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Appendix A: 7 Sample Detailed Childrens Activity Schedule

Ready for School Connects: Staff Training Toolkit

These are examples of schedules that have worked in the past. lease use them as a !uide
and revise as necessary for your pro!ram. Create a schedule that is flexi"le# works for your
children# esta"lishes routines and takes into account the a"ove elements.
Daily Schedule Example 1 Daily Schedule Example 2
-ornin! Circle
Structured lay
.nstructured lay
/utdoor lay
arent2Child Activity
Closin! Circle
Circle Time
Snack23ree lay
Structured Activity
/utdoor lay
.nstructured lay
Story2Sin! Alon!
arent2Child Activity
Closin! Circle
Schedule Details
4reet each parent and child as they arrive
Stick maskin! tape nameta!s on each child
Children put their "a!s2lunches in their "ins
Children find and si!n'in their name "ooks
5e sure to write the names in crayon# as markers will seep throu!h the paper
3or children who are havin! trou"le writin! their names# write it in yellow and have them
trace it or let them scri""le or draw a picture instead.
Children select a "ook to read with their parent while others arrive
*Note: On the first day take pictures for bins and family files*
orning Circle
Create a circle "in with everythin! you are !oin! to need for mornin! circle i.e. props# pointy
and clothes# sticky tac# picture schedule etc.
6f children are playin! with toys# sin! the clean up son! as you clean up and !et ready for circle
Clean up, clean up, everybody everywhere. Clean up, clean up, everybody do your share
Appendix A: 7 Sample Detailed Childrens Activity Schedule
Ready for School Connects: Staff Training Toolkit
Ask the children to put their "ooks away# or have one child collect them. Durin! this transition
you can sin!
t!s time to put the books away, books away, books away. t!s time to put the books
away, thank you very much
/nce all "ooks have "een put away and the children have settled down# the circle can "e!in.
7nthusiastically !reet the !roup
Sin! the 84ood -ornin! Train
9The !ood mornin! train is comin!# how are you:
Choo choo;
The !ood mornin! train is comin!# how are you:
Choo choo;
The !ood mornin! train is comin!#
The !ood mornin! train is comin!#
The !ood mornin! train is comin!# how are you:
Choo choo;
And well say hello to <achel# how are you:
Choo choo;
And well say hello to =eiko# how are you:
Choo# choo;
And well say hello to April and well say hello to Chantal and well say hello to Antonella
how are you:
Choo# choo;>
The entire class stands to sin! 9/ Canada># after which# the parents can leave ?keep this
consistent so that children know parents2care!ivers always leave after / Canada@. The
pro!ram has also worked havin! parents stay throu!h the calendar and weather routines.
They found it helpful learnin! the son!s and learnin! how to talk to their children a"out the
routines. 6n this case# sin! / Canada after the calendar and weather routine
Calendar# Weather $ Dressing !ointy:
Sin! 8There are 7 Days in the ,eek in order to transition into the calendar routine
"here are # days, there # days, there are # days in the week.
"here are # days, there # days, there are # days in the week.
$unday, %onday, "uesday, &ednesday, "hursday, 'riday, $aturday.
$unday, %onday, "uesday, &ednesday, "hursday, 'riday, $aturday.
9Today is ?have the class answer all to!ether@ 8-onday>
<efer to the calendar and point out the word 8-onday
6n order to find out what the date is# start at the first and count out the days that have passed
on the calendar until you reach todays date
Aelp the children to notice the pattern that the num"er stickers form "y startin! at the first and
readin! out the shapes i.e. 9SBuare# circle# sBuare# circleC 6f yesterday was a sBuare# then
today is a:>
Discuss the days weather and use pictures of weather if availa"le
Appendix A: 7 Sample Detailed Childrens Activity Schedule
Ready for School Connects: Staff Training Toolkit
/nce the weather has "een esta"lished the children can 8dress ointy the encil. Ask the
children what he would need for the type of weather that day. 3or example: 9Since today is
sunny what do you think ointy will need: Do you think that he needs his sun!lasses:>
Songs $ "ames:
Sin! a few son!s# for example: 8Aead and Shoulders. Sin! the son! at a re!ular speed and
then a!ain much faster# while doin! the actions and 8The ,heels on the 5us ?there are many
son!s to choose from in the <fSC Childrens Son!"ook# Appendix 5:&*@
lay a !ame or two# for example:
84ra" it# Dame it ut some thin!s that the child sees or uses often# in a "a!. Take an
item out of the "a! and name it. Then offer the child the "a! to pull out a toy. Ask the
child# E,hat is it:E
8,hats -issin!: lace three o"Fects in the middle of the circle# the o"Fects could "e
anythin! from toys to classroom supplies# as lon! as they are different# have the
children close their eyes while the teacher removes one o"Fect and hides it "ehind
her2his "ack# Aave the children open their eyes and !uess which item is missin!% GDote:
make sure you have a "ox of o"Fects prepared so that you can play a few rounds usin!
