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Reflection Paper Stephanie Argueta

EDUC 6331Administrative Internship Semester Year

Competency 1: The principal knows how to shape campus culture by facilitating the development,
articulation, implementation, and stewardship of a vision of learning that is shared and supported by the
school community.

Project I: Saturday Enrichment Camp allowed me to experience this competency first hand. I collaborated
with each grade level to discuss the shared vision of the additional Saturday classes. This was impetrative in
order to create buy in from each grade level and ensure all faculty members felt as if they contributed to the
shared vision of the campus and program. During the first few weeks of the program, all teachers were
involved and committed to the shared vision. As the program progressed over the weeks some teacher
began to lose their initial drive and commitment to the success of the program. Furthermore, this attitude
also affected the students as attendance began to decrease. In order to remedy the attendance issue, I
collaborated with other faculty members and decided to provide an attendance incentive for the students. All
students who attended five out of the six sessions were eligible to participate in the student and faculty
kickball game. The new incentive increased attendance and improved school morale. After this experience, I
can confidently say that I am capable of shaping campus culture and ensuring the campus shared vision is
carried out.

Competency 2: The principal knows how to communicate and collaborate with all members of the
school community, respond to diverse interests and needs, and mobilize resources to promote student

Through the projects and additional campus responsibilities entrusted to me by the campus administrator, I
am certain that I am experienced in this competency. Our campus Family Math and Science is an excellent
example of how I collaborated with fellow faculty members and used outside resources to meet the needs of
the students on our campus. Throughout Family Night I not only communicated with the parents of our
students but as well as community members who were able to make contributions in providing our students
and families with new experiences and resources. Parents were invited to engage in the education of their
children not only at school but at home as well with the take home activity bags given to each of the
students. Overall the program was a success with positive feedback from not only the students but their
parents as well.

Competency 3: The principal knows how to act with integrity, fairness, and in an ethical and legal

The course assignments encouraged me to be a participating member of student decision making
committees such as LPAC, DWIC and HELP Team. While attending these meetings, I had to refer to ethical
and legal standards and practices. When deciding placement for students I served as an advocate and
acted with integrity and fairness. My experiences in these different committees have left me feeling secure
of this competency.

Reflection Paper Stephanie Argueta
EDUC 6331Administrative Internship Semester Year
Competency 4: The principal knows how to facilitate the design and implementation of curricula and
strategic plans that enhance teaching and learning; ensure alignment of curriculum, instruction,
resources, and assessment; and promote the use of varied assessments to measure student

As a professional educator with a variety of experience in bilingual classrooms grades first through fifth, I
was exposed to a new research based English language development program this year. This particular
program engaged my interest so much that I decided to further analyze the programs effectiveness through
my action research paper. Through my study, I learned how to use more than one assessment to compare
and measure student data and determine the program effectiveness. I am certain that the time and research
dedicated to the research based program exposed me to this competency.

Competency 5: The principal knows how to advocate, nurture, and sustain an instructional program and
a campus culture that are conducive to student learning and staff professional growth.

My campus administrator requested I attend PBIS training. Through this training I learned how to advocate,
nurture and sustain a program through a staff professional development. Along with the PBIS campus
committee I collaborated and created a plan on how to nurture and sustain this program into the following
year. We also developed a flow chart to help explain the new program to other staff members. We began to
implement the first phases of the program and plan to continue to nurture the program at the beginning of
the next years staff development. I feel that this experience has helped me adequate meet this competency.

Competency 6: The principal knows how to implement a staff evaluation and development system to
improve the performance of all staff members, select and implement appropriate models for supervision
and staff development, and apply the legal requirements for personnel management.

Unfortunately, I was not exposed to very much of this competency on my campus. I will be learning more
about this competency this summer when I take the PDAS training. I look forward to learning more about the
competency so that I am able to implement it successfully as a future leader.

Competency 7: The principal knows how to apply organizational, decision-making, and problem-solving
skills to ensure an effective learning environment.

My campus administrator requested that I help a fellow teacher in organizing and problem-solving her
classroom management to create an effective learning environment for her students. I collaborated with the
teacher on suggestions that could improve the learning environment of her students. Through this project I
helped the teacher not only with organizational strategies but as well and activities that would improve the
engagement of her students. I feel fully confident of this competency through the exposure of this project.

Reflection Paper Stephanie Argueta
EDUC 6331Administrative Internship Semester Year
Competency 8: The principal knows how to apply principles of effective leadership and management in
relation to campus budgeting, personnel, resource utilization, financial management, and technology

This competency was harder to manage as most budgeting aspects occurred during the school day while I
was teaching my students. In order to adequately get exposure to this competency I compiled a list of
materials that were needed during our Family Math and Science night from all of the grade levels. I then
discussed the needed items with the campus secretary in charge of ordering all materials to determine
budget needs. This particular competency is one I would like more exposure to to better understand all
aspects of it.

Competency 9: The principal knows how to apply principles of leadership and management to the
campus physical plant and support systems to ensure a safe and effective learning environment.

I received some experience in this competency while working closely with the campus assistant
administrator. Through discipline referrals and crisis planning I was able to encounter some experience and
as a future administrator in the competency. This is another competency that I plan to further practice in the
summer through a summer school internship my campus is allowing to experience.

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