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Emergent Literacy: Word Knowledge

Louis Braille: the boy who invented books f or the blind

Textbook Open Court Reading - Communication
Pg: 460A 473K
Unit 5 lesson 5
4th grade reading level
Summary of Text This text book provides a list of words that are used in the text that students
will read later. The list of words and the sentences help students so that
they can better understand the story later. They also help students learn
the rules of grammar
Grade Level 4th Grade -whole class lesson
Language Arts Components Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening, Viewing
Before Up on the board is a list of words that is put up there either before the
students come into the classroom or while they are putting away stuff from
previous lesson or activity.
During Lesson plan: the first in a unit on Braille (see below)

Build Background of book

Preview and Prepare

Selection Vocabulary

Read Louis Braille

Summarize while reading the selection

Discussing the Selection

Review selection Vocabulary

View Fine Art

Home Connection

Practice Drawing conclusions.
Key to lesson plan

Teacher speaks words in bold

The answers to questions the teacher asks are in normal writing.

In italics are extra inf ormation f or the teacher

Lesson Plan Student Engagement
R.WS.04.06 fluently read beginning grade-level text and increasingly demanding text
as the year proceeds.
R.AT.04.01 be enthusiastic about reading and do substantial reading and writing
on their own.
W.SP.04.01 in the context of writing, correctly spell frequently encountered words
<e.g., roots, inflections, prefixes, suffixes, multi-syllabic>; for less frequently encountered
words, use structural cues <e.g., letter/sound, rimes, morphemic> and environmental
sources <e.g., word walls, word lists, dictionaries, spell checkers>.
W.HW.04.01 write neat and legible compositions.
S.CN.04.04 present in standard American English if it is their first language. <Students
whose first language is not English will present in their developing version of standard
American English.>

The purpose of the lesson is for students to know rules for writing words/sentences and
that words have multiple meanings. This will help ESL students when reading Louis
Braille understand what they are reading.

Anticipatory Set:
Ask students:
Do you know what this sign says? (hold up Braille ABC sign)
What is this type of writing called? Braille

This week we are going to focus on a story about Braille. Today we will focus on the
words that we need to know before we read the story and then tomorrow we will start
reading the story. Ifyou are really excited to begin reading you may read it tonight at
home, but not during class today. Whi1e talking pass out worksheet that has the same
words that are on the board. If students are visually impaired then a copy in Braille will
Students listen quietly at
their desks to what the
teacher says.

Students listen quietly
while at their desks teacher
states this.

Students answer questions
while at their desks by
raising their hands. Ifthey
would like to elaborate they
may, try not to let them go
too long.

Students listen and take
notes at their desks

be made so that they can f ollow along.
We are going to read through all of the words twice. I will read through them once and
then you will join me the second time. Read through the list. Say line one...line
two...etc. join me this second time have the class read through the list, read slowly but
fluent ly.
I am going to go over each line of words. Take notes on the front of the paper, I handed
out, to help you remember what we are going over. Remember that when taking notes
you don't have to write out every word I say, just enough to help you remember.
To start with Line 1: These words have multiple meanings. Each word can be used as a
noun or a verb. A noun is a person, place or thing and a verb is an action word. For
example this first word, felt as a verb is the past tense of feel, while as a noun felt is a
Line 2: This line contains words in which the final y of the root word was changed to i
before the ending was added. For example satisfy becomes satisfied.
Line 3: Each word has a different spelling for the /kJ sound. Remember that _ck spelling
only comes at the end of a word or syllable and that it is preceded by a short vowel.
Line 4: These words from Louis Braille: The Boy JiVbo Invented Books for the Blind
begin with ex-

Sentence 1: This sentence has regular plurals that are formed by adding -s to a noun.
Can you find two of the regular plurals? (correct answer: dots, patterns)
Sentence 2: Who can identify the helping verb in this sentence? (had) Helping or
auxiliary verbs help to form other verbs.
Sentence 3: What is the infinitive verb in this sentence? (to make)
Sentence 4: Which words contain ex-? (exhibit)
This section is more f or the advance students. If students don't understand that is okay
but they should all be able to answer sentence f our.
Students answer questions
by raising hands while at
their desks
Checking for Understanding:
Now take out a piece of scrap paper. Using the notes you took I am going to ask you
four questions. These questions are on the overhead in case you want to read them as I
do. You can use your notes that you took to help you answer the questions.
Question One: What two forms can the words; felt, store, point, and place be used
Question Two: Write happier in the root form of the word.

