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Essay on Stereotypes

Word Count 750

Stereotypes and In Photography
Terms: A Big Problem in Our Day
and Age:
I personally dont like stereotypes, I think they control the way people are
judged and seen as where in reality no one should be deserved to be look at in
that type of manner nor should have that thought projected onto them before
he or she has even acknowledged or got to know the individual. Where most
people these days seem to think that everyone should be judged by the way
they dress and their appearance which can impact the way you can make
people feel, I strongly think that people should be able to be their self and act
and dress in the way there minds and soul tell them, why should someone be
thought to be someone they are not judged on how they look, why should
society put labels on those people judged by their race, nationality, sex or
personality and other facts. This could affect individuals who like other this
activities and different things but feel ashamed because of stereotypes, we
should learn not to judge or prejudge others.
In the !"th and early #$th %enturies, photographers strived to have their
work recogni&ed as an art e'ual to that of painting. Those doubting the
artistic merits of photography argued that it was a science, not an art.
(owever, many photographers countered that controlling the scientific
aspects of the photographic process was part of the art of producing
aesthetically pleasing images.
)ince stereography was more closely associated with scientific studies
and journalistic documentaries than other forms of photography,
stereographys, in particular, struggled to have their work accepted as
art. *ven showing keen interest defenders of photography+s artistic
merits found stereography to be more science than art.
Not only has that stereotyped cause negative effects in individuals.
Good stereotypes can also be harmful and cause new problems. They
are even worse because people are not aware they are causing harm.
Positive stereotypes can be harmful in different situations without
people realizing they are doing so. Good and bad stereotypes are
equally bad because it causes prejudgment and leads to bigger
Stereotypes create a misconception of how people are and how they live
in other cultures religions or countries. This misconception could
cause problems such as discrimination. This is a big problem in our
multicultural society. !t is important to learn from each others to
understand and avoid stereotypes that could be harmful.
Stereotypes are creating problems in "ids. These problems can affect
children in many ways. #e can see the negatives effects in many areas
such as the academic area. !f we want new generations to be successful
we need to do something to change it.
This problem is creating confusion in "ids because they are growing up
thin"ing that they should be one way because society thin"s that$s the
ideal. Stereotypes also are creating a false idea of how they interact with
other individuals. %any of the stereotypes the children receive are
through media. #e can$t change this because it$s the way our society
wor"s but we can teach our children to value other people for what
they are not what they appear to be.
#e as the new generation should do something to avoid this problem.
#e can start changing our perception of stereotypes. #e should be
aware that all stereotypes are bad regardless if they are good or bad
because it causes prejudgment. #e should learn to respect and
understand other cultures religions and countries. This could avoid
many problems such as discrimination. &nd more importantly we
should teach newer generations to respect each other regardless of their
differences. #ith all of this we can change our perception of the
stereotypes that are deeply rooted in our society and ma"e of this a
better society.
Stereotypes should not have this effect on individuals due to race or
appearance all humans should be treated on a very equal level meaning
that people should not have these thoughts at the bac" of their minds
before that individual has opened up to you or met you in person ! feel
that everyone should be free to be who they li"e and act how they want
to around anyone providing it doesn$t harm no one ! also feel li"e that
this puts a negative thought on others which again doesn$t need to be
set in that way people should not have to go through this and most
everyone should be treated equally.

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