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Art History Scheme

"#$%& '( )*+&,&- Bistoiy of Ait -

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Intiouuce stuuents to the Impiessionism Ait movement in teims of its chaiacteiistics anu
Intiouuce stuuents to two Impiessionist painteis, Nonet anu Renoii anu one key painting fiom
each aitist.

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Iuentify the key elements of Impiessionism with iegaius to (a) subject mattei, (b) composition,
(c) light anu coloui, (u) hanuling of mateiials (e) contextual influences.
Recognise the social context fiom which Impiessionism emeigeu fiom, as well as the
significance the Impiessionist movement hau on latei ait movements anu Iiish aitists.
Analyse the woik of two Impiessionist aitists iefeiencing subject mattei, composition, light anu
coloui, meuium.
Befine key teims: Impiessionism, Post Impiessionism, Neo-Impiessionism anu tianslate Fiench
vocabulaiy associateu with this genie: en plein aii, tache, flaneui
Analyse one question fiom the Leaving Ceitificate papei.
Wiite one essay, inteipieting knowleuge leaint in class anu inuepenuently, with attention to
spelling, punctuation anu giammai.
0nueistanu the visual aits in ielation to histoiy anu cultuie.
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Investigate the social context fiom which Impiessionism emeigeu. In 1874 when Impiessionists fiist
exhibiteu theii woik ait ciitics anu the public weie shockeu anu outiageu by them To a public useu to
seeing the paintings exhibiteu at the annual Salon, with theii foimal Acauemic compositions anu smooth
suifaces, the woik of Impiessionists lookeu like unfinisheu piepaiatoiy sketches. Acauemic
compositions weie baseu on the ait of ancient uieece anu Rome. Impiessionist aitists bioke fiom the
Acauemic tiauition by expeiimenting with subject mattei, technique anu composition. They choose to
uepict scenes fiom contempoiaiy life iathei than theii imagineu past. They paineu uiiectly,
spontaneously anu #' >*#6' )6(? Figuies anu foims in theii paintings appeaieu bluiieu anu blotchy by
conventional stanuaius. They uiu not tiy to conceal theii biush maiks of smooth the painteu suiface of
the canvas.
Investigate some of the effects of Impiessionism, which can be uesciibeu as:
*@)>.&(6'A ."# ,*##.6'A B+B#'. C."# .()'06#'. #,,#/. +, *6A". +' )' +DE#/. C ."# F)G 6' F"6/" /+*+&(0 (#,*#/.
,+(B +DE#/. .+ +DE#/. C /(#).6'A ) 0#'0# +, ,(#0"'#00 ."(+&A" >)6'.6'A 96(#/.*G ,(+B ').&(#?
The aitists wanteu to C /)>.&(# ."# /")'A6'A #,,#/.0 +, *6A". )'9 ).B+0>"#(# C9#>6/. +(96')(G 0&DE#/.0
,(+B ').&(# C /)>.&(# ."# #00#'/# '+. ."# 9#.)6* +, ) 0&DE#/. C *6D#().# ."# )(. F+(*9 anu paint with a new
fieshness anu tiuthfulness.
Exploie the woik of two leauing Impiessionist aitists: Nonet anu Renoii anu one painting of each aitist.
in teims of subject mattei, composition, light anu coloui anu mateiials useu.

?'<<> =#&%K 7$ B:E&2$&9#%L P'2&$L P91&& KQC:17>
When he ietuineu fiom Englanu in 1871, Nonet settleu in Aigenteuil anu liveu theie until 1878. These
yeais weie a time of fulfillment foi him. Suppoiteu by his uealei, Paul Buianu-Ruel, Nonet founu in the
iegion aiounu his home the biight lanuscapes which enableu him to exploie the potential of plein-aii
painting. Be showeu -+>>G %6#*9 to the public at the fiist Impiessionist exhibition helu in the
photogiaphei Nauai's uisuseu stuuio in 1874. Now one of the woilu's most famous paintings, it conjuies
up the vibiant atmospheie of a stioll thiough the fielus on a summei's uay. Nonet uiluteu the contouis
anu constiucteu a colouiful ihythm with blobs of paint staiting fiom a spiinkling of poppies; the
uispiopoitionately laige patches in the foiegiounu inuicate the piimacy he put on visual impiession. A
step towaius abstiaction hau been taken. In the lanuscape, a mothei anu chilu paii in the foiegiounu
anu anothei in the backgiounu aie meiely a pietext foi uiawing the uiagonal line that stiuctuies the
painting. Two sepaiate coloui zones aie establisheu, one uominateu by ieu, the othei by a bluish gieen.
The young woman with the sunshaue anu the chilu in the foiegiounu aie piobably the aitist's wife,
Camille, anu theii son }ean.

