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AislAr JerusAln: lA estrAtegiA

de VespAsiAno en JudeA
por Fernando Quesada (Univ. Autnoma de Madrid)
Atkinson, K. (2007): Noble deaths at Gamla and Masada? A critical assessment of Josephus acounts of Jewish resistence in light of archaeological
discoveries. Z. Rodgers (ed.) Making History: Josephus and his historical method. Leiden; Brill, pp. 349-371.
Cheesman, G.L. (1968): The auxilia of the Roman Imperial Army. Roma, lErma.
Connolly, P. (1985): La vida en tiempos de Jess de Nazareth. Madrid, Anaya.
Curran, J.R. (2007): The Jewish War: some neglected regional factors, Classical World 101.1, pp. 75-91.
Dean, S.E. (2011): La guerra de Varo 4 a.C. Roma reprime la guerra civil en Judea, Desperta Ferro Antigua y Medieval 9, pp.16-21.
Grainger, J.D. (2013): Roman Conquests. Egypt and Judaea. Barnsley, Pen&Sword.
Lendon, J.E. (2005): Scenes from the Jewish War, AD 67-70. Fighting, working and training in the Roman Imperial Army, Soldiers & Ghosts, ch. XI,
pp. 233-260. New Haven, Yale UP.
Luttwak, E.N. (1976): The Grand Strategy of the Roman Empire. From the First Century AD to the Third. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins UP.
Pitillas Salaer, E. (2008): El origen de la revuelta juda contra Roma (66 d.C.) segn el testimonio de Tito Flavio Josefo. Espacio, Tiempo y Forma
Serie II, Historia Antigua 21, pp. 287-302.
Rodrguez Gonzlez, J. (2001): Historia de las legiones romanas. Vols. I-II. Madrid, Signifer.
Roth, J.P. (1999): The logistics of the Roman Army at War (264 BC-Ad 235). Leiden, Brill.
Smallwood, E.M. (1981): The Jews under Roman Rule from Pompey to Diocletian. A study in political relations. Leiden, Brill.
Sumner, G. (2007): Pontius Pilates bodyguard. The Roman army in Judea AD 6-66, Ancient Warfare I.1, pp. 44-48.
Valds Matas, P. (2011): El debate sobre la Grand Strategy romana. Revista de Historiografa 14, pp. 182-193.
En Internet:

drAmtico finAl. los Asedios

de mAqueronte y mAsAdA
por Gwyn Davies (Florida International University)
Ben-Tor, A. (2009): Back to Masada. Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society (estado de la cuestin de la arqueologa en Masada).
Davies, G. (2011): Under Siege: the Roman Field Works at Masada Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research, 362: 65-83 (informacin
detallada de las obras de asedio romanas en Masada)
Strobel, A. (1974): Observations about the Roman Installations at Mukawer Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan, 19: 101-127 (donde se
discuten las obras de asedio romanas en Maqueronte).

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