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Dent al caries:
Cavit ies in t eet h (cariesmeans decay)
Dif f icult y speaking
Gingivit is
Inf lammat ion of gums
Halit osis
Bad breat h
Herpes simplex
Cold sore or f ever blist er on lip or nose due t oherpes virus
Under t he t ongue
Common Gast roint est inal condit ions Oesophagus
Inabilit y t o swallow
Dif f icult y swallowing
(like varicose veins in t heoesophagus) Boggy veinswit h inef f icient valvest hat allow venous backf low,
result ing inst agnant blood in bulgingveins
Heart burn
Burning sensat ion caused by ref lux or f lowing back of acide f rom t he st omacht o t he oesophagus
Common Gast roint est inal condit ions St omach
Dif f icult digest ion
Gast ric ulcer
Lesion on wall of st omach. Also known as pet pt ic ulcer
Gast rit is
Inf lammat ion of t hest omach
Gast rodynia
Pain in t he st omach
Haemet emesis
Vomit ing blood
Hiat al Hernai
Prot rusion of part of t hest omach t hrough t heoesophageal opening int ot he diaphragm
Excessive vomit ing
Nasogast ric
Pert aining t o t he nose andst omach
Urge t o vomit
Regurgit at ion
Ret urn of solids andf luids t o mout h f romst omach
Sore or lesion of mucousmembrane or skin
(Also known as emesis)st omach cont ent s expelledt hrough mout h
The liver Pancreas and gallbladderr
Calculas (pl calculi)
st ones
Cholelit hiasis
Condit ion of having gallst ones
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