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1. Which numbers do indicate the dura mater, pia mater and brain cortex?

A) 6, 8, 11
B) 1, 4, 6
C) 4, 5, 13
D) 2, 5, 7
E) 5, 8, 9
2. Which layer contains the lamina propria?
A) Mucosa
B) Submucosa
C) Muscularis externa
D) Adventitia
E) Serosa
3. Which numbers do indicate the pia mater, fibrous astrocyte and oliqodendrocyte?
A) 2, 5, 6
B) 1, 3, 6
C) 3, 4, 5
D) 2, 3, 7
E) 1, 4, 7
4. What does attach the stratum basale cells to the basal lamina?
A) zonula adherence
B) hemidesmosomes
C) anchoring cells
D) desmosomes
E) focal contacts
5. Which numbers do indicate the white matter, central channel and cells of anterior
A) 4, 3, 5
B) 2, 4, 8
C) 3, 6, 7
D) 3, 6, 8
E) 1, 2, 5
6. Which numbers do indicate the anterior horn, intermedio-medial nucleus and the
central canal?
A) 4, 9, 10
B) 8, 10, 11
C) 7, 10, 11
D) 3, 5, 6
E) 6, 7, 10
7. What cells of the pancreas secrete pancreatic polypeptide?
A) Gamma cells
B) Beta cells
C) Alpha cells
D) Delta cells
E) Islets of Langerhans
8. What does line the female urethra along the most of its parts?
A) simple squamous epithelium
B) transitional epithelium
C) stratified squamous keratinized epithelium
D) simple columnar epithelium
E) stratified squamous nonkeratinized epithelium
9. Which numbers do indicate the unmyeli nated nerve fibers, pericyte and
A) 2, 4, 9
B) 1, 2, 4
C) 3, 5, 7
D) 3, 6, 10
E) 5, 7, 8
10. Which number does indicate the epineurium?
A) 1
B) 4
C) 3
D) 5
E) 2
11. What is the most common cell in the parathyroid gland?
A) Oxyphil cell
B) Parafollicular cells
C) Follicular cells
D) Principal cell
E) Chromaffin cells
12. By which structure is lined a central canal of spinal cord?
A) epitheliocytes
B) astrocytes
C) ependymal cells
D) endothelial cells
E) microglial cells
13. Where do the extrinsic muscles of the eye insert?
A) Episclera
B) Conjunctiva
C) Sclera
D) Periorbital fat
E) Tenons capsule
14. Choose the correct statement
A) Meningeal dura mater, the outer layer, is composed of osteoprogenitor cells, fibroblasts,
and organized bundles of collagen fibers
B) Periosteal dura mater serves as the periosteum of the outer surface of the skull, and as
such it is not vascularized
C) Ventral horns of the spinal cord, which house cell bodies of large sensory neurons whose
axons exit the spinal cord via the ventral roots.
D) Periosteal dura mater, the outer layer, is composed of osteoprogenitor cells, fibroblasts,
and organized bundles of collagen fibers
E) Periosteal dura mater closely attached to the inner surface of the skull, except at the
sutures and base of the skull, where the attachment is loose
15. Which organ is shown on the figure?
A) Salivary gland
B) Pars intermedia of hypophisis
C) Ovarium
D) Uterus
E) Thyroid gland
16. With which cranial nerves are associated sensory ganglia?
A) III, IV, VI, and XII
B) III, IV, VI and XI
C) V, VII, IX, and X
D) III, V, VI and X
E) I, V, VII and XI
17. What is the name of the cellular mass for the endocrine portion of the pancreas?
A) Islets of Langerhans
B) Alpha cells
C) Beta cells
D) Delta cells
E) Acini
18. Which elements belong to white matter?
1) aggregations of neuronal cell bodies
2) myelinated nerve fibers
3) some unmyelinated fibers
4) neuroglial cells
5) pericaryons of neurons
6) large number of unmyelinated fibers
A) 1, 2, 3
B) 1, 4, 5
C) 1, 3, 6
D) 2, 4, 6
E) 2, 3, 4
19. What of the following are components of hard keratin?
A) keratohyalin inside of eleidin
B) keratolinin embedded in filaggrin
C) keratin filaments embedded in trichohyalin
D) keratin filaments embedded in filaggrin
E) trichohyalin inside of involucrine
20. Which elements belong to gray matter?
1) myelinated nerve fibers
2) aggregations of neuronal cell bodies
3) unmyelinated portions of axons
4) neuroglial cells
5) cortico-spinal fibers
A) 1, 2, 4
B) 2, 4, 5
C) 1, 2, 3
D) 2, 3, 4
E) 1, 2, 5
21. Where are the very low density lipoproteins (VLDLs) produced?
A) in surface-absorbing cells of the large intestine
B) in surface-absorbing cells of the small intestine
C) in hepatocytes
D) in M cells of small intestine
E) in adipose cells of the liver
22. What is located inside the nuclei of dorsal hornes of spinal cord?
A) aggregations of cell bodies of sensory neurons
B) tangled network of axons, dendrites and elastic fibers
C) Shwann cells and oligodendrocytes
D) aggregations of cell bodies of motor neurons
E) aggregations of nerve fibers and collagen fibers
23. Identify the CORRECT statement
The epithelium of the cervix secretes_____
A) enzymes
B) a natural spermicide
C) fructose
D) mucus
E) a watery secretion
24. Where is the epineurium thinnest?
A) where the nerves branch into smaller nerve components
B) where it is continuous with the dura covering the CNS at the spinal cord or brain
C) there is no correct answer
D) where the spinal or cranial nerves originate
E) where it covers the endoneurium
25. How is called the connective tissue surrounding the entire peripheral nerve?
A) Endoneurium
B) Epineurium
C) Epimysium
D) Perineurium
E) Peritenonium
26. Which of the following is the middle layer of the adrenal cortex?
A) Chromaffin cells
B) Zona glomerulosa
C) Zona superficialis
D) Zona fasciculata
E) Zona reticularis
27. What of the following surround neurons in dorsal root ganglia?
A) the capsule cells, satellite cells and collagen
B) the epineural cells, oligodendrogliya and collagen
C) the capsule cells, pericytes and collagen
D) the epithelial cells, satellite cells and elastin
E) the smooth muscle cells, glial cells and collagen
28. Where is corpora arenacea found?
A) Pineal gland
B) Pituitary
C) Adrenal gland
D) Pancreas
E) Thyroid
29. Which numbers do indicate the celiac ganglion, sublingual gland and lacrimal
A) 17, 19, 21
B) 16, 19, 22
C) 15, 21, 22
D) 17, 20, 22
E) 16, 20, 21
30. Identify the nephrons that are located in the cortex and their tubular parts extend
deep into the medulla.
A) superficial nephrons
B) juxtaglomerular nephrons
C) juxtamedullary nephrons
D) medullar nephrons
E) mesangial nephrons
31. What is not characteristic to the sympathetic nervous system?
A) increase respiration
B) increase blood pressure
C) dilating pupils of the eyes
D) increase heart rate
E) constricts the pupils of the eyes
32. Which fibers do join the sympathetic chain ganglia?
A) Nonmyelinated fibers
B) Grey rami communicantes
C) Preganglionic parasympatetic fibers
D) Parasympatetic fibers
E) White rami communicantes
33. What is broadly considered to be secretomotor in function?
A) sympathetic nervous system
B) somatic nervous system
C) enteric nervous system
D) there is no correct answer
E) parasympathetic nervous system
34. What is not controlled by Meissner's nerve plexus?
A) to limited extent, motility of the submucosa
B) the motility of the mucosa
C) the activity of the muscularis externa
D) secretory activities of submucosal glands
E) secretory activities of mucosal glands
35. Where is the acetylcholine not main neurotransmitter?
1) at synapses on skeletal muscle cells
2) between preganglionic and postganglionic fibers
3) at synapses between postganglionic sympathetic fibers and effector organs
4) between parasympathetic postganglionic endings and effector organs
5) at synapses between postganglionic sympathetic fibers and smooth muscle cells
6) at endings of Purkinje neurons
A) 3, 5, 6
B) 2, 4, 6
C) 1, 3, 5
D) 3, 4, 5
E) 1, 2, 3
36. Identify the incorrect statement
A) The middle suprarenal artheries arise from the aorta
B) From the subcapsular plexus of suprarenal gland arise short cortical artheries
C) The diameter of pores of sinusoidal renal artheries increase toward the deep cortex
D) Each suprarenal gland is served by the superior suprarenal artheries which arise from the
inferior phrenic artheries
E) The left suprarenal vein drain into the vena cava inferior
37. What is the neurotransmitter between the preganglionic fibers of sympathetic
nervous system and neurons in ganglia?
A) Glysin
B) Norepinephrine
C) Epinephrine
D) Acetylcholine
E) Serotonin
38. Where are postganglionic cell bodies of parasympathetic nervous system located?
A) terminal ganglia
B) in certain segments of the sacral spinal cord
C) In thoracal segments of spinal cord
D) Paravertebral chain ganglia
E) In lumbar segments of spinal cord
39. Which numbers do indicate the submucosa, vessels and nerves, external
longitudinal smooth muscle layer of muscularis externa? Follow the true sequence of
numbers, showing those elements.
A) 5, 8, 7
B) 3, 8, 7
C) 3, 8, 6
D) 5, 6, 8
E) There is no correct answer
40. Where are the Hilus cells located?
A) In the medulla of testis
B) In the medulla of suprarenal gland
C) In the medulla of ovary
D) In the medulla of thymus
E) In the pancreas
41. Which numbers do indicate the Purkinje cells, Golgi cells and parallel fibers?
A) 1, 3, 6
B) 3, 5, 9
C) 2, 4, 5
D) 4, 7, 8
E) 1, 2, 9
42. Which of the following is found in the cerebellum?
A) Ganglion
B) Basket cells
C) Neuroglia
D) Schwann cells
E) Satellite cells
43. What of the following are not found in the wall of bone marrow sinusoids?
1) must cells
2) endothelial cells
3) slender threads of reticular fibers
4) large number of adventitial reticular cells
5) smooth muscle cells
6) bundles of elastic fibers
A) 2, 4, 6
B) 1, 3, 6
C) 3, 4, 5
D) 1, 2, 4
E) 1, 5, 6
44. Cell bodies of preganglionic parasympathetic nerves-
A) housed in the chain ganglia
B) originating in segments of the sacral spinal cord
C) exit the ganglia, via white rami communicantes
D) are Pyramidal neurons
E) do not reenter the peripheral nerve for distribution
45. Where is antidiuretic hormone (ADH) secreted from?
A) Pars tuberalis
B) Adenohypophysis
C) Pars intermedia
D) Neurohypophysis
E) Infundibulum
46. What is developed from a small mass of cells at the lateral margins of the neural
A) neural crest cells
B) cells of neural tube
C) angiogenic cells
D) mesoderm cells
E) smooth muscle cells
47. Which of the following take its origin from the neural crest cells?
1) Epitheliocytes of the skin and oral mucosa
2) Most of the sensory components of the PNS
3) Sensory neurons of cranial and spinal sensory ganglia (dorsal root ganglia)
4) Autonomic ganglia and the postganglionic autonomic neurons originating in them
5) Much of the mesenchyme of the trunk
6) Odontoblasts (cells responsible for production of dentin)
A) 1, 2, 5, 6
B) 1, 2, 3, 4
C) 2, 3, 4, 6
D) 1, 2, 3, 6
E) 2, 4, 5, 6
48. Where does take their origin the satellite cells of peripheral ganglia?
A) Neural crest cells
B) Neural tube
C) Mesoderm
D) There is no correct answer
E) mesenchyme
49. What does prevent the testosterone from leaving the seminiferous tubule?
A) androgen-binding protein
B) inhibin
C) testicular transferring
D) antimllerian hormone
E) hormone-releasing apoprotein
50. Which of the following take its origin from the neural crest cells?
1) Chromaffin cells of the adrenal medulla
2) Cells of the dura mater
3) Cells of the arachnoid and pia mater
4) Satellite cells of skeletal muscle
5) Satellite cells of peripheral ganglia
6) Schwann cells
A) 1, 2, 3, 4
B) 1, 3, 5, 6
C) 1, 2, 5, 6
D) 1, 2, 3, 6
E) 2, 3, 4, 6
51. What of the following do contain the Purkinje neurons?
A) II layer of brain cortex
B) I layer of brain cortex
C) II layer of cerebellar cortex
D) III layer cerebellar cortex
E) IV layer of brain cortex
52. Which elements are not found in the subendocardial layer?
1) cardiac muscle
2) blood vessels
3) nerves
4) Purkinje fibers
5) Endomysium
6) Endothel ium
A) 2, 3, 6
B) 2, 4, 5
C) 1, 5, 6
D) 1, 4, 5
E) 1, 2, 3
53. What of the following indicate the element that belongs to renal corpuscule?
A) proximal convoluted tubule
B) distal convoluted tubule
C) peritubular capillaries
D) Vasa recta
E) Capillary tuft
54. What are the functions of cerebral cortex?
1) balance
2) Muscle tone
3) information analysis
4) initiation of motor response
5) integration of sensory signals
6) equilibrium
A) 1, 2, 3
B) 2, 4, 5
C) 1, 3, 6
D) 3, 5, 6
E) 3, 4, 5
55. What is not located in the molecular layer of cerebral cortex?
1) nerve terminals
2) perikarions of granule cells
3) horizontal cells
4) neuroglia
5) Shwann cells
6) Satellite cells
A) 1, 2, 4
B) 1, 2, 5
C) 3, 4, 5
D) 2, 4, 6
E) 2, 5, 6
56. Which numbers do indicate the rhomboidal fossa, inferior vestibular nucleus and
Yakubovichs nucleus?
A) 9, 16, 17
B) 9, 10, 14
C) 8, 15, 18
D) 5, 11, 21
E) 8, 12, 19
57. Where the neurons do contain black melanin granules?
1) in the cerebellar cortex
2) in the substantia nigra
3) in the locus ceruleus
4) in the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus
5) in the sympathetic ganglia of the PNS
6) in the cerebral cortex
A) 1, 2, 5, 6
B) 1, 2, 4, 5
C) 2, 3, 5, 6
D) 2, 3, 4, 5
E) 3, 4, 5, 6
58. What is the glomerulus?
A) Capillary tuft
B) Efferent arteriole
C) Afferent arteriole
D) Peritubular capillaries
E) Vasa recta
59. Which numbers do indicate the reticular part, black substance and medial
A) 4, 5, 8
B) 12, 16, 17
C) 13, 14, 15
D) 8, 14, 17
E) 6, 9, 10
60. Identify the wrong statement regarding enamel.
A) it is produced by cells known as ameloblasts, elaborating it daily in 4- to 8-m segments
B) enamel prisms extend over the complete width of the enamel
C) calcium hydroxyapatite crystal orientation in enamel rods is strictly parallel to each other
D) enamel prisms extend from the dentinoenamel junction to the enamel surface
E) successive rod segments adhere to one another, forming keyhole-shaped enamel rods
61. Which numbers do indicate the thalamus, preoptic nucleus and supraoptic nucleus?
A) 13, 4, 9
B) 12, 3, 7
C) 10, 11, 14
D) 1, 6, 8
E) 2, 5, 6
62. Which elements do not take the nutrients and oxygen from the aqueous humor?
1) Cornea
2) Retina
3) Ciliary body
4) Ciliary processes
5) Sclera
6) Lens
A) 2, 3, 4, 5
B) 2, 3, 5, 6
C) 3, 4, 5, 6
D) 1, 2, 3, 4
E) 1, 2, 3, 4
63. What is true about the ciliary processes?
A) They located in anterior one third of the ciliary muscle and radiate out from a central core of
muscle tissue
B) They located in anterior one third of the ciliary body and radiate out from a central core of
connective tissue
C) They located in posterior one third of the ciliary body and radiate out from a central core of
connective tissue
D) They located in middle two third of the ciliary body and radiate out from epithelial tissue
E) They located in anterior two third of the ciliary body and attach to lens capsule
64. Which nature has the dilator pupillae muscle?
A) It is myoneural in nature and innervated by the sympathetic nervous system
B) It is myoepithelial in nature and innervated by the sympathetic nervous system
C) It is muscle cell in nature innervated by parasympathetic fibers of the oculomotor nerve (CN
D) There is no correct answer
E) It is epithelial cell in nature innervated by parasympathetic fibers of the oculomotor nerve
65. What is the surface modification seen on the cells of the epididymis?.
A) Cilia.
B) Stereocilia .
C) villi
D) Microvilli.
E) Keratinization.
66. What of the following is located between the anastomosing, fenestrated plates of
liver cells?
A) hepatic sinusoids
B) cholangioles
C) distributing veins
D) Interlobular bile ducts
E) bile capillaries
67. What is not true about the sphincter pupillae muscle?
1) It is myoepithelial in nature
2) It is innervated by the sympathetic nervous system
3) located in a concentric ring around the pupil
4) innervated by parasympathetic fibers of the oculomotor nerve (CN III)
5) it constricts the pupil.
6) The diameter of the pupil changes inversely to the amount of light entering it
7) bright light causes relaxation of this muscle
A) 1, 2, 7
B) 1, 2, 5
C) 2, 3, 4
D) 4, 5, 6
E) 2, 4, 7
68. Where is taking place the attachment of extrinsic eye muscles?
A) Anterior portion of fibrous tunic
B) Episclera
C) Tenons capsule
D) Posterior portion of fibrous tunic
E) Periorbital fat
69. Which numbers do indicate the cortical trabecula, medullary sinus and endothelial
Follow the true sequence of numbers showing those structures .
A) 6, 8, 9
B) 5, 12, 6
C) 4, 12, 3
D) There is no correct answer
E) 8, 9, 6
70. What is true concerning the anterior surface of the iris?
A) is covered by the continuation of the two layers of retinal epithelium
B) Covered with an incomplete layer of pigmented cells and fibroblasts
C) Has smooth surface
D) has stroma of dense poorly vascularized epithelial tissue
E) covered by the simple columnar epithelium
71. Which numbers do indicate the posterior root, bundles of nerve fibers and anterior
A) 2, 6, 8
B) 3, 1, 7
C) 5, 7, 1
D) 3, 4, 5
E) 5, 6, 7
72. What is true concerning the vitreous body?
A) adheres to the sclera over its entire surface
B) a transparent, refractile gel that fills the cavity of the eye
C) is composed mostly (99%) of electrolytes containing a minute amount of water, collagen
D) Include many mast cells
E) suspended within the eye by fibers
73. Which numbers do indicate the anterior ventral nucleus, intralami nar nucleus and
central middle nucleus?
A) 8, 15, 3
B) 10, 12, 13
C) 9, 15, 16
D) 6, 11, 15
E) 4, 12, 14
74. Which numbers do indicate the posterior chamber, choroid and cones?
A) 7, 13, 25
B) there is no correct answer
C) 7, 18, 24
D) 6, 13, 24
E) 6, 18, 25
75. Which numbers do indicate the taste buds, connective tissue trabecules and
superior longitudinal lingual muscle? Follow the true sequence of numbers, showing
those elements .
A) 1, 7, 5
B) 2, 6, 7
C) 3, 4, 6
D) There is no correct answer
E) 2, 6, 7
76. Which numbers do indicate the layer of nerve fibers, outer nuclear layer and
pigment epithelium of retina?
