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Researched Expository Essays These are the things Im looking for when I grade.

POINTS 10-9 8 7-6 5 and below

This essay has a purpose and thesis BEYOND
the obvious. The thesis is is arguable. The
thesis may be EXPLICIT or IMPLICIT. There
is a sophisticated, specific, arguable, and
complex purpose for this essay. It answers the
so what. The thesis is proven and the purpose
is achieved with great impact.

Ex: Men and women have different talking styles
and this causes their relationships to suffer due to
the breakdown in communication.

There is some sort of arguable
purpose/thesis here, but it is less
impactful and complex. The thesis
paper, but the thesis may not be
completely proven by the evidence
presented in the paper. The
purpose may be less clear or not
fully achieved.
There is a purpose/thesis for this
paper, but it is simple. There is no
real discernable purpose/thesis
beyond just explaining,
comparing/contrasting, dividing, etc.
It doesnt answer the so what

The thesis might be something like:

Men and women have different
communication styles
The thesis is not effective or is
nonexistentthe reader does not
know what the writer is proving. The
authors purpose is unclear or not

Style and
The mode of this essay is clear. The author has
chosen to write in a mode that BEST supports
his/her purpose and thesis.

The author has chosen an audience and strategies
that Trimmer suggests for that mode. The
intended audience and strategies are blatantly

There are glimmers of an apparent
mode here. The chosen mode
adequately helps the author to
support the thesis.

The author has chosen an audience
and strategies that Trimmer
suggests for that mode. It is less
clear that the author has
purposefully appealed to his/her
intended audience and while
he/shes attempted to use strategies,
he or she doesnt execute them as
well as the top essay.

The mode here is less apparent, but
still discernable. It is unclear why the
author has chosen this particular
mode to support his/her thesis.

The author has chosen an audience
and strategies, but perhaps doesnt
effectively communicate to them or
for them.
There is no discernable mode, or the
author has not made his/her essay
reflective of the chosen mode as

There is little evidence that the
author has written with a particular
audience in mind.

The essay contains an abundance of specific,
high quality, interesting evidence: facts,
statistics, data, quotations, and examples. The
best primary sources are used. The author is
highly effective in manipulating the readers
emotions in order to win the readers agreement.
The author establishes him/herself as an
authority through relevant personal experience
and/or judgments, or through evidence of
research from reliable sources.

Each supporting paragraph has
adequate elaboration. Primary
sources are used. The author
establishes him/herself as a
somewhat of an authority through
personal experience or through
using testimonials of eyewitnesses
or experts. Information is mostly
from reliable sources. The author is
effective in manipulating the
readers emotions in order to win
the readers agreement.
Body paragraphs are somewhat
convincing but need elaboration and
specific details. Primary sources
may/may not be used. The author
does not establish him/herself as an
authority through personal
experience or through using
testimonials of eyewitnesses or
experts. Information is from
questionable sources. The author is
somewhat effective in manipulating
the readers emotions in order to win
the readers agreement.
Body paragraphs lack attention to
detail, may be irrelevant, and/or do
not provide enough information. No
primary sources are used. The
author is ineffective in manipulating
the readers emotions and does not
win the readers agreement. The
author has no appeal to ethos.
The author has used FIVE rhetorical devices
correctly (and labeled them) and they actually
support his/her thesis and purpose and help
PERSUADE! They are not merely thrown in to
meet the paper requirements. They are used

The author has used 3-4 rhetorical
devices correctly (and labeled
them) and they actually support
his/her thesis and purpose. They
are not merely thrown in to meet
the paper requirements. They are
used well.
The authors use of rhetorical devices
is random. They are used incorrectly
in some cases. They may feel as if
they were haphazardly thrown in to
meet paper requirements. They dont
help support the thesis.
The authors use of rhetorical devices
is sparse or missing. When they are
used it is incorrectly. They may feel
as if they were haphazardly thrown in
to meet paper requirements. They
dont help support the thesis.
Researched Expository Essays These are the things Im looking for when I grade.
POINTS 10-9 8 7-6 5 and below

All information from an outside source is noted
with a CORRECT in-text citation. Quotes are
properly introduced, relate to the topic, and are
explained. Essay uses three to five DIFFERENT

There are FIVE citations in this essay.
Most information from sources is
Quotes/paraphrases begin to
overpower the authors argument.

There are TOO MANY or TOO
FEW citations.
Some information from sources is
essay is more of a report than a
persuasive essay because it just
regurgitates research.

There are TOO MANY or TOO
FEW citations.
Few to no citations. AND/OR The
essay is more of a report than a
persuasive essay because it just
regurgitates research.

The format of citation is incorrect


MLA Essay
The author consistently includes a variety of
transition words to create coherence. There
must be logical connections between ideas.
The author consistently uses higher level
words. The essay follows MLA page format
(font, margins, page numbers, title, and
header) and is no longer than page limit.
Three or fewer spelling, punctuation, or
grammatical errors.
The author frequently includes
transition words to provide
connections between ideas and
chronological order. Diction
choices are at times bland or
incorrect. Most elements of
MLA format are followed. Four
to seven spelling, punctuation,
or grammatical errors. Two or
fewer errors in citation format.

The author sometimes includes
transition words to provide
connections between ideas and
chronological order. Diction is
often simple and not
appropriately chosen. Some
elements of MLA format are
followed. Eight to eleven
spelling, punctuation, or
grammatical errors. Three to four
errors in citation format
The author rarely/never includes
transition words to provide
connections between ideas and
chronological order. Diction
choices are confusing to the
reader because youve chosen
wrong words. More than eleven
spelling, punctuation, or
grammatical errors. All five
citations are incorrect.

This essay has style and voice and gives
more airtime to an important topic. There is
something NEW to read here. The reader
says WOW thats really interesting or
WOW thats beautifully written. This is
Riverside Reader worthy!

5 points
The writer has tried to inject
some stylistic flair here. The
information is mostly new and
interesting. Effort to make this
RR worthy is apparent. You are
on your way!

4 points
The writer has not made a
concerted effort to impart new
ideas nor is there much stylistic
flair or voice in the essay. It feels
more like a report. Keep striving
to get there!

3 points.and below

Works Cited Appropriate header and title, alphabetical
order, hanging indent. 3-5 sources that are
ACTUALLY used in the paper. double
spaced, Entries follow correct format.
Two or fewer errors in format;
does not follow source
Three to five errors in format;
does not follow source
Six or more errors in format; does
not follow source requirements.


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