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Zvirid Traian

Prespectives on English
IV.2 / page 16
Picture 2
This image reminds me about my native country town, the same houses, people and even
the same sensations. A quiet plaza from a peaceful place, where everybody is walking
unstressed and slowly, where no sign of trash or dust can be seen, is the right place for me to
fully describe my native place. Even is midday the traffic is almost inexistent and a fresh air,
full of flower perfume, cleans your nostrils. ouses built in traditional style, painted and full
with flowers hanging from balconies, fill the landscape with their beauty. !mall shops and pubs,
shock the viewer with their simplicity and, at the same time, elegance. The nature is also
present in a close link with people"s life. !mall trees surrounded by colorful flowers, are resting
places for birds. A flute player delights the passers with his song. #irds are playing their role
too, accompanying the flute song. And how could $ forget the smell of an apple pie, which
competes the smell of flowers for the best smell on town.
Every time $ will see this picture, my mind will surely go back in time to my childhood, to
my friends, to my family and of course to the smell off the apple pie %%% !o all that $ have to
do now is relax and return to my innocence %

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