A) 5, 11, 3
B) 10, 3, 8
C) 11, 5, 8
D) There is no correct answer
E) 11, 3, 8
77. Which numbers do indicate the striated muscle fibers and bulb of eyelash?
A) 2, 4
B) 4, 6
C) There is no correct answer
D) 3, 7
E) 4, 7
78. In which part of vessel are the fibroelastic connective tissue with vasa vasorum;
lymphatic vessels and nerve fibers found?
A) Tunica intima
B) Tunica media
C) Subendothelial layer
D) Myoelastic layer
E) Tunica adventitia
79. Which cell type is found in the parathyroid, but is not the most abundant cell type?
A) Principal cell
B) Parafollicular cells
C) Follicular cells
D) Oxyphil cell
E) Chromaffin cells
80. Which numbers do indicate the pillar epithelial cells, inner hair cells and columnar
external limiting cell?
A) 6, 3, 7
B) 2, 8, 1
C) There is no correct answer
D) 1, 3, 5
E) 8, 5, 2
81. Which numbers do indicate the osseus spiral lamina, spiral ganglion and vestibular
(Reissners) membrane?
A) 9, 10, 2
B) 2, 8, 10
C) 1, 9, 10
D) 2, 4, 9
E) There is no correct answer
82. What of the following is not characteristic to the cementoblasts?
A) They are responsible for the formation of cementum
B) They cover cementum at its interface with the periodontal ligament
C) They continue to elaborate cementum for the life of the tooth
D) They become cementocytes occupying the lenticular spaces, known as lacunae
E) They provide the replacement of deciduous teeth by their succedaneous counterparts
83. Which numbers do indicate the otholits, glycoprotein layer of otolitic membrane and
vestibular supporting cells?
A) 2, 4, 5
B) 3, 6, 5
C) 2, 5, 7
D) 4, 6, 7
E) there is no correct answer
84. What of the following are critical components of innate immune response?
1) Complement
2) antimicrobial peptides
3) plasma cells
4) T killers
5) macrophages
6) NK cells
7) Toll-like receptors (TLRs)
A) 1, 2, 5, 6, 7
B) 1, 2, 4, 5, 6
C) 2, 3, 4, 6, 7
D) 1, 3, 4, 6, 7
E) 1, 2, 3, 4, 7
85. Where are the sensory receptors for position?
A) Stria vascularis
B) Scala vestibule
C) Spiral duct
D) Spiral ganglion
E) Both utricle and saccule
86. Which cells of parathyroid do contain high amount of mitochondria?
A) Principal cell
B) Oxyphil cell
C) Follicular cells
D) Chromaffin cells
E) Parafollicular cells
87. The low-frequency sounds are detected
A) Near the base of the cochlea
B) Throughout Cochlear duct
C) In the scala media
D) In the middle portion of cochlea
E) Near the apex of the cochlea
88. Which numbers do indicate the endothelium of anterior chamber, iris and epithelium
of lens?
A) 7, 9, 6
B) 5, 3, 8
C) 8, 3, 6
D) 3, 9, 6
E) 9,6,10
89. What is the modiolus?
A) peripheral bony column around which cochlea turns two times
B) central bony column around which cochlea turns three and one-half times
C) central bony column around which the semicircular canals located
D) central bony column around which cochlea turns two and one-half times
E) membranous column around which cochlea turns two and one-half times
90. Through which structure do traverse the blood vessels and the spiral ganglion?
A) membranous spiral lamina
B) stria vascularis
C) vestibular membrane
D) oval window
E) osseous spiral lamina
91. Which numbers do indicate the degenerated oocyte and follicular fluid?
A) 2, 4
B) 3, 5
C) 1, 4
D) 2, 6
E) 5, 6
92. Which cells are arised from the division of pluripotential hemopoietic stem cells?
C) GM-CSF and CFU-Ly
E) Erythroblasts and endotheliocytes
93. What is true about the dark cells of the nonreceptor regions of the saccule and
1) they participate in production of endolymph
2) contain an abundance of coated vesicles and smooth vesicles
3) contain an abundance of lipid droplets
4) contain elongated mitochondria located in infoldings of the basal plasma membrane
5) they participate in absorption of endolymph
A) 2, 3, 5
B) 1, 2, 3
C) 1, 4, 5
D) 2, 3, 4
E) 1, 2, 4
94. Where are the low-frequency sounds detected?
A) In the middle portion of cochlea
B) Throughout Cochlear duct
C) In the scala media
D) Near the apex of the cochlea
E) Near the base of the cochlea
95. What of the following is true about the keratinization process?
A) the cell layers of the hair form a soft keratin
B) soft keratin consisting of keratin filaments embedded in filaggrin
C) the keratinized cells of epidermis are not sloughed
D) keratinization of external root sheath form a hard keratin
E) hard keratin, consisting of keratin filaments embedded in filaggrin
96. Which numbers do indicate the nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium,
lamina propria and lingual muscle?
A) 2, 6, 4
B) 6, 3, 2
C) There is no correct answer
D) 3, 4, 6
E) 5, 4, 2
97. What is the choroid plexus?
A) Folds of arachnoid mater housing an abundance of fenestrated capillaries
B) Folds of pia mater housing an abundance of fenestrated capillaries
C) Folds of pia mater housing an abundance of sinusoidal capillaries
D) Folds of ependymal cells housing an abundance of fenestrated capillaries
E) Folds of choroidea housing an abundance of continuous capillaries
98. Which of the following is not the modality of exteroceptors?
A) special visceral afferent
B) special somatic afferent
C) general somatic afferent
D) general visceral afferent
E) Receptors for olfaction
99. Which organ is shown on the figure?
A) Bulbourathral gland
B) Prostate gland
C) Seminal vesicle
D) Ovary
E) uterus
100. Which cell is a type of neuron?
A) Brush cells
B) Olfactory cells
C) Sustentacular cells
D) Basal cells
E) Hensens cells
101. Which cells of the esophageal glands do produce the pepsinogen and the
antibacterial agent lysozyme?
A) chief cells
B) brush cells
C) mucous cells
D) parietal cells
E) serous cells
102. Which cell type is most numerous in olfactory mucosa?
A) Sustentacular cells
B) Olfactory cells
C) Brush cells
D) Basal cells
E) Ciliated cell
103. Which glands are located in the lamina propria of olfactory mucosa?
A) Brunners glands
B) Von Ebners glands
C) Bowmans glands
D) Hassals glands
E) Bellinis gland
104. What is the perilymphatic space?
A) The lumen of the bony labyrinth that is lined with endosteum
B) The lumen of the membranous labyrinth that is lined with endosteum
C) The space between the bony cochlear duct and membranous labyrinth
D) The central region of the bony labyrinth that is lined with endothelium
E) The space between the bony labyrinth and membranous labyrinth
105. What is underneath the nail plate?
A) Eponychium
B) Matrix
C) Lunula
D) Root
E) Nail bed
106. Find the incorrect answer about the olfactory cell.
A) its axon synapse with secondary neurons in the olfactory bulb
B) its axon is unmyelinated and has a sheath composed of Schwann cell-like cells
C) it has nonmotile cilia lying on the free surface of epithelium
D) its axon synapse with the tertiary neurons in the olfactory bulb
E) its axon penetrates the basal lamina and joins similar axons to form bundles of nerve fibers
107. What of the following is located inside the lamina propria of olfactory organ?
1) serous fluid-secreting Brunner's glands
2) serous fluid-secreting Bowman's glands
3) a rich vascular plexus
4) axons that arise from the olfactory cells
5) axons that arise from the cells of olfactory bulb
6) dendrites that arise from olfactory cells
7) the olfactory epithelium
A) 1, 6, 7
B) 2, 4, 5
C) 2, 5, 6
D) 1, 2, 3
E) 2, 3, 4
108. Where are the postganglionic parasympathetic nerve cell bodies, controlling the
motility of the intestinal mucosa are located?
A) Meissner's myenteric plexus
B) In interstitial cells of Cajal
C) Meissner's submucosal plexus
D) Auerbach's myenteric plexus
E) Auerbach's submucosal plexus
109. Which type of papillae on the tongue is not well developed in man?
A) Circumvallate papillae
B) Fungiform papillae
C) Filiform papillae
D) Mushroom-like papillae
E) Foliate papillae
110. Where are the Purkinje fibers located?
A) at the base of the heart
B) in the autonomic nervous system
C) in the cerebellar cortex
D) at the apex of the heart
E) in the interatrial septum
111. Where are located the taste reseptors?
A) On the plasma membrane, covering the basal cells of taste buds
B) In the nucleus of supporting cells
C) On the plasma membrane, covering cilia of type I, II, and III cells
D) On the plasma membrane, covering microvilli of type I, II, and III cells
E) Inside the taste cells
112. Which of the following do not characterize the sinusoidal capillaries?
A) macrophages may be located either in or along the outside of the endothelial wall.
B) the endothelial wall may be discontinuous, as is the basal lamina
C) The vascular channels in the pituitary gland, liver, skin
D) Because of their location, they have an enlarged diameter of 30 to 40m
E) They contain many large fenestrae that lack diaphragms
113. Which region of tongue is more sensitive to detect salty tastes?
A) Tip of the tongue
B) Immediately posterolateral to the tip
C) Between the body and the root of the tongue
D) Lateral parts of the ventral surface
E) On the circumvallate papillae
114. What sensation does the crysta ampularies detect?
A) Sound
B) Position
C) Movement
D) Vibration
E) touch
115. What were noted as taste hairs with the light microscope?
A) short, slender microvilli that protrude from the taste glands
B) long, slender stereocilia that protrude from the taste pore
C) short, slender cilia that protrude from the taste pore
D) long, nonmotile cilia that protrude from the taste buds
E) long, slender microvilli that protrude from the taste pore
116. What of these glands do release their secret at the base of circumvallate papillae?
A) glands of von Brunner
B) glands of von Willebrand
C) glands of Bowman
D) glands of von Ebner
E) glands of Purkinje
117. Identify the CORRECT statement
A) In addition to pepsinogen, parietal cells secrete intrinsic factor
B) Paneth cells are present on the surface of intestinal villi
C) Gastrin released by endocrine cells of the stomach inhibits the secretion of acid and
D) The taenia coli form three bundles of longitudinal muscle on the outside of the appendix
E) Parietal cells of the principal glands of the stomach secrete hydrochloric acid
118. Which layer contains the lining epithelium?
A) Sub mucosa
B) Serosa
C) Muscularis externa
D) Adventitia
E) Mucosa
119. Which cells of taste buds do not form synaptic junctions with nerve fibers?
A) Basal cells
B) Light cells
C) Intermediate cells
D) Dark cells
E) Type II cells
120. What are the stem cells for the cells of taste buds?
A) Basal cells of taste buds
B) Sensory cells
C) Cells of epithelial lining of root of the tongue
D) Basal cells of papillae
E) Supporting cells of taste buds
121. Which numbers do indicate the corticotropic, simpatotropic and thyrotropic cells
of hypophysis?
A) 5, 2, 1
B) 4, 1, 2
C) 3, 2, 4
D) 1, 3, 4
E) Noncorrect question
122. Which numbers do indicate the dermis and sebaceous gland?
A) 1, 5
B) 4, 3
C) There is no correct answer
D) 1, 3
E) 3, 5
123. What are the " straight vessels" ?
A) Peritubular capillaries
B) Efferent arteriole
C) Capillary tuft
D) Vasa recta
E) Afferent arteriole
124. Which numbers do indicate the stratum granulosum, melanosomes and stratum
A) Noncorrect question
B) 2, 6, 3
C) 4, 8, 2
D) 2, 8, 3
E) 5, 6, 8
125. How is called the distance between two identical stages of the seminiferous
A) wave of the seminiferous epithelium
B) cycles of the seminiferous epithelium
C) spermatocytogenesis
D) seminiferous lumen
E) spermiogenesis
126. Which numbers do indicate the duct of gland, hair follicle and basal sebocytes?
A) 2, 4, 6
B) 1, 2, 5
C) 1, 6, 4
D) There is no correct answer
E) 1, 5, 6
127. Which layer has the greatest cell density of the cerebral cortex?
A) Internal pyramidal
B) Internal granular
C) Multiform cell layer
D) External pyramidal
E) External granular
128. Which cell is a mechanoreceptors?
A) Melanocyte
B) Langerhans cell
C) Fibroblast
D) Merkel cell
E) Keratinocyte
129. Which organ does contain the reticular layer?
A) Hypodermis
B) Dermis
C) tunica mucosa
D) muscularis mucosa
E) Epidermis
130. How many cilias are on the olfactory cells?
A) 3
B) 10
C) 6-8
D) 1-4
E) 60
131. What is the chorion leave?
A) The region of the chorionic plate having the extensive chorionic villi
B) The region of the chorion in contact with the decidua capsularis
C) There is no correct answer
D) The region of the chorionic plate in contact with the decidua basalis
E) The region of the chorion in contact with the decidua parietalis
132. Identify the incorrect statement
A) The tonofilaments represent cytokeratin
B) The membrane-coating granules are lamellar granules
C) In the stratum spinosum bundles of tonofilaments radiate outward from the perinuclear
region toward highly interdigitated cellular processes
D) As keratinocytes move toward the surface through the stratum spinosum, they continue to
produce tonofilaments
E) The tonofilaments represent cytoplasmic secretory granules
133. What provides formation of five distinct zones of the epidermis?
A) cytomorphosis of keratinocytes
B) histomorphosis of keratinosomes
C) histomorphosis of skin macrophages
D) cytokinesis of keratinocytes
E) cytomorphosis of melanocytes
134. Which type of epithelium does cover the glands of the stomach?
A) Simple squamous epithelium
B) Stratified squamous epithelium
C) Transitional epithelium
D) Simple columnar epithelium
E) Simple cuboidal epithelium
135. Which layer is the thickest layer of epidermis, whose keratinocytes, known as
prickle cells, interdigitate with one another by forming intercellular bridges?
A) Stratum granulosum
B) Stratum corneum
C) Stratum lucidum
D) Stratum spinosum
E) Stratum basale
136. What is not found in epiphisis?
1) Pituicytes
2) Pinealocytes
3) synaptic ribbons
4) interstitial cells
5) chief cells
6) oxyphilic cells
A) 2, 4, 6
B) 1, 5, 6
C) 1, 2, 5
D) 2, 3, 5
E) 1, 2, 3
137. Which junctions are located on the lateral cell membrane attaching stratum basale
cells to each other and to cells of the stratum spinosum?
A) Tight junctions
B) Hemidesmosomes
C) Zonula occludence
D) Zonula adherence
E) Desmosomes
138. Which substances do regulate the synthesis of mineralocorticoid hormones?
A) deoxycorticosterone and corticosterone
B) angiotensin II and ACTH
C) atriopeptin and renin
D) cortisol and corticoliberin
E) angiotensin I and FSH
139. Where are found dermatoglyphs?
A) In skin of all surface of palms and toe pad surfaces
B) In skin of finger and toe pad surfaces
C) In skin of finger and outer surface of hands
D) In skin of all surface of palms
E) In thin skin of inner surfaces of palms and soles
140. What is located inside of thick skin?
1) sweat glands
2) hair follicles
3) arrector pili muscles
4) sebaceous glands
5) five epidermal layers
6) ducts of sweat glands
A) 1, 5, 6
B) 1, 3, 4
C) 2, 4, 5
D) 1, 2, 3
E) 2, 5, 6
141. Identify the incorrect statement
A) The tonofilaments represent cytokeratin
B) In the stratum spinosum bundles of tonofilaments radiate outward from the perinuclear
region toward highly interdigitated cellular processes
C) As keratinocytes move toward the surface through the stratum spinosum, they continue to
produce tonofilaments
D) The membrane-coating granules are lamellar granules
E) The tonofilaments represent cytoplasmic secretory granules
142. Which numbers do indicate the mesothelium, glands and villi of ileum?
A) 5, 3, 2
B) Noncorrect question
C) 6, 3, 2
D) 6, 3, 4
E) 5, 3, 4
143. What is the growing part of the nail?
A) Matrix
B) Eponychium
C) Lunula
D) Nail bed
E) Root
144. Which of the following do not contribute to clearing of lymph inside of lymph
A) the formation of medullary capillary beds including macrophages
B) more time to phagocytose foreign particulate matter by macrophages
C) residing of macrophages in the sinuses
D) reducing of the flow rate of lymph
E) intruding of macrophage processes into sinuses
145. Which of the following is NOT considered an epidermal appendage?
A) Nails
B) Sebaceous glands
C) Hypodermis
D) Hair
E) Sweat gland
146. Which hormone is produced by epiphysis?
A) Follitropin
B) Serotonin
E) Calsitonin
147. Which cells are arised from the most peripheral matrix cells of hair follicule?
A) cortex of the hair shaft
B) the medulla of the hair
C) cuticle of the hair
D) the core of the hair shaft
E) the internal root sheath
148. What is synthesized in the cells of the hair cortex?
A) keratin filaments and trichohyalin granules
B) involukrine and keratin filaments
C) eleidin and trichohyalin granules
D) ceramides melanosomes
E) diasylglyserol and cortexines
149. Which part of nefrons does contain the simple squamous epithelium?
A) Parietal layer of Bowman's capsule
B) J uxtaglomerular cells
C) Distal convoluted tubules
D) Visceral layer of Bowman's capsule
E) Macula densa
150. Choose the correct description of cerebral cortex.
A) the sixth layer of the cortex is bordered by gray matter of the cerebellum
B) the fifth layer of the cortex is bordered by white matter of the cerebrum.
C) The most superficial layer lies just deep to the pia mater;
D) the fifth layer of the cortex is bordered by white matter of the cerebellum
E) The most superficial layer lies just deep to the arachnoid mater
151. Identify the INCORRECT statement
A) The renewal of the human epidermis through the mitotic activity of basal cells takes 3-4
B) The excretory ducts of sweat gland are lined by a stratified squamous epithelium.
C) Merocrine and apocrine sweat glands are simple tubular coiled glands.
D) The papillary layer of the dermis contains fine collagen and elastic fibres and the capillary
network which supplies the epidermis.
E) The overall orientation of collagen fibres in the dermis will follow the 'lines of greatest
152. What of the following do form the hair bulb?
A) The hair root and the glassy membrane
B) The hair follicle and the dermal papilla
C) The internal hair sheath and the Huxley's layer
D) The hair root and the dermal papilla
E) The hair shaft and the dermal papilla
153. The wall of which vessels contain fenestrated membranes?
A) tunica media of the ulnar arteries
B) tunica adventitia of the elastic arteries
C) tunica media of the ulnar veins
D) tunica intima of the muscular artheries
E) tunica media of the elastic arteries
154. Which numbers do indicate the corticotropic, somatotropic and thyrotropic cells of
A) 4, 1, 2
B) 1, 3, 4
C) 3, 2, 4
D) There is no correct answer
E) 5, 2, 1
155. What is not contain the capsule of Cowper's glands?
A) Fibroblasts
B) smooth muscle cells
C) skeletal muscle fibers
D) simple cuboidal epthelium
E) The fibroelastic tissue
156. What cell type secretes FSH?
A) Somatotropic cells
B) Gonadotropic cells
C) Corticotropic cells
D) Lactotropic cells
E) Thyrotropic cells
157. Which numbers do indicate the lateral funicle, anterior horn and lateral horn?
A) 5, 7, 8
B) 10, 11, 12
C) 4, 6, 9
D) 8, 9, 11
E) 7, 10, 12
158. How the positive feedback mechanism (in the endocrine system) is inisiated?
A) is initiated when the hormone level is inadequate to elicit a sufficient metabolic response in
the target
B) both a and b
C) stimulates the production of GABA
D) is an inhibitory signal to the endocrine gland once a hormone activates its target cell
E) initiates the decrease in hormone secretion
159. Where are found taste buds besides tongue?
A) Anterior surface of epiglottis
B) Posterior wall of the pharynx and lingual tonsil
C) On the soft palate and glossopalatine arch
D) On the vestibule of oral cavity
E) On the hard palate
160. Which hormone receptors do not use G proteins to activate a second messenger?
A) thyroid-stimulating hormone
C) serotonin
E) Epinephrine
161. Which vessels drain the primary capillary plexus?
A) Inferior hypophyseal veins
B) Infundibular venules
C) Hypophyseal portal veins
D) Hypothalamic portal veins
E) Posterior hypophyseal arteries
162. Which numbers do indicate the neutrophilic metamyelocyte, early eosinophilic
myelocyte and basophilic erythroblast?