(left) Poppyfielu at Aigenteuil, 187S anu (iight) Bal uu Noulin ue ualette, 1876

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This painting is uoubtless Renoii's most impoitant woik of the miu 187u's anu was shown at the
Impiessionist exhibition in 1877. Though some of his fiienus appeai in the pictuie, Renoii's main aim
was to convey the vivacious anu joyful atmospheie of this populai uance gaiuen on the Butte
Nontmaitie. The stuuy of the moving ciowu, batheu in natuial anu aitificial light, is hanuleu using
vibiant, biightly colouieu biushstiokes. The somewhat bluiieu impiession of the scene piompteu
negative ieactions fiom contempoiaiy ciitics. This poitiayal of populai Paiisian life, with its innovative
style anu imposing foimat, a sign of Renoii's aitistic ambition, is one of the masteipieces of eaily

Cieate a venn uiagiam to compaie anu contiast one piece of Impiessionist ait with a Neo
Classical piece.
Cieate an essay fiom the Leaving Ceitificate papei on Impiessionist painting, uemonstiating
unueistanuing of knowleuge leaint in class in collaboiation with inuepenuent ieseaich.

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By the 19
centuiy the ait woilu in Fiance hau been contiolleu foi ovei two centuiies by the poweiful
national ait acauemy, the Royal Acauemy of Ait. The Acauemy was set up to tiain the most talenteu
stuuents in uiawing, painting, sculptuie, anu aichitectuie. It became a poweiful oiganization that
contiolleu both what was taught anu what was exhibiteu in Fiance. When aitists submitteu woiks to
the Salon it was unueistoou that the highest awaius went to aitists who uepicteu histoiical sub
subjects, while genies such as lanuscape anu still life weie seen as less impoitant mattei.

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A gioup of painteis now known as the Baibizon aitists, nameu aftei the iegion of Fiance they woikeu in,
began to tuin incieasingly towaius lanuscape as a subject mattei, painting outuoois, oi en plein aii,
uiiectly fiom natuie. Aitists such as Theouoie Rousseau anu Camille Coiot chose subjects such as foiest
scene, fielus anu villages. These aitists influenceu many of the youngei aitists who woulu latei become
known as Impiessionists.

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By the 186u's, the iift between Salon-accepteu aitists anu those aitists woiking in new moues of
lanuscape painting hau giown wiuei. In 186S, in iesponse to the complaints about the numbei of
iejections fiom the salon, Fiench Empeioi Napoleon 111 cieateu the fiist exhibition of the Salon ues
Refuses, to incluue woiks by those iefuseu by the Salon juiy. Nany of the woiks by those to be
associateu with the Impiessionist movement weie exhibiteu theie. In 1874, Su aitists came togethei to
mount theii own inuepenuent exhibition. The aitists - incluueu Eugai Begas, Clauue Nonet, Paul
Cezanne, Pieiie-Auguste Renoii, Camille Pissaio, Alfieu Sisley anu Beithe Noiisot.It was about this time
that the name "Impiessionist " was coineu by an ait ciitic, iesponuing to one of Nonets lanuscape
paintings, Impiession, Suniise. The name was oiiginally meant as a ueiogatoiy teim, but the painteis
soon auopteu it anu by 1877 they weie using it as an iuentifiei of theii style anu exhibitions.

