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Additional resources

The ABCs of Child Development
This website provides information on the developmental milestones of a childs physical, social-
emotional development, along with thinking and communication skills. Each child develops at
their own pace, but this article provides a basis of what your child is learning and doing at each
developmental level. It allows you to watch your child develop along the lines of the
developmental milestones. It is a great guideline to follow as you watch your child learn and

Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
This website is a wonderful source for caregivers because it covers many different aspects of
child development. It covers every stage of development and provides links to many other
sources. This resource provides thorough information on anything that pertains to children and
their families. There are research articles available that cover typical and atypical development.
This website is user friendly and it is loaded with valuable information.

Epstein's framework of six types of involvement.
This is a great source that helps caregivers be a part of their childs development. It provides a
framework of six key types of involvement that can influence a childs development. It provides
sample practices, challenges, and results for students, parents, and teachers. It explains the
importance that family, school, and the community have on a child and how it can influence

Infant-parent attachment: Definitions, types, antecedents,
measurement and outcome.!po=15.6250
This is a great article based on theories and supported by research on the attachment theory. The
article distinguishes the difference between bonding and attachment. It goes on to provide
detailed information on the four main types of infant-parent attachment. The article focuses on
how a childs development is affected when they do not form secure attachment early on with a
caregiver. The secure attachment between a child and caregiver can lead to a successful social-
emotional development.

National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities
For anyone that is concerned about the growth and development of a child, this website is a great
resource. You can access a plethora of information regarding children from birth to age twenty-
two. The website provides links to state and national organizations that can assist in the process.
You can also find a collection of disability and education laws so you know your right as a
caregiver and the rights of the child. Recent publications are available to help assist a child in

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