A) 2, 14, 11
B) 3, 15, 11
C) 3, 14, 11
D) 2, 10, 14
E) Noncorrect question
163. Which numbers do indicate the superior arch of conjunctiva, endothelium of
anterior chamber and anterior chamber?
A) 2, 8, 7
B) 7, 9, 3
C) There is no correct answer
D) 1, 9, 7
E) 7, 9, 3
164. Where is produced the hormone that causes contractions of myoepithelial cells of
the mammary glands, assisting in milk ejection?
A) Ovarial interstitial cells
B) Medial hypothalamus
C) Pars distalis of adenohypohpisis
D) Anterior hypothalamus
E) Pars intermedia of adenohypohpisis
165. What is corpora arenacea?
A) Brain sand
B) Nissl body
C) Basal body
D) White body
E) Degenerating corpus luteum
166. Choose the components that are not found inside of alimentary mucosa?
1) Compound alveolar glands
2) Epithelium
3) lamina propria
6) Simple tubular glands
7) Muscularis externa
A) 1, 4, 6
B) 1, 4, 7
C) 2, 5, 7
D) 3, 4, 6
E) 1, 2, 5
167. Which types of cells does include the parenchyma of the epiphysis?
A) Chief cells and oxyphilic cells
B) Pinealocytes and neurons
C) Macrophages and Pinealocytes
D) Pinealocytes and fibroblasts
E) Pinealocytes and interstitial cells
168. What is true regarding the continuous capillaries?
A) present in muscle, nervous, and connective tissues
B) in the brain tissue they are classified as modified continuous capillaries
C) intercellular junctions between their endothelial cells are fasciae occludentes
D) their endothelial cells prevent passage of many molecules
E) Na
-ATPase is located in the endothelial abluminal cell membrane
169. Identify the INCORRECT statement
A) Hormones released by the pituitary gland are steroids.
B) Chromophobe (unstained) cells of the pituitary gland represent dormant or recently
degranulated chromphil cells.
C) The extracellular storage of hormones is a characteristic feature of the thyroid gland.
D) Thyroxin is released by thyrocytes
E) Thyrotrophs, gonadotrophs and corticotrophs belong to the basophil cell of the pituitary
170. Which statement does not indicate the pathway of B cell migration after their
differentiatiation in lymphoid nodules?
A) B cells enter the marginal sinuses and migrate to the site of antigenic challenge
B) some plasma cells may stay in marginal zone and release antibodies into the marginal
C) most plasma cells migrate to bone marrow to release their antibodies into bone marrow
D) B cells become part of the circulating in blood pool of lymphocytes
E) B cells migrate to the periarterial lymphatic sheath to inactivate the antigens
171. What of the following is not correct about the pineal gland?
A) Its secretions are influenced by the light and dark periods of the day
B) it is covered by dura mater, forming a capsule from which septa extend
C) blood vessels enter the gland via the connective tissue septa
D) It is a cone-shaped, midline projection from the roof of the diencephalon
E) It is located within a recess of the third ventricle
172. What is not found between the fibroblasts of arachnoid?
A) gap junctions
B) desmosomes
C) there is no correct answer
D) adherent junctions
E) Tight junctions
173. What are the pinealocytes?
A) They are slightly neutrophilic cells with one or two long cilia
B) They are slightly basophilic cells with one or two long processes
C) They are slightly eosinophilic cells with one or two short processes
D) They are glial cells with one or two long processes
E) They are neurons with two or more nuclei
174. What is the melatonin?
A) The hormone of epiphysis, released at light and inhibits the release of serotonin
B) The cytokine, released from the lymphocytes and inhibits the release of TNF
C) The hormone of hypothalamus, released into the adenohypophysis to regulate it
D) The hormone of hypophysis, released at night and inhibits the sinthesis of melanin
E) The hormone of epiphysis, released at night and inhibits the release of growth hormone
175. What is not the feature of the ureteric epithelium?
A) It is the pseudostratified epithelial lining
B) it overlies a layer of dense, irregular fibroelastic connective tissue
C) it is the component of the lamina propria
D) It is the transitional epithelial lining
E) it is separated from the underlying tissue by a basal lamina
176. What are the components of Peyer's patches?
1) APCs
3) lymphoid follicles
4) B cells
5) T cells
6) Tonsils
7) Vasa vasorum
A) 1, 2, 4, 7
B) 2, 3, 6, 7
C) 1, 3, 6
D) 1, 2, 4, 5
E) 1, 3, 4, 5
177. What cell type does produce prolactin?
A) Cells of the mammary gland
B) Follicular cell of ovarii
C) Lactotropic cells
D) Cell of the anterior hypothalamus
E) Gonadotropic cells
178. Where are tropic hormones are secreted from?
A) Pars tuberalis
B) Median eminence
C) Infundibulum
D) Hypothalamus
E) Adenohypophysis
179. Which vessels are the large lymphatic vessels resemble?
A) small veins
B) capillaries
C) vena cava superior
D) small artheries
E) artherioles
180. What is true concerning ACTH?
A) Is steroid hormone
B) Bind to cytoplasmic reseptors
C) Belong to amino-acid derivatives
D) Elicits a metabolic responce by using calsium ions as second messengers
E) Bind to cell-surface reseptors
181. Which numbers do indicate the endometrium, uterine cavity and supravascular
layer of myometrium?
A) 7, 8, 4
B) 1, 2, 4
C) 5, 3, 8
D) 7, 5, 8
E) 3, 6, 7
182. What does use the receptors for thyroid-stimulating hormone to activate a second
messenger, which elicits a metabolic response?
A) G proteins
C) IP3
D) ceramids
183. Where are synapsed preganglionic sympathetic fibers in the sympathetic system?
A) postganglionic parasympathetic cell bodies in the sympathetic ganglia located in the
parasympathetic chain ganglia
B) postganglionic sympathetic cell bodies in the sympathetic ganglia located in the
sympathetic chain ganglia
C) postganglionic parasympathetic cell bodies in the sympathetic ganglia located in the
collateral ganglia
D) There is no correct answer
E) postganglionic parasympathetic cell bodies in the sympathetic ganglia located in the
sympathetic chain ganglia
184. Which vessels do supply the pars tuberalis and the infundibulum in the
A) external carotid artery
B) inferior hypophyseal arteries
C) superior hypophyseal arteries
D) the secondary capillary plexus
E) the primary capillary plexus
185. What is take place in the yolk sac?
A) Thrombocytopoesis
B) Granulocytopoesis
C) Lymphopoesis
D) Leukopoesis
E) Erythropoesis
186. What are the releasing or inhibiting hormones?
A) They are taken by the hypophyseal portal system and delivered to the primary capillary bed
B) They are taken by the hypothalamic portal system and delivered to the secondary capillary
C) They are delivered to the capillary bed of epiphisis
D) They are taken by the inferior hypophyseal artheries and delivered to the secondary
capillary bed
E) They are taken by the hypophyseal portal system and delivered to the secondary capillary
187. Which organ does produce the follitropin?
A) Pars tuberalis
B) Median eminence
C) Infundibulum
D) Hypothalamus
E) Adenohypophysis
188. Where is the thyroglobulin synthesized?
A) on ribosomes of the RER of follicular cells
B) in the Golgi complex of parafollicular cells
C) in the secretory vesicles of follicular cells
D) in the SER and Golgi complex of oxyphilic cells
E) on ribosomes of the RER of oxyphilic cells
189. Supporting cells of the maculae_________
A) are interposed between both types of hair cells
B) have a few cilia
C) contribute to the production of perilymph.
D) are interposed over the hair cells
E) help maintain the connective tissue cells
190. Which numbers do indicate the synthesized thyroglobulin, endocytosis of colloid
and thyroid peroxidase?
Follow the true sequence of numbers indicating those elements.
A) 6, 9, 16
B) 8, 7, 16
C) 7, 9, 16
D) 9, 16, 7
E) There is no correct answer
191. Which type is involved in the secretion of thyroglobulin?
A) Oxyphilic cells
B) Principal cells
C) Follicular cells
D) Parafollicular cells
E) Chromaffin cells
192. From which source do develop the follicular cells in ovarii?
1) mesothelial epithelium
2) the primitive sex cords of the mesonephros
3) the mesonephros
4) the entoderm germ layer
5) the ectoderm germ layer
A) 1 and 2
B) 2 and 3
C) 1, 4, 5
D) 2, 3, 4
E) 1 and 5
193. What is true about the iodide oxidation in thyroid?
A) requires the presence of FSH
B) requires the presence of hydrogen ions
C) occurs by the enzyme thyroid peroxidase
requires the presence of argentum peroxide (H
E) requires the presence of thyroid decarboxylase
194. What do line the superior surfaces of the epiglottis and vocal folds?
A) pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium
B) pseudostratified cuboidal epithelium
C) stratified columnar epithelium
D) stratified squamous nonkeratinized epithelium
E) simple columnar epithelium
195. When is take place the resorption of colloid?
A) In response to iodine
B) In response to FSH
C) In response to LH
D) In response to TSH
E) In response to thyroxin-binding protein
196. From which source do develop the thyroid gland?
A) Ectoderm germ layer
B) Third branchial pouch
C) First branchial pouch
D) Fifth branchial pouch
E) Mesodermal germ layer
197. How is the thyroglobulin released from the cell surface?
A) by holocrine secretion
B) by exocytosis
C) by apocrine secretion
D) by merocrine secretion
E) by the osmos-diffusion
198. Which numbers do indicate the prostatic stroma and prostatic concretions?
A) 4, 3
B) 1, 3
C) 5, 1
D) 6, 5
E) 5, 2
199. What is the embryological remnant of the path of descent of the thyroid
primordium by way of the thyroglossal duct?
A) the right lobe
B) the left lobe
C) an isthmus
D) the quadrate lobe
E) the pyramidal lobe
200. By which enzymes is cleaved the thyroglobulin?
A) lysosomal iodotyrosine dehalogenase
B) thyroid peroxidase
C) lysosomal iodotyronin dehalogenase
D) lysosomal proteases
E) thyroid oxidase
201. Which numbers do indicate the colon, urinary bladder and ureter?
A) 2, 22, 1
B) 3, 7, 21
C) 6, 2, 23
D) 1, 13, 17
E) 7, 13, 23
202. Where is detected linear horizontal acceleration?
A) In the macula of the semicircular canals
B) In the macula of the saccule
C) In in the crysta ampularis
D) In the macula of the utricle
E) In the macula of the cochlea
203. The glands parathyroid reach the adult size at about
A) 10 years of age
B) 20 years of age
C) J ust after the birth
D) 30 years of age
E) 3 years of age
204. Which cell type secretes calcitonin?
A) Principal cell
B) Parafollicular cells
C) Follicular cells
D) Chromaffin cells
E) Oxyphil cell
205. What is the olfactory vesicle in nature?
A) The axonal hillock of olfactory cell
B) The part of dendrite of olfactory cell
C) Part of pericaryon of olfactory cell
D) Dilated part of sustentacular cell
E) Basal cell of olfactory epithelium
206. Which cells are constitute a minor portion of the parenchimal cells of parathyroid
without secretory role?
A) D. Follicular cells
B) Oxyphil cell
C) E. Chromaffin cells
D) Principal cell
E) C. Parafollicular cells
207. Which cells assume the ultrastructural characteristics of steroid-producing cells?
A) the theca interna cells
B) the theca externa cells
C) endothelial cells of ovarii
D) the cells of vagina
E) muscle cells of ovarii
208. How is the parathormone production regulated?
A) By the ACTH
B) By the serum calsium level
C) By the bone calsium level
D) By the hypophiseal hormones
E) By the hypothalamic hormones
209. Identify incorrect statement
A) The macula densa is formed by a specialised section of the epithelium lining the distal
tubule as it contacts the glomerulus and its afferent and efferent arterioles.
B) The transport of sodium ions over the epithelia lining the ascending thin and straight distal
tubules creates the osmotic gradient necessary for the resorption of water from the urine
passing through the collecting ducts.
C) The primary urine represents the plasma ultrafiltrate
D) The glomerular filtration barrier is formed by the cells of the parietal layer of Bowman's
capsule and the basal lamina of the glomerular capillaries.
E) The filtration slit membrane between the pedicles of podocytes is part of the glomerular
filtration barrier.
210. How is the parathyroid hormone released from the cell surface?
A) by apokrine secretion
B) by merocrine secretion
C) by exocytosis
D) by holocrine secretion
E) by constitutive pathway
211. Find the statement that gives incorrect explanation to the type I alveolar cells?
1) They are cuboidal in shape cells
2) They contitute 15% of the alveolar surface
3) their cytoplasm may be as thin as 80 nm in width
4) the region of the nucleus is wide
5) the perinuclear part houses much of the cell's organelle population
6) their abluminal surface is covered by basal lamina
A) 1, 2, 3
B) 1, 2, 6
C) 2, 3, 6
D) 1, 2, 5
E) 2, 4, 6
212. What is not correct about the chief cells of parathyroid glands?
A) the slightly eosinophilic-staining cells 5 to 8m in diameter
B) contain dense granules and large amounts of glycogen
C) The second stromal cell type of the parathyroid glands
D) contain granules of lipofuscin pigment that is scattered throughout the cytoplasm
E) Occasionally, desmosomes join adjacent chief cells
213. Which statement is not true regarding the parathyroid gland?
A) the connective tissue septa serve mainly to support the parenchyma
B) adipose cells may occupy up to 10% of the gland
C) the connective tissue stroma in older adults contains several to many adipose cells
D) parenchyma consist of cords or clusters of epithelial cells surrounded by reticular fibers
E) a single cilium may extend into the intercellular space from its chief cells
214. Which of the following is an element of the central nervous system?
A) Receptors
B) arachnoidal cells
C) Branchial plexus and brain
D) Ganglia and spinal cord
E) Grey matter of spinal cord
215. Which of the following is covered by olfactory epithelium?
1) vestibule of the nasal cavity
2) posterior regions of the nasal cavity
3) the roof of the nasal cavity
4) the superior aspect of the nasal septum
5) the superior concha
6) the root of the nasal cavity
7) the middle concha
A) 1, 3, 5
B) 3, 4, 5
C) 2, 3, 4
D) 1, 2, 7
E) 3, 4, 7
216. Which cells of parathyroid do contain high amount of mitochondria?
A) Oxyphil cell
B) Principal cell
C) Parafollicular cells
D) Follicular cells
E) Chromaffin cells
217. How is the parathormone production regulated?
A) By the ACTH
B) By the serum calsium level
C) By the hypothalamic hormones
D) By the bone calsium level
E) By the hypophiseal hormones
218. Which vessels do subdivide to form segmental arteries of kidney?
A) interlobar arteries
B) lobar arteries
C) renal artery
D) arcuate arteries
E) interlobular arteries
219. Which cells do secrete glucocorticoids?
A) Cells of zona fasciculata
B) Cells of zona reticularis
C) Corticotropocytes
D) Parietal cells
E) Chromaffin cells
220. What of the following is correct?
A) prenatally the liver and the spleen are not active in hemopoiesis
B) the liver and the spleen are active in T cell production
C) the liver and the spleen are active in B cell production
D) postnatally the liver and the spleen are not active in hemopoiesis
E) the liver and the spleen are active in hemopoiesis in infants
221. From which source do originate the suprarenal medulla?
A) from ectoderm
B) from entoderm
C) from neural crest cells
D) from parietal layer of lateral mesoderm
E) from mesoderm
222. What is the pineal body?
A) It is a cone-shaped, midline projection from the roof of the diencephalon
B) It is a cone-shaped, projection from the root of the diencephalon
C) It is a elongated, midline projection from the roof of the mesencephalon
D) It is a pear-shaped, projection from the bottom of the forth ventricle
E) It is a almond-shaped, midline projection from the hypothalamus
223. The granules of chromaffin cells contain______
A) Cortisol
B) Aldosterone
C) Norepiandrosterone
D) parathormon
E) Norepinephrin
224. Which numbers do indicate the basket of nerve fibers, molecular layer and parallel
fibers of basket cell?
A) 2, 5, 6
B) 1, 5, 6
C) 3, 1, 4
D) 4, 1, 7
E) 2, 3, 7
225. Where is produced the hormone, which regulate the production of cortisol?
A) posterior pituitary gland
B) anterior hypothalamus
C) posterior hypothalamus
D) intermediate part of pituitary gland
E) anterior pituitary gland
226. From which sources are arised arteries that supply each suprarenal gland?
1) The inferior phrenic arteries
2) The inferior pelvic arteries
3) The aorta
4) The renal arteries
5) The iliac arteries
A) 1, 2, 3
B) 1, 3, 4
C) 1, 3, 5
D) 2, 3, 5
E) 2, 3, 4
227. What of the following is not present in the middle third of esophagus?
A) smooth muscle fibers
B) Auerbach's plexus
C) Submucosal glands
D) Simple columnar epithelia
E) Skeletal muscle fibers
228. Which of the following is a distinct structure found specifically in the liver, spleen,
and bone marrow?
A) Continuous capillaries
B) AV anastomoses
C) Fenestrated capillaries
D) Venous sinus
E) Sinusoidal capillaries
229. Where are synthesized the masculinizing hormones with negligible effects under
normal conditions?
A) zona fasciculate of adrenal gland
B) zona reticularis of adrenal gland
C) adrenal medulla
D) hypothalamus
E) zona glomerulosa of adrenal gland
230. Which numbers do indicate the tunica media, endothelial cells and external elastic
lamina of arteries?
A) 5, 2, 4
B) 5, 4, 6
C) There is no correct answer
D) 4, 2,6
E) 4, 2, 5
231. Which types of cells do not belong to taste organ?
1) Brush cells
2) Basal cells
3) Dark cells
4) Light cells
5) Intermediate cells
6) Hairy cells
7) Ciliated cells
A) 1, 6, 7
B) 2, 4, 5
C) 2, 3, 7
D) 1, 2, 5
E) 1, 2, 3
232. Where is located the sinoatrial node?
A) at the junction of the inferior vena cava and the right atrium
B) at the junction of the superior vena cava and the right atrium
C) at the junction of the superior vena cava and the left atrium
D) at the junction of the superior vena cava and the right ventricle
E) at the junction of the superior vena cava and the subclavian vein
233. Which numbers do indicate the tonofilaments, keratinosomes and mitochondrion?
A) There is no correct answer
B) 3, 7, 4
C) 3, 5, 4
D) 2, 3, 6
E) 2, 8, 5
234. Which substances are produced from cardiac muscle cells?
1) atriopeptin
2) atrial natriuretic polypeptide
3) cardiodilatin
4) cardionatrin
5) cardiocalsin
6) cardioprotein
A) 1, 2, 5, 6
B) 1, 2, 3, 4
C) 1, 2, 3, 5
D) 1, 4, 5, 6
E) 2, 4, 5, 6
235. Identify the INCORRECT statement
A) The renewal of the human epidermis through the mitotic activity of basal cells takes 3-4
B) Melanin is produced from aminoacid tyrosin
C) The overall orientation of collagen fibres in the dermis will follow the 'lines of greatest
D) Merocrine sweat glands, sebaceous glands and hair together form a pilosebaceous unit.
