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"#$ &'("$

!"#$% 1968, ln 8ergen, norway
'((#)**% Carl Slbberns vel 3b
1398 Moss
+,"$)% +4790097736
-./012% arnelygre[

!1"% Arne Lygre has wrlLLen seven plays
slnce hls debuL ln 1998, wlLch has
been sLaged and publlshed ln many
counLrles around Lhe world. Man
WlLhouL urpose was dlrecLed by
Claude 8egy aL Cdeon 1heaLre ln
arls ln 2007/2008. Pls laLesL play,
l ulsappear, wlll have lLs world
premlere aL La Colllne 1heaLre
naLlonal ln arls ln november 2011,
dlrecLed by SLephane 8raunschwelg.

Arne Lygre wroLe hls flrsL shorL
sLorles collecLlon ln 2004, ln
1lme, for whlch he goL Lhe
presLlglous norweglan llLerary
award, 8rageprlsen. Pe has wrlLLen
Lwo novels, A LasL lace (2006)
and My uead Man (2009), wlLch
was boLh very well recelved by Lhe
crlLlcs. Pe was awarded Lhe LlLerary
Award Mads Wlels nygaards
Legacy ln 2010.

'5)$6 4207*% 8"2"/91$) :)06)#;<#205 =:,) >"#2(?

@A'#B,) -(16)C# =D#0$B)?

D)21E.!2"B,.-#9)$ =F)#/0$7?

'5)$6 4#"*)% '*B,),"C5 '5)$B7 =:,) >"#2(?

)*$ &+,$-, ."/012,3/#-
45' 6+"2* 7899:

;<$ 03-=+"+3-> 4? @3-+==$+":
&+ A/BB3#$ C )*DE,"$ F+,3/#+B 3# .+"3-G H"+#2$I
Cpenlng nlghL: november 4., 2011.
ulrecLor: SLephane 8raunschwelg.

;</1"- -/1,$""+3#-> 4@+'- J$#$+,*:
A3$ K?LMFNKG 3# !151--/#G .+"3- +#0 &'/#G H"+#2$I
Cpenlng nlghL: March 19., 2011.
ulrecLor: !acques vlncey.

;6+O+# $, O/3 $, B$- */OO$-> 46/,*$" +#0 6$ +#0 6$#:
A/O=+(#3$ 0$- P 2/3#-G 3# 6$,QG H"+#2$I
Cpenlng nlghL: uecember 9., 2009.
ulrecLor: nadege CosLe.

;6+OO+ /( O$( /( O$##> 46/,*$" +#0 6$ +#0 6$#:
!(0$" )$+,$" 3# R"3-,3+#-+#0G F/"S+'I
Cpenlng nlghL: november 21., 2009.
ulrecLor: !rn 8legels vlmpel.

;T/O/ K$#Q+ 6U,+> 46+# V3,*/1, .1"=/-$:
)$+,"/ @$BB+ &3O/#+3+ 3# HB/"$#2$G ?,+B'I
Cpenlng nlghL: SepLember 23., 2009.
ulrecLor: !on 1ombre.

;KW 5B3" 0$, -,3B,> 4)*$# K3B$#2$:
@$, F/"-X$ )$+,$" 3# Y-B/G F/"S+'I
World remlere: lebruary 28., 2009.
ulrecLor: 1orkll Sandsund.


;? @3-+==$+"> 47898:
!"#$ &'()*+,,#(-
./(0,)102+', +, 3,$1+)45 6'', 01)' +, 7(#,84 0,9 :#(;0,5<

llrsL producLlon aL La Colllne 1heaLre naLlonal ln arls,
lrance ln november 2011.

CLher producLlons planned aL LheaLres ln SLockholm,
Cslo and Sao aolo. (noL publlc yeL).

rlnLed by Aschehoug ubllshlng Pouse
ln norweglan (2011).

;)*$# K3B$#2$> 4788[:
!6= )2+114#2-
./(0,)102+', +, 7(#,84 0,9 3,$1+)45<

llrsL producLlon aL ueL norske 1eaLer ln Cslo, norway
ln lebruary 2009. ulrecLor: 1orkll Sandsund.

rlnLed by Aschehoug ubllshlng Pouse
ln norweglan (2009).

;@+'- J$#$+,*> 4788\:
!>0$#( ?,9#(-
./(0,)102+', +, 7(#,84@ 3,$1+)4 0,9 :#(;0,5<

llrsL producLlon aL 1eaLer MomenLum ln Cdense,
uenmark ln lebruary 2009. ulrecLor: kamllla

roducLlon by Compagnle Sl8LnLS, ln Aubusson, arls,
Lyon and Lllle, lrance ln March/Aprll 2011, and ln
!anuary 2012. ulrecLor: !acques vlncey.

CLher producLlons planned aL LheaLres ln uusseldorf
and 8ern. (noL publlc yeL).

rlnLed by Aschehoug ubllshlng Pouse
ln norweglan (2008).

