing the :ate *roa1 Swor1
-able de los cinco tigres ue guardan la puerta !pimen&
)4. &JPF010 TA, TA# P# TA, TA#
(; *asic lines of *roa1 Swor1 against *roa1 Swor1
45 6'neas bsicas de -able contra sable !chishing&
)6. RS !#, M# K',
Cra<+ %evil Staff
Palo de diablo loco !chishing&
)7. TUVW.XYW0 T'A, SA# TS' K', .S!'A, C!% K',0
-hort -prout stic0s !78o -ection -taff19uncha0us&
Palo corto de brote !Palo de dos secciones19uncha0us& !chishing&
)9. Z[\] PA+ TA C!+, S%, K#,
Stri0e to Clean the *o1+2
Pegar para limpiar el cuerpo !papu1pimen&
):. A^_`abc SA, !'% C!+# T'A, 8A, !'A
Three $eturns an1 Nine Circles to come ac0 to the Yang "lace
7res idas y /ueltas con nue/e c'rculos para /ol/er al sitio yang !chishing1papu&
. B-'%. AZUL (4-3chi)
"#RMS $ %S&'%MAS(
*;. d .eAK0 TA, -A, S!#' C!'%, ."', SA, T'A,0
Mantis 8an1s 4orm (There are three levels)
Esuema *anos de *antis !hay tres ni/eles& !pimen&
*). fg C!# K'%+ C!'%,
To $ip =ff the 8elmet
#rrancar el casco !chishing&
**. hi,- PA+ 8'%, TS' T#, C!'A,
The 5hite Mon0e+ E-its the Cave
*ono blanco sale de la cue/a !chishing&
*2. Jjc PA KA, C!'%, !'A
Eight har1 fighting techni9ues
=cho t>cnicas 1uras 1e comate !chishing&
- 5%AP#,S - ARMAS:
*3. kdl K#, S!#' T'# TA, TA#
Empt+ 8an1 #gainst *roa1 Swor1
-able contra mano /ac'a !chishing&
*4. m= !%+ !' C!+A,
*lac0 Tiger Spear
6anza del tigre negro !chishing&
*6. W0W K'%, T'%+ K'%,
*asic lines of Staff against Staff
6'neas bsicas de palo contra palo !chishing1papu1pimen&
*7. nP -+# !#% TA, TA#
6iohoe *roa1 swor1
-able de liohoe !6iohoe&
*9. nX -+#!#% S!'A, TA#
6iohoe %oule *rao1 swor1
2oble sable de liohoe !6iohoe&
*:. oiT C!+A 8'%, T', PA,
Short Staff Catches the Mon0e+
Palo corto ue atrapa mono !pimen&
2;. pq TA, -A, C!+, "#, C!+%,
"ra+ing Mantis :reen $a+s Straight Swor1
Espada de mantis de rayos /erdes !pimen&
. RED.ROO (!-1chi)
"#RMS $ %S&'%MAS(
2). @CD TA "A, C!% C!'%,
*ig 5in1mill 4orm
+ran rueda de molino !papu&
2*. Gr[ S'! -+' P%,TA C!'%,
$api1 Stri0es in all 1irections2
Pegar rpido en todas direcciones !chishing&
22. stu M%+ !'A -# C!'%,2
4alling "lum 4lower
Cae la flor del ciruelo !meihua&
23. ov0 C!+, ,A T'%+ TA
7oint loc0s Two-man Set2
Pareja de control de articulaciones !pimen&
24. wx TS#, T+ C!'A, /T'%+R%,
#gainst an+ enem+
Esuema para cualuier enemigo !chising&
- 5%AP#,S - ARMAS:
26. PFyt TA, TA# P#! !'A C!+A,
*roa1 Swor1 against Spear
-able contra lanza !pimen&
27. zdc S!+! %R R#' S!#' !'A
Twelve soft fighting techni9ues
2oce t3cnicas sua/es de combate !chising&
29. {|} !S+A# 8A# T%! SA,
8siao Yao 4an
#banico de )siao :ao !chishing&
2:. J~ S!+! PA -#!A, K#,2
Eighteen 6ohan Saints Chi0ung
Chi0ung de los 45 santos 6ohan !pimen1chishing&
( !"(#$%SHIH ERH LU !I!"(#!") LIE" SH#U (1$%)
() 6ines of "oan Two-man sets ((-?) until red belt2
4; l'neas de parejas de Poan !4<=& !papu&. )asta cinturn rojo.