E) Merocrine and apocrine sweat glands are simple tubular coiled glands.
236. Which action has the atriopeptin?
A) fluid production, electrolyte balance and decrease blood pressure
B) contraction of atria and decrease blood pressure
C) production of peptides and increase blood pressure
D) fluid release, electrolyte balance and increase blood pressure
E) fluid maintenance, electrolyte balance and decrease blood pressure
237. Where is the somatoliberine released?
A) the primary capillary plexus of the pars tuberalis
B) the primary capillary plexus of the median eminence
C) the secondary capillary plexus of the median eminence
D) the primary capillary plexus, located in the pars distalis
E) the secondary capillary plexus, located in the pars distalis
238. Which numbers do indicate the arteriole, lymphatic valves and collecting venules?
A) 4, 9, 7
B) 3, 10, 9
C) 2, 10, 7
D) There is no correct answer
E) 3, 9, 7
239. Which numbers do indicate the venul es, leukocytes and lymphatic capillaries?
A) 6, 2, 1
B) 4, 2, 1
C) 3, 4, 5
D) There is no correct answer
E) 1, 2, 3
240. What of the following is not correct regarding the CSF?
A) It is produced at the rate of about 14 to 36 mL/hour
B) It may contain a few desquamated
C) it is low in protein but rich in sodium and chloride ions
D) It is clear and has a low density
E) It is replaced its total volume about one time daily
241. Identify the CORRECT statement
A) A fluid filled hollow, the antrum, is a characteristic feature of primary follicles
B) Hormone production of the corpus luteum stops after the implantation of the embryo
C) The myometrium of the uterus is important for the transport of the oocyte and sperm.
D) "Tertiary follicle", "preovulatory follicle" and "Graafian follicle" are synonymous terms
E) The corpus hemorragicum is formed from the corpus luteum
242. What are not functions of endothelial cells in arterial wall?
1) transport of water, macromolecules, and electrolytes
2) production of glycoprotein von Willebrand factor
3) production of tripsin
4) production of neurotransmitters
5) production of ground substance components
6) production of cytokins
A) 2, 3, 6
B) 3, 4, 5
C) 2, 3, 5
D) 1, 2, 3
E) 3, 4, 6
243. Which statements are true about the muscular arteries?
1) The tunica intima is thinner than that in the elastic arteries
2) The tunica intima is thicker than that in the elastic arteries
3) the internal elastic lamina has undulating surface
4) subendothelial layer contains a few smooth muscle cells
5) the endothelium make tight junctions with smooth muscle cells of the tunica media
A) 1, 3, 5
B) 1, 3, 4
C) 2, 4, 5
D) 1, 4, 5
E) 2, 3, 4
244. How is the epithelium of the anal mucosa at the level from the rectum to the
pectinate line?
A) simple cuboidal
B) stratified squamous keratinized
C) stratified squamous nonkeratinized
D) simple columnar
E) stratified columnar
245. Which elements do include the tunica media of muscular artheries?
1) chondroitin sulfate
2) collagen fibers
3) reticular fibers
4) basal lamina
5) elastin fibers
6) fenestrated memranes
7) heparane sulfate
A) 1, 2, 4, 5
B) 2, 3, 5, 6
C) 1, 2, 3, 5
D) 1, 2, 4, 6
E) 1, 4, 5, 6
246. Which cell is found in the dermis?
A) Melanocyte
B) Merkel cell
C) Fibroblast
D) Keratinocyte
E) Langerhans cell
247. Which structure has one or two layers of muscle in the tunica media?
A) Elastic artery
B) Capillary
C) Venule
D) Arteriole
E) Muscular artery
248. What is developed from the roof of stomadeum?
A) Pineal glands
B) Neurohypophysis
C) Parathyroid glands
D) Adenohypophisis
E) Olfactory epithelium
249. Which structure contains pores?
A) Continuous capillaries
B) Fenestrated capillaries
C) AV anastomoses
D) Venous sinus
E) Sinusoidal capillaries
250. What of the following does not indicate the structure of transitional epithelial cell
A) It is composed of a mosaic of basal infoldings with numerous mitochondria
B) It contains interplaque regions with normal cell membrane
C) when the bladder is empty, it is folded into irregular, angular contours
D) in contain rigid plaque regions, anchored to intracytoplasmic filaments
E) It is composed of a mosaic of specialized, rigid, thickened regions, plaques
251. What is the size of water-soluble molecules that are transported from the adluminal
plasmalemma to the abluminal plasmalemma of endothelial cells?
A) 11 nm
B) 100 nm
C) 50 nm
D) 1 nm
E) 5 mkm
252. Which numbers do indicate the myoepithelial cells, basal laminae and intercalated
A) 3, 1, 6
B) 6, 1, 5
C) 4, 6, 5
D) 9, 1,6
E) There is no correct answer
253. Identify the incorrect statement
A) Although the muscular and elastic layers in veins are not developed better in veins than in
B) Veins are described as having the three layers
C) The boundaries between the tunica intima and the tunica media of most veins include the
internal elastic lamina.
D) The structure of veins is not necessarily uniform, even for veins of the same size or for the
same vein along its entire length.
E) The connective tissue components in veins are more pronounced than in arteries.
254. Where are located pericytes?
A) along the outside of the capillaries and artheioles
B) along the inside of the capillaries and small venules
C) along the outside of the myelinated nerve fibers
D) along the outside of the capillaries and small venules
E) along the outside of the veins and small venules
255. What is true about the walls of postcapillary venules?
A) Contain tunica media with high amount of elastic fibers
B) Contain smooth muscle cells
C) Are less permeable than precapillary artheriols
D) Have the adventitia with longitudinally arranged collagen bundles
E) Composed of endothelial cells, surrounded by reticular fibers and pericytes
256. What type of proteins are found inside of endothelial intermediate filaments?
A) Vimentin and desmoglein
B) Vimentin and desmin
C) Vimentin and glial acid protein
D) Tubulin and desmin
E) Fillagrin and desmin
257. Which numbers do indicate the internal root sheath and hair matrix?
A) 1, 3
B) 1, 4
C) There is no correct answer
D) 2, 3
E) 2, 4
258. What is not found inside of pericytes?
1) plakoglobin
2) tropomyosin
3) isomyosin
4) occludin
5) protein kinase
6) desmoplakin
A) 1, 4, 6
B) 1, 2, 3
C) 2, 4, 6
D) 2, 3, 4
E) 1, 4, 5
259. One of the following substances prevents the accidental intracellular activation of
pancreatic enzymes. Find it.
A) trypsin inhibitor
B) proenzymes trypsinogen
C) chymotrypsinogen inhibitor
D) procarboxypeptidase
E) elastase inhibitor
260. Where are found fenestrated capillaries that lack diaphragms?
A) Pancreas
B) renal glomerulus
C) Parathyroid gland
D) exocrine glands
E) Small intestine
261. What vessels arise from the efferent arteriole?
A) Capillary tuft
B) Peritubular capillaries
C) Efferent arteriole
D) Afferent arteriole
E) Vasa recta
262. How is controlled the blood flow from the arterial system?
A) By the smooth muscle cells in the wall of venules
B) By the smooth muscle cells in the wall of metarterioles
C) By the smooth muscle cells in the wall of sinusoidal capillaries
D) There is no correct answer
E) By the smooth muscle cells in the wall of fenestrated capillaries
263. Where is the epineurium thickest?
A) where it is continuous with the dura covering the spinal cord
B) where it covers the endoneurium
C) where the nerves branch into smaller nerve components
D) there is no correct answer
E) where the spinal nerves terminate
264. What of the following is not found in the wall of postcapillary venules?
1) smooth muscle cells
2) Endothel ium
3) reticular fibers
4) pericytes
5) basal lamina
6) vasa vasorum
7) collagen fibers
A) 2, 4, 5
B) 1, 2, 3
C) 1, 3, 7
D) 2, 3, 6
E) 1, 6, 7
265. What covers the posterior wall of the iris?
A) the continuation of the two layers of retinal epithelium that cover the sclera
B) the continuation of the endothelium that cover the ciliary body
C) the continuation of the two layers of retinal epithelium that cover the ciliary body
D) the continuation of the corneal stratified epithelium
E) the continuation of the one layer of retinal epithelium that cover the ciliary body
266. Choose the incorrect statement about the medium veins.
A) Sometimes an elastic network surrounds the endothelium
B) They drain most of the body, including most of the regions of the extremities
C) The smooth muscle cells of the tunica media are in a loosely organized layer
D) Their tunica intima includes the endothelium and its basal lamina and reticular fibers
E) Elastic fibers form laminae characteristic of an internal elastic lamina
267. What causes the greater increase the size of the graafian follicle and loosening of
the membrana granulose?
A) the continued synthesis of proteoglycans and hyaluronic acid by the interstitial cells
B) the continued formation of proteoglycans and hyaluronic acid by the primary ovocyte
C) the production of chondriotine sulfate and heparane sulfate by the theca interna cells
D) the continued formation of proteoglycans and hyaluronic acid by the cells granulosa
E) the continued increase in permeability of theca interna vessels
268. What differes the wall of lymphatic vessels from that of small veins?
A) their lumina do not contain valves
B) their lumina are thinner and their walls larger
C) their lumina are larger and their walls thinner
D) there are more clear boundaries between the layers
E) beneath their endothelium is thick layer of smooth muscle cells
269. Which statement is not correct regarding mucous cells of salivary glands?
A) they have fewer mitochondria and less extensive RER, than serous cells
B) they have intercellular canaliculi and processes in the basal cell membranes
C) their nuclei are apically located and are round
D) the apical region of cytoplasm is occupied by abundant secretory granules
E) they have considerably greater Golgi apparatus
270. Which numbers do indicate the monocyte, CFC-Eo and progenitor cell?
A) 10, 15, 27
B) 10, 13, 27
C) There is no correct answer
D) 27, 11, 15
E) 13,11, 26
271. At which stage is take place blood formation in the yolk sac?
A) In the adult human
B) At the third trimester of pregnancy
C) In the second week of gestation
D) In the fifth week of gestation
E) In the postnatal stage
272. Which numbers do indicate the bony labyrinth, membranous spiral lamina and
cochlear duct?
A) 3, 4, 8
B) 2, 5, 8
C) there is no correct answer
D) 5, 6, 7
E) 3, 5, 4
273. Identify the CORRECT statement
Secondary oocyte
A) enters meiosis II but arrests in metaphase
B) is formed by when oogonia arrest their cell division in prophase of meiosis
C) composed of a primary oocyte together with its surrounding flat epithelial cells
D) composed of a primary oocyte and surrounding cuboidal stratified epithelial cells
E) mature male gametes
274. Blood cell formation begins
A) 4 weeks after conception
B) 5 weeks after conception
C) 2 months after conception
D) At 8
week of gestation
E) 2 weeks after conception
275. Which cells give rise to erythrocytes?
E) Myeloblast
276. Which numbers do indicate the blood vessel and Leydiq cells?
A) 7, 4
B) 5, 3
C) 1, 5
D) 2, 1
E) 6, 3
277. Where are arised the nucleated erythrocytes during the embryonic hemopoesis?
A) in the entoderm of the yolk sac
B) in the ectoderm of the primitive yolk sac
C) in the mesoderm of the yolk sac
D) in the liver of embryo
E) in the bone marrow of embryo
278. Which cells are formed from the peripheral cells of blood islands?
A) Endotheliocytes
B) nonnucleated pericytes
C) smooth muscle cells of the vessel wall
D) Erythroblasts
E) nucleated erythrocytes
279. When do appear the leukocytes at embryonic hemopoesis?
A) by the 7th month of gestation
B) by the 2nd week of gestation
C) by the 6th week of gestation
D) by the 8th week of gestation
E) by the 4th week of gestation
280. Where is the lymph emptied into the cardiovascular system?
A) at the junctions of the internal jugular and the subclavian veins.
B) at the junctions of the external jugular and the subclavian veins.
C) at the junctions of the right atrium and the subclavian veins.
D) at the junctions of the brachiocephalic and the subclavian veins.
E) at the junctions of the internal jugular and the external jugular veins.
281. Which numbers do indicate the epithelio-reticular network of cortex, subcapsular
epithelial reticular cells and blood vessels?
A) 5, 2, 7
B) 5, 6, 2
C) 1, 3, 7
D) 3, 5, 6
E) There is no correct answer
282. Which numbers do indicate the liquor channels, dural vessel and pia mater?
A) 3, 7, 8
B) 1, 3, 4
C) 2, 6, 8
D) 4, 7, 5
E) 2, 5, 6
283. What cells are resemble lymphocytes and constitute a small fraction of the null-cell
population of circulating blood?
A) PHSCs and MHSCs
B) PHSCs and erythroblasts
C) CFU-N and CFU-Ly
D) Prolymphoblasts
E) CFU-B and promonocytes
284. Which growth factors stimulate proliferation of pluripotential and multipotential
stem cells, thus maintaining their populations?
1) steel factor
2) granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF)
3) TGF and TNF
4) IL1 and TNF
5) interleukin 4
6) interleukin 7
7) granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF)
A) 1, 2, 5, 6
B) 1, 2, 3, 4
C) 1, 3, 5, 7
D) 2, 4, 6, 7
E) 1, 2, 4, 6
285. Identify the daughter cells which are arised when the one CFU-E undergo division?
A) ortochromophilic erythroblasts
B) basophilic erythroblasts
C) nurse cells and eosinophiles
D) proerythroblasts
E) reticulocytes
286. Which statement gives incorrect explanation to the alveolar macrophages?
A) They assist type II pneumocytes in the uptake of surfactant
B) They are transported to the pharynx by ciliary action of cells
C) They arise from the lymphocytes gain access to the pulmonary interstitium
D) They are dust cells that migrate between pneumocytes, and enter the lumen of the
E) They reenter the pulmonary interstitium and migrate into lymph vessels to exit the lungs
287. What of the following is not true about the bone marrow?
A) It is the soft, gelatinous, highly vascular, and cellular tissue
B) It is isolated from bone by the endosteum
C) it is responsible for the initial maturation of T lymphocytes
D) it constitutes almost 5% of the total body weight
E) it provides much of differentiation of B lymphocytes
288. What is not the function of bone marrow macrophages?
A) destroy the malformed cells and the excess cytoplasm
B) destroy the extruded nuclei of erythrocyte precursors
C) participate in the synthesis of the heme portion of hemoglobin
D) regulate hemopoietic cell differentiation and maturation
E) transmit iron to developing leucoblasts
289. What are the major functional parenchymal cells of the parathyroid glands?
A) the slightly basophilic-staining chief cells (1 to 3m in diameter)
B) the darkly eosinophilic-staining pituicytes (15 to 18m in diameter)
C) the darkly eosinophilic-staining follicular cells (5 to 8m in diameter)
D) the silver-staining parafollicular cells (5 to 8m in diameter)
E) the slightly eosinophilic-staining chief cells (5 to 8m in diameter)
290. Which cells do accumulate fat in their cytoplasm to resemble adipose cells in bone
A) osteoprogenitor cells
B) osteoblasts
C) adventitial reticular cells
D) undifferentiated mast cells
E) macrophages
291. Which of the following do stimulate the proliferation of pluripotential and
multipotential stem cells, thus maintaining their populations?
1) M-CSF and G-CSF
2) steel factor
3) granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor
4) two interleukins (IL-3 and IL-7)
5) Erythropoietin
6) IL-2, IL-5 and IL-6
A) 1, 5, 6
B) 2, 5, 6
C) 2, 3, 5
D) 3, 4, 5
E) 1, 2, 3
292. Which numbers do indicate the type VI, type V, type II epithelial reticular cells?
Follow the true sequence of numbers showing those structures .
A) 10, 7, 5
B) 7, 5, 4
C) There is no correct answer
D) 10, 9, 4
E) 10, 7, 4
293. Which hormone plays a major role in initiating puberty?
A) Estrogens
E) progesterone
294. Which of the following stimulates the cortical epithelial reticular cells to increase
thymuli n production?
A) Thyroxin
B) Adrenocorticosteroids
C) Somatotropin
D) Thymic humoral factor
E) Thymopoietin
295. Which numbers do indicate the endolymph, semicircular duct and II-type vestibular
hair cells?
A) 3, 1, 6
B) 1, 6, 2
C) 4, 3, 1
D) 6, 5, 3
E) There is no correct answer
296. Which cells is function in the process of T lymphocyte testing in thymus?
A) bone marrow-derived mast cells
B) spleen-derived dendritic cells
C) bone marrow-derived dendritic cells
D) thymus-derived dendritic cells
E) bone marrow-derived B cells
297. Find the correct statement regarding the thymus.
A) The capillaries of the cortex invested by a sheath of type II epithelial reticular cells
B) self-macromolecules are not permitted to cross the blood-thymus barrier
C) The capillaries of the cortex are of the continuous type
D) type III epithelial reticular cells form a blood-thymus barrier
E) The cortical capillary network drains into small arterioles in the medulla
298. Which numbers do indicate the diffuse cortex, medullary cord and medullary
A) 4, 7, 9
B) 4, 9, 8
C) 5, 11, 7
D) 5, 8, 9
E) There is no correct answer
299. Which type of neurons are located in the granular layer of cerebellar cortex?
A) Stellate neurons
B) Purkinje neurons
C) Pyramidal neurons
D) Basket neurons
E) Golgi neurons
300. Where does migrate the B cell after it antigen recognition and activation?
A) migrates to a secondary lymphoid node and proliferates, forming a germinal center
B) migrates to a primary lymphoid nodule and proliferates, forming a germinal center
C) migrates to a primary lymphoid node and forms a malpigian layer
D) migrates to a central lymphoid nodule and dies by apoptosis
E) migrates to a primary lymphoid organs and proliferates, forming a mantle region
301. Find the incorrect statement about the humoral immune response.
A) most of the B memory cells leave lymph node to go to other secondary lymphatic organs
B) at the second exposure to the same antigen, a large number of memory cells are available
C) the body can mount a prompt and more potent secondary response
D) most of the B memory cells provide the potent primary immune response
E) the B lymphocytes differentiate into B memory and plasma cells
302. Which organ is shown on the figure?
A) Bulbourathral gland
B) prostatic urethra
C) Ovary
D) Seminal vesicle
E) uterus
303. Where do the lymphocytes migrate from the medullary si nuses?
A) the efferent lymphatic vessels to enter the lymph node
B) the afferent lymphatic vessels to leave the lymph node
C) the efferent lymphatic vessels to leave the lymph node
D) the blood capillaries to enter the afferent lymphatic vessels
E) the afferent lymphatic vessels to enter the subcapsular sinuses
304. Where do empty their lymph the afferent lymph vessels of lymph node?
A) into the subcapsular sinus, which is located just deep to the capsule
B) the efferent lymphatic vessels that have a network of stellate reticular cells
C) the cortical sinuses that are paratrabecular sinuses
D) the medullary sinuses that parallel the trabeculae
E) the efferent lymphatic vessels that leave the trabeculae
305. Which numbers do indicate the trabecular vessels, fibrous sheath and red pulp of
Follow the true sequence of numbers showing those structures .
