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Lesson Planning Form for Accessible Instruction Calvin College Education Program

Teacher Marissa Ritter

Date Subject/ Topic/ Theme Poetry/Figurative Language Grade _______5th______

I. Objectives
How does this lesson connect to the unit plan?
This is the first lesson in a unit on poetry. This lesson will be a review, for some, on figurative language but also good practice in identifying figurative language
within poetry. It will help students understand how using this type of language helps give the poem a deeper meaning or paint a better picture.

Learners will be able to:
R U Ap An E C*
Define different types of figurative language R
Identify, in a text, examples of different types of figurative language Ap
Explain what is meant when figurative language is used in poetry
Explain why a poet would use figurative language in a poem

Common Core standards (or GLCEs if not available in Common Core) addressed:
L.5.5 Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and nuances in word meanings.
RL.5.4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative language such as metaphors and similes
L.5.5.A Interpret figurative language, including similes and metaphors, in context.

(Note: Write as many as needed. Indicate taxonomy levels and connections to applicable national or state standards. If an objective applies to particular learners
write the name(s) of the learner(s) to whom it applies.)
*remember, understand, apply, analyze, evaluate, create

II. Before you start
Identify prerequisite
knowledge and skills.

Outline assessment activities
(applicable to this lesson)
Pre-assessment (for learning):
Students took a short quiz about poetry before this unit. The quiz showed that most students could
identify metaphor, simile, and personification as forms of figurative language. It also showed that
most students could identify a simile when one was presented. It also showed, however, that most
students had difficulty in understanding the meaning of complex metaphors and similes.
Formative (for learning):

Formative (as learning):
They will work in small groups to find and label different types of figurative language. I will walk
around the class to assess how students are doing with this.

Summative (of learning):
We will have a class discussion at the end of the lesson about what figurative language is in the
poems in their packets.

What barriers might this
lesson present?

What will it take
experientially, emotionally,
etc., for your students to do
this lesson?
Provide Multiple Means of
Provide Multiple Means of
Action and Expression
Provide Multiple Means of
Provide options for perception-
making information perceptible
Students will be able to listen to
me read and explain content, they
will be able to see the content on
the projector, or they will be able
to read the content for themselves
in their own packet.
Provide options for physical
action- increase options for
Provide options for recruiting
interest- choice, relevance, value,
authenticity, minimize threats
Students will be allowed to sit
wherever they want with
whomever they want.

Provide options for language,
mathematical expressions, and
symbols- clarify & connect
They have the poetry packet
which provides them with
terms and, eventually,
definitions. They will read,
listen, and write. They will
also have to communicate
verbally in large and small
Provide options for expression and
communication- increase medium
of expression
Students have opportunities to
communicate in large group
and small groups. They also
have opportunities to work on
their own
Provide options for sustaining
effort and persistence- optimize
challenge, collaboration, mastery-
oriented feedback
I will be walking around the
room as students are working
so I will be giving feedback to
students as they are
completing their activities.
Provide options for
comprehension- activate, apply &
Students will hear examples of
figurative language, will be
give specific examples, will be
asked to find examples with
small groups, and will be able
to discuss these examples in a
large group discussion.
Provide options for executive
functions- coordinate short &
long term goals, monitor progress,
and modify strategies

Provide options for self-
regulation- expectations, personal
skills and strategies, self-
assessment & reflection

Materials-what materials
(books, handouts, etc) do you
need for this lesson and are
they ready to use?

I need the poetry packets (one for each student and extras for myself).
I need the presentation I created to present and use with the students.
I will need access to a computer or an iPad.
Students will need clipboards from the classroom supply
How will your classroom be
set up for this lesson?
The classroom will be set up as it normally is.

III. The Plan

Time Components
Describe teacher activities AND student activities
for each component of the lesson. Include important higher order thinking questions and/or
2 min
I will place poetry packets on each students desk
before class begins.

I will ask students to meet with me at the front of
the classroom with a clipboard and their poetry
packets. I will sit in the rocking chair and they
will find a comfortable place wherever they will
best pay attention and learn within the front of the

To kick off the unit, I will welcome them to
poetry corner and tell them that I want to read a
few poems for their enjoyment and inspiration.

The Average Hippopotamus
By Jack Pelutsky

The average hippopotamus
is big from top to bottomus,
Students will come into class and grab their
packets and a clipboard.

