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Name: ________________________

Word Problems: Missing Parts

Read and solve the word problems. Write a corresponding number sentence for each.
Sally had 18 cupcakes. Her family ate
some. Now she has 12 cupcakes left.
How many cupcakes did Sallys family


_____ _____ _____

Ben had 23 stickers. His mom bought him
some more. Now he has 31 stickers in all.
How many stickers did Bens mom buy


_____ _____ _____
Jake had 9 books. He checked out some
more at the library. Now he has 18 books
total. How many books did Jake check out
from the library?


_____ _____ _____

The dog had 17 bones. He hid some in
the backyard. Now the dog has 9 bones
left. How many bones did the dog hide?


_____ _____ _____

The clown was holding 15 balloons. Some
blew away. Now the clown has 7 balloons
left. How many balloons blew away?


_____ _____ _____

Kim had 30 crayons. She lost some. Now
she has 20 crayons left. How many
crayons did Kim lose?


_____ _____ _____
Sam had 12 shells. He found some more.
Now Sam has 20 shells in all. How many
shells did Sam find?


_____ _____ _____

Kelly jumped rope on Monday and
Tuesday. She jumped rope 31 times on
Monday and some more times on
Tuesday. Kelly jumped rope 42 times in
all. How many times did Kelly jump rope
on Tuesday?


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Bobby ordered 15 pizzas for his birthday
party. His friends ate some. Now he has
8 pizzas left. How many pizzas did
Bobbys friends eat?


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Saras mom baked 25 cookies for the bake
sale on Saturday. She baked some more
cookies for the bake sale on Sunday.
Saras mom baked 40 cookies in all. How
many cookies did she bake on Sunday?


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Annes class had 24 students. Some
students went home sick. Now Annes
class has 18 students. How many
students went home sick?


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A birthday cake had 16 candles. Some of
the candles were red. 6 of the candles
were blue. How many candles were red?


_____ _____ _____

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