different o"Fects
<eview pictures of traffic li!hts and sym"ols with children so that they will comprehend
them when the !roup walks to the li"rary
Daily !icture Schedule:
.sin! the felt "oard and picture sym"ols# !o over the schedule for the day with the children.
3or example: 9,e will start off with circle# after circle we will do our craft. Then we will have our
washroom "reak and eat snackC.>
ractice predictin! activities usin! the picture "oard 96f we are havin! circle now# then what
comes next:>
Ending Circle:
7xplain the next activity. Ask the children to !o to the next activity in !roups. /ne way to avoid
chaos is to have fewer children movin! at a time# for example# 9,hoever is wearin! !reen can
!o to the craft station># 96f you are ( years old# please line up at the door> etc.
Structured !lay
Day * ( &ean !lanting
mun! or kidney "eans
paper towels
small plastic clear cup
maskin! tape
Durin! prep'time write childrens names on maskin! tape and place on cups# this will
save the confusion of doin! it durin! the activity.
Appendix A: 7 Sample Detailed Childrens Activity Schedule
Ready for School Connects: Staff Training Toolkit
rovide children with a plastic cup# fill the cup with moist paper towels and place the
"ean in# make sure to keep the paper towels wet for the entire time# add water. lace
the cups in a plastic "in or container to prevent it spillin! and keep them in a sunny area
of the room# water daily
Aave the children count the "eans that plant ?approx. ) "eans each@
5e sure to plant a few extra cups of "eans in case some do not !row
Ask the children to water their plants each mornin! when they arrive usin! the spray
"ottles. Count out the num"er of sBuirts so that the plants arent overwatered ?) works
Day + H Egg'Carton Caterpillars
7!! cartons ?%' ( e!!s per child dependin! on availa"ility@
Short pipe cleaners
/ther art supplies ?!lue# shapes@
7ach child !ets part of an e!! carton ?put names inside each one@
Cut holes with scissors or a pencil for antennae
1et child decorate caterpillar with paint# markers# shapes
Aave children add antennae
Day % H !laydough
(o Cook !lay Dough
+ cups flour
* cup salt
*2+ cup water
* teaspoon vine!ar
=ool Aid owder
-ix the flour and salt in a lar!e "owl.
Slowly add water and vine!ar# ?if you are usin! kool aid# add the powder now@
and stir with a wooden spoon until the mixture is stiff.
=nead until plia"le.
Store# ti!htly covered and la"eled# in a plastic "a! or container in the refri!erator.
lay Dou!h will keep for months if you refri!erate it after each use
-ake at least two "atches in different colours so that all children can participate
6n order to ensure participation !ive them their own small "owls and have them
mix some of the pre'measured in!redients independently# or !ive them a "it of
water or kool aid and have them mix these themselves in their "owls
Appendix A: 7 Sample Detailed Childrens Activity Schedule
Ready for School Connects: Staff Training Toolkit
At the end of each session every child !ets to take home a portion of the
playdou!h and a recipe.
Day ( H &oys*"irls ural
-ural paper
<oll out approximately *'*.) meters ?dependin! on the hei!ht of the child@ of the mural
Aave the child lay down on the mural paper so that they can "e traced
.sin! a crayon !ently and carefully trace the child# or have the children trace each other
if they wish
Aave them colour in their tracin!
