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EDCI 301: Integrated Art Lesson Plan

Name: Ashley Kim

Lesson Title: Water Cycle
Grade Level: 5
Subject (ELA, SS, Sci, Math): Science
Fine Art (Visual Art, Music, Dance, Theatre): Music
Time of Lesson: 55 minutes
Lesson Summary
For this lesson, students will be introduced to rhythm via PowerPoint. Students will then be asked if they recall any
definition they have learned about the word, rhythm. Students will hear three pieces to decipher whether or not each
music piece has rhythm or not. Students will proceed learning about rhythm by being taught whole, half, quarter, and
eighth notes, as well as, whole, half and quarter rests. Students will then be taught the definition of a staff, time
signature, and overall, how to read music notes. Students will be asked to create their own 4-measure music piece to
turn in. After the lesson, students will be asked to go back to their seats to discuss their thoughts about creating their
own music piece, and discuss if they had any difficulties.

Essential Question
How can we create songs with rhythm to portray the water cycle?

Plan for Previous Lesson(s) Plan for Next Lesson(s)
For this lesson, students will be introduced to the
water cycle by listening to the song Water Cycle
Boogie by The Banana Slung String Band. Lyrics will be
previously passed out for the students to follow along.
Students will then be asked to state what they know
about the water cycle using their background
knowledge. Items will be listed on the board for visual
representation. The teacher will then teach the
students about the water cycle via PowerPoint. The
PowerPoint will consist of the 4 stages (Evaporation,
Condensation, Precipitation, Runoff) of the water
cycle. At the end of the PowerPoint, the students will
be taught a short dance to help them remember the
water cycle. After the short dance, students will be
divided into even groups and assigned a stage of the
water cycle. Students will then be asked to write 2-3
sentences about the given stage.

Students will continue the lesson about the water cycle by
creating their own water cycle song. Students will be divided
back into their assigned stages, and rearranged into new
groups. The new groups will consist of a member from each
stage. Together, the students will share their 2-3-sentence
summary, and their 4-measure music piece. The students
will then be asked to integrate their 2-3-sentence summary
with the 4-measure music pieces. The group will then
combine all the stages in chronological order, and produce
the whole song. The teacher will record the end product,
and post it on the classroom website.

Learning Objectives
(Aim for 2-3 focused

Students will demonstrate their understanding of rhythm by using whole, half,
quarter, and eighth notes and rests to creating a 4-measure music piece.

Students will demonstrate their understanding of time signature by correctly
placing music notes on a staff.

Students will demonstrate their understanding of the water cycle by successfully
producing a water cycle song.

Subject Area Standard(s)
(Include standard
headings, grade level and
standard #s)

Grade 5, Science
Topic E. Interaction of Hydrosphere and Atmosphere
Indicator 1. Recognize and describe that the amount of water on Earth continues
to stay the same even though it may change form one form to another.
Objectives a. Describe how water on Earth changes (Condensation, Precipitation,

Art Standards(s)
(Include standard
headings, grade level and
standard #s)

Grade 3, Music
Standard 1.0 Perceiving, Performing and Responding: Aesthetic Education
Indicator 4.0 Experiment with standard and individually created symbols to
represent sounds
Objectives b. Write simple rhythm patterns from dictation using quarter notes,
two connected eighth notes, half notes, and corresponding rests in 4/4 time (2

(Organize with headings ex: Instructional, Supplies,
*Attach additional resources such as powerpoint presentations,
weblinks, images, handouts, music etc.
(Bold or underline terms and include student-friendly
Water Cycle Boogie
Water Cycle Dance

PowerPoint attached
Water Cycle

Blank Staff Handout

Whole Note- a note that has 4 beats.
Half Note- a note that has 2 beats.
Quarter Note- a note that has 1 beat.
Eighth Note- a note that has a beat.
Whole Rest- a note with 4 beats of rest.
Half Rest- a note with 2 beats of rest.
Quarter Rest- a note with 1 beat of rest.
Water Cycle- the continuous movement of
water in and around the Earth.
Evaporation- The process when a liquid turns
into gas.
Condensation-The process when a gas turns
into a liquid.
Precipitation-The process when water falls
from the sky in the form of rain, snow, hail, or
sleet from too water in the clouds.
Runoff- Oceans and lakes collect water that
has fallen. Water evaporates into the sky
again and the cycle continues.

Assessment: Rubric

First Day- 45 minutes
Records to
be Assessed
Evaluation Criteria

(Does not meet
Summary on
given stage
I. Use of Knowledge
about the Water
All stages of
the water
cycle are
included and
described in
the music
2-3 stages of
the water
cycle are
included and
described in
the music
1 stage is
included or
described in
the music
No stages of the
water cycle is
included or
described in the
music piece.
music piece
II. Use of Rhythm and
Music Notes
4-5 different
music notes
are used in
the music
2-3 different
music notes
are used in
the music
1 music note is
used in the
music piece.
0 music notes
are used in the
music piece.
Music Video
III. Successful/Entertaini
ng Presentation
present with
and energy.
memorize the
music piece.
present with
and energy
memorize the
music piece.
Students lack
and energy,
and miss a
couple of
words in the
music piece.
Students lack
enthusiasm and
energy and does
not memorize
the music piece.
Set Up


2-4 minutes

2-3 minutes

The teacher will pull up the Water Cycle Boogie by The Banana Slung String
Band. The teacher will also pass out a worksheet of the lyrics. The teacher will
set up the PowerPoint presentation about the Water Cycle.