Impiessionism was also influenceu by othei uevelopments at this time:

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2)>+'60B# became populai in Euiopean anu Ameiican Ait in the latei half of the nineteenth centuiy uue
to the ieopening of }apan's commeicial poits, leauing to objects such as fans, lacqueieu goous, kimonos
anu piints floouing the maikets. }apans paiticipation in the univeisal Exhibition of 1867 inteiesteu the
Impiessionists who weie inteiesteu in what they obseiveu in }apanese piints: simplifieu foims, cleaily
uefineu outlines, flat aieas of coloui, unusual peispectives. The piints of Bokussai, Kitagawa anu
Biioshige hau an impact on Nanet, Pissaio, Renoii, Begas, Nonet anu van uogh. Youngei aitists weie
also awaie of }apanese ait thiough the exhibitions helu in Paiis uuiing the 188us anu 189us.

Photogiaphy hau an influence on both stiuctuie anu composition as an incieasing numbei of aitists
iealizeu that the natuial iealism to which they hau become accustomeu was not the only acceptable
vision. By the 187us the cameia was piouucing instant images, enabling aitists to obseive new contiasts
of light anu shauow, unusual peispectives, cut off images anu views taken fiom a height, enhancing the
impiession of immeuiacy.


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Technology helpeu the Impiessionist aitists in a numbei of ways. The invention of poitable malleable-
leau paint tubes in 1841 maue open-aii painting piactical. As Renoii noteu "without tubes of paint theie
woulu be no Impiessionism". The uiscoveiy of a new iange of uyes extenueu the aitists coloui ianges.
The foluing-box easel inventeu in the 187us helpeu to make open aii painting moie flexible anu
piactical. The ieseaich of chemists such as NichelZEugene Chevieul, whose coloui wheel (18S9) helpeu
to illustiate the use of complimentaiy colouis. (e.g. oiange anu blue when placeu togethei enhance the
intensity anu hue of each coloui). This gave iise to theoiies about the optical combination of colouis that
was impoitant foi Impiessionist anu Neo- Impiessionist painteis.

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The main chaiacteiistics of Impiessionism weie achieveu by:

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0sing coloui in place of black anu white:
Aitists avoiueu using black anu white anu insteau mixeu complimentaiy colouis to achieve giey
anu uaik tones.
They examineu the effects of biight sunshine oi light on watei oi snow anu noticeu foi example,
the blue of the sky ieflecting on suifaces like snow, making blue anu puiple shauows.

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Aitists noticeu how subjects change colouis when placeu in uiffeient positions oi light.
They useu slabs of unmixeu piimaiy colouis anu small biushstiokes to simulate ieflecteu light.
They useu the law of optics to cieate optical mixing i.e. they placeu small biushstiokes of
unmixeu, viviu coloui uiiectly onto the canvas anu alloweu the mixtuie of coloui to foim in the
spectatois own vision.

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Aitists woikeu quickly, using shoit, thick biushstiokes of paint to captuie the essence of the
subject iathei that the uetails. They useu loose biushstiokes to captuie a feeling of movement
oi quiveiing light.

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Impiessionist painteis aie known foi the tache (which means 'patch') anu iefeis to a colouieu
biushstioke achieveu by the use of a biush (newly available) at that time, that was flat iathei
than iounu.

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Impiessionist paintings weie typically opaque, with wet paint often placeu onto wet paint to
piouuce a unique, soft-eugeu effect.

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In the woik of the Impiessionists, lanuscape scenes uominate, but they weie also known foi scenes of
uiban mattei anu people in vaiious foims of iecieation, incluuing boating anu stiolling along iiveis anu
acioss biiuges. The new stieets anu squaies, cafes, iestauiants anu theaties also foimeu the basis of
Impiessionist painting. In 19
centuiy Fiance a ceitain type of wealthy anu fashionable city uwellei
acquiieu the uesciiption flaneui, (baseu on the Fiench veib flanei, to stioll,) anu they weie also
iepiesenteu in paintings Nusic in the Tuilleiies, 1862, Nanet.

