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Amber Pantaleo

Spring 2014
Integrated Reflection: Phase 2

My experience in phase 2 of the Special Education program at the University
of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign has brought me new knowledge as well as maintain
and build confidence with previous lessons and methods Ive learned in phase 0 and
phase 1. Some of the experiences Ive gained include thinking creatively in
promoting inclusion, working with families, and incorporating learning strategies
into all content areas. I was very happy to student teach in a high school and felt I
was able to truly relate to the students and gain their respect.
This semester I was placed at a high school for my practicum. At the high
school I experienced seeing students with various levels of disabilities included with
their peers without disabilities. For example, in the physical science course I worked
in, one student who is nonverbal is included into the class with his peers. Certain
assignments and work is modified for the student, and the student uses a
communication device to participate with the class. Another class I worked in was a
gen-ed photography class. In this class, I was an aid for a student who has autism.
Initially this student was able to participate in every aspect of the class except for
developing pictures in the dark room because he felt uncomfortable in the dark.
However, through a Managing the Learning Environment (MLE) program, I created
some strategies for the student to use in the dark room. The strategies included:
glow tape, breaks, and using hands to feel around the room. The MLE program was
very successful in building the students confidence and participation in the dark
room, (please view the data from the MLE program to see the results).
Amber Pantaleo
Spring 2014
Through my course work and opportunities Ive had attending IEP meetings,
I have learned the great importance of working together with families of the
students I teach. One of my classes this semester was centered on working with
families and understanding what a family may be going through. Part of learning
how to empathize and work with families of the students I teach was reflecting on
my own Family System. Through reflection of my own family system, I learned the
different ways I may relate to other families as well as understand we all have our
own experiences that make us unique and shape our beliefs. Because we all have
our own beliefs I need to be sensitive to other families wishes and be respectful in
the way I advocate for their childs education. Ive been able to see poor examples
and good examples of teachers working with families at the IEP meetings Ive
When I was growing up and in school, I often struggled with being a slow
reader and having to read paragraphs over and over before I comprehended the
text. I would have benefited from learning strategies to use while I read. In the
curriculum development course I took this semester, I learned about many different
learning strategies to teach students. I also learned that it is beneficial to
incorporate reading, writing, and math strategies into all content areas. I created an
Instructional Program to incorporate the reading strategy RAP paraphrasing into a
high school biology course. The RAP strategy was beneficial to the students and
they agreed that they could use the strategy in any environment.
Throughout phase 2 my supervisor and co-operating teacher have observed
my teaching and have given me valuable feedback. The greatest area I can improve
Amber Pantaleo
Spring 2014
upon while teaching is minimizing transition time and purposeful planning for
behavior management during transitions. For example, if the students need to get
up during the transition to get their textbooks, I should designate one or two
students to pass out the books rather than letting everyone get out of their seats.
This strategy will limit unnecessary behavior and confrontation between students.
During my time student teaching I have been an observer, assistant, co-teacher, and
independent teacher. The variety of roles has allowed me to experience the different
types of responsibilities I may hold in a classroom. So often I have heard negative
stories about co-teaching. However, I had a great co-teaching experience with my
co-operating teacher and the biggest reason is because we truly worked together
and respected what each other had to offer.
I am grateful for my experiences student teaching in the high school. I gained
valuable insight and experience in implementing the strategies and pedagogies I
learn through my coursework. Being able to create and implement my own
programs and strategies has helped me become more confident in leading a class.

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