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Stefano Mirtis

In my art practice I am interested in arousing and
exploring the potential that the medium of
performance, as a hybrid means somewhere
between action and communication, puts in place.
The characteristics of unpredictability and
uncertainty, and the emotional intensity allow the
performance to acquire almost a life of its own.

~ Paola Anzich
Stefanos Blueberries Entanglement 117/388
2009, Fondazione Mario Merz
Paola Anzich, Aggrovigliamenti
(Entanglement). Hommage to Lygia
A group of people holds up a large elastic
interwoven net that covers the entire basin
outside the Fondazione. During the performance,
the audience is able to interact with the elastic
grid by freely moving below it. As people move
underneath the net, its internal geometry keeps
on changing, as the elastic grid adapts itself to the
participants movements, actually giving shape to
a new drawing, a sort of moving geographic grid.
This installation is a tribute to Elastic net (1968)
by Brazilian artist Lygia Clark: awork made of
action and a collective body, with the two
fundamental elements being
a group of people interacting with the net.
Stefanos Blueberries Entanglement 117/388
2009, Fondazione Mario Merz
Paola Anzich, Aggrovigliamenti
(Entanglement). Hommage to Lygia
Stefanos Blueberries Entanglement 117/388
2009, Fondazione Mario Merz
Paola Anzich, Aggrovigliamenti
(Entanglement). Hommage to Lygia
Stefanos Blueberries Entanglement 117/388
2009, Fondazione Mario Merz
Paola Anzich, Aggrovigliamenti
(Entanglement). Hommage to Lygia
Here the link to Paola Anzich website, where you
can see all her works: http://www.paolanziche.

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