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En una casa viva Alicia, una nia que le gustaba
jugar con sus muecas y usualmente con
su gato.
Alicia lived in a house, a girl who liked to play
with her dolls and usually with her cat.
Un da su pap le regalo un perro al que llam
pipo, pero que ella no lo quera por ser muy
travieso y que por eso a veces lo castigaba.
One day her father gave her a dog which he
called pipo, but she did not want it to be very
natural and therefore sometimes punished
Un da sali a comprar a la tienda como
frecuentemente lo hace, entonces se le cruzo un
perro furioso de raza pitbull para atacarla, y ella
empez a correr hacia su casa y justo cuando
llegaba, el perro salto sobre ella y cuando estaba
a punto de morderla, salto de su azotea, pipo, su
perro travieso que logro rescatarla sana y salva.
One day left to buy from the store as it often
does, then he crossed an angry dog pit bull
breed to attack her, and she started running
towards his house and just when I got the
jump on her dog and when he was about to
bite, jump off your roof, pipo, achieving her
naughty dog rescue safely.
Desde ese da, Alicia empez a querer mucho a
su perro travieso pipo, y vivieron felices para

Since that day, Alicia began to really love their
naughty dog pipo, and lived happily ever

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