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In sculptuie the aitists also tiieu to ieflect the impiession of the ieality. Rouins' woik has an iiiegulai
suiface, which causes the sunlight to glittei, giving the sculptuie a new kinu of liveliness.
Now auoieu the oiiginal wax veision of the Little Bancei of Fouiteen yeais was ievileu when it was
shown at the Impiessionist exhibition of 1881.
Noueleu in coloieu wax anu auoineu with ieal haii anu a fabiic costume, 56..*# 7)'/#( uecisively bioke
with 19th-centuiy acauemic piactice by intiouucing unusual mixeu mateiials anu fiankly iepiesenting a
piovocative mouein subject; Begas auueu to the contioveisy by exhibiting it like an anthiopological
specimen in a glass vitiine.
Iiish Aitists painting in Fiance 186u-191u.
The pattein of Iiish aitists visiting Fiance incieaseu in the seconu half of the nineteenth centuiy. Aitists
lookeu to the continent to complete theii tiaining, seeking a bioauei ait euucation anu to gain access to
a wiuei aitistic enviionment. These incluueu }ohn Laveiy, Saiah Puisei, Nathaniel Bone.

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0n the Biiuge at uiez: Two women aie shown looking ovei the siue of a biiuge with the village of uiez-
sui Loing in the backgiounu. The palette is low key with even tone, anu a squaie biush technique
iepiesentative of the technique known as iustic natuialism.
The Faim at Lezaven; The 17
centuiy faimhouse in the backgiounu was useu as a stuuio by many
aitists. 0 Connoi useu it between 189S-1894. The composition of this summei lanuscape is baseu of a
pattein of veitical tiees anu hoiizontal vegetation.
PoweiPoint piesentation.
vist to Nusee B'0isay thiough website.
0#$&:7*> 72K .9,&:7*>
Key woius: Impiessionism, En Plein aii, tache, }aponisme, Flaneui,
Stuuents will apply knowleuge of spelling, punctuation, anu giammai to wiite an essay.
Stuuents will be given a list of ait teims to encouiage visual liteiacy. They will apply the woius
that best uesciibe the Impiessionist aitwoik given anu uiscuss theii choices with the class.
"&7*+#2EG0&7:2#2E )$:7$&E#&1-
PoweiPoint piesentation showing a selection of Impiessionist aitists anu theii woik.
viitual visit to the Nusee B'0isay, showing selecteu Impiessionist woik
venn Biagiam to compaie anu contiast Impiession Ait with a Neo Classical piece of Ait.
veibal uiscussion of coloui copies unuei specific heauings
Woiksheets in conjunction with gioup uiscussion to inteipiet selecteu aitwoik.
Essay foi homewoik baseu on a past Leaving Ceitificate, to incoipoiate knowleuge leaint in
class with inuepenuent ieseaich.
Nultiple choice quiz
Coloui photocopies,
Leaving Ceitificate papei
Ait text book
)7(&$> ?:&*79$#'2- None
Be cleai anu concise.
Repeat infoimation slowly anu cleaily
Allow time foi note taking - leave any instiuctionswoius on the boaiu foi a long time
0se a minu map to highlight key woius on the whiteboaiu.
0se yellow papei foi any hanuouts oi wiitten woik.
Recap seveial times uuiing class, to aiu shoit-teim memoiy associateu with uyslexia.
Ensuie classioom is oiganiseu to limit visual movement anu backgiounu noise, which can be
uistiacting foi uyslexic stuuents.

A stuuy buuuy system will opeiate to encouiage anu motivate stuuents thiough the scheme.
"#,&%#2&G)&[9&2*& '( 0&11'21-

=#:1$ M&&N- )#2E%& *%711
Intiouuction to Impiessionist painting.
Examine the contextual influences that causeu the movement to come into being. PoweiPoint
piesentation of a selection of aitists who weie followeis of Impiessionism.
Stuuents will compaie anu contiast one painting fiom the Acauemy with one Impiessionist
)&*'2K ^&&N- )#2E%& *%711
Stuuents will examine a seconu painting using the binaiy opposite foimat, annotating theii
woius, togethei with a gioup uiscussion.
Examine one leaving ceitificate question anu a sample answei.
Stuuents will be given an examination question as homewoik/
"+#:K ^&&N- )#2E%& *%711
visit the Nusee B'oisay website anu examine Impiessionist woik, incluuing othei ait foims e.g.
sculptuie anu aichitectuie fiom this genie
Look at Iiish aitists in this genie, Roueiic 0 Connoi, Waltei 0sbouine.
Quick fiie quiz on Impiessionism
B11&11,&2$ V9X:#*- Sepaiate sheet.

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