Good morning class. Today we will be learning about the water cycle! Does
anyone anything about the water cycle? Who has heard of the water cycle
Possible Answers: Yes, No, Kind of

Second Day- 55 minutes

Core Activity

Closure/ Reflection

Clean up

30 minutes

5 minutes

1-2 minutes

Okay! Great. First we are going to listen to this song called the Water Cycle
Boogie. Please follow along with the lyrics!
*Students will hear the song once
What are some key words you heard in this song?
Expected Answer: Evaporation, Run off, Condensation, Precipitation

Awesome! Now, we are going to learn what the water cycle is, and learn the
different stages the water cycle has!
*Teacher will go over the PowerPoint

So far, we learned what the water cycle is and the important stages it goes
through. Can anyone tell me what the water cycle is? Can anyone tell me how
many stages there are in the water cycle? What are the names of those stages?
Possible Answers:
The continuous movement of water in and around the Earth.
Evaporation, Condensation, Precipitation, Runoff

You guys are doing great! To continue with our lesson, I am going to teach a
dance that will help you remember the steps of the water cycle.
The teacher will show the students the dance to the water cycle that is shown in
this Youtube video.

Students will be asked to form groups of four. Each group will represent a
different stage of the water cycle.
I will be separating you into groups of 4. Each of you will get an assigned stage
of the water cycle. In your groups, I would like you to practice the dance I just
showed you.
Students will get into their groups and practice the dance.

Now that you guys know the water cycle by heart, in your science journal, I
want you to write one or two sentences that explains what happens during your
assigned stage.
Students will create their own sentences and write it on a piece of paper.

After, Students will go back to their desks. Chairs are pushed in, and classroom
is cleaned.

Set Up


Core Activity

2-3 minutes

5 minutes

40 minutes

The teacher will pull up the PowerPoint presentation on Rhythm.
The teacher will have a blank music sheet prepared to pass out for the students.

*PowerPoint is projected in the classroom.
Good morning class. Today we will be going over rhythm! Does anyone know
what rhythm is?
Possible Answers: Yes, No, Kind of
Expected Answer: No

Teacher will present and go over the definition of rhythm with the students.

We are going to go over 3 different pieces, and I want you to tell me if these
pieces have rhythm. Listen carefully.
Does this piece have rhythm?
Expected Answer: Yes!
What about this piece?
Expected Answer: No!
What about this last piece? Does this piece have rhythm?
Expected Answer: Yes!

Great Job Everyone! Can anyone tell me any words that are associated with
rhythm or define what rhythm is?
*Students possible answers will be written on the board.
Possible Answers: Notes, Beat, Song, Music, Whole Note, Half Note, etc.

These are great answers! Today, we are going to learn about the different
notes that can make up a rhythm. Can anyone name this note and how many
beats it has?
Expected Answer: Whole Note, 4 beats
Great! What about this note? Anyone know how many beats this note has?
Expected Answer: Half Note, 2 beats
Excellent! What about this last one here? And how many rests does this note
Expected Answer: Quarter Rest, One rest

After, the teacher will present the slide containing the various music notes. The
teacher will read each of the notes aloud, as well as the number of the beats
each note has. The class will then repeat after the teacher.

Students will be presented with another slide that shows the students what a
musical staff is, and what a time signature is. Students will be taught that a
time signature shows how many beats are in each measure.

Teacher will pass out a worksheet that contains a blank music staff and a 4 by 4
time signature. Students will be asked to create a 4- measure music piece by
including the notes that were taught earlier today.

Closure/ Reflection

Clean Up

5 minutes

1-2 minutes
So far, we learned that there are 4 beats per measure, the different notes that
make up rhythm and the amount of beats each note has. Now, you are going to
create your own music piece! Remember, there are only 4 beats per measure so
be sure to count the number of beats you already used as you write your music
piece! I will collect the music pieces at the end of class.

Teacher will discuss reflection questions about the whole lesson plan.
Do you feel confident to make your own music piece now?
What was hard about creating your own music piece?
What was easy about creating your own music piece?
What are three things you learned today?

Students are back at their desks. Chairs are pushed in, and classroom is cleaned.

Third Day
Set Up


Core Activity

Closure/ Reflection

Clean Up

2-3 minutes

5 minutes

40 minutes

5 minutes

1-2 minutes
The teacher will set the desks up into groups of 4. Teacher will pass back 4-
measure music piece the students created the day before.

Good morning class. For todays lesson I would like you to sit with your water
cycle groups.

Students will sit in groups of 4 based on the different stages of the water cycle.
The teacher will then create new groups by picking one student from each

Great. Now, I will be creating new groups for you. Please make sure that
everyone in your group is a different stage of the water cycle.

Students will be in their new groups.

Today, we are going to create our very own water cycle song! In your new
groups of 4, you will use the 4-measure music piece that you created yesterday
and combine it with the one-two sentence summary you wrote about your
assigned stage. I will give you 5-7 minutes to do that, starting now.

Students will have 5-7 minutes to combine their one-two sentence summary
with their 4-measure music piece.

Is everyone finished?
Expected Answer: Yes

Great! Now, you are going to work with your group and put yourselves in order
based on the water cycle. Then, you are going to rehearse the music you have
created with your group members to perfect your song.

Students will discuss with their groups who goes first, second, third, and fourth.
Students will rehearse the song they have created.

Please let me know when you are finished! I will be going around to record your
water cycle song!

The teacher will go around and record each water cycle song.

Students will be asked to return to their seats, and push in their chairs.

Plans to Display/Exhibit Student Work (Include a plan to show both the product and share the process)

I plan to exhibit my students artwork by creating a class video. It will then be posted onto the classroom website to
show the parents what my students have been learning in Science class.

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