Question Three: What are the two ways to write the /kJ sound?
Question Four: True or false - the e in the word exactly is heard?
Quickly, I am going to call on people to read their answers. Call on students who will
know the answers. After they say their answer I will say heads down and ask you to
raise your hand if you got the same answer. That person may or may not have the same
answer so do with what you put on your paper.
Question one, what two... call on someone, heads down, make a mental note which
students are not answering correctly and go through all f our questions.
Pass up your papers. Look through these if you need to know exactly which students
may need additional help. Students should be able to answer all four questions correct
because they can use their notes.
If most of the students have got the wrong answers go back over the input section and
show more examples and indicate what they should put in their notes.
Guided Practice:
Looking at each of the sentences can anyone predict something about the story?
(Raised dots are used in reading. Someone goes to a museum)
While students are answering the question hand out notes to students who have
difficulty taking notes. The class understands that they get notes beca use they are still
working on learning how to listen and take notes and it is a way to help them succeed.
Lets go back to line one. Using your notes, what did we talk about in line 1? (words
have multiple meanings) Can someone give me another meaning for the word store?
(go to the store, store things in a closet) How about Point? (point to that place, there is
a point on the cone)
How about line two, what did we talk about for that line? (Changing y to ibefore adding
an ending.) So how would I spell happier without the ending? (happy) How would I
spell simplified? (simply)
Line three: What did I talk about? (/k/ sound has different spellings) How is the /kJ
sound spelling in breakfast? (k) How about in the word school? (ch) How about in the
word capitol? (c)
Line four, what did I talk about? (words with ex) Why do we need to know these
words? (they are in the story we are going to read) What does exactly mean?
Independent Practice:
Next you are going to create sentences for each of these groups of words.

Students are to raise hands
when they know the
answer. Teacher will call
off different students to

Students start off sitting

For the first line write a total of four sentences. Write two sentences for one word. Use
the word as a noun in one sentence and a verb in another sentence. Do that for another
word as well.

For line two write two sentences. One sentence using one of the words from the list.
For the second sentence use the same word but use the root word.

For the third and fourth line one person creates a sentence about one of the words and
the other person figures out what the word is. Do that for a total of four words.

Get with your PB & J partner and work on writing two sentences for each line.

Ifyou forget directions they are on the back of the word paper, where you will write your
quietly in their desk. Then
they get into groups to work
on sentences on word
knowledge. Groups can sit
anywhere around the room.
They need to use their 12 in

PB & Jpartners will help each other by writing 1f that is their strongpoint. Also if they
need to speak in another language to be the most profic ient in their work than they may.
Partners ha ve been assigned to benefit each other not to make one person do all the
work. Work needs to be written in English. The teacher will focus onpartners who
ha ve difficulty writing, comorehendinl{.
Today we learned about words that we will see in the story when we read it tomorrow.
Take out your literature journals. Write down at least two things that you learned or
that were review. Indicate if it was a review or new information. You need to write at
least three sentences.
If students
Complete checking for understanding with all the correct answers
In line one use the word in the correct manner. Spelling and sentence structure are
not important
In line two ha ve attempted to write a sentence and the word is changed correctly.
The sentence does not ha ve to make sense.
In line three if a word off of the list is provided
If they attempt topredi ct what the story is about and use at least f our words in
theirpredi ction.
If students don't meet mastery set up f or them to work with a tutor during this session.
If students f all behind during checking for understanding work with them if poss ible
during independent pract ice.

List every resource needed to implement this lesson.
2. Handouts with words
3. pencils
4. Overhead with Checking for understanding
5. Worksheet with four questions

Word Knowledge

Raised dots could be felt on the other side.
Louis had simplified the patterns of the dots.
There was no way to make capital letters.

Museums exhibit paintings.

LINE ONE: Choose two words. Write each in a sentence. In one sentence the word should be used
as a noun. In the second sentence the word should be used as a verb. Do the same for the second
OR write two sentences. In one use the word as a noun and in the second as a verb. Then draw an
example of another word as a noun and an example of the word as a verb.




LINE TWO: Write a sentence using one of the words from the list. Write another sentence using the
root word of the same word.


LINE THREE AND FOUR one person create a sentence about one of the words and the other person
figures out what the word is. Do that for a total of four words. (write down at least the answer, you
can write the sentence if you want to)




Predict what the story is about OR using six of the words from the list create a short story.

1. What two forms can the words; felt, store, point, and place

be used as?

2.Write happier in the root form of the word.
3.What are the two ways to write the /kl sound?
4. True or false - The e in the word exactly is heard?

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