Students will gather at the front of the classroom
in front of the rocking chair to listen to the
poems. They can follow along with my reading
of the poems on their own packet.



It travels at a trotamus,
And swims when days are hotamus.

Because it eats a lotamus,
Its practically a yachtamus,
So its a cinch to spotamus
The average hippopotamus.

Boa Constrictor
by Shel Silverstein

Oh, I'm being eaten
By a boa constrictor,
A boa constrictor,
A boa constrictor,
I'm being eaten by a boa constrictor,
And I don't like it--one bit.
Well, what do you know?
It's nibblin' my toe.
Oh, gee,
It's up to my knee.
Oh my,
It's up to my thigh.
Oh, fiddle,
It's up to my middle.
Oh, heck,
It's up to my neck.
Oh, dread,
It's upmmmmmmmmmmffffffffff . . .

By Mary Anne Hoberman

I had a little brother
And I brought him to my mother
And I said I want another
Little brother for a change

But she said dont be a bother
So I took him to my father
And I said this little bother
Of a brothers very strange.

But he said one little brother
Is exactly like another
And every little brother
Misbehaves a bit, he said.

So I took the little bother
From my mother and my father
And I put the little bother
Of a brother back to bed.



(the largest
component or
main body of
the lesson)

After we have read the poems together, I will ask
What is it that you like about poetry?
What stands out to you about poetry?
What is poetry?

I will ask two or three students to share what they
discussed with the class.
Then, I will explain that poetry is able to paint a
picture for us. Poetry tells a story, shares a
message, or proves a point with carefully selected
words and phrases. Figurative language is what
poets use to create these images, shape their
messages, and paint the pictures in our heads. I
will ask students if someone can describe
figurative language in their own words.
I will introduce figurative language with two
definitions, asking the students to write these
definitions down in their packets.

Figurativedeparting from a literal use of
words, metaphorical
Figurative languagespeech or writing that
departs from literal meaning in order to achieve a
special effect or meaning

Figurative language is used to paint pictures and
to create pictures in the minds of the readers
(Examples: simile, metaphor, alliteration,
personification, onomatopoeia, hyperbole)
I will ask students to make notes on page two of
their packets. They may write definitions or draw
pictures, as long as it helps them remember them
Similea comparison between two different
things, usually uses the words like or as
Read the example:
She is as happy as a clam

Metaphora figure of speech that uses one word
or phrase to *represent* another word or phrase.
Read the example:
Life is a rollercoaster.
Does this mean that life is an actual roller
coaster? Or is it just a comparison to a roller

Alliterationthe repetition of the same letter at
the beginning of words in a row
Read the example:
Silly Sally swiftly shooed seven silly sheep. The
seven silly sheep Silly Sally shooed shilly-
shallied south. These sheep shouldnt sleep in a
shack; Sheep should sleep in a shed.

Personificationgiving a non living object
living characteristics or qualities

Read the example poem

Students will turn to their neighbors to discuss
these questions about poetry.
What is it that you like about poetry?
What stands out to you about poetry?
What makes poetry poetry?

Students may respond in large group to the
questions they answered in the smaller groups.

Students may describe figurative language in
their own words.

The students will write down these definitions in
their packets.

The students will write down these examples in
their packets.

Students will respond in large group why we
might use figurative language in poetry and other
types of writing.


Dinnertime Chorus
The teapot sang as the water boiled
The ice cubes cackled in their glass
the teacups chattered to one another.
While the chairs were passing gas
The gravy gurgled merrily
As the oil danced in a pan.
Oh my dinnertime chorus
What a lovely, lovely clan!

Onomatopoeia a word formed by a sound
associated with its name
Example: buzz, hiss, plop, boom, thud

Read the example poem
Watery Mess
Drip, drip, drip
The faucet had a leak
Slop, drop, plop
It fell in a spot
Slippery, sliding, slip
Puddle underneath the sink
Time to clean it up.
What do you think?

Hyperbole exaggerated statements that are not
meant to be taken literally
Read the example poem
Hyperbole Caf
By Lil Pluta
Welcome to our restaurant
Where every things gigantic.
A hundred waiters hold one dish.
Our kitchen can get frantic.
Our soup is deeper than the sea.
Our noodles stretch a mile.
The bread is longer than a train.
Its sure to make you smile.
We pile our peas up mountain high.
One cookie hides the moon.
We pour our iced tea into boats.
We hope youll visit soon.

