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Microprocessor Information Transfer

Instruction Flow
The following sequence of events takes place:
Next address contents are fetched from the program counter and temporarily stored in
the memory address register (MAR! This to let the program memory have time to
locally decode the address! "atches can also #e used to introduce a #uffer #etween the
two devices!
$pdated address is put on the address #us and sent to program memory
%n the selected chip& the local address is decoded and the circuitry activated to allow
information stored in the location to #e accessed!
'hen appropriate R(A) signal is sent from timing and control to the memory& the
instruction #its from the location are put on the data #us and sent to the memory data
register in the microprocessor! This action helps in the decoding process!
%nstruction word is transferred to instruction register where it is held usually until the
end of the machine cycle or instruction cycle!
%nstruction is decoded into appropriate electrical signals and under timing and control&
appropriate commands are executed #y the various functional #locks of the
microprocessor and different su#*systems of the microcomputer system
The program counter is incremented
Data Flow
+or data word retrieval& the source could #e either the data memory or one of the %,- devices
or vice versa
The address of the data memory or %,- device must first #e sent out #y the ./$ from
the address register!
The point of entry and exit from the microprocessor is mostly the accumulator
The operation
All data words that are specified in a particular instruction take place in the execution

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