A) 6, 2, 5
B) 6, 1, 5
C) 3, 2, 4
D) 3, 2, 6
E) There is no correct answer
306. What are the taste buds?
A) intramural sensory organs
B) intraepithelial sensory organs
C) intrafusal sensory organs
D) extracapsular organs of sence
E) extraepithelial sensory organs
307. What of the following is found in the spleen capsule?
1) fibroelastic connective tissue
2) occasionally smooth muscle cells
3) visceral peritoneum
4) skeletal muscle cells
5) Macrophages
6) Epithelial reticular cells
A) 2, 3, 6
B) 1, 2, 4
C) 1, 2, 3
D) 3, 4, 6
E) 1, 2, 5
308. What is the way of hypophyseal portal veins?
A) they course through the preoptic nuclei and connect to the neurohypophisis
B) they course through the infundibulum and connect to the primary capillary plexus
C) they course through the infundibulum and connect to the secondary capillary plexus
D) they course through the mamillary body and connect to the secondary capillary plexus
E) they course through the pars tuberalis and connect to the secondary capillary plexus
309. Which vessels give rise to penicillar arteries?
A) red pulp arteries
B) terminal arterial capillaries
C) splenic sinusoids
D) trabecular arteries
E) central splenic arteries
310. Which organ does include the periarterial lymphatic sheath PALS?
A) Lymph node
B) Hepatic artery
C) Kidney
D) Palatine tonsil
E) Spleen
311. What of the following explains the open circulation theory in spleen?
A) sheathed capillaries terminate prior to reaching the white pulp
B) the terminal capillaries is continuous with the sinus endothelium
C) some vessels connect to the sinusoids of the red pulp
D) the penicillar arteriole terminate prior to reaching the sinusoids
E) the terminal arterial capillaries terminate prior to reaching the sinusoids
312. Identify the incorrect statement
A) the submucosa of the esophagus houses mucous glands known as the esophageal glands
B) esophageal cardiac glands located in two regions, one cluster near the pharynx and the
other near its juncture with the stomach
C) esophageal cardiac glands produce mucus
D) the esophageal glands proper resemble glands from the cardiac region of the stomach
E) the esophageal glands proper are tubuloacinar glands
313. What cells are not found in the centre of the lymphoid follicle?
A) Lymphoblasts
B) B lymphocytes
C) Follicular dendritic cells
D) T lymphocytes
E) macrophages
314. Find the components not belonging to the innate immune system.
1) Memory cells
2) Complement system
3) Macrophages
4) Neutrophils
5) Natural killer (NK) cells
6) Plasma cells
7) T killer cells
A) 1, 6, 7
B) 1, 2, 6
C) 1, 3, 7
D) 2, 3, 4
E) 2, 4, 5
315. Which numbers do indicate the fastigial nucleus, emboliform nucleus and dentate
A) 3, 7, 9
B) 5, 6, 7
C) 4, 6, 7
D) 4, 8, 10
E) 2, 5, 6
316. Which properties have the adaptive immune response?
1) Specificity
2) Nonspecificity
3) Diversity
4) memory
5) self/nonself recognition
6) rapid primary response
A) 1, 3, 5, 6
B) 2, 3, 5, 6
C) 1, 3, 4, 5
D) 2, 4, 5, 6
E) 2, 3, 4, 5
317. What is taking place if during embryonic development lymphocyte encounters the
substance to which it is designed to react?
1) clonal deletion
2) clonal anergy
3) clonal expansion
4) anamnestic response
5) adaptive immune response
6) the lymphocyte is disabled
A) 2, 3, 6
B) 2, 3, 5
C) 1, 2, 4
D) 1, 2, 6
E) 1, 2, 3
318. Choose the incorrect statement regarding the immunoglobulins.
A) antibody molecule can bind two different epitopes
B) they are released into the lymph or blood vascular system
C) IgG is a Y-shaped molecule, composed of two long, identical polypeptides
D) they are manufactured in large numbers by plasma cells
E) antibody molecule can bind two identical epitopes
319. What is not characteristic of the vermiform appendix?
A) It lined by the simple columnar epithelium
B) Its serosa contain large number of lymphoid nodules
C) It has stellate lumen that usually is occupied by debris
D) its lamina propria has shallow crypts of Lieberkhn
E) its epithelium include absorptive cells, goblet cells, and M cells
320. Which type of Ig-s are produced during viral or bacterial invasion of mucosal
A) IgE
B) IgA
C) IgG
D) IgG and IgM
E) IgD
321. The hormones of which extrathymic sources do influence T-cell maturation?
1) Spleen
2) the gonads
3) pituitary gland
4) thyroid gland
5) suprarenal glands
6) parathyroid gland
A) 1, 2, 5, 6
B) 2, 3, 4, 5
C) 1, 3, 5, 6
D) 1, 2, 3, 4
E) 2, 3, 4, 6
322. Which numbers do indicate the bundles of nerve fibers, respiratory mucosa and
membranous wall of trachea?
A) 2, 8, 7
B) 2, 6, 7
C) 3, 7, 8
D) 8, 2, 4
E) There is no correct answer
323. Which numbers do indicate the fibromuscular layer, epithelium of respiratory
mucosa and adventitia of trachea?
Follow the true sequence of numbers showing those structures .
A) 5, 1, 6
B) 3, 1, 6
C) 1, 5, 6
D) There is no correct answer
E) 3, 2, 5
324. Which numbers do indicate the nuclei of ciliated epithelial cells, nuclei of goblet
cells and lumen of trachea?
Follow the true sequence of numbers showing those structures .
A) There is no correct answer
B) 5, 3, 1
C) 4, 5, 1
D) 3, 4, 1
E) 3, 4, 8
325. Which of the following is not a component of the mucosa of the oviduct?
A) secretory peg cells
B) lamina propria
C) plicae
D) muscularis mucosa
E) ciliated columnar cells
326. What of the following do not belong to intrapulmonary bronchi?
A) respiratory bronchioles
B) Primary bronchi
C) Secondary bronchi
D) tertiary bronchi
E) terminal bronchioles
327. Choose the incorrect statement regarding bronchioles.
A) their diameter commonly is described as less than 1 mm
B) their epithelial lining ranges from simple columnar to simple cuboidal
C) their wall contain large number of ciliated and goblet cells
D) the primary bronchiole supplies air to a pulmonary lobule
E) they are considered the 10th to 15th generation of bronchial tree branching
328. What is deposited in cytoplasmic aspect of the plasma membrane of cells in the
stratum lucidum?
A) eleidin
B) involucrin
C) keratohyline filaments
D) ceramides
E) diasylglyserol
329. Which cells are present in the respiratory epithelium of trachea?
1) goblet cells
2) mast cells
3) brush cells
4) serous cells
5) Kulchitsky cells
6) Clara cells
A) 1, 2, 3, 5
B) 1, 3, 4, 6
C) 1, 2, 4, 6
D) 1, 3, 4, 5
E) 2, 3, 4, 5
330. Find the elements that are belong to the wall of terminal bronchioles.
1) Clara cells and cuboidal cells, some with cilia
2) Dense regular connective tissue
3) one or two layers of smooth muscle cells
4) elastic fibers radiating from the adventitia
5) Clara cells, goblet cells and columnar cells
6) Columnar ciliated and type II pneumocyte with cilia
A) 1, 3, 4
B) 3, 4, 6
C) 2, 4, 6
D) 1, 2, 3
E) 1, 3, 5
331. Which numbers do indicate the spiral muscular layer, bronchial cartilage and
lamina propria?Follow the true sequence of numbers showing those structures
A) 5, 3, 4,
B) 2, 5, 3
C) 6, 4, 3
D) There is no correct answer
E) 4, 3, 5
332. Find the elements that are not present in the lamina propria and the submucosa of
the intrapulmonary bronchi?
1) cartilage C-rings
2) seromucous glands
3) lymphoid elements
4) hyaline cartilage plates
5) Peyers patches
6) Epitheliocytes
A) 2, 4, 6
B) 1, 2, 3
C) 1, 4, 5
D) 2, 3, 5
E) 1, 5, 6
333. Which numbers do indicate the type I alveolar cell, alveolar macrophage and
Follow the true sequence of numbers showing those structures .
A) 5, 7, 3
B) 7, 6, 3
C) There is no correct answer
D) 5, 6 , 4
E) 6, 7, 4
334. What are the free villi?
A) Those that are anchored to the decidua basalis
B) Those that are anchored to the decidua capsularis
C) Those that are anchored to the myometrium
D) There is no correct answer
E) Those that are not anchored to the decidua basalis
335. Which changes are observed as respiratory bronchioles undergo branching?
A) they become wider in diameter and their population of alveoli increases
B) they form a blind outpouching called the atrium
C) they end in terminal bronchioles including alveoles
D) they become narrower in diameter and their population of alveoli increases
E) the number of endocrine cells increases in their wall
336. What does control the opening of each alveolus in the alveolar ducts?
A) three layers of smooth muscle cell, surrounding each alveolus
B) single smooth muscle cell, embedded in type II collagen
C) two smooth muscle cells, embedded in elastic fibers
D) several layers of smooth muscle cells, embedded in type III collagen
E) single smooth muscle cell, embedded in type III collagen
337. Which capillaries do supply the interalveolar septum in lungs?
A) continuous capillaries, supplied by pulmonary artery and drained by the pulmonary vein
B) continuous capillaries, supplied by bronchial artery and drained by the pleural vein
C) fenestrated capillaries, supplied by pulmonary artery and drained by the alveolar veins
D) sinusoidal capillaries, supplied by pulmonary artery and drained by the pulmonary vein
E) fenestrated capillaries, supplied by the alveolar artery and drained by the bronchial vein
338. The superior parathyroid glands develop____
A) In the fifth pharyngeal pouches
B) In the third pharyngeal pouches
C) From the neural crest cells
D) From the lateral mesoderm
E) In the fourth pharyngeal pouches
339. Find the statement that gives true explanation to the type II alveolar cells?
1) they are cuboidal in shape cells and have microvilli
2) they contitute 5% of the alveolar surface
3) their cytoplasm may be as thin as 80 nm in width
4) the dome-shaped apical surface juts into the lumen of the alveolus
5) the perinuclear part houses much of the cell's organelle population
A) 1, 2, 3
B) 2, 4, 5
C) 2, 3, 5
D) 1, 2, 5
E) 1, 2, 4
340. What of the following are the components of pulmonary surfactant?
1) glycoproteins SP-A and SP-B
2) dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine
3) phosphatidylglycerol
4) neutral lipid
5) apoproteins SP-A, SP-B, SP-C, and SP-D
6) apoproteins SP-C, and SP-D
7) lipoproteins SP-A and SP-B
A) 2, 3, 4, 5
B) 2, 3, 5, 6
C) 1, 2, 6, 7
D) 1, 3, 4, 7
E) 1, 2, 3, 4
341. What is Bruchs membrane?
A) Part of retina
B) Fovea centralis
C) Optic disc
D) Lamina crobrosa
E) Lamina vitrea
342. Which numbers do indicate the fibrous zone of soft palate, lamina propria of
palatine mucosa and respiratory epithelium?
A) 6, 3, 8
B) 2, 6, 3
C) 2, 4, 8
D) There is no correct answer
E) 7, 3, 6
343. What is present in the mucous aspect of the lip?
1) nonfunctional sebaceous glands
2) stratified squamous nonkeratinized epithelium
3) dense, irregular collagenous type connective tissue
4) numerous mucous, minor salivary glands
5) rete apparatus that include capillary loops
6) dense, regular collagenous type connective tissue
7) simple squamous nonkeratinized epithelium
A) 1, 2, 7
B) 1, 5, 6
C) 1, 3, 7
D) 2, 3, 5
E) 2, 3, 4
344. Which type of epithelium is not found in the oral cavity?
A) parakeratinized stratified squamous
B) nonkeratinized stratified squamous
C) nonkeratinized simple squamous
D) stratified squamous keratinized
E) masticatory epithelium
345. One of these cells does not belong to the endocrine portion of the pancreas. Find
A) Alpha cells
B) Beta cells
C) Delta cells
D) Gamma cells
E) PP cells
346. In which part of digestive system the spherical masses, called bolus are formed
and what of their size?
A) in the stomach, and they are about 2cm in diameter
B) in the small intestine, and they are about 5cm in diameter
C) in the large intestine , and they are about 10 cm in diameter
D) in the oral cavity, and they are about 2mm in diameter
E) in the oral cavity, and they are about 2cm in diameter
347. What is true about the external root sheath?
A) consists of three components
B) derived from the cells of hair follicule
C) derived from the cells of basal layer of epidermis
D) include the Henle's layer
E) include the cuticle
348. Where is the postganglionic parasympathetic nerve cell bodies located?
A) Auerbach's myenteric plexus
B) Meissner's myenteric plexus
C) Auerbach's submucosal plexus
D) Inside of muscularis mucosa
E) Inside of tunica serosa
349. Which organ has a mucosa lined by nonkeratinized stratified squamous
A) appendix
B) stomach
C) ileum
D) esophagus
E) duodenum
350. What type of tissue lines the upper esophagus?
A) Simple columnar epithelium
B) Simple squamous epithelium
C) Transitional epithelium
D) Stratified squamous epithelium
E) Simple cuboidal epithelium
351. What is prevalent in the ovarian cortex before the onset of puberty?
A) Primary follicles
B) Primordial follicles
C) Secondary follicles
D) Yellow bodies
E) Atretic follicles
352. Which numbers do indicate the alveolar bone, cementum and dentinum?
A) 9, 4, 2
B) 2, 4, 8
C) There is no correct answer
D) 2, 5, 9
E) 3, 4, 9
353. Which numbers do indicate the nonkeratinized stratified epithelial layer, wall of
alveolar bone and point of cemento-enamel junction?
Follow the true sequence of numbers, showing those elements.
A) 2, 5, 7
B) 4, 5, 7
C) 4, 7, 6
D) 2, 3, 6
E) There is no correct answer
354. Which numbers do indicate the glomerular capillary network, uri nary pole of renal
corpuscle and interlobular artery?
A) There is no correct answer
B) 1, 7, 9
C) 2, 1, 3
D) 4, 5, 6
E) 5, 6, 7
355. Which part of the pulp does include the Raschkow plexus?
A) just deep to the cell-free zone
B) just deep to the cell-rich zone
C) in the space between odontoblasts
D) in the dentinal tubule
E) on the surface of the pulp
356. What does surround the horseshoe-shaped band of epithelial cells - the dental
A) epithelial cells-derived ectomesenchyme of the mandibular and maxillary arches
B) neural crest-derived ectomesenchyme of the mandibular and maxillary arches
C) entodermally-derived mesenchyme of the mandibular and maxillary bones
D) neural crest-derived entoderm of the mandibular and maxillary cartilages
E) neural tube-derived ectomesenchyme of the mandibular and maxillary margines
357. What of the following are not parts of enamel organ?
1) stellate reticulum, whose cells have numerous processes
2) simple squamous outer enamel epithelium
3) simple squamous inner enamel epithelium
4) congregation of ectomesenchymal cells, the dental papilla
5) vascularized membranous capsule, the dental sac
6) connective tissue of the gingiva, and alveolus
A) 2, 3, 5
B) 1, 2, 5
C) 3, 4, 6
D) 1, 2, 3
E) 4, 5, 6
358. What is represented by tonofilaments?
A) Cytokeratin
B) Actin proteins
C) Cytodesmin
D) Tubulin proteins
E) Fillagrin
359. Which part of cementum is without cementoblasts?
A) The region of it near to neck of tooth
B) The acellular cementum
C) All parts of cementum include these cells
D) Cellular cementum
E) The region of it near to apex of tooth
360. Which factor does participate in process when MIT and DIT are stripped of their
A) thyroid peroxidase
B) iodotyronin dehalogenase
C) iodotyrosine dehidrogenase
D) thyroid oxidase
E) iodotyrosine dehalogenase
361. The appearance of which element characterizes the bell stage of tooth
A) the enamel organ
B) outer enamel epithelium
C) simple squamous inner enamel epithelium
D) cervical loop and the stellate reticulum
E) the stratum intermedium
362. Which numbers do indicate the initiation part of intercalated duct, mucous cell and
serous demilunes?
A) 3, 5, 1
B) 4, 7, 1
C) There is no correct answer
D) 6, 4, 5
E) 7, 5, 4
363. Which numbers do indicate the parasympathetic ganglion, vein and lymphatic
capillary? Follow the true sequence of numbers, showing those elements.
A) 6, 5, 4
B) 6, 5, 1
C) 4, 1, 5
D) 1, 5, 6
E) There is no correct answer
364. What is the action parathyroid hormone in the kidneys?
A) Facilitate loss of calcium in the urine
B) Prevents the transport of calcium into the epithelial cells
C) PTH prevents loss of calcium in the urine
D) Decrease the production of vitamin D
E) form calcium-binding protein
365. Which structure has the major salivary glands?
A) They are branched tubular glands
B) They are simple tubuloalveolar glands
C) They are simple alveolar glands
D) They are coiled branched tubular glands
E) They are branched tubuloalveolar glands
366. Which cells are not located inside of secretory units of major salivary glands?
1) Interstitial cells of Kajal
2) Serous cells
3) Mucous cells.
4) Myoepithelial cells
5) Goblet cells
6) Brush cells
A) 2, 5, 6
B) 2, 4, 5
C) 1, 2, 3
D) 1, 5, 6
E) 1, 3, 5
367. What type of epithelium lines the vas deferens?
A) Stratified squamous
B) Simple cuboidal
C) Simple columnar.
D) Pseudostratified.
E) Simple squamous.
368. Which statement is not correct regarding myoepithelial cells of salivary glands?
A) they release of the secretory product into the duct of the gland
B) In electron micrographs their processes resemble smooth muscle cells
C) They are located outside of the acinar cells basal laminae
D) Their processes envelop the secretory acinus and striated ducts
E) They make hemidesmosomal attachments with the basal lamina
369. Select the true explanation to the striated ducts of the major salivary glands?
A) They are composed of a single layer of small cuboidal cells including many stereocilia
B) They are composed of a single layer of cuboidal to low columnar cells
C) The folds of their epithelial cells are occupied by elongated lysosomes
D) They possess myoepithelial cells
E) The apical membranes of their epithelial cells are highly folded
370. What is the function of cells in the wall of striated ducts of the salivary glands?
1) they remove sodium and chloride ions from the saliva
2) they secrete potassium and bicarbonate ions into the saliva
3) they remove potassium and chloride ions from the saliva
4) they secrete sodium and bicarbonate ions into the saliva
5) they release the sodium out of the cell into the connective tissue
6) they conserve sodium and increase the tonicity of saliva
A) 2, 3, 5
B) 1, 2, 4
C) 1, 2, 5
D) 2, 4, 6
E) 1, 3, 5
371. Which numbers do indicate the other stratum of epidermis, sweat glands and
blood vessels?
