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Amy Vaselenko

CHDV 150 Introduction to Curriculum

Small Group Activity Form
Name of Activity:
Letter Parking Garage
Curriculum Area:
Language and Literacy
Length of Activity:
15-20 minutes
Learning Objectives (specify at least three):
The child will be able to match letters by matching the letter on the car to the letter on the parking space
!easure 21" Letter and word knowledge#$
The child will be able to say which letter they are matching !easure 21" Letter and word knowledge#$
The child will be able to say the sound the letter they are matching makes !easure 21" Letter and word
aterial!"#uipment Nee$e$:
Teacher made garage with lettered parking spaces
Toy cars with letters printed on them
%reparation (&hat $o you nee$ to $o beforehan$'):
% will need to make the parking garage with letters on the parking spaces$
% will need to place letters on the cars using stickers or tape$
% will also get the materials prepaid at a small group table so the acti&ity is ready to go$
%roce$ures (step by step) ( )e *pecific
+)eginning (,o- -ill . intro$uce activity')
% will introduce this acti&ity at the end o' circle time$
To get the children interested in the acti&ity % will say( )Today we are going to park our own cars in this
% will introduce the materials by ha&ing them near me and showing them to the children$ % will also
e+plain that they will match the cars to the parking spot by looking at the letters and 'inding the ones
that match$
% will demonstrate this acti&ity as well by doing an e+ample as a group$ % will hold up a car and ask(
),hat letter is this-* Then % will park the car in the corresponding parking space$
There are no sa'ety issues with this acti&ity but % will remind the children o' the importance o' working
together and sharing or taking turns with the materials because e&eryone will get a chance to park their
% will e+cuse the children 'rom circle time and ha&e a 'ew children .oin me at the small group table$
+i$$le: (,o- -ill . support!enhance!scaffol$') ( /he person rea$ing your lesson plan shoul$ be able to
i$entify -hat you are saying or $oing to support your state$ learning objectives0 /,.* .* V"12
% will support children as they begin to use the materials by sitting with them at the table$ % will obser&e
the children to see i' they understand the acti&ity and are able to match the letters$ % will be there as a
guide i' needed but want to see i' they are able to do the acti&ity without aide$
To make the children think 'urther into the acti&ity and make con&ersation % will use open ended
/uestions such as( ),here do you think this car goes-* )0an you 'ind the car with the letter your name
starts with-* and( ),hat sound does the letter on this car make-* This can help children when matching
the letters and make them think 'urther into how letters are used in words$
% will encourage children to work together by encouraging them to help each other$ %' there is a child
ha&ing a di''icult time matching or 'inding a letter % can say( ),hat letter does your care ha&e 1atie-*
),ho can help 1atie 'ind the parking space with the letter 2-*
To support indi&idual children % will spend more time with them and ask them /uestions like( )3o you
see a parking space with a letter that looks like this one-* % will also support children who may need
more o' a challenge by asking more /uestions about the letter sounds and ha&e them tell me words that
start with the letter on their car$
To e+pand this acti&ity % will also ha&e blank cars a&ailable( and ha&e children park the car in the
parking spot with the letter % say$ % will also ha&e cars with lower case letters so they can match the
lower case letters to the uppercase letters to gi&e more o' a challenge to the children who are ready$
+"n$: (,o- -ill . bring this activity to a conclusion an$ transition to the ne3t activity' )e very specific
in ho- you -ill transition the chil$ren0)
% will gi&e the children a 'i&e minute warning be'ore clean up so they are able to keep working on
parking their cars while getting prepared to clean up and mo&e on to the ne+t acti&ity$ % will play a clean-
up song so the children will know it is time to start cleaning up$
% will in&ol&e the children in cleaning up by ha&ing them put the cars they were using back into the
containers they were stored in and placing the garage and cars on the shel&es so they are able to do this
acti&ity again throughout the week$
4'ter we are done cleaning up we will prepare to go outside$ % will e+cuse them by holding up a car with
a letter and asking them what the letter is$ 4'ter answering they will meet another teacher on the circle
time rug to get ready to go outside$
/hroughout the $ay!-eek4 -hat opportunities -ill the chil$ren have to reflect back on this activity'
% will keep this acti&ity out and a&ailable throughout the week so the children are able to re'lect back and
possibly challenge themsel&es 'urther by using the cars with the lowercase letters$
% will take pictures as the children are doing this acti&ity and display them in the classroom so children
can think back about doing this acti&ity$
% will also encourage the children to show the pictures to their 'amilies and discuss this acti&ity with

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