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Objective To render my sincere effects in to your esteemed organization this can develop and brush
up my knowledge
Education (Follow the order from the highest qualification to school certification)
201!201" #aster of $usiness %dministration
RukminiDevi Institute Of Advanced Studies
niversity! ""SI#$ Delhi
$achelor Of $usiness %dministration
%I&S 'asant (un)$ *ew delhi
niversity!"%ST$ +issar ,+aryana-
)* '
,enior ,econdar- E.amination ! /lass 011
%&S' R( #RA& S./!01$*.2 D.3+I
3igher ,econdar- E.amination ! /lass 0
SSSS SA5DAR%*" .*/3A'.$*.2 D.3+I
4ogesh 5andhi
#obile number6 7(1 (((((02+(&
Email %ddress6 -ogigandhi8-ahoo2com
,ummer 1nternshi9: 1ndustrial ;raining
%<1<% =1FE 1>,?@%>/E /O#P%>4
Auration6 2
#%4 ;O 1"
B?>E 2011
2orked as a Trainee 6
Personal Aetails
Aate of birth 6 02:#%4:1((1
%lternate >umber6 (((()"*)
>ationalit- 6 1>A1%
Permanent %ddress6 12" AA% F=%;, ,%FA%@B?>5 E>/=%<E2 >E%@ $!2 #%@CE;2 >ED AE=31 !
/urrent %ddress6 same as above
1 hereb- declare that the details 9rovided b- me in this resume are correct and 1 have Enowingl- not omitted:
misre9resented an- information2 1 am aware that the com9an- can use this data for verification 9ur9oses and
an- material inconsistenc- identified between the details shared above versus actual information would have
a bearing on m- em9lo-mentF based u9on com9an- 9olicies2
2on a 0
#rize at comedy .vent in /ollege$
Won a Gold Medal in college for Theme Play (DRAMA) at inter college event (2012).
Won various competition in college.
,Eill ,et and 1nterests
2orking knowledge of &s!office ,e7cel$word$powerpoint6-
Reading *ews#aper 6
Date: __________ Time: __________ Place: _____________ Signature:

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