A) 2, 5, 8
B) 1, 4, 6
C) 8, 1, 6
D) There is no correct answer
E) 3, 6, 1
372. Which numbers do indicate the lamina propria, bundles of transitional lingual
muscle and blood vessels?
A) 6, 3, 10
B) 3, 5, 9
C) 2, 3, 4
D) 10, 4, 2
E) There is no correct answer
373. Which numbers do indicate the dura mater, neurohypophysis and infundibulum?
Follow the true sequence of numbers showing those elements.
A) 6, 4, 10
B) 4, 6, 13
C) 2, 7, 10
D) 7, 4, 11
E) There is no correct answer
374. Where is not found the mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue?
1) in the mucosa of the reproductive tract
2) in the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract
3) in the mucosa of the respiratory tract
4) in the mucosa of the urinary tract
5) in the submucosa of the urinary tract
6) in the ependima of neural tube
A) 1, 2, 4
B) 3, 5, 6
C) 2, 3, 4
D) 2, 4, 6
E) 1, 5, 6
375. How many crypts are there inside of the palatine tonsils?
A) 10 - 12
B) 3 - 5
C) 20 - 40
D) 15 - 45
E) 1 - 5
376. What of the following is the component of MALT?
A) Lingual tonsil
B) ovarian follicles
C) Leydig cells
D) thyroid follicles
E) interstitial cells of pineal gland
377. Which numbers do indicate the parietal epithelial cells, body of podocyte and
efferent arteriole?
A) 5, 6, 8
B) 11, 13, 16
C) 3, 12, 13
D) 2, 4, 9
E) 7, 11, 17
378. What are the M cells - microfold cells in nature?
A) columnar-like cells in the epithelium over the esophageal glands
B) squamous-like cells in the ducts of pancreas
C) squamous-like cells in the epithelium over the Peyer's patches
D) cuboidal-like cells in the epithelium over the Peyer's patches
E) pyramid-like cells in the epithelium over the tonsills
379. What cell type secretes ACTH?
A) Cell of the adrenal medulla
B) Thyrotropic cells
C) Cell of the adrenal cortex
D) Corticotropic cells
E) Cell of the anterior hypothalamus
380. Which numbers do indicate the nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium of
mucosa, external longitudinal layer of muscularis externa and connective tissue
elements of submucosa? Follow the true sequence of numbers, showing those
A) 3, 9, 6
B) 2, 8, 5
C) 4, 8, 5
D) 2, 9, 6
E) There is no correct answer
381. Which numbers do indicate the connective tissue elements, stratified columnar
epithelium of esophageal mucosa and solitary l ymph nodule? Follow the true sequence
of numbers, showing those elements
A) Noncorrect question
B) 5, 1, 4
C) 4, 5, 1
D) 2, 6, 4
E) 3, 5, 2
382. Where are located the esophageal cardiac glands?
A) in submucosa of final part of esophagus
B) in submucosa of initial part of esophagus
C) in lamina propria of esophagus
D) in lamina propria of fundal region of the stomach
E) in lamina muscularis of esophagus
383. What is located at the region where the esophagus pierces the diaphragm and
joins the stomach?
1) esophageal glands proper
2) occasional lymphoid nodules
3) skeletal muscle fibers forming internal gastroesophageal sphincter
4) pharyngoesophageal sphincter composed of smooth muscle fibers
5) smooth muscle fibers together with myoepithelial cells
6) Brunners glands
7) smooth muscle fibers forming internal gastroesophageal sphincter
A) 2, 3, 4
B) 1, 2, 7
C) 2, 4, 6
D) 1, 4, 7
E) 1, 3, 5
384. What of the following is not true regarding the vagina?
A) Langerhans cells in the epithelium function in antigen presentation
B) T lymphocytes are housed in the inguinal lymph nodes
C) the epithelial cells are stimulated by estrogen to synthesize glycogen
D) vaginal bacterial flora produce citric acid
E) some of its superficial cells may contain keratohyalin
385. Which cells of esophagus do synthesize the major histocompatibility complex
(MHC) II molecules?
A) serous cells
B) Langerhans cells
C) reticular cells
D) parietal cells
E) folliculodendritic cells
386. Where are the spermatozoa produced?
A) In the ductuli efferentes
B) In the epididymis
C) In the seminiferous tubules
D) In the tubuli recti
E) inside of mediastinum testis
387. Which numbers do indicate the vascular and neural plexi of submucosa,
mesothelium of serosa and gastric pits? Follow the true sequence of numbers, showing
those elements
A) 2, 1, 7
B) 4, 7, 1
C) There is no correct answer
D) 3, 7,1
E) 3, 1, 7
388. Which numbers do indicate the postcapillary venule, protein-producing cells and
connective tissue elements? Follow the true sequence of numbers, showing those
A) 3, 2, 5
B) 3, 2, 6
C) 2, 3, 5
D) 5, 1, 6
E) noncorrect question
389. Which numbers do indicate the mucous neck cell, lamina propria and simple
columnar epithelium? Follow the true sequence of numbers, showing those elements.
A) there is no correct answer
B) 5, 3, 4
C) 2, 7, 4
D) 8, 3, 2
E) 6, 7, 2
390. Where are the Montgomery glands located?
A) Inside of hairy skin
B) In pituitary gland
C) Inside of palpebral tarsus
D) In the areola of mammary gland
E) Inside of mammary gland
391. Which numbers do indicate the pyloric glands, simple columnar epithelium and
muscularis submucosae? Follow the true sequence of numbers, showing those
elements .
A) 4, 2, 5
B) 6, 3, 5
C) 4, 3, 2
D) noncorrect question
E) 5, 6, 2
392. The distal portion of epididymis becomes continuous with
A) seminiferous tubules
B) the ductus deferens
C) ductuli recti
D) rete testis
E) ductuli efferentes
393. What are the modifications of the muscularis externa that is seen on the large
A) Plicae circulars
B) Crypts of Lieberkuhn
C) Striated border
D) Villi
E) Teniae coli
394. Identify the CORRECT statement
The appendix has a_______
A) simple squamous epithelium
B) simple columnar epithelium with goblet cells
C) stratified squamous epithelium
D) pseudostratified columnar epithelium
E) simple columnar epithelium without goblet cells
395. Identify the CORRECT statement
A) Chief cells have an extensive intracellular canalicular system
B) The mucosa of the large intestine does not form plicae circulares or intestinal villi
C) In addition to pepsinogen, parietal cells secrete intrinsic factor
D) The taenia coli form three bundles of longitudinal muscle on the outside of the appendix
E) Gastrin released by endocrine cells of the stomach inhibits the secretion of acid and
396. What cells of the pancreas secrete insulin?
A) Beta cells
B) Islets of Langerhans
C) Delta cells
D) Alpha cells
E) Gamma cells
397. Which cells secrete pepsinogen?
A) Parietal cells
B) Oxyntic cells
C) . Mucous neck cells
D) enteroendocrine cells
E) Chief cells
398. Which of the following cells is not found in the epithelium of the stomach?
A) parietal cells
B) Basket cells
C) chief cells
D) surface mucosal cells
E) enteroendocrine cells
399. Which of the following do not regulate secretion of various anterior pituitary
A) Thyroid-stimulating hormone-inhibiting hormone
B) Thyroid-stimulating hormone-releasing hormone
C) Corticotropin-releasing hormone.
D) Somatotropin-releasing hormone
E) Luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone
400. What are the gastric pits (foveolae)?
A) the invaginations of epithelial lining of the stomach into the mucosa
B) shallowest invaginations of epithelial lining
C) bottom of each gastric pit
D) longitudinal folds of the mucosa and submucosa
E) there is no correct answer
401. Where are located cells producing the visible mucus?
A) Serosa
B) There is no correct answer
C) Tunica mucosa
D) Submucosa
E) Muscularis mucosa
402. What is not true about the mucous neck cells in stomach?
A) they are distorted by pressures from neighboring cells
B) They are squamous and resemble surface-lining cells
C) they have short microvilli and basally located nuclei
D) Their mitochondria are located mainly in the basal region of the cell.
E) The apical cytoplasm is filled with secretory granules
403. What is not component of the prostate gland?
A) mucosal glands
B) submucosal glands
C)main glandsD) corpora amylacea
E) Adventitial glands
404. What of the following statements gives untrue explanation to the gastric pits?
A) One to three gastric glands empty into their bottom
B) They are shallowest in the cardiac region
C) They are deepest in the pyloric region
D) They increase the surface area of the gastric lining
E) Five to seven gastric glands empty into their bottom
405. Which numbers do indicate the tunica media of vein, tunica media of artery and
tunica adventitia of vein?
A) 7, 2, 3
B) 4, 2, 7
C) 7, 1, 3
D) 8, 2. 4
E) There is no correct answer
406. Find the true explanation to the mucous neck cells of gastric glands.
A) they are distorted by pressures from neighboring cells
B) these are columnar and resemble surface-lining cells
C) they produce the mucus which is same with that produced by surface-lining cells
D) they have short microvilli and a well-developed Golgi apparatus
E) their mitochondria are located mainly in the basal region of the cell
407. By which cells is the hydrochloric acid (HCl) and gastric intrinsic factor produced?
A) Regenerative cells
B) Parietal cells
C) Surface-lining cells
D) DNES cells
E) mucous neck cells
408. What of the following cells do contain deep intracellular canaliculi?
A) DNES cells
B) Surface-lining cells
C) mucous neck cells
D) Parietal cells
E) Regenerative cells
409. From which source does begin the lactiferous sinus?
A) interlobular duct
B) interclated duct
C) intralobar duct
D) striated duct
E) lactiferous duct
410. Which numbers do indicate the hemocapillary, goblet cell and dendritic cells?
A) 4, 3, 6
B) 2, 3, 4
C) 3, 5, 6
D) There is no correct answer
E) 6, 5, 3
411. Which numbers do indicate the submucosa and intestinal glands?
A) 3, 1
B) 6, 4
C) 5, 4
D) 5, 2
E) 6, 2
412. In which part of heart is formed the annuli fibrosi?
A) in around the vicinity of the sinoatrial node
B) around the base of the aorta, pulmonary artery, and the atrioventricular orifices
C) in around upper portion of the interventricular septum
D) in upper portion of the interatrial septum
E) in the vicinity of the cuspal area of the aortic valve
413. What of the following features belong to intestinal villi?
A) They are epithelially covered, finger-like or leaf-like protrusions of the lamina propria
B) They end in the proximal half of the ileum
C) Their numbers are greater in the jejunum or the ileum than in the duodenum
D) They are epithelially covered, finger-like or leaf-like protrusions of the submucosa
E) They form semicircular to helical elevations, some as large as 8 mm tall and 5 cm long
414. Which elements do increase the surface area of the small intestine by a factor of
A) Microvilli
B) valves of Kerckring
C) crypts of Lieberkhn
D) Plicae circulars
E) Villi
415. What are the invaginations of the epithelium into the lamina propria of ileum
A) Microvilli
B) Plicae circulars
C) crypts of Lieberkhn
D) Villi
E) valves of Kerckring
416. Identify the correct statement
A) The cells of the lens capsule give rise to these highly differentiated, hexagonal cells
B) The bulk of the lens is composed of approximately 2000 long cells known as lens fibers
C) the lens fibers retain nuclei and organelles
D) the lens fibers continue elongating until they reach a length of 100 m.
E) The lens fibers lie immediately on the surface of the subcapsular epithelium
417. Which numbers do indicate the serosa, muscularis mucosae and muscular layer of
large intestine?
A) 9, 7, 4
B) 5, 8, 6
C) 8, 4, 6
D) 6, 4, 7
E) There is no correct answer
418. What type of gland composes the prostate?.
A) Compound tubuloalveolar gland .
B) Compound tubular gland.
C) Simple alveolar gland.
D) Simple coiled tubular gland
E) Simple straight tubular gland
419. What are the appendices epiploicae and where are they formed?
A) mucus-filled pouches formed in the mucosa
B) polisacharide-filled pouches formed in the adventitia
C) fat-filled pouches formed in the serosa
D) fat-filled pouches formed in the subserosa
E) protein-filled pouches formed in the serosa
420. Which of the following features belong to the rectum?
A) solitary lymphoid nodules are frequently present in the submucosa
B) along all of its length it lined by the simple cuboidal epithelium
C) it has permanent clusters of lymphoid nodules - Peyer's patches
D) crypts of Lieberkhn are deeper and number fewer per unit area
E) its villi are broader, taller, and more numerous per unit area
421. Which layer of intestinal wall does houses the anal glands?
A) lamina propria
B) submucosa
C) lamina muscularis
D) serosa
E) subserosa
422. Which numbers do indicate the B lymphocyte dependent zone of white pulp,
sinusoid and trabecular vein?
A) 5, 8, 9
B) 8, 3, 10
C) 4, 8, 9
D) There is no correct answer
E) 3, 9, 10
423. Where are the circumanal glands located?
A) at the level of the anal valves
B) at the pectinate line
C) at the proximal end of the anal canal
D) at the rectoanal junction
E) at the distal end of the anal canal
424. Where is the external hemorrhoidal plexus located?
A) above the pectinate line
B) at the distal end of the internal anal orifice
C) at the rectoanal junction
D) at the level of anal glands
E) at the junction of the anal canal with anus
425. Which elements are received by dorsal horns of the spinal cord?
A) central processes of the sensory neurons whose cell bodies lie in the dorsal root ganglion
B) Cell bodies of interneurons and motor neurons
C) There is no correct answer
D) processes of the multipolar motor neurons
E) peripheral processes of the sensory neurons whose cell bodies lie in the dorsal root
426. Which numbers do indicate the mononucleated hepatocyte and central vein?
A) 5, 4
B) 2, 3
C) 2, 1
D) 6, 4
E) 3, 1
427. What of the following is not the function of hepatocytes?
A) exocrine secretion
B) phagocytosing of defunct erythrocytes
C) storing inclusion products
D) endocrine secretions
E) metabolism of the end products of absorption
428. Which substances are used for the production of the bile salts de novo?
A) cholic acid and cholesterol
B) glycocholic acid and conjugated bilirubin
C) cholesterol and bilirubin glucuronide
D) bilirubin and either taurine or glycine
E) cholic acid and either taurine or glycine
429. How many layers does contain the muscularis externa of the urinary bladder?
A) 1
B) 3
C) 2
D) 4
E) 5
430. What of the following are the components of the portal areas?
1) Interlobular vein
2) Interlobular bile ducts
3) inlet arterioles
4) lymph vessels
5) distributing veins
6) central vein
7) Interlobular artery
A) 2, 4, 6
B) 2, 3, 6, 7
C) 1, 3, 5
D) 1, 2, 3, 5
E) 1, 2, 4, 7
431. Which numbers do indicate the fenestrae, collagen fibers and tight junctions
between endothelial cells?
A) 6, 4, 5
B) 6, 5, 3
C) 4, 5, 3
D) 3, 4, 6
E) Noncorrect question
432. What of the following is not true about the organization of liver?
A) Three equally distributed portal areas are present around each classical lobule
B) The distributing arterioles arise from the slender branch of the hepatic artery
C) The inlet arterioles, branch from the distributing arterioles
D) The distributing arterioles arise within the portal area
E) There are six portal areas around each classical lobule
433. What separates the limiting plate from the connective tissue of the portal area?
A) the space of Disse
B) portal triads
C) the space of Mll
D) The limiting membrane
E) Interlobular bile ducts
434. Which type of epithelia does cover the interlobular bile ducts?
A) simple squamous epithelium
B) simple columnar epithelium
C) stratified squamous nonkeratinised epithelium
D) pseudostatified cuboidal epithelium
E) simple cuboidal epithelium
435. Which numbers do indicate the myeli nated nerve fibers, neurolemmocyte and
cytoplasm of neuron?
A) 4, 2, 5
B) 5, 6, 8
C) 2, 5, 7
D) 3, 5, 6
E) 4, 7, 8
436. Where does start the duct system of the pancreas?
A) in the interlobular ducts
B) within the periphery of the acinus
C) in the terminus of striated ducts
D) within the intralobular ducts
E) within the center of the acinus
437. Where are the centroacinar cells located?
A) In the exocrine pancreas
B) In the submandibular gland
C) In the endocrine pancreas
D) In the parotid gland
E) In thyroid gland
438. Which numbers do indicate the terminal bronchioles, alveolar capillaries and
primary bronchus?
A) 12, 19, 17
B) 12, 17, 19
C) There is no correct answer
D) 13, 19, 20
E) 20, 13, 17
439. Where are the proparathyroid hormone and a polypeptide formed?
A) on ribosomes of the RER of pituicytes
B) In the lumen of the RER of chief cells
C) on Golgi complex of chief cells
D) on peroxisomes of interstitial cells
E) In the lumen of the RER of oxyphilic cells
440. What is the opening of the pancreatic duct into the duodenum?
A) Ducts of Luschka
B) Rokitansky-Aschoff sinuses
C) Ampulla of Vater
D) Sphincter of Oddi
E) Duct of Wirsung
441. What is the classification of the pancreas?
A) Exocrine
B) Mixed
C) None of the them
D) Endocrine
E) Both endocrine and exocrine
442. Which elements form interstitial glands of ovarii?
A) cells associated with the primordial follicle
B) granulosa cells associated with the tertiary follicle
C) theca interna cells of yellow body
D) granulosa cells associated with the secondary follicle
E) some of the granulosa cells associated with the atretic follicles
443. What cells of the pancreas secrete glucagon?
A) Beta cells
B) Islets of Langerhans
C) Delta cells
D) Gamma cells
E) Alpha cells
444. Identify the CORRECT statement
A) The seminiferous epithelium consists of spermatogenic cells and Sertoli cells
B) By the first meiotic division B-spermatogonia give rise to primary spermatocytes
C) Leydig cells provide structural and nutritional support for the developing spermatocytes
D) Sertoli cells produce androgens
E) Spermatids divide to give rise to spermatocytes
445. Identify the substance that is produced by the centroacinar cells?
A) a serous alkaline fluid
B) a mucus alkaline fluid
C) a lipid containing acid fluid
D) a viscous acid fluid
E) phosphate-rich alkaline fluid
446. What is true about the hypophyseal portal system?
A) inhibit the parenchymal cells of the intermediate part of adenohypophysis
B) is the vascular supply system that is used for hormonal regulation of the pars nervosa
C) is the vascular supply system that is used for hormonal regulation of the neurohypophisis
D) is the vascular supply system that is used for hormonal regulation of the pars distalis
E) contain the vascular supply of ifundibulumof hypophysis
447. Find the statements not belonging to the beta () cells of islet of Langerhance.
1) concentrated in perifery of islet
2) concentrated in center of islet
3) have dense core granule surrounded by wide electron-lucent halo
4) their product decreases blood glucose levels
5) immunocytochemical procedures allow them to be recognized
6) routine histological examination allow them to be recognized
7) their product increases blood glucose levels
A) 1, 4, 5
B) 1, 2, 3
C) 1, 6, 7
D) 2, 4, 6
E) 2, 3, 7
448. What is the portion of the cortex overlying the base of each pyramid?
A) cortical arch and cortical lobules
B) convoluted tubules, the cortical labyrinth
C) longitudinal striations, medullary rays
D) the macula densa and cortical lobes
E) red, dot-like granules, the renal corpuscles
449. Which substances inhibit exocrine secretions of pancreas?
Secretin and hormone cholecystokinin
Glucagon and insulin
C) Somatostatin and pancreatic polypeptide
Pancreozymin and acetylcholine
Somatostatin and acetylcholine
450. Which layer is NOT present in masticatory epithelium?
A) Stratum spinosum
B) Stratum granulosum
C) Stratum basale
D) Stratum lucidum
E) Stratum corneum
451. Which numbers do indicate the submucosa, venule and nerve fibers?
A) 3, 6, 7
B) 2, 3, 4
C) 3, 4, 5
D) 1, 4, 5
E) 2, 5, 6
452. What of the following is not the function of Sertoli cells?
A) Synthesis and secretion of testicular transferrin
B) the release of follicle-stimulating hormone
C) Synthesis and release of antimllerian hormone
D) Synthesis and secretion of inhibin
E) Secretion of a fructose-rich medium
453. Which of the following layers are part of the mucosa of the digestive tract?
1) epithelium
2) lamina propria
3) muscularis mucosa
4) submucosa
5) muscularis externa
6) adventitia or serosa
A) 1 and 2
B) 1, 2 and 3
C) 1, 2, 3 and 4
D) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6
E) 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5
454. Where are located cells responsible for the synthesis of factors controlling the cell
cycle of the epithelium in the alimentary canal?
