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]cft.iwing (ofrtrmre: llransitbnaf rDwicu ant (onnectors

Do ejteeklhe_dielglgry ond filin lhe !9!::hqde!L!O4$ with oppropdole deioils. Pleose nole thol ol iimes, you need lo wrjie c few senlences io fully illuslrole
lhe meoning of ihe word.

1n oddilion lo someone or somelhing ehe lhoi
Eesides being o fellow ployer, he is olso rny friend.
is beino meniioned

ln oddition Addiiion

There h o growing opposilion io copilol punishaneni- Moreover, there is now

evidence lhot mony execuied pisoners were innocent.

Equo ly imporlonl

/ Lq'fi
Flrsl / firslly/ second To show sequence
51&i ft
To 5how sequence
Losi To show sequence
.,ffi i:
: ;.tll
Finoly ,
ffi 'il .i.*t
llsed foroddlng onolher focl orideo 1o whot
you hove okeody soid, Nol ony is ii o comforiobe ond slylsh hote, it h otso o popLror meeiinq ptoce.

Lised io inhoduce o slotemeni ihol mokes ihe

Alihough Though we ore only o smollcounlry. we hcve c long ond gorious htslory.
moin slolemenl seem surprlsing.

Used lo inkoduce o slolemeni thal rnokes ttre

ThoLJgh / Even though
rnoin 5loiemenl seem surprhing. Though we ore on y o smo I couniry, we hove o ong ond g orioLrs hislory_

n spile of

Used for soying lhol one person, lhing or The commlliee hos rejecled our proposol. lnsleod, ihey hove brought forword
oclion reploces onoiher- on ollernoiive plon.
) )


As on il[islrolion / To

Nome y E,omp es


a i. i::i: ..; &,.:x,
sumanory or generolisoiion a.
|;i&l 5t :.t"d
*_g:,a|}:* :E
; -:-6Ur"X
Allin oll Summory or qenerolizolion ww-r
Summory or generolizotion

Surnrnory or generolizolion

Surnmory or generolizoJion

Summory or generolizolion

Essenliolly 5ummory or generolizolion

n generol Summory or generolisolion

Becouse Couse oT reoson

Since Couse oT reoson

Due io
Couse or reoson

Coule or reoson

Consequence or resuli

Consequence or result

Conseqlence or result

Consequence or resull

Consequenily Consequence or resuji

So thot

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