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Poetry Terms Test

Part 1: Match the Poetry term with the correct definition.

1. ____ Hyperbole
2. ____ Onomatopoeia
3. ____ Alliteration
4. ____ Simile
5. ____ nd !hyme
". ____ Metaphor
#. _____ Per$onification
%. _____ !epetition
&. _____ 'ma(ery
1). _____ *one
11. _____ Stan+a
12. _____ All,$ion
A. -ompare$ one thin( to another
,$in( the word$ .li/e0 or .a$0.
1. *he repetition of the be(innin(
con$onant $o,nd$.
-. -ompare$ two thin($ 2'*HO3*
,$in( the word$ .li/e0 or .a$40 not
literally tr,e.
5. Ma/e$ a compari$on (i6in(
h,manli/e characteri$tic$ to
$omethin( non7h,man.
. *he rhymin( of word$ at the end$
of two or more line$ of poetry.
8. 9treme e9a((eration4 ma/e$
e9a((erated compari$on$ for
effect4 $ometime$ are f,nny.
:. So,nd word$4 word$ that are
$pelled li/e they $o,nd.
H. *he repeatin( of a word or
phra$e to add rhythm; or
empha$i+e and idea.
'. A reference in a literary piece to
another piece of wor/; a famo,$
per$on; place; thin( or $on(.
<. =an(,a(e that appeal$ to the
>. A (ro,p of con$ec,ti6e line$ in a poem
?a .para(raph0 in poetry. 'talian for
.$toppin( place0 or .place to re$t.0@
=. *he a,thorA$ attit,de toward$ a
literary wor/.
Part 2: 3$in( the poetry term$ in the bo9 below; write in the word which be$t fit$
the e9ample.
Poetry Terms Test
1. ________________ *hi$ i$ a /ind of $o,nd in poetry li/e .b,tterc,p; baby0 Or .Mi$,$ed
2. ________________ *hi$ i$ a word li/e .clap0; .drip0; or .$nap.0
3. ________________ .-lap alon( if yo, feel li/e a room witho,t a roof.0
4. ________________ .<,mp $o hi(h ' to,ch the clo,d$.0
5. ________________ .' $wear itA$ a tho,$and de(ree$ in here0
". _________________ .A la+y ocean h,($ the $hore.0
#. _________________ .'f he a$/$ me to dance ' will B,$t dieCCC0
%. ________________ !hymin( word$ at the end of poem$
.2ho$e wood$ the$e are ' thin/ ' know;
Hi$ ho,$e i$ in the 6illa(e though0
Hyperbole Alliteration Metaphor
nd !hyme !epetition Per$onification
Onomatopoeia Simile

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