A) in the lamina propria
B) in the muscularis externa
C) in the submucosa
D) in the subserosa
E) in the muscularis mucosae
455. Which cells are constitute a minor portion of the parenchimal cells of parathyroid
without secretory role?
A) Principal cell
B) Parafollicular cells
C) Follicular cells
D) Chromaffin cells
E) Oxyphil cell
456. Where is the Meissner's plexus located?
A) in the lamina propria
B) in the muscularis mucosae
C) in the muscularis externa
D) in the submucosa
E) in the subserosa
457. Which numbers do indicate the nerve fibers, basal epithelial cells and microvilli?
A) 3, 5, 6
B) 2, 3, 5
C) 1, 5, 6
D) 3, 4, 6
E) There is no correct answer
458. What is located inside of Auerbach's plexus?
A) preganglionic parasympathetic nerve cell bodies
B) postganglionic sympathetic nerve cell bodies
C) preganglionic sympathetic nerve cell bodies
D) postganglionic parasympathetic nerve cell bodies
E) interstitial nucleus of Rashkow
459. Which elemnts are found in the tunica intima of muscular artheries?
1) Fenestrated membranes
2) Endothel ium
3) basal lamina
4) subendothelial layer
5) thick internal elastic lamina
6) stereocilia
A) 1, 2, 3, 5
B) 2, 3, 4, 5
C) 1, 2, 3, 6
D) 1, 2, 3, 4
E) 2, 3, 5, 6
460. Which numbers do indicate the arcuate artery, renal column and rectal tubules of
kidney? Follow the true sequence of numbers, showing those elements.
A) 4, 6, 8
B) 4, 8, 6
C) 3, 5, 7
D) 5, 3, 7
E) 2, 4, 6
461. What does give rise to the germinal epithelium of the ovaries?
A) entoderm germ layer
B) mesothelial epithelium
C) ectoderm germ layer
D) splanchnoleuric mesoderm
E) somatopleuric mesoderm
462. Which numbers do indicate the nucleus of podocyte, primary and secondary
process of podocytes, fenestrae of endothelial cells?
A) 6, 8, 9
B) 12, 7, 4
C) 12, 8, 11
D) 7, 10, 9
E) 8, 7, 11
463. Which numbers do indicate the secondary process of podocytes and
mesangial cells?
A) 2, 6
B) 4, 1
C) 4, 6
D) 3, 1
E) 3, 5
464. What is the taste pore?
A) The opening at the apex of lingual tonsil
B) The part of taste bud
C) Taste papillae of tongue
D) The microvilli of neuroepithelial cells
E) Chemical sensation
465. What is not true about the suprarenal medulla?
1) It arises from neural crest cells
2) It arises from the mesoderm
3) produces a group of hormones called corticosteroids
4) produces its hormones from cholesterol
5) it is small, dark, inner portion of adrenal gland
A) 1, 3, 5
B) 1, 3, 4
C) 2, 3, 5
D) 2, 3, 4
E) 2, 4, 5
466. Approximately how many nephrons are there in each kidney?
A) 10,000
B) 100,000
C) 1,000
D) 1,000,000
E) 10,000,000
467. What are the ducts of Bellini?
A) Distal convoluted tubule
B) Collecting tubules
C) Loop of Henle
D) Medullary ray
E) Proximal convoluted tubule
468. Which cells are destroyed in the thymus?
1) T cells that are unable to recognize self-MHC I molecules
2) T cells that are unable to recognize self-MHC II molecules
3) T cells that are able to recognize self-MHC I and self-MHC II molecules
4) T lymphocytes, whose TCRs are programmed against self-macromolecules
5) The developing T cells that express their surface markers
6) The developing T cells that proliferate extensively in the medulla
A) 3, 4, 5
B) 1, 2, 5
C) 1, 2, 4
D) 2, 4, 6
E) 3, 4, 6
469. What makes up the Juxtaglomerular apparatus?
A) Interstitial cells
B) J uxtaglomerular cells
C) Cells of the efferent arteriole
D) Podocytes
E) Pedicels
470. What of the following is produced by the gastric glands?
1) lactoferrin
2) Pepsin
3) Rennin
4) gastric lipase
5) paracrine hormones
6) gastric amylase
7) secretory immunoglobulin (IgG)
A) 1, 2, 5, 7
B) 1, 3, 5, 7
C) 1, 2, 3, 6
D) 2, 3, 5, 6
E) 2, 3, 4, 5
471. Identify the CORRECT statement
A) Renin is released by alfa cells of afferent arteriole of the glomerulus
B) Renin is released by juxtaglomerular cells which surround the afferent arteriole of the
C) Renin is released by juxtaglomerular cells which surround the efferent arteriole
D) Renin is released by acinar cells which surround the efferent arteriole
E) Renin is released by cells of proximal tubules of nephron
472. What gives the origin to the kidney tubules?
A) Intermediate mesoderm
B) Lateral mesoderm
C) Paraxial mesoderm
D) Ectoderm
E) Entoderm
473. What type of tissue composes the kidney tubules?
A) Simple cuboidal epithelium
B) Simple columnar epithelium
C) Stratified squamous epithelium
D) Transitional epithelium
E) Simple squamous epithelium
474. What is characteristic to the parasympathetic nervous system?
A) dilating pupils of the eyes
B) increase heart rate
C) increases the actions of the visceral system
D) increase blood pressure
E) increase respiration
475. Which structure leads to the collecting duct?
A) Distal convoluted tubule
B) Renal corpuscle
C) Loop of Henle
D) Glomerulus
E) Bowman's capsule
476. Where are podocytes seen?
A) Parietal layer of Bowman's capsule
B) J uxtaglomerular cells
C) Macula densa
D) Visceral layer of Bowman's capsule
E) Pedicels
477. Which fibers are unmyelinated?
A) Preganglionic fibers of sympathetic nervous system
B) Postganglionic fibers of somatic nervous system
C) Postganglionic fibers of sympathetic nervous system
D) Preganglionic fibers of parasympathetic nervous system
E) Postganglionic fibers of parasympathetic nervous system
478. Which numbers do indicate the medullary capillaries, cortical arteriole and
sinusoid capillary?
A) 2, 6, 3
B) 1, 3, 6
C) 2, 3, 5
D) 2, 4, 6
E) There is no correct answer
479. What of the following are parts of renal lobe pyramid?
A) Medulla together with associated pyramid
B) Renal columns associated with pyramid
C) Nephron together with associated cortex
D) Medullary interstitium with proximal tubules
E) pyramid together with associated cortex
480. Identify the element that do not belong to filtration barrier?
A) basal lamina of endothelial cells
B) filtration slit membrane
C) pedicels
D) Macula densa
E) basal lamina of podocytes
481. What is the principal constituent of semen, because it is the source of energy for
A) Citrates
B) Proteins
C) Lipochrome
D) Prostaglandins
E) Fructose
482. Where takes its origin the efferent arteriole?
A) Bowman's capsule
B) Glomerulus
C) Loop of Henle
D) Peritubular network
E) vasa recta
483. What does indicate the nature of olfactory vesicle?
A) Part of pericaryon of olfactory cell
B) Dilated part of sustentacular cell
C) Basal cell of olfactory epithelium
D) The part of dendrite of olfactory cell
E) The axonal hillock of olfactory cell
484. Which types of substances may be observed in the cortex?
1) vasa recta and renal papilla
2) red, dot-like granules, the renal corpuscles
3) convoluted tubules, the cortical labyrinth
4) longitudinal striations, medullary rays
5) longitudinal striations, cortical columns
6) ducts of Bellini
A) 2, 3, 6
B) 1, 3, 6
C) 1, 2, 5
D) 2, 4, 5
E) 2, 3, 4
485. Which numbers do indicate the filiform papillae, palatine tonsil and vallate
A) 6, 2, 3
B) 1, 5, 4
C) 2, 4, 6
D) There is no correct answer
E) 2, 3, 5
486. Which of the following is continuation of renal cortex into the medulla?
A) Lobe
B) Medulla
C) Medullary ray
D) Renal columns
E) Nephron
487. Which organs are involved in the embryonic hemopoesis?
A) Yolk sac, liver, spleen
B) Amnyonic cavity and bone marrow
C) Allantois, liver and bone marrow
D) Intraemryonic cavity, spleen
E) Yolk sac, liver, MALT
488. Identify the answer that is not correct regarding renal medullary interstitium
A) it occupies nearly 30% of the volume of the inner medulla
B) It is less extensive than that found in the cortex
C) it include the uriniferous tubules and the extensive vascular network
D) its interstitial cells situated like the rungs of a ladder
E) its interstitial cells are numerous between straight collecting ducts
489. Identify the cell population of renal medullary interstitium
1) Fibroblasts
2) Mast cells
3) Interrenal cells
4) Macrophages
5) Interstitial cells
6) Dust cells
7) Kupfer cells
A) 1, 4, 5
B) 1, 3, 5
C) 2, 4, 6
D) 2, 3, 7
E) 1, 2, 7
490. What is true concerning the pituitary gland?
A) Composed of portions derived from oral ectoderm
B) Composed of portions derived from oral ectoderm
C) Supplied by middle hypophyseal arteries
D) Produce estrogens and oxytocin
E) Produce GnRH and ADH
491. What of the following is vasomotor, controlling blood flow to the alimentary canal?
A) the sympathetic innervation derived from the vagal nerves
B) the sympathetic innervation derived from the sacral nerves
C) the parasympathetic innervation derived from the splanchnic nerves
D) the sympathetic innervation derived from the splanchnic nerves
E) the parasympathetic innervation derived from the vagal nerves
492. Which cells do produce the hormone erythropoietin?
A) endothelial cells of the glomerular capillary network
B) interstitial cells of the liver
C) macrophages of the red bone marrow
D) endothelial cells of the primary capillary network of hypophysis
E) endothelial cells of the peritubular capillary network
493. Which numbers do indicate the epithelial layer and lamina propria of mucosa?
A) 5, 7
B) 2, 3
C) 3, 6
D) 2, 4
E) 3, 4
494. Which numbers do indicate the ovarian cortex and tunica albuginea?
A) 3, 6
B) 2, 5
C) 1, 4
D) 3, 4
E) 1, 6
495. Choose the incorrect explanation to the ureters.
A) muscular contraction of its wall establishes peristalsis-like waves
B) urine pass down the ureter because of gravitational forces
C) a valve-like flap of mucosa hangs over each ureteric orifice
D) a valve-like flap preventes regurgitation of urine from the bladder back into them
E) they pierce the posterior aspect of the base of the bladder
496. Choose the incorrect statement about the surface absorptive cells of small
A) they are tall cells, about 25m in length, with basally located oval nuclei
B) their apical surface presents a brush border
C) their apical surface presents terminal bars
D) the principal functions of these cells are terminal digestion
E) they do not participate in absorption of water and nutrients
497. What of the following is true about the triangular region of the urinary bladder?
A) Its apices are the orifices of the one ureter and the urethra
B) the mucosa of the trigone is never smooth
C) the embryonic origin of the trigone is same as the remainder of the bladder
D) the mucosa of the trigone is never thrown into folds
E) it is lined by simple squamous epithelium
498. What is not true regarding the branching of the splenic arteries?
A) branches of these vessels, trabecular arteries, are conveyed into the substance of the
B) branches of these vessels, pulpar arteries, are conveyed within the trabecules
C) they branch repeatedly as they pierce the connective tissue capsule at the hilum of the
D) when the trabecular arteries are reduced to about 0. 2 mm in diameter, they leave
E) the tunica adventitia of vessels that left the trabeculae become loosely organized
499. Where are the clear, mucus-secreting glands of Littre located?
A) in male urethra
B) in female urethra
C) in kidneys
D) in ureters
E) in urinary bladder
500. What is not found in the pulp?
A) loose connective tissue including pain fibers and adipose cells
B) sensory fibers are responsible for the transmission of pain sensation
C) sympathetic fibers control the luminal diameters of blood vessels
D) myelinated fibers that form the Raschkow plexus
E) vasomotor fibers that regulate vessel lumen
501. Which orifices does contain the urinary bladder?
A) Two urethral and one for uterus
B) One urethral and one ureteric
C) Two ureteric and one urethral
D) Two urethral and one ureteric
E) One pelvic and two ureteric
502. Where the osmotic gradient is necessary for the resorption of water from the urine
passing through collecting ducts is created?
A) In the ascending thin and straight proximal tubules
B) In the ascending and descending thin tubules
C) In the ascending thin and straight distal tubules
D) In the descending thin and straight distal tubules
E) In the proximal and distal straight tubules
503. The ducts of which glands are opened on each side of the external urethral orifice
in female?
A) Glands of uterus
B) Bulbourethral glands
C) Suburethral glands
D) Paraurethral glands
E) Glands of ureters
504. Which of the following is NOT considered an accessory gland?
A) Seminal vesicles.
B) Bulbourethral gland
C) Prostate.
D) Ductus deferens.
E) None of the above
505. Which numbers do indicate the arteriole, spermatogonia and peritubular lymphatic
A) 7, 5, 8
B) 8, 3, 9
C) 7, 2, 1
D) 8, 6, 1
E) 1, 4, 7
506. Which numbers do indicate the residual bodies, late spermatids and secondary
A) 8, 7, 5
B) 4, 7, 8
C) 3, 2, 6
D) 5, 3, 4
E) 5, 6, 7
507. How is the blood flow from the arterial system controlled?
A) By the smooth muscle cells in the wall of metarterioles
B) By the smooth muscle cells in the wall of sinusoidal capillaries
C) By the smooth muscle cells in the wall of fenestrated capillaries
D) By the smooth muscle cells in the wall of venules
E) All of the above
508. What is produced in the arcuate nucleus and preoptic area of the hypothalamus?
A) luteinizing hormone
B) luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH)
C) oxytocine and vasopressin
E) Corticotrophin and follitropin
509. What does form the taste pore?
A) the squamous epithelial cells that underlie the taste bud
B) the columnar epithelial cells that overlie the taste bud
C) the squamous epithelial cells that overlie the taste bud
D) the squamous myoepithelial cells that overlie the taste bud
E) the cuboidal epithelial cells that overlie the taste organ
510. What is not present in male reproductive system?
A) the single prostate gland
B) the paired seminal vesicles
C) the glands of Cowper
D) 10 to 20 ductuli deference
E) the two bulbourethral glands
511. Which numbers do indicate the anterior root, epineurium and endoneurium?
A) 6, 7, 10
B) 1, 4, 6
C) 3, 5, 11
D) 8, 10, 12
E) 2, 3, 5
512. What does form the spermatides during the spermatogenesis?
A) the simplast of cells
B) the syncytium of cells
C) the binucleated cells
D) the spermatic cord
E) the spermatogenic cord
513. Which numbers do indicate the interstitial cells of placentar villus and
A) 4, 3
B) 3, 4
C) 2, 5
D) 5, 6
E) 6, 2
514. Which organ is shown on the figure?
A) ductus epididymis
B) Ductus deferens
C) Urether
D) Ductus efferens
E) Urethra
515. What is not true concerning the follicular cells of thyroid gland?
A) have a round to ovoid nucleus with two nucleoli and oxyphilic cytoplasm
B) have a round to ovoid nucleus with two nucleoli and basophilic cytoplasm
C) have numerous apically located cilia
D) numerous short stereocilia that extend into the colloid
E) under the control of TSH
516. Which number does indicate the connective tissue elements?
A) 2
B) 5
C) Not shown
D) 3
E) 6
517. Which of the following contains perilymph?
A) Semisircular ducts
B) Scala tympani
C) Spiral duct
D) Cochlear duct
E) utricle
518. Which number does indicate the deep dorsal veins of penis?
A) 5
B) 6
C) 4
D) 3
E) 7
519. Which numbers do indicate the fibrocyte, basal bodies and basal epithelial cells of
the bronchiolar wall?
A) 3, 6, 5
B) 9, 5, 3
C) 4, 5, 6
D) 1, 6, 9
E) There is no correct answer
520. Which elements does not contain the testis?
A) the tunica vasculosa
B) tunica albuginea
C) lobuli testis
D) mediastinum testis
E) tunica muscularis
521. Choose the components which are not found in the wall of the seminiferous tubule
of human.
1) slender connective tissue layer, the tuni ca propria
2) very thin seminiferous epithelium
3) a well-developed basal lamina
4) slender, type I collagen fiber bundles
5) several layers of fibroblasts
6) myoid cells
7) slender, type II collagen fiber bundles
A) 2, 4, 5
B) 2, 3, 6
C) 2, 6, 7
D) 1, 3, 7
E) 1, 2, 4
522. The wall of which vessels is most permeable?
A) veins
B) capillaries
C) metartherioles
D) artherioles
E) postcapillary venules
523. What does mean the class switching (isotype switching) in immune response?
A) Once IgG is produced, the B cell can manufacture a different class of immunoglobulin
B) Once IgA is produced, the IgM can manufacture a different class of FAB fragments
C) Once IgE is produced, the mast cell can manufacture a different class of histamins
D) Once IgM is produced, the B cell can manufacture a different class of immunoglobulin
E) Once IgM is produced, the T cell can manufacture a different class of TSR
524. What of the spermatogenic cells undergo the second meiotic division to form
haploid cells?
