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Assignment 2: Mission US American Revolution Simulation

After completing this assignment, students will be able to:
summarize the response of South Carolina to events leading to the American Revolution, including the
Stamp Act, the Tea Acts, and the Sons of Liberty
explain the roles of South Carolinians in the adoption of the Declaration of Independence
compare the perspectives of different groups of South Carolinians during the American Revolution,
including Patriots, Tories/Loyalists, women, enslaved and free Africans, and Native Americans

In this assignment, you are going to play a video game! In this game, you are going to play the role of a young
apprentice during the American Revolution. You are going to interact with different individuals that are
fighting on both sides of the war. This is simulation is going to give you a first-hand look at the views and
issues that people were facing during this difficult time.
1. Open the following file. Follow the directions in the document and type in your responses as you
complete the simulation. Save your document as the given name.
2. Once you have completed the simulation, submit your completed document.

To submit your assignment to your instructor, save your MS Word file as a DOC/DOCX file and name in the
following manner:
Mission US_lastnamefirstinitial (i.e., Mission US_bellflowersk.doc)

Submit your finished work to the assignment 1 link in the Submissions area of Edmodo before 11:59 p.m. U.S.
EST/EDT on the last day of this module.
Grades on this assignment will be based on completion of the simulation and your responses to the questions. If
the response to each question is logical to the game, full credit will be given.

Mission US.docx

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