. B-ACK.NEGRO 1 Tuan (Advancd-Avan!ad")
"#RMS $ %S&'%MAS(
3;. JOf PAP' C!#8A# T+ + -' C!'%,
4irst Summar+ 4orm of Eight Step "ra+ing Manits
Primer esuema resumen de mantis ocho pasos
3). Q -A, C!% C!'%,
*loc0 an1 @ntercept
>louear e interceptar !chishing1pimen&
3*. } T%! TS' C!'%,
@ron Teeth
2ientes de hierro !liohoe&
32. JTc C!+ C!A, PA T'A, C!'%, !'A
Seven 6ong $ange an1 Eight Short $ange #ttac0 Techni9ues
-iete ataues de larga distancia y ocho de corta !pimen&
33. 8%, -+, TA#
:oose 4eather *roa1 Swor1
-able pluma de ganso !liohoe&
34. X K', TA, S!'A, TA#
%ole *roa1 Swor1 Come in Contact with the :roun1
2oble sable de mantis contactan con el suelo !chishing&
36. &'() S!+! PA TA C!+A, !'A
Eighteen 6ong-Spear Techni9ues
45 t3cnicas de lanza larga!chishing&
37. & T'A, M%, C!+A,
Spear that *loc0s the wa+ as if it was a %oor
6anza ue corta el paso como si fuera una puerta !pimen&
39. TA,-A, C!+%,
Mantis Straight Swor1
Espada de mantis !chishing&
3:. AY SA, C!% K',
Three Sectione1 Staff
Palo de tres secciones !chishing&
( !"(*$#+ SHIH ERH LU !I!" (#!") LIE" SH#U (&$12)
() 6ines of "oan Two-man sets (A-())2 4rom lac0 elt an1 onwar1s2
4; l'neas de parejas de Poan !?<4;& # partir de cinturn negro !papu&
. BLAC!."E#RO ! $%an&
"#RMS $ %S&'%MAS(
4;. JOf PAP' C!#8A# T+ %R! -' C!'%,
Secon1 Summar+ 4orm of Eight Step "ra+ing Mantis
-egundo esuema resumen de mantis ocho pasos
4). fKC!+S!+, C!#8A# T+ + -' C!'%,
4irst Summar+ 4orm of Seven Star "ra+ing Mantis
Primer esuema resumen de mantis siete estrellas
4*. nTM -+# !#% T'A, C!'%+ C!'A, ./T'%+R%,0
Short %istance Stri0es 4orm of Si- 8armonies (two-man set)
Esuema golpes de distancias cortas de -eis @niones !"pareja&
42. &f P+M%, C!#8A# T+ + -' C!'%,
4irst Summar+ 4orm of Secret %oor "ra+ing Mantis
Primer esuema resumen de mantis puerta secreta
43. ~ TS'%+ -#!A, C!'%,
%run0en 6ohan Saint
-anto 6ohan borracho !chishing1pimen&
44. _Y C!+# C!% P%,
*asics of Nine Sectione1 5hip2
>sicos del 6tigo nue/e secciones !chishing&
46. TA,-A, PA K',
Short Mantis Staffs
Palos cortos de mantis !pimen&
47. 8A, C!+A C!+A,
Yang St+le Spear
6anza del estilo yang !chishing&
49. J PA S!%, C!+%,
Eight Saints Straight Swor1
Espada de los ocho santos !papu&
4:. XFy S!'A, TA# P#! C!+A,
%oule *roa1 Swor1 against Spear
2oble sable contra lanza !chishing&
6;. AYW0t SA, C!% K', T'%+ !'A C!+A,
Three Sectione1 Staff #gainst Spear
Palo de tres secciones contra lanza !chishing&
. BLAC!."E#RO ' $%an
"#RMS $ %S&'%MAS(
6). JOfA PAP' C!#8A# T+ SA, -' C!'%,
Thir1 Summar+ 4orm of Eight Step "ra+ing Mantis
7ercer esuema resumen de mantis ocho pasos
6*. J TA,-A, PA C!#' T+ + -' C!'%,
4irst 4orm of the Eight Elows "ra+ing Mantis
Primer esuema de los ocho codos de mantis !chishing&
62. dr SA, S!#' P%, C!'%,
8an1 Techni9ues to $each
73cnicas de mano para poder llegar !liohoe&
63. J[J[c PA TA PA B' TA M+ !'A
Eight #ttac0s an1 Eight Secret #ttac0s
.cho ataues y ocho ataues secretos !chising&
64. GPF0 %R! S!+! S'! TA, TA,TA# T'%+ C!+ !'A
Two-man set of the Twent+ 4our 6ines of *roa1 Swor12 Tecnicas avan<a1as2
Aeinticuatro l'neas de pareja de sable. 73cnicas a/anzadas !chishing&