A) primary spermatocytes
B) Spermatogonia
C) secondary spermatocytes
D) spermatozoa
E) spermatids
525. How many days requires the cycle of the seminiferous epithelium?
A) 64 days
B) 19 days
C) 16-days
D) 7 days
E) 72 days
526. With which nerves are associated the sensory ganglia?
1) with cranial nerve V
2) with cranial nerve VI
3) with cranial nerve IX
4) with cranial nerve X
5) with each of the spinal nerves
6) with cranial nerve III
A) 1, 2, 3, 5
B) 2, 3, 4, 5
C) 2, 4, 5, 6
D) 1, 3, 4, 5
E) 1, 3, 5, 6
527. The cells of which organ do contain the crystals of Reinke?
A) Prostate
B) ovarii
C) Testis
D) Epididimis
E) Seminal vesicles
528. Where the sinusoidal capillaries become confluent with a venous plexus of adrenal
A) in the outer cortex
B) in the capsule
C) in the deep cortex
D) in the hilus
E) in the deep medulla
529. Identify the incorrect information about the prostate gland.
A) it is pierced by the ductus deferences and the ejaculatory ducts
B) its capsule is composed of a richly vascularized, dense connective tissue
C) its capsule includes the smooth muscle cells
D) the connective tissue stroma of the gland is derived from the capsule
E) it is the conglomeration of 30 to 50 individual glands
530. In which region are goblet cells most numerous?
A) Stomach
B) Small intestine
C) Esophagus
D) Anus
E) Large intestine
531. What are not components of the prostatic secretion?
1) proteolytic enzymes
2) fructose
3) acid phosphatase
4) fibrinolysin
5) citric acid
6) lypochrome pigment
7) dihydrotestosterone
A) 1, 2, 3
B) 2, 3, 4
C) 2, 6, 7
D) 1, 2, 6
E) 3, 6, 7
532. Which elements are not present in jejunum?
A) valves of Kerckring
B) Villi
C) Microvilli
D) Brunners glands
E) Plicae circulars
533. What is not true about the epididymis?
A) The short basal cells of its epithelium are pyramidal to polyhedral
B) Its a highly convoluted tubule divided into a head, body, and tail, is continuous with the
ductus deferens
C) The apical cell membranes of the principal cells display many microvilli that project into the
lumen of the epididymis
D) Its basal cells function as stem cells, regenerating themselves as well as the principal cells
as the need arises
E) The tall principal cells of the epithelium of the epididymis have irregular, oval nuclei with
one or two large nucleoli.
534. What imparts the characteristic festooned appearance to the lumina of the ductuli
A) The successive clusters of short and tall epithelial cells
B) The resorbtion of most of the luminal fluid elaborated by the Sertoli cells
C) The cilia of the columnar cells
D) The cuboidal cells, richly endowed with lysosomes
E) Apical plasmalemmae of flattened cells displaying numerous invaginations indicative of
535. Where are developed the primordial germ cells?
A) in the gonads endoderm
B) in the ovarium
C) in the yolk sac mesoderm
D) in the yolk sac endoderm
E) in the yolk sac ectoderm
536. Which organ is shown?
A) Uterus
B) Oviduct
C) Urether
D) Pancrearic duct
E) Urethra
537. Which glands do compose the bulk of the prostate gland?
A) main glands
B) mucosal glands
C) principal glands
D) submucosal glands
E) intercalated glands
538. How many follicles reach the mature stage and are primed to undergo ovulation?
A) about 1% of all follicles
B) about 50% of all follicles
C) about 0. 001% of all follicles
D) about 2% of all follicles
E) about 10% of all follicles
539. Which numbers do indicate the basal lamina of the pneumocytes, type II
pneumocytes and endothelial cells?
A) 5, 4, 7
B) 4, 6, 7
C) 4, 5, 6
D) 6, 2, 5
E) There is no correct answer
540. Which of the following is NOT considered part of the male genital duct system?.
A) Seminal vesicles
B) Tubuli recti
C) Rete testis.
D) Ductus deferens
E) Ductus epididymidis
541. What vessel is a branch of the interlobular artery?
A) Capillary tuft
B) Efferent arteriole
C) Vasa recta
D) Afferent arteriole
E) Peritubular capillaries
542. What gland in the male is homologous to the greater vestibular gland in the
A) Skene's gland.
B) Prostate gland.
C) Bartholin's gland.
D) Cowper's glandc.
E) Brunner's gland
543. What is true about the supporting cells of the maculae?
A) They have a few cilia
B) They help maintain the connective tissue cells
C) They are situated over the hair cells
D) They contribute to the production of perilymph.
E) They are interposed between hair cells
544. What are the spherical structures seen in some prostatic alveoli called?
A) Hassall's corpuscles.
B) Corpora arenacea.
C) Pacinian corpuscles
D) Psammoma bodies.
E) Prostatic concretions.
545. Which number does indicate the simple cuboidal epithelium of primary follicle?
A) 23
B) 22
C) 26
D) 29
E) 20
546. What is the stroma of the prostate?.
A) Loose irregular connective tissue.
B) Smooth muscle.
C) Fibromuscular.
D) Dense irregular connective tissue
E) Adipose tissue.
547. Which numbers do indicate the atretic follicle, ovarian mesothelium and corpus
A) 2, 4, 3
B) 6, 4, 2
C) 5, 2, 7
D) 1, 7, 6
E) 5, 1, 6
548. When does begin the mesoblastic phase of blood cell formation?
A) 4 weeks after conception
B) 2 months after conception
C) 1 month after conception
D) 3 weeks after conception
E) 2 weeks after conception
549. Which innervation has pineal gland?
A) Somatic
B) Parasympatetic
C) Cholinergic
D) Sympatetic
E) Parasympatetic and cholinergic
550. Which numbers do indicate the lipid droplets and rough endoplasmic reticulum of
lutein cells?
A) 6, 4
B) 1, 4
C) 3, 5
D) 1, 6
E) 2, 3
551. Identify the CORRECT statement
Primary follicule
A) composed of a primary oocyte together with its surrounding cuboidal stratified epithelial
B) composed of a primary oocyte and flat epithelial cells
C) composed of only oogonia arrest their cell division in prophase of meiosis I
D) composed of polar body and zygote
E) enters meiosis II but arrests in metaphase
552. Which numbers do indicate the rough endoplasmic reticulum, basal laminae and
microvilli? Follow the true sequence of numbers, showing those elements .
A) 7, 3, 1
B) 7, 5, 2
C) 5, 7, 3
D) 5, 2, 3
E) There is no correct answer
553. Identify the CORRECT statement
A) A benign hyperplasia of the prostate is usually the result of changes in the peripheral zone
which contains the main glands
B) Testosterone produced by the male accessory reproductive glands (seminal vesicle and
prostate) causes the development of the masculine extragenital sex characteristics
C) The prophase of primary spermatocytes is extremely prolonged
D) "Spermiogenesis" and "spermatogenesis" are synonymous terms
E) Efferent ductules are not lined with pseudostratified columnar epithelium
554. Where is the cellular portion of semen formed?
A) tubuli recti
B) seminiferous tubules
C) rete testis
D) ductuli efferentes
E) ductus defferents
555. Identify the CORRECT statement
A) A distinct zona pelucida separates the oocyte and follicular cells of primordial follicles
B) Like sweat glands, mammary glands are simple tubular glands
C) The resting mammary gland has alveolar secretory portions
D) Progesterone and estrogen are the main stimulants of milk secretion in the mammary gland
E) The mammary glands are modified glands of the skin
556. What is the function of ghrelin?
A) It modulates receptive contraction of the smooth muscle fibers of the muscularis externa
B) It maintains the relatively constant intraluminal pressure as the stomach expands
C) It maintain the relatively constant intraluminal pressure in the intestine
D) It increase the surface area of the gastric lining
E) It maintains the relatively constant acidity in the stomach
557. Identify the INCORRECT statement
A) Differences in the height of the epithelium give the lumen of the ductuli efferentes an
irregular outline
B) The maturation of spermatids into spermatocytes is called spermiogenesis
C) The acrosomal stage is part of spermiogenesis
D) Leydig cells provide structural and nutritional support for the developing spermatocytes
E) Fructose, which is part of the secretion of the seminal vesicles, provides energy for the
ejaculated spermatozoa
558. Which cell is a macrophage found in the skin?
A) Histiocyte
B) Langerhans cell
C) Kupffer cells
D) Dust cell
E) Microglia
559. What of the following is a component of ovarian medulla?
A) Corpus luteum
B) Secondary follicles
C) Hilus cells
D) Corpus albicans
E) Primordial follicles
560. What does stimulate the release of FSH from the pituitary gland?
A) signaling molecule activin, produced by granulosa cells
B) signaling molecule folliostatin, produced by granulosa cells
C) signaling molecule pregnenolone, produced by theca interna cells
D) signaling molecule G protein, produced by zona pellucida
E) signaling molecule activin, produced by theca externa cells
561. Where is produced the alkaline fluid, which neutralizes and buffers the acid chyme
that enters the duodenum from the pyloric stomach?
A) In centroacinar cells
B) In parietal cells of duodenum
C) In interlobular ducts of pancreas
D) In acinar cells
E) In M cells of duodenum
562. Identify the correct statement
A) The materials resorbed from the lumen of the proximal tubule enter the epithelium of
Bowmans capsule
B) Molecules greater than 69, ooo Da are trapped by the basal lamina
C) The resorbed substances returned from the kidney to the large intestine
D) !0 persent of sodium and chloride ions are absorbed in proximal convoluted tubules
E) The molecular shape and charge of a molecule do not influence the ability of a molecule to
traverse the filtration barrier
563. Which hormone is produced by theca interna cells?
A) progesterone
B) estron and estradiol
C) androstenedione
D) follitropin
E) activin
564. Inside of which follicle several intercellular spaces arise within the mass of
granulosa cells and become filled with a fluid?
A) Graafian follicle
B) tertiary follicle
C) secondary follicle
D) primorfial follicle
E) primary follicle
565. Which regions of the oral cavity are lined by a masticatory mucosa?
1) soft palate
2) gingival surface
3) dorsal surface of the tongue
4) hard palate
5) ventral surface of the tongue
6) cheeks
7) ventral surface of the lips
A) 2, 3, 5
B) 1, 3, 7
C) 2, 4, 5
D) 1, 2, 6
E) 2, 3, 4
566. Which numbers do indicate the nucleus of basal cell, microvilli and basal bodies?
A) 2, 7, 8
B) 3, 5, 7
C) 8, 1, 9
D) 3, 4, 9
E) 4, 7, 6
567. Where are the Martinotti cells found?
A) Spinal ganglia
B) Cerebellar cortex
C) Retina
D) Spinal cord
E) Cerebral cortex
568. What is the thickest layer of the uterus?
A) endometrium
B) outer serosa
C) perimetrium
D) myometrium
E) inner mucosa
569. Which types of cells are found in the olfactory epithelium?
1) Olfactory
2) Sustentacular
3) Amakrine cells
4) Basal
5) Type I hairy cells
6) Hensens cells
A) 2, 4, 6
B) 1, 2, 3
C) 2, 3, 5
D) 1, 2, 4
E) 1, 5, 6
570. Which number does indicate the granulosa lutein cells of corpus luteum?
A) 38
B) 39
C) 36
D) 40
E) 34
571. During which time replaces the epithelial lining of the crypts in the large intestine?
A) every 10 to 20 days
B) every 3 to 4 days
C) every 6 to 7 days
D) every 7 to 10 days
E) every 1 to 3 days
572. Which number does indicate the granulosa lutein cells?
A) 3
B) 6
C) 1
D) 2
E) 5
573. What is the surface epithelium covering the ovaries?
A) squamous epithelium
B) cellular cortex
C) endothelial epithelium
D) germinal epithelium
E) tunica albuginea
574. With which cells do the monocytes share their bipotential cells?
A) with neutrophils
B) with basophils
C) with nurse cells and platelets
D) with eosinophiles
E) with lymphocytes
575. Hypophyseal portal veins drain __________
A) the primary capillary plexus, located in the pars distalis
B) the primary capillary plexus of the median eminence
C) the secondary capillary plexus, located in the pars distalis
D) the primary capillary plexus of the hypothalamus
E) the secondary capillary plexus of the median eminence
576. The proliferative activity of the granulosa cells is due to the signaling molecule
A) IL5 produced by the tertiary oocyte
B) activin produced by the primary oocyte.
C) activin produced by the secondary oocyte
D) progesterone produced by the primary oocyte
E) estrogens produced by the primary oocyte
577. Which cells do form the theca externa?
A) epithelial tissue cells
B) fibrous connective tissue cells
C) endothelial cells
D) Stromal cells
E) muscle cells
578. What is the charasteric feature of the granular layer of cerebellar cortex?
A) Is the deepest layer, that consists of small granule cells and glomeruli
B) Is the deepest layer, that consists of small granule cells and Martinotti cells
C) Is the middle layer, that consists of small granule cells and glomeruli
D) Is the deepest layer, that consists of large granule cells and basket cells
E) Is the superficial layer, that consists of flask-shaped cells and glomeruli
579. What converts the androstenedione into the estrogen estradiol?
A) the enzyme aromatase
B) the enzyme dehydrogenase
C) the enzyme convertase
D) the enzyme phosphatase
E) the enzyme proteinkinase
580. Identify the correct statement
A) In many parts of the body the artery simply joins with a lymphatic vessel
B) The AVA has an extremely thin wall to provide exchange of substances
C) subendothelial layer is composed of longitudinally arranged epithelial cells
D) Terminals of most arteries end in capillary beds, which deliver their blood to venules
E) the fenestrate capillaries are found in the papillary layer of dermis
581. What is not true about the ovarian medulla?
A) It contains large blood vessels, lymph vessels, and nerve fibers.
B) In the premenstrual ovary it has a few clusters of epithelioid interstitial cells
C) It contains many clusters of interstitial cells, which collectively are called the interstitial
D) Its the peripheral region of the ovary
E) It is composed of fibroblasts loosely embedded in a collagen-rich meshwork containing
elastic fibers
582. What are vasa vasorum?
A) Nerves
B) Blood vessels
C) Valves
D) Vasopressin secreting cells
E) Vasoactive material
583. How many sexual cells are there in each ovary near the end of the 5th fetal month?
A) 350 thousand to 450 thousand
B) There is no correct answer
C) 5 million to 7 million
D) 1 million to 2 million
E) 3 million to 4 million
584. Find the statements belonging to the (D and D
) cells of islet of Langerhanse.
1) Scattered throughout islet
2) concentrated in periphery of islet
3) concentrated in center of islet
4) have electron-lucent homogeneous granule
5) their product inhibits hormone release from endocrine pancreas
6) their number constitute 5% of total cell population
7) their product increases blood glucose levels
A) 1, 2, 4, 6
B) 1, 4, 5, 6
C) 1, 2, 3, 4
D) 1, 3, 4, 7
E) 2, 3, 4, 5
585. Identify the INCORRECT statement
A) the menstrual phase is characterized by the desquamation of the functionalis layer of the
B) the proliferative phase is characterized by a reepithelization of the lining of the endometrium
and renewal of the functionalis, reconstruction of the glands
C) by the 14th day of the menstrual cycle the functionalis layer of the endometrium has been
fully restored to its previou status
D) by the 14th day of the menstrual cycle the endometrium is about 5 mm thick
E) the secretory phase is characterized by thickening of the endometrium
586. Identify the incorrect statement
A) the oviducts wall is composed of four layers:mucosa, submucosa, muscularis, serosa
B) nonciliated peg cells have secretory function and products within the secretions facilitate
capacitation of spermatozoa
C) the simple columnar epithelium that lines the lumen is tallest in the infundibulum and
shortens as the oviduct approaches the uterus
D) the oviducts act ass a conduit for spermatozoa to reach the primary oocyte and to convey
the fertilized egg to the uterus
E) the mucosa characterized by many longitudinal folds
587. What is the main hormone that regulates the continued development of secondary
follicles into graafian follicles?
A) Folliostatin
B) Activin
C) Progesterone
588. Where are located the neurons peripheral processes of which transduce
information from the external environment?
A) autonomic ganglia
B) ventral root ganglia
C) Auerbachs nerve plexus
D) ventral horn of spinal cord
E) dorsal root ganglia
589. Which types of the cells are found in the endomethrium?
1) nonciliated secretory columnar cells
2) squamous secretory cells
3) ciliated cells
4) simple branched tubular glands
5) goblet cells
6) M cells
A) 2, 3, 5
B) 1, 4, 6
C) 1, 5, 6
D) 1, 2, 3
E) 1, 3, 4
590. Which vessels do supply only the functional layer of endometrium?
A) arcuate arteries
B) the straight arteries
C) interlobar arteries
D) capsular arteries
E) helical arteries
591. Which differences between the axons of arcuate nucleus of hypothalamus from
other axons of the body?
A) instead of delivering a nerve impulses , they liberate thyroid hormones
B) instead of delivering a signal to another cell, they liberate oxytocin and ADH
C) instead of releasing cerebrospinal fluid, they liberate releasing hormones
D) instead of delivering a signal to another cell, they liberate either releasing or inhibiting
E) instead of delivering a signal to another cell, they liberate either inhibiting hormones and
592. Which hormones do influence the myometrium and the fetal membranes to
produce prostaglandins?
A) estrogens
B) progesterone
C) FSH and LH
D) oxytocin
E) corticotropic hormone
593. Where is the Bruch's membrane located?
A) It separate the choroid from the retina
B) It separate the ciliary body from the retina
C) It separate the choroid from the vitreous body
D) It separate the choroid from the sclera
E) There is no correct answer
594. Which numbers do indicate the amniotic epithelium and fibrinoid layer?
A) 4, 5
B) 2, 3
C) 4, 6
D) 5, 6
E) 2, 4
595. What does the progesterone and estrogens secreted by granulosa-lutein do?
A) stimulate the secretion of LH and FSH, respectively
B) activate the secretion of LHR and FSHR, respectively
C) inhibit the secretion of LHR and FSHR, respectively
D) inhibit the secretion of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)
E) inhibit the secretion of LH and FSH, respectively
596. Which organ is shown on the figure?
A) Oviduct
B) Urethra
C) Urether
D) Pancrearic duct
E) Uterus
597. Which enzyme converts free cholesterol into pregnenolone in Leydig cells?
A) adenylate cyclase
B) 5-reductase
C) cholesterol esterases
D) aromatase
E) cholesterol desmolase
598. What of the following does not indicate the feature of the mammary glands?
A) they develop in the same manner in both sexes
B) they are of the different structure in both sexes before puberty
C) changes in the hormonal secretions in females cause their further development
D) each lobe of these glands is drained by its own lactiferous duct
E) they are of the same structure in both sexes until puberty
599. What is necessary for full development of the ductal portion of the breast?
1) Glucocorticoids
2) Somatotropin
3) Somatostatin
4) Dihidroepiandrosterone
5) Progesterone
6) TSH and LH
A) 1, 2, 3
B) 2, 4, 6
C) 1, 3, 6
D) 2, 4, 5
E) 1, 2, 5
600. What is not true about the deepest layer of skin?
A) include connective tissue cells
B) include thick elastic fibers
C) Contains ducts of sebaceous glands
D) include type I collagen
E) contains sweat glands and their ducts
601. Which numbers do indicate the mitochondria, lysosomes and basal lamina?
A) 5, 10, 12
B) 10, 11, 12
C) 6, 9, 10
D) 6, 10, 12
E) There is no correct answer
602. The structures which are anchored to the decidua basalis are called
A) free villi
B) secondary villi
C) tertiary villi
D) basal villi
E) anchoring villi
603. How many lobes have mammary gland?
A) 5 to 10
B) 3 to 8
C) 15 to 20
D) 25 to 40
E) 35 to 50
604. Which tissue does form the detrusor muscle?
A) Smooth muscle
B) Striated muscle tissue
C) Skeletal muscle
D) Connective tissue fibers
E) Both striated and smooth muscle tissue
605. The lactiferous sinus and the lactiferous duct are lined by
A) a simple squamous, keratinized epithelium
B) a stratified squamous, keratinized epithelium.
C) a stratified squamous, nonkeratinized epithelium
D) a stratified cuboidal epithelium
E) a simple columnar epithelium
606. On which hormone does the size and number of the myometrial muscle cells
A) on activin levels
B) on levels of pregnolonone
C) on LHRH and oxytocine levels
D) on estrogen levels
E) on levels of prolactin

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