They can draw their faces and clothin! or they can decorate it as they please
Day ) H Cooking + ,ruit !ie
prepared thin'crust *+E piIIa crust
J oI. cream cheese
*2% cup su!ar
*2+ tsp. vanilla extract
"anana# peeled and sliced ( straw"erries and rasp"erries
Spray *+'inch piIIa pan with non'stick spray. lace crust on piIIa pan ?This may have
to "e done at someones home as most locations do not have ovens@ "ake at %)&K3 for
J'*& minutes. Cool.
5lend cream cheese# su!ar# and vanilla. Spread mixture over crust.
Aave children participate in the process "y !ivin! them their own "owls and plastic
Apply fruit to crust
Cut into small pieces
arents love this piIIa too# so "e sure to make two or three dependin! on the siIe of your
Day L H !ainting cover ta"les with newspaper ?tape sides down@
aint and "rushes
5i! pieces of paper
Appendix A: 7 Sample Detailed Childrens Activity Schedule
Ready for School Connects: Staff Training Toolkit
Spon!es# yarn# feathers# sticks# leaves
Aave each child put on a smock to protect their clothin!
1ay the "i! pieces of paper on the ta"le
Aave children write their names on their paper
=eep the activity open ended and ask the children what they would like to paint. Show
them how they can use the supplies
Day 7 ( -i.rary*Trail mix
Schedule for -i.rary Day:
Dote: The schedule may need to "e reworked for different sites
$:()am'*&am: mornin! circle
*&am'*&:%&am: an activity ?unstructured play# make trail mix@ )*am+))am: $afety
,resentation for ,arents
*&:%&am'**am: snack2early lunch for the children
**am'**:%&am: walk to the li"rary
**:%&am'*pm: li"rary trip
Dote: incorporate safety discussion into mornin! circle M have an extra circle while preparin!
to leave for the li"rary. This can "e done in days leadin! up to the trip as well "y playin!
!ames such as 8<ed li!ht# 4reen li!ht and havin! discussions a"out stop li!hts# stop si!ns#
crossin! the street etc.
Trail mix:
5anana chips
opcorn ?3or a healthier alternative to microwave popcorn# fill a paper "a! with three
handfuls of popcorn kernels# fold down the end and pop them in the microwave for + N
Dried fruit i.e. raisins# cran"erries
5e creative with in!redients# "ut no nuts;
ut all in!redients into separate "owls
Ask the children to select what they would like in their trail mix
Aave them scoop their in!redients into a Oiploc "a!
Shake up the "a! to mix all in!redients
,rite their name on a piece of maskin! tape and stick it to the "a!
Aave the children make "a!s for their parents and si"lin!s
-i.rary Day !reparations:
5e sure to pack the trail mix and first aid kit
Appendix A: 7 Sample Detailed Childrens Activity Schedule
Ready for School Connects: Staff Training Toolkit
Dou"le'check that the parents and child "rou!ht their lunch# hat# and are wearin!
<eview all safety procedures durin! circle time
Dotify everyone that we will "e leavin! directly from the li"rary and not returnin! to
Day J H !aper !late Stitching
aper plates
Aole punch
Parn ?different colours@
-askin! tape
Cut paper plates into different shapes# hole punch them and cut len!ths of yarn ?this
needs to "e done ahead of time@
Aave children choose which shape and colour yarn they would like and stitch different
,hen children are done stitchin!# help them to tie the loose ends of yarn
Day $ H "raduation )n/itations
Colored paper ?photocopy@
4raduation poem
rint outs with !raduation information
Tissue paper
Any other craft supply that they can use to decorate the invites with
3old the construction paper in half# !lue the invitation sheet inside
Aave the children decorate the invitation as they please
6f usin! the smaller sheets of construction paper ?these may need to "e cut durin! prep
time so that they fit in the envelopes@# they can put their invitations into manila
envelopes# which they can then put their parents names on and 8stamp
0n this day it is important to ask the children to select their fa/orite art1ork for the
portfolio inter/ie1s%
Day *& H "raduation Day
$:%&'$:() ,elcome
$:()'*&:&) Circle Time
*&:&& H **:&& arents attend evaluation focus !roups while children have a snack and
unstructured activities
Appendix A: 7 Sample Detailed Childrens Activity Schedule
Ready for School Connects: Staff Training Toolkit
**:&& H **:() /ne'on'one ortfolio 6nterviews ?name "ook# Fournals# misc. art@ Gnote
have activities setup for families as not all can participate at the same time
i.e. -f$C mural.what learned at ready for school/
**:()H*+:&& 4raduation Ceremony
*+:&&'*+:)& -ulticultural otluck 1unch
*+:)&'*:&& Closin! Circle
Scheduled times for washroom "reaks are important as not all children will feel comforta"le
askin! and some will "e havin! so much fun that they will for!et to !o until it is too late. Durin!
