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Lesson 4 - Coding Games & Makey Makeys

Total lesson time 2hrs 40mins

Learning Objectives

LO1: Can we design and implement creative projects that involve using and combining a range of devices?

Makey Makeys
Homework copies

Time Activity Description of activity including organisation
Grace/Katie 15
Introduction to the
day / Unplugged
Before the lesson a maze/obstacle course will be set up in the classroom(x2).
The group will split into 2 teams. One member from each team will be blindfolded and the
rest of the team must instruct them to get to the otherside of the room.
Tables - crawl under
Chairs - sit on
Tape - jump over
Reiterate the importance of clear instructions.
Everyone 1 hr 25
Pupils creating
their games
Pupils will continue to program their games in Scratch. Teachers to promote inclusion for all
pupils and to help debug programs in needed. Mostly however the pupils will be watched
over but left to be independent to allow their ideas to not be influenced by us.

Dan 40
Makey Makey
controller design.
Bring children to the front of the class and ask them what a controller is and how we can
define it. Have a five minute discussion and then hold up various objects and enquire as to
whether the children think these are controllers and why. Items to include (Tv remote,
Mouse, Keyboard, Banana, Coin, Play dough).
Once the children have identified the attributes of a controller, the teacher explains that in
actual fact, all of the items shown can be used an input devices/controllers.
Handing out play dough to the class, teacher instructs them to make an arrow button for
use as a mouse input. Introduce the Makey Makey and connect it to the buttons that the
children have created, showing them how the device can be used to turn conductive
materials into input devices.
Open up the idaft sound board and use pieces of fruit as input devices to show the
children some of the capabilities of the component.
Once they have had this demonstration, present each of the groups with a Makey Makey
device and allow them the creative freedom to explore and use it however they can.
Bring the class back together five minutes from the end and discuss their findings.
Dan 10
Setting homework Instruct the children that over the course of half term they will be designing the covers for
their computer games consoles. They will be given a template but whether they use this is
up to them. Ensure to maintain the creative freedom they have to design a case that best
represents the plans they had in previous sessions. They may use any materials they wish
but must bring the designs back for the final session after half term.

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