66. hi PA+ 8%', K',
5hite Mon0e+s Staff
Palo del mono blanco !papu&
67. b S', 8A, C!+%,
"urel+ Yang Straight Swor1
Espada de puro yang !liohoe&
69. ,- A, C!+ "%+ P+A#
8i11en Throwing 5eapons
#rms para tirar ocults !pimen&
6:. !' T%! S!'A, C!+%,
*utterfl+ %ole Straight Swor1
2oble espada de mariposa !chishing&
7;. S!%, P+A#
%art on a String
2ardo con hilo !chishing&
. B-ACK.NEGRO 4 Tuan
"#RMS $ %S&'%MAS(
7). JOfG PAP' C!#8A# T+ S'! -' C!'%,
4orth Summar+ 4orm of Eight Step "ra+ing Mantis
Cuarto esuema resumen de mantis ocho pasos
7*. fK C!+S!+, C!#8A# T+ %R! -' C!'%,
Secon1 Summar+ 4orm of Seven Star "ra+ing Mantis
-egundo esuema resumen de mantis siete estrellas
72. &f P+M%, C!#8A# T+ !%R -' C!'%,
Secon1 Summar+ 4orm of Secret %oor "ra+ing Mantis
-egundo esuema resumen de mantis puerta secreta
73. t -+ !'A C!+A,
"ear 4lower Spear
6anza flor de pera !liohoe&
74. _Y C!+, !#, C!+# C!% P%,
$ainow Nine Sectione1 5hip
6tigo de nue/e secciones como el arco'ris !pimen&
76. _Yo C!+# C!% P%, C!+, TA#
Nine Sectione1 5hip $emoves the *roa1 Swor1
6tigo de nue/e secciones uitan sable !pimen&
77. kd"h K#, S!#' R' PA+ R%,
Empt+ 8an1 #gainst Bnife
*ano libre contra cuchillo !papu&
. B-ACK.NEGRO # Tuan
"#RMS $ %S&'%MAS(
79. JOf4 PAP' C!#8A# T+ 5' -' C!'%,
4ifth Summar+ 4orm of Eight Step "ra+ing Mantis
,uinto esuema resumen de mantis ocho pasos
7:. fAK C!+S!+, C!#8A# T+ SA, -' C!'%,
Thir1 Summar+ 4orm of Seven Star "ra+ing Mantis
7ercer esuema resumen de mantis siete estrellas
9;. t C!+, -8 !A, !'A C!'%,
8i11en 4lowers in the Sleeve 4orm
Esuema de la flor escondida en las mangas !liohoe&
9). nW -+# !#% K'%,
Staff of the Si- 8armonies
Palo de las seis uniones !liohoe&
9*. XT S!'A, !'% T'A, C!+%,
%ole Short Throwing Straight Swor1s
2obles espadas cortas ue se pueden tirar !chishing&
92. E C!+ -+, M+A#TA#
Cnicorn Sprout Swor1
-able de espiga del unicornio !pimen&
. B-ACK.NEGRO $ Tuan
"#RMS $ %S&'%MAS(
93. JOfn PAP' C!#8A# T+ -+' -' C!'%,
Si-th Summar+ 4orm of Eight Step "ra+ing Mantis
-eBto esuema resumen de mantis ocho pasos
94. fGK C!+S!+, C!#8A# T+ S+! -' C!'%,
4ourth Summar+ 4orm of Seven Star "ra+ing Mantis
Cuarto esuema resumen de mantis siete estrellas
96. &fA P+M%, C!#8A# T+ SA,-' C!'%,
Thir1 Summar+ 4orm of Secret %oor "ra+ing Mantis
7ercer esuema resumen de mantis puerta secreta
97. &Xd C!+ M%, S!'A, S#! C!+%,
Chi Men %oule 8an1e1 6ong Swor1
Espada de doble mano chimen !pimen&
99. dW S!'A+ S!#' K'%,
Sha0e 8an1s Staff
Palo de sacudir la mano !papu&
9:. nG9 -+# T+ S!%, S!+! S'! T#, K#,
4ourteen Movements of Si- Saints Chi0ung
Catorce mo/imientos de chi0ung de los seis santos !chishing&
. B-ACK.NEGRO 7 Tuan
"#RMS $ %S&'%MAS(
:;. f4K C!+S+, C!#8A# T+ 5' -' C!'%,
4ifth Summar+ 4orm of Seven Star "ra+ing Mantis
,uinto esuema resumen de mantis siete estrellas
:). J TA, -A, PA C!#' T+ %R! -' C!'%,
Secon1 4orm of the Eight Elows "ra+ing Mantis
-egundo esuema de los ocho codos de mantis !chishing&
:*. 2d C!+% S!#' C!'%, C!'%,
Circle @ntercepting 8an1s ("utting on the *raclett)
C'rculo de manos interceptoras !ponerse el brazalete& !liohoe&.