I will ask students why we use these types of
figurative language. Why do we write that Our
soup is deeper than the sea when we know it is
not true? Why might I write that the snake was as
chewy as a piece of steak? (Because you were not
there to eat the snake. But you know what chewy
steak is like so my simile helps you understand
what I mean. I want you to understand my

I will ask them to work on labeling figurative

Students will respond with why they believe
authors use figurative language in poetry.




language in their poetry packet page three. I will
ask them to be prepared to give an explanation of
how specific types of their figurative language
contributes to the meaning of the poem.
They will work with the students within their
desk groups. I will assign each desk group a type
of figurative language and ask each group to find
that figurative language in 3 of the 6 poems that
are in their packet.
Students will work with the small groups
corresponding to the group numbers on their


We will gather back together and discuss what
types of figurative language we found in the
poems. I will ask the students to mark on their
own packets the types of figurative language that
the other groups found.

I will put my own poetry packet on the document
camera and label what the students found on my
own packet.

As we are labeling all the figurative language
examples, we will discuss how the examples they
found give meaning and paint a picture in the
poetry. I will ask these questions How do
metaphors, similes, etc., give the poem meaning?
What does the metaphor mean? How does it
deepen the poem?

Students will give large group feedback about
what kinds of figurative language they found in
the poems. They will give specific examples of
where the figurative language is and what type it

Students will respond with how figurative
language gives meaning to poetry.

Your reflection about the lesson, including evidence(s) of student learning and engagement, as well as ideas for improvement
for next time. (Write this after teaching the lesson, if you had a chance to teach it. If you did not teach this lesson, focus on the
process of preparing the lesson.)
This lesson went a lot better than I imagined it could go. To begin, the students were engaged and excited to hear the poems I
presented to them. And it was fun for me to read them these poems. I believe this was a great way to start off a unit on poetry; it was
casual, fun, and relaxing, but a great Segway right into our unit. When I asked students what they liked about these poems and poems
in general, I got many responses that I had hoped to get. Students made comments about the poems being very funny but also
relatable. They commented on the imagery that they imagine in their heads as I was reading the poems. Again, another great Segway
which bought us to our definitions of figurative language. The students were diligent in writing down the definitions and even
pressed for more time when they needed it. Here, I should have planned more time in the lesson, but I did give most of them the time
they needed, asking some of them to converse with friends or group members later to receive the information they needed. As a
small note, the definition boxes in the Poetry Packet were not in order, which, I knew ahead of time, but students pointed this
inconsistency out, and I should adjust accordingly on the packet to avoid comments like this during the lesson. With the figurative
language definitions and examples, I received more examples from the students than I thought I would. They volunteered their own
examples and memories they had of different styles of poems and types of figurative language. (i.e. one student talked about how
Beauty and the Beast was a huge example of personification). This showed me that students were engaging and understanding the
concepts I was presenting to them.
When students went back to their groups to find and label types of figurative language, I should have been more direct in my
assignments to them. I phrased their assigned type of figurative language as a question, when, in reality, there was no question but
rather a command from me to work on a specific type. The groups worked fast to find their examples of figurative language. The
poems I used were not bad, but, in the future, I could try to find a better variety that presents each type of figurative language in
multiple places. I was impressed to see the students make connections about how one line of a poem may actually demonstrate two
or even three types of figurative language.
We did not have all the time I had anticipated to hear each group explain where they found figurative language. We only went
through three or four of the six or seven groups. I feel confident that the majority of them grasped the concept without this part of the
lesson, but, for next time, I will definitely plan more time for this part or shorten other parts of the lesson. In addition, many of thr
groups finished a little early. I should have encouraged each group to try to find other types of figurative language if they finished
finding all of their assigned types. The students did find the examples I expected them to find and, in large group settings, they
explained why the author may use that type of figurative language in that particular poem. There was a student or two who either
gave a false example of figurative language or was unsure of why the author may use that type of figurative language. I think, in this
case, it is good to spend time as a class discussing what other students may think about these two questions. It would also be smart to
briefly review these topics during the next lesson. Overall, I was very pleased with they way the lesson turned out. I believe our
objectives were met and it was a good foundation for the rest of our unit about poetry and persepctives.


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