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[for a class of 14 students]

Break up into 2 groups of

And 2 groups of 3
Below are a series of shots in film shorthand
There are 2 characters A&B
1 - EST WS Building entrance A&B exit door

2 - H/A MW 2S same action

3 - FRONTAL L/A MW 2S tilt up to MCU exit LoF

4 - PROFILE CU A panning R-L

5 - SAME AS 4 ON B L-R

6 - O/S MWS 2S as they climb stairs exit LoF

Groups of 4:
first sequence: 1 & 2 co-DP; 3 & 4 talent
second sequence: 3 & 4 co-DP; 1 & 2 talent
Total Sequences each group: 2

Groups of 3:
first sequence – 1 DP, 2 & 3 talent
second sequence – 2 DP, 1 & 3 talent
third sequence – 3 DP, 1 & 2 talent
Total Sequences each group: 3

• Slate DP name(s) before each sequence

• Shoot EACH sequence in a different setting

(even if it’s only from a different angle – the point is that each of these must LOOK
different from the other)

• Try to be economical with your shooting by cutting in camera, so

don’t roll forever Rehearse lots before you shoot

• Let the characters enter and exit the frame

• There is one deliberate screen direction error built into this shot
Find it, and shoot correctly.

• We shall review at the end in screening room

Please be back by 3:00

[If you’re ALL back before 3, come get me; I’ll be in my office – Dan]

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