:2. d_d M+ S!#' C!+# S!+! S'! S!#' !'A .)<PART%0
Ninet+ Secret 8an1 Techni9ues (first part)
9o/enta t3cnicas secretas de manos !Primera parte& !pimen&
:3. 2>pP 8%, C!+, TA,TA#
Swallow *roa1 Swor1
-able de alas de golondrina !chishing&
:4. n -+# !#% C!+A,
Si- 8armon+ Spear
6anza de las seis uniones !liohoe1chishing&
:6. - A, C!+ !S+' -+ C!+%,
8i11en 5eapon, #rrow @nsi1e the Sleeve
#rma oculta, flecha dentro de la manga !pimen&
. B-ACK.NEGRO 8 Tuan
"#RMS $ %S&'%MAS(
:7. fnK C!+S!+, C!#8A# T+ -+# -' C!'%,
Si-th Summar+ 4orm of Seven Star "ra+ing Mantis
-eBto esuema resumen de mantis siete estrellas
:9. JA TA, -A, PAC!#' T+ SA, -' C!'%,
Thir1 4orm of the Eight Elows "ra+ing Mantis
7ercer esuema de los ocho codos de mantis !chishing&
::. t .0 8%! T+ C!A, !'A C!'%,
4lower 8i11en Cn1er the 6eaves 4orm
Clor oculta bajo las hojas !liohoe&.
);;. d_d M+ S!#' C!+# S!+! S'! S!+' !'A .*<PART%0
Ninet+ Secret 8an1 Techni9ues (secon1 part)
9o/enta t3cnicas secretas de manos !segunda parte& !pimen&
);). F0 8%! TSA, TA,TA# T'%+ R%,
Nocturnal *roa1 Swor1 Two-man set
Pareja del sable nocturno !chishing&
);*. 9 C!A, C!# TA# K#, !'A
Seate1 Me1itation with Taoist Techni9ues
*editacin sentada con t3cnicas de tao'smo !papu&
. BLAC!."E#RO 9 $%an
"#RMS $ %S&'%MAS(
);2. d_d M+ S!#' C!+# S!+! S'! S!+' !'A .2<PART%0
Nint+ Secret 8an1 Techni9ues (third part)
9o/enta t3cnicas secretas de manos !7ercera parte& !pimen&
);3. fK C!+S!+, C!#8A# T+ C!+ T'A, C!'%,
Seventh Summar+ 4orm of Seven Star "ra+ing Mantis
-3ptimo esuema resumen de mantis siete estrellas.
);4. e]JT "', S!%, PA T'A, C!'%,. )=> *= 8 2=0
Eight Stri0es to 8it Separate *o1ies
.cho golpes para pegar a cuerpos separados!chising&
./0" M+ C!# C!A, S!#' C!'A,
$epetitive Elows 8i1e the 8an1
Codos repetiti/os esconden la mano !pimen&
The+ are the same form with 1ifferent name in each st+le2
#mos son el mismo es9uema con nomres 1iferentes en ca1a estilo
);6. X S!'A, "#, C!'A,
%oule 6oc0 4orm
2obles sellos o doble cerradura ! liohoe&
);7. 1t M%+ !'A A, C!+
"lum 4lower hi11en weapon
#rma oculta de la flor de ciruelo !meihua&
);9. A SA, C!+, TS', R%, C!%, S!%, S'
Three Taoist 5ise Men Teach how to ecome a Saint
7res sabios tao'stas ense(an cmo llegar a ser santos !chishing&
);:. TS# K' C!+ M% S'
=pen the 7oints to Stop the Cirulation
#brir las articulaciones para parar la circulacin !pimen&

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