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Project Charter

Name of Project: Haunted Mansion Text Game

Sign Off: The Product Owners undersigned agree that this charter
adequately describes the project, and that the team is authorized to
undertae the described project!
Ms!"amber############### ##########################
Product Owner $ %print& Product Owner $ %'ignature& (ate
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Product Owner ) %print& Product Owner ) %'ignature& (ate
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Product Owner ) %print& Product Owner ) %'ignature& (ate
Statement of purpose:
To create an entertaining and challenging text game that will tae place in a Haunted
Success criteria
*+ the game is entertaining and can be completed then it has met our success criteria! *t
must also meet all our requirements and the game must be appro,ed by the customer! -e
will be able to tell i+ our game has met all the requirements by testing!
High level summary of requirements
Technology choices and justification
Type of
- An interesting plot and original story
- 24 or more rooms
- Four puzzles
- Characters that the player can interact with
- Soundtrack to go with the game
- Splash screen, Game Logo and two other images
- hree animated pieces o! original "ideos
#ro$ect #lan - %etailed document containing all due dates !or all
- %ocument containing in!ormation a'out who is doing
#ro$ect %esign - ask list spreadsheet containing prioritized
- Story'oard)narrati"e outline o! story
- %etailed map containing all rooms and how they
connect to each other&
est cases - %etailed test results regarding our game& *+! "ideos load,
pictures load, i! the game meets all re(uirements,&
-urn down
Charts !or each
- Accurate and detailed charts !or each sprint
-Analysis o! 'urn down Charts
Text game maing so+tware/ This so+tware is easy to use and understand! *t suits our
needs and can create rooms and objects! *t can loc doors and create puzzles! *t can also
create characters that the player can interact with! *t can also show ,ideos, using
Microso+t -ord/
This so+tware allows documents to be created pro+essionally and easily! *t is word
processor so+tware that allows you to type words and insert pictures!
Pi,ot 'tic +igure 1nimator/
This so+tware allows you to create smooth )2( stic +igure animations! This program is
simple to use and has many +eatures! *t can create combat animations ,ery easily! The
so+tware is also +ree and downloadable! The animations +rom this so+tware can then be
con,erted into ,ideo using other so+tware lie windows mo,ie maer!
-indows Mo,ie Maer/
This so+tware allows users to easily create ,ideos! 0ou can combine, cut and add music
to pre2recorded clips!
This so+tware is +ree and easy to use! *t has many +eatures that allow you to create
pictures! These pictures or images that you create can be sa,ed, printed and added into
other so+tware/
1udacity is a +ree, open source, cross2plat+orm so+tware +or recording and editing sounds!
This so+tware will be used to edit original recorded music!
High level schedule (sprint dates and end date)
3ength o+ sprints/ 4 days, each day being a class and the time a+ter
Theme or point o+ each sprint/
Project Plan and Project (esign %1pril 5, )6$7& %8ompletion (ate&
'ound, 1rt, 9ideo and Game %1pril $4, )6$7& %8ompletion (ate&
'ound, 1rt, 9ideo and Game %1pril )4, )6$7& %8ompletion (ate&
'ound, 1rt, 9ideo and Game %May 4, )6$7& %8ompletion (ate&
Testing %May $:, )6$7& %8ompletion (ate&
The days in between will be when meetings are held to show what progress has been
made and to change length o+ sprints!
High level estimate
Time needed
Sound hree classes
hree days
Art Fi"e classes
Fi"e days
.ideo /ight classes
/ight %ays
Game Fi!teen classes
Fi!teen %ays
#lan o! e0t Game Fi"e classes
Other Considerations
The logo must be done +irst because the other tass should include the logo in it, ex
1rtwor and 9ideo!
The 'ound, 1rt and 9ideo 1ll need to be +inished be+ore the game because the game
requires these products!
The plan o+ the text game must be +inished +irst!
Team Commitment Signatures
The undersigned team members ha,e participated in the preparation o+ this charter, and
agree that they will contribute to the best o+ their abilities to meeting the goals o+ this
project in a timely way!
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Team member %print& Team Member %'ignature& (ate
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Team member %print& Team Member %'ignature& (ate
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Team member %print& Team Member %'ignature& (ate
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Team member %print& Team Member %'ignature& (ate
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Team member %print& Team Member %'ignature& (ate
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Team member %print& Team Member %'ignature& (ate
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Team member %print& Team Member %'ignature& (ate
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Team member %print& Team Member %'ignature& (ate
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Team member %print& Team Member %'ignature& (ate
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Team member %print& Team Member %'ignature& (ate
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Team member %print& Team Member %'ignature& (ate

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