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Abella, Christian Monday, November 18, 2013 9:53:30 AM Pacic Standard Time 70:56:81:af:cf:69
the distributive property is when you split a two digit number into an
addition equation. [5(45) = 5(40+5)]. Then you multiply multiply by each of
the numbers to get the answer. [(5!40) + (5!5) = 225]
the associative property is when you switch the parenthesis on one side of
the equation. [5+(8+9) = (5+8)+9]
the commutative property is the property when you switch the order of the
numbers in an equation. [5+3+4 = 3+4+5]
Abella, Christian Monday, November 18, 2013 9:53:30 AM Pacic Standard Time 70:56:81:af:cf:69
To simplify 4(7x - 3) + 2x rst you need to multiply 4 times 7x and 3 to get
28x - 12 + 2x then you combine like terms to get 30x - 12.
To solve 7x - 10 - 9x = -13 you rst combine like terms. Then you would
have -2x - 10 = -13. Then you would add 10 to both sides to get x by its
self. Then you would have -2x = 3 then you would divide -2 by both sides.
Now you have x = 0.6 repeating
To solve 5x/6 + x/3 - 1/2 = 11/6 you multiply the rst three fractions by 6
because they all go into it. then it would be 5x + 2x - 3 = 11. Then combine
like terms. 7x - 3 = 11. Then you add 3 to both sides. 7x = 14. Then it will be
x = 2
Abella, Christian Monday, November 18, 2013 9:53:30 AM Pacic Standard Time 70:56:81:af:cf:69
To solve -4x + 4 > -8 you rst subtract 4 from both sides. -4x > -12. Then
you divide -4 from both sides. Then you ip the inequality sign because its a
negative number. x < 3
An open circle when graphing an inequality means it is not part of the
problem. [x>3] A closed circle is when is larger or equal to and is part of the
equation. [x>3]
1. 12x > 160 x > 13.3 13 weeks
2. 25(1/3) = 75 minutes
3. x/3 - 36 < 22 3(x/3 - 36) < 3(22) = x - 108 < 66 x < 174
Abella, Christian Monday, November 18, 2013 9:53:30 AM Pacic Standard Time 70:56:81:af:cf:69

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