the scheduled washroom "reak take all children to the washroom and ask all children to wash
their hands# those that need to use the washroom may !o
Due to a!e of children# please ask them at other times if they need to use the washroom as
Snacks can "e inserted into the schedule wherever makes the most sense. Take a cue from
the children and "e flexi"le.
See the full snack menu for healthy snack ideas in Appendix 5:&+
2nstructured !lay
!ossi.le stations:
-atchin!2pairin! of cards# socks# etc# etc
lay dou!h
<eadin!2"ook station
Toys M "uildin! "locks
Arts and craft ta"le
0ournal ta"le
-easurin! ta"le
GG /n day J measure childrens heads for !raduation caps durin! unstructured playGG
0utdoor !lay
6t is important to !et outside every day if the weather permits.
Appendix A: 7 Sample Detailed Childrens Activity Schedule
Ready for School Connects: Staff Training Toolkit
3cti/ities and "ames:
3ree play ' if there is a park around or a lar!e open space# provide children with "alls#
skippin! ropes# toys# "ikes# etc
Simon Says
<ed 1i!ht# 4reen 1i!ht
,hat Time is it -r. ,olf:
6 spy with my little eyeC
1ondon "rid!e
Dance freeIe
Aula loop sBueeIe
0ournal "ooklets ?premade "efore pro!ram "e!ins@
Crayons# pencils# markers# construction papers# !lue# scissors
Tape the sides of the Fournals with coloured tape to cover the staples
7ach child is !iven a Fournal with their name written on the front
The child is instructed to draw a picture or write a story a"out what she2he liked a"out
today# what they did# their favorite# !ame2story# what they had for lunch# etc
Pou can choose any num"er of stories to read each day. These are ones we recommend
"ecause we know children love them. 6f your !roup has a lon!er attention span# read two or
three "ooks per day. See appendix 5:&% for a detailed "ook list. Consider re'readin! the same
story at the end of the day with parents
Day * H 8The Carrot Seed
Day + H 8The =issin! Aand
Day % H 8,ere !oin! on a 5ear Aunt
Day ( H 8-iss 5inder!arten !ets <eady for =inder!arten
Day ) H 85rown 5ear# 5rown 5ear
Day L H 8Dont 1et the i!eon Drive the 5us
Day 7 H 1i"rary Trip
Day J H 8The Qery Aun!ry Caterpillar
Day $ H 8The 7normous otato
Appendix A: 7 Sample Detailed Childrens Activity Schedule
Ready for School Connects: Staff Training Toolkit
air certain stories with the structured activity for example# 8The Carrot Seed fits with the "ean
plantin!# 8The Qery Aun!ry Caterpillar fits with the e!!'carton caterpillar craft
/ne staff sets out lunch while the others finish up the previous activity with the children. 7ach
child has their own place set up with their name ?a piece of tape will do@ and their lunch
GGDote: Aave extra snacks on hand for children who come without a lunchGG
!arent*Child 3cti/ity
Day * H Dra1 y ,amily
-earning 0.5ecti/e: arents will let !o of the final product# allow the children to lead the
activity and encoura!e the parents to en!a!e in dialo!ue with their children. ,e want parents
to learn that the process of creatin! and explorin! is more important than the finished product
Construction paper
arent and child will work to!ether usin! the materials provided to create a picture of
what they think their family looks like. 6t is important to remind parents that its the
</C7SS not the </D.CT that matters.
