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Student: Victoria Pisciotta Professor: Professor Moroney

Course: EDU 521 Date: June 8, 2014
Grade: 3 Topic: Butterflies vs. Moths Content Area: Science/ELA

Lesson Objective
After reading a non-fiction passage that focuses on comparing and contrasting butterflies
and moths, students will be able to identify at least three similar characteristics and three
different characteristics with 100% accuracy.

CCLS/ + NYS / ISTE Standards and Indicators

Determine the main idea of a text; recount the key details and explain how they
support the main idea.
This will be evident when the students must answer the questions at the
end of their non-fiction reading passage. They must recall important
information, the main idea of the text, and key details.

Compare and contrast the most important points and key details presented in two
texts on the same topic.
This will be evident when the students complete their Venn diagram,
comparing and contrasting the characteristics of moths and butterflies.
They must incorporate at least three similarities and three differences.

Use knowledge of language and its conventions when writing, speaking, reading,
or listening.
This will be evident during class discussion and collaborative group work
and interaction.

ISTE Standard 1: Creativity and Innovation
Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop
innovative products and processes using technology.
This will be evident when the students create a Venn diagram
comparing and contrasting butterflies and moths.
ISTE Standard 2: Communication and Collaboration
Students use digital media and environments to communicate and work
collaboratively, including at a distance, to support individual learning and
contribute to the learning of others.
This will be evident when the students communicate with others and
cooperatively create a Kidspiration to create the Venn diagram.
ISTE Standard 3: Research and Information Fluency
Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use information.
This will be evident when the students answering questions about
butterflies and moths after watching the video and reading the story.
ISTE Standard 4: Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision
Students use critical thinking skills to plan and conduct research, manage
projects, solve problems, and make informed decisions using appropriate
digital tools and resources.
This will be evident when the students answer the question about the
story, create a Venn diagram, and complete the exit ticket.
ISTE Standard 6: Technology Operations and Concepts
Students demonstrate a sound understanding of technology concepts,
systems, and operations.
This will be evident when the students collaboratively create the
Venn diagram using Kidspiration.
Engaging the Learners (2 minutes)
The teacher will play a 2 minutes YouTube video to engage the students. This video
explores similarities and differences between butterflies and moths.
Have you ever seen a butterfly? Have you ever seen a moth? What previous
knowledge/ experiences do you have with butterflies and moths? Can you tell the
difference between them? How do you know?

YouTube; Butterflies and Moths mini reading; Venn diagram; Smart Board;
pens/pencils; index cards; tape; Worksheet; Kidspiration

Learning Strategies
YouTube video; non-fiction reading; collaborative work; comparing and contrasting;
class discussion; exit ticket

For the student who is an English language learner, the teacher will provide content-
related vocabulary prior to the lesson. In addition, visual aids will be used. When
necessary, the teacher will provide one-on-one instruction and answer all questions.
For the student who has an IEP, the teacher will follow all IEP mandates and provide
necessary accommodations, assistive technology, and additional help.
For students who have reading and/or writing deficiencies, guided notes and assistive
technology will be provided.
For all students who display appropriate behavior during the lesson will receive
positive reinforcement.

Differentiation of Instruction
The lesson incorporates many different teaching styles and strategies to cater to a
diverse group of learners.
The teacher understands that some students prefer group work, while others prefer
to work solo, therefore, the teacher will provide students with the option of
working either way.
For auditory learners, the video clip will be played in the engagement portion of
the lesson and the teachers instruction will be orally presented.
For visual learners, the video clip will be displayed on the Smart Board. In
addition, the teacher will provide a large version of the Venn diagram for the
entire class to view.
Students who may work at a slower pace due to deficits will be given the proper
time allotted to complete assignments successfully.

Developmental Procedures
1. Reading Non-Fiction (10 minutes): The students will silently, but actively, read
Butterflies and Moths and then answer the corresponding questions at the end.
What do the visuals/pictures tell about the story? What are similarities
between butterflies and moths? What are some of their differences? What
time of the day do we see these beautiful creatures? What are some of the
questions the passage focuses on answering?
2. Group Discussion (5 minutes): After about ten minutes, the students will discuss
the answers with their table group, which is organized by heterogeneous and
varying academic level.
How are butterflies and moths alike? How are they different? Do you
remember that part of the article? Did you see that in the picture? Do we
have the same answers/different answers? What made you think that?

3. Collaborative work (10 minutes): As a group, the students must fill out a Venn
diagram on Kidspiration, comparing and contrasting butterflies and moths. They
are required to list at least five similarities and five differences. Students should
reference the non-fiction reading and the appropriate answers the questions for
Can someone please refresh our memories about using a Venn diagram?
What does compare and contrast mean? What do moths and butterflies
have in common? How do they differ? What characteristics did the video
clip inform us about? What characteristics were mentioned in the

4. Class discussion and review (5 minutes): Together, the class will create one large
master copy of the Venn diagram on the board. Each group will be required to
share at least three of their similarities and/or differences.
What are unique characteristics of each animal? What are some
similarities they share? How many traits were different? Which ones?

5. Exit ticket (3 minutes): The teacher will distribute index cards, each with a
different fact/similarity/difference written on it. They must write their name on
the card, in order to ensure effective assessment and student comprehension.
Each student is responsible for taping the index card fact into the correct section
of the Venn diagram.
Is this a characteristic of a moth? A butterfly? Do both animals share
this trait? Which side of the Venn diagram does this fact belong?

Artifacts & Assessment
As an assessment, students are required to complete an exit ticket. They must write
their name on the back side of an index card; each card will have a fact/characteristic
written on it, where as students must come up to the board and correctly classify it as a
butterfly, moth, or both.


Independent Practice
The independent practice will include three worksheets, varying in difficulty level. The
teacher will collect all three handouts the following day and review the answers.
Depending on the responses, the teacher can initiate tiered learning and grouping. The
homework will give the teacher a better idea of how well the students understood the
material: identifying students who need reteach, students who need support, and students
who may be enriched.

Follow Up: Direct Teacher Intervention and Academic Enrichment
Direct Teacher Intervention: For students who struggle with the material of this
lesson, the teacher will provide greater one-on-one instruction. In addition, the
teacher will assess their comprehension through the exit ticket and homework
assignment, grouping the students into three groups: reteach, supports, or enrich.
The following day, the teacher will reteach the lesson using different strategies;
the teacher will then proceed to re-assess the students understanding.
Academic Enrichment: Students who excel within this content area will have the
opportunity to play a challenging trivia game on the computer that requires
critical thinking. In addition, they can also grab an assignment from the
enrichment folder, which includes writing assignments, science experiments,
research topics, and problem- solving. These assignments can be turned in and
rewarded with extra credit points.


Teacher References

Love Your Animals. (2013). Moth VS. Butterfly. YouTube. Retrieved on April 17, 2014

School Board of Broward County. (2005). Butterflies and Moths. Compare/Contrast
& Similar/Different. Retrieved from http://lionsreading-

The Library of Congress. (n.d). Everyday Mysteries. Fun Science Facts from the
Library of Congress. Retrieved from

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