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Goal Plan Monica Athey

Select: What do I do well? What is the most recent thing I learned to do?
-Explain concepts using multiple techniques
-Give various problem types for various learners
-Making content relatable
-Keep the class always thinking mathematically
-Sporadic mental math popcorn questions
-Give students more opportunities to explain their reasoning

Reflect: What do I want to learn next in order to grow? What do I want to learn next
to prepare for student teaching and job interviews?
-Clear ways to explain basic/simple concepts
-Make the most of the resources available to me
-Using Backwards Design to plan
-Finding related engaging activities
-Mental tricks, ways to think about things

Project: What will I do to accomplish this? What might I use for documentation?
-My goal: Be able to produce an effective and engaging lesson plan using the
Backwards Design strategy
-In class I will need to not only learn the specifics qualities and components of
backwards design, but also think practically about how that translates into
formulating a lesson plan
-I will always be thinking of examples of how to implement backwards design in
various scenarios
-My lesson plan will be a key opportunity for me to practice using backwards design
and making sure all the components of it connect in a logical and effective way
-The lesson plan can be used as documentation as I move throughout the planning
process and see the different phases progress
-I can also be looking for sections on backwards design, or elements of it, in the
readings and including these in my prep notes to help me further my knowledge
base about it
-I may be able to practice using my goal in the Formative Assessment Analysis
Project as well, as it directly deals with targeting specific learning goals and
developing quality assessments that address those

Affect: How might this affect me as a mathematics teacher?
-I think this goal will really help me re-shape my view on lesson planning to make
them more effective and specifically targeted
-Many times, I look at the standards and let them tell me how to teach when they
should be used more as a guide for what to teach
-The backwards design approach will help force me to narrow down exactly what I
want my students to be able to do and work very carefully backwards so that I can
get them to that point without a doubt
-This approach will help me build a deeper knowledge base about the content as
well as translate that to my students so that they are not just having a topic
covered and memorizing it, but really understanding it!

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