Day + H &u..les
-earning 0.5ecti/e: To encoura!e play "ehaviour with children and parents
,ands of various siIes
Ask the parents and children "low "u""les to!ether
GGDote: you can also make "u""le mix to!ether and !ive the recipe to parentsGG
Day % ( Cereal (ecklaces
-earning 0.5ecti/e: 7ncoura!e the development of fine motor skills that aid in learnin! to
write and use scissors
5owls# one for each child
8/ cereal ?3ruit 1oops@
Appendix A: 7 Sample Detailed Childrens Activity Schedule
Ready for School Connects: Staff Training Toolkit
Strin! ?do not use yarn# as it will shed too much@
-askin! tape
Cut len!ths of strin! and cover the ends with maskin! tape durin! prep time
Ask parents to assist children "y holdin! the strin!# not threadin! the cereal
/nce they have enou!h cereal to make a necklace# the end of the strin!s are knotted
Day ( ( !arachute "ames
-earning 0.5ecti/e: 7ncoura!e the development of !ross motor skills in a fun and active way
for parents and children to interact
1i!htwei!ht "alls of various siIes
lay different !ames with parents and children such as:
8<ow# <ow# <ow Pour 5oat
86ts a 1ittle 5it .p# etc
Day ) H Shopping -ist
-earning 0.5ecti/e: To have children take part in food selection process and encoura!e
healthy eatin! ha"its. This activity also helps to increase parent'child interactions and social
"ondin!. As well it further develops fine motors skills. Activities can also "e done at home
usin! flyers. This is a !ood activity to do with picky eaters
4rocery flyers ?"rou!ht in "y staff@
Construction paper ?or the child can do this in their Fournal@
-arkers# !lue# scissors
Aave parents and children discuss what the child would like to eat at home# what kind of
snacks they want# etc
Cut out pictures of the food item and !lue them on the paper or in their Fournal
Ask parents to la"el the pa!e 8!rocery list
Day L H Story
-earning 0.5ecti/e: to show parents different and interactive ways of readin! with their
Appendix A: 7 Sample Detailed Childrens Activity Schedule
Ready for School Connects: Staff Training Toolkit
<ead an interactive "ook such as 8,ere 4oin! on a 5ear Aunt
Aave children read alon! with you with the actions to the story
ause and ask Buestions durin! the story such asR 9,hat do you think will happen
GGDote: This is a !reat opportunity to re'read some of the "ooks from the weekGG
Day 7 H -i.rary
-earning 0.5ecti/e: To increase awareness of the li"rary and other community resources.
This trip encoura!es early literacy# enhances parent'child interaction and encoura!es parents
and children to en!a!e in leisure readin! at home
Day J H !hysical 3cti/ities
-earning 0.5ecti/e: To encoura!e the development of !ross motor skills in a fun and active
way while increasin! parent'child interaction.
Dance freeIe
3ace to face
/"stacle course
Day $ H Decorating "raduation Caps
-earning 0.5ecti/e: To enhance parent'child interaction and "e!in to provide closure to the
"raduation cap ?make pieces ahead of time@
sBuare piece of paper JxJ approx ?take J x ** sheet and cut off one end to make a
lon! strip of paper folded round makes the head "and# cut *2+E slits in the top ed!e of
"and and fold out# staple and cover staples with tape in the "and
children and parents decorate their hats ?only !ive them the sBuare piece@
after caps are complete use !lue !un to !lue lon! strip to sBuare
Day *& + "raduation Day
-earning 0.5ecti/e: Cele"rate the childrens pro!ress and development that occurred durin!
the session
Closing Circle
Aoldin! a second circle time provides a sense of closure to the day and prepares everyone for
the transition home
Appendix A: 7 Sample Detailed Childrens Activity Schedule
Ready for School Connects: Staff Training Toolkit
Children and parents are "rou!ht to!ether "y the 9-ake a circle> son!
/nce everyone has formed a circle a couple of familiar son!s can "e sun!
After the son!s have "een sun!# the story of the day is revisited ?this shows the
parent2care!ivers what children read durin! pro!ram@
Aave children share their favorite part of the day H this could include a 8show and tell
After the story# the 94ood"ye Son!> is sun!R this son! is performed with actions and
encoura!es sayin! !ood"ye to all our friends
Any reminders and announcements are made "efore the pro!ram comes to an end for
the day

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