;6+# V3,*/1, .1"=/-$> 4788]:
!A0,, ?2#, 4#,)+B2-
./(0,)102+',) +, 7(#,84@ :#(;0, 0,9 3,$1+)45<

llrsL producLlon by naLlonal 1heaLre/1orshovLeaLreL
ln Cslo, norway, ln 2003.
ulrecLor: Alexander Mrk-Lldem.

roducLlon by 1heaLre Am neumarkL (Mann ohne
AusslchLen) ln Zurlch, SwlLzerland, ln 2006.
ulrecLor: Marc von Pennlng.

roducLlon by Cdeon 1heaLre de l'Lurope (Pomme sans
buL) ln arls, lrance, ln 2007/2008.
ulrecLor: Claude 8egy.

roducLlon by Avenlda aullsLa 1heaLer (Pomem sem
rumo) ln So aulo, 8rasll, ln 2007.
ulrecLor: 8oberLo Alvlm.

roducLlon by 8ogaland 1eaLer ln SLavanger, norway,
ln CcLober 2008. ulrecLor: vladlmlr 8ouchler.

roducLlon by 1eaLro Comuna (Pomem sem rumo)
ln Llsboa, orLugal, ln CcLober 2008.
ulrecLor: Alvaro Correla.

roducLlon by 8adlsches SLaaLsLheaLer (Mann Chne
AusslchLen) ln karlsruhe, 1yskland, ln lebruary 2009.
ulrecLor: llorlan 8oesch

roducLlon by 1eaLro uella Llmonala (uomo Senza
MeLa) ln llorence, lLaly, ln SepLember 2009. ulrecLor:
!on 1ombre

rlnLed by Aschehoug ubllshlng Pouse
ln norweglan (2003).

rlnLed by L'Arche
ln lrench: Pomme sans buL, LranslaLed by 1er[e
Slndlng (2007)

;K*+0/S Y^ ! J/'> 4788_:
!6BC$$# 0* #, $?22-
./(0,)102+',) +, :#(;0,@ 6D#9+)4 0,9 E?,$0(+0,5<

llrsL producLlon by ueL norske 1eaLer
ln Cslo, norway, ln 2006. ulrecLor: Cla 8. !ohannessen.

rlnLed by Aschehoug ubllshlng Pouse
ln norweglan (2003).

rlnLed by ArkLlsz ubllshlng Pouse ln Pungary,
LranslaLed by Lva uobos (2008)

K100$# N,$"#3,'> 49```:
8rLL evlg
(1ranslaLlons ln Cerman, Lngllsh and Serblan.)

llrsL producLlon by naLlonal 1heaLre
ln Cslo, norway, ln 2000. ulrecLor: CaLrlne 1elle.

roducLlon by vanallnnasLudlo (kahku lgavlkku)
ln 1alllnn, LsLonla, ln 2000/2001. ulrecLor: 8oman

roducLlon by SLaaLschausplelhaus (Lwlg Leben)
ln uresden, Cermany, ln 2003. ulrecLor: SLefan nolLe.

rlnLed by Aschehoug ubllshlng Pouse
ln norweglan (1999).

rlnLed by SLubovl kulLure
ln Serblan: lznenada vecnl, LranslaLed by Clga
uordllovlc (2003).

;6/,*$" +#0 6$ +#0 6$#> 49``[:
Mamma og meg og menn
(1ranslaLlons ln lrench, Cerman and Lngllsh)

llrsL producLlon by 8ogaland 1heaLre
ln SLavanger, norway, ln 1998. ulrecLor: lngrld lorLhun.
AdapLed for Lelevlslon by
norweglan 8roadcasLlng CorporaLlon ln 1999.

roducLlon by Masken 1heaLre (Mor og mlg og mnd)
ln nykplng-lalsLer, uenmark, ln 2000.
ulrecLor: Mlkkel Pede.

roducLlon by AddlLlon 1heLre (Maman eL mol eL les
hommes) ln Le Mans, lrance, ln 2006/2007.
ulrecLor: lrancols Chevalller

roducLlon by 8adlsches SLaaLsLheaLer (Mama und lch
und Manner) ln karlsruhe, Cermany, ln 2007/2008.
ulrecLor: 1homas krupa

roducLlon by 1heaLre Company L'AuLre Chemln ln
dlfferenL clLles ln lrance, ln 2007/2008. ulrecLor: aLrlck

roducLlon by Agder 1eaLer ln krlsLlansand, norway ln
2009. ulrecLor: !rn 8legels vlmpel.

roducLlon by Compagnle des 4 colns, ln MeLz, lrance
ln 2009. ulrecLor: nadege CosLe

rlnLed by Aschehoug ubllshlng Pouse
ln norweglan. (1998).

rlnLed by Les SollLalres lnLempesLlfs
ln lrench: Maman eL mol eL les hommes", LranslaLed
by 1er[e Slndlng (2000).


;6' @$+0 6+#>G #/a$B 4788`:
!A+, 9F9# ;0,,-
.3G2(082) 2(0,)102#9 +, 3,$1+)4<

rlnLed by Aschehoug ubllshlng Pouse
ln norweglan (2009).

8ecelved Lhe llLerary award Mads Wlels nygaards

;! &+-, H+2$>G #/a$B 4788\:
!32 )+)2# 0,)+B2-
.3G2(082) 2(0,)102#9 +, 7(#,84 0,9 3,$1+)4<

rlnLed by Aschehoug ubllshlng Pouse
ln norweglan (2006).

;?# )3O$>G -*/", -,/"3$- 4788P:
!/+9 +,,#-
.3G2(082) 2(0,)102#9 +, :#(;0, 0,9 3,$1+)4<

rlnLed by Aschehoug ubllshlng Pouse
ln norweglan (2004).

8ecelved 1he 8rage Award for besL shorL sLorles
collecLlon ln 2004.

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