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How to Calculate What You Need on Your Final Exam

Step 1: Find your course syllabus under your course link on Blackboard and it will usually be on the Home Page or
be a tab on the left panel.
Step 2: Look for the My Grades tab on the left panel to find your marks.

Now, there are two options:

Option 1: Go to this W E B L I N K and enter your marks and the mark breakdown values
Option 2: Follow the instructions below to manually find your mark


Here is example mark breakdown from a course syllabus:

Course: SCIENCE5678-01 UOIT GPA Table:

Following the SCIENCE5678-01 Course Mark Breakdown:

Course Work Value Total Grade Percentage Value X Percentage Points
Laboratories 15% 15/20 74% 15 74% 11/15
Assignments 10% 42/60 70% 10 70% 7/10
10% 8/10 80% 10 80% 8/10
Midterm I 15% 26/30 80% 15 87% 13 /15
Midterm II 15% 22/30 73% 15 73% 11/15
Final Exam 35%
Total Points 50/65

Follow these steps to create a chart like the one above:
Step 1: Write down the course work and mark break down values. The values are what each work portion will be
weighted towards your final mark.

Course Task Value
Laboratories 15%
Assignments 10%
Tutorial Quizzes 10%
Midterm I 15%
Midterm II 15%
Final Exam 35%
GPA Letter Grade Percentage
4.3 A+ 90-100%
4.0 A 85-89%
3.7 A- 80-84%
3.3 B+ 77-79%
3.0 B 73-76%
2.7 B- 70-72%
2.3 C+ 67-69%
2.0 C 60-66%
1.0 D 50-59%
0.0 F 0-49%
*Note: Each course you take will have its
own different mark breakdown.
Some courses also require you to pass the
lab portion in order to pass the course.
These values can also be found online at:

Student Learning Centre | Located in U5 Portable | 905-721-8668 X 6578 | |

Step 2: Calculate your total grade for the total grade column. You can do this by adding up the grades you got on
each assignment.
Example: If you had 5 assignments through the year and these were you marks:
Assignment 1: 15.5/20
Assignment 2: 7/10
Assignment3: 3.5/5
Assignment 4: 10/15
Assignment 5: 6/10
Now add the tops together and then add the bottoms together and divide the top by the bottom to get your total
Top: 15.5 + 7 + 10 + 3.5 + 10 + 6 = 42
Bottom: 20 + 10 + 5 + 15 + 10 = 60
Divide bottom by top: 42/60

Step 3: Use a calculator to convert each of your total grades into a percentage. Do this by dividing the mark you
received by the total mark (what it is out of) and times by 100%.
Example: Assignment Mark: 42/60 100% = 70%
Midterm I Mark: 26/30 100% = 80%

Step 4: Next find the number of points you have gained for each portion of the course. You do this by taking the
mark breakdown value by the percentage you calculated in the previous step.
Example: Assignment Mark: 10 70% = 10 0.7 = 7/10 The bottom is the mark breakdown value
**Note: If you use a calculator, either make sure you include the percent sign in your calculation or
change the percentage to a decimal by dividing the percentage by 100%.
Example: 70%/100% = 0.7

Step 5: Now you need to add all of the calculated points together to get the total points.
Example: 11 + 7 + 8 + 13 + 11 = 50
If you want to determine what your mark is without your final exam, divide the total number of point by the total
percentage of the course without the exam mark.
Example: The total percentage for the table above with the exam is 65%.
15% + 10% + 10% + 15% + 15% = 65%
Mark going into exam without exam mark: 50/65 = 77%

Step 6: Now you need to find out what mark you need in order to get the mark you want to accomplish.
You do this by subtracting your total number of points from the percentage you wish to receive. You then divide that
number of points required by the exam mark breakdown percentage and times by 100% to calculate the percentage
you need in order to get the desired percentage.
Example: Say the example student wanted to achieve an 80% in the course.
80 (grade goal) 50 (points earned) = 30 (points required on final
30/35(exam percentage) 100% = 86%
Therefore, you would need an 86% in order to get an 80% in the course.
**Note: If you are trying to achieve a certain GPA or letter grade than you need to look at the UOIT GPA
chart and determine what percentage that GPA or letter grade applies to. Since the percentages are
ranges, choose a percentage that falls in between the range.

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