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Combs Fifth Grade

Field Trip
Sci-Quest: Hands on
Science Center

Students will attend a field trip to Sci-Quest
Hands on Science Center in order to explore cell
parts, their functions, and the interdependent
relationships found in cells.
Parent Letter
Dear Parents/Gaurdians,
Our class has the exciting opportunity to go to the Sci-Quest Hands on
Science Center located in Huntsville. As you all know we have been
studying about cells, cell parts, and cell functions in our science unit.
This field trip will enhance the instruction that the students have
received in the classroom, and give them more hands on experience
with the material. I need 3 parents to be chaperones for this event.
Selection will be based on a first come, first served basis. Lunches will
be provided by the cafeteria and your students lunch account will be
charged accordingly.

Date: May 14, 2014 (The bus will leave at 8 am and return at 2:30 pm.)
Cost per person: $32 due by May 16 (any extra money will be applied to
a tip for the bus driver)
What to bring: Money for the gift shop and one personal device to use
during the day.
Please detach this portion and send back with student along with money.

_____ Yes, my son/daughter will be attending the field trip.
_____ Yes, I would like to be a chaperone on the field trip.
_____ No, my son/daughter will not be attending the field trip.

Students Name: __________________
Parent Signature: _________________
Preparations for Field Trip
The students will already be prepared for the content portion of the
field trip because it will come at the end of our unit on cells. We will
however have a review of the material to make sure that it fresh on
their minds.
- Begin by looking at picture of animal cells.
- Have students discuss the interdependent relationships between
the different organelles in the cell.
- Ask students if they are excited about the field trip.
- Talk briefly about what the students will be doing in the class.
They will be using iPad software to look at cells and interact with
the information. Also, talk about how the students will have the
time to visit other exhibits in the center and the gift shop if
they choose.
- Review the basic rules of the trip.
o Have fun!
o Stay with your assigned group at all times!
o Use your device for learning purposes.
o Be responsible with your device and appropriate with the
information you post.
- Explain that we will be using an app to keep track of learning
during the trip. There will be questions posted by Ms. Combs that
the students should reply to in order to receive a participation
grade for the trip.
- Explain that each student should post at least one picture on the
app as well. These pictures should be of something that the
students find interesting and meaningful for learning about cells.
- Have students scan and get app on their device.
Get the APP!
- Make sure that you have Yapp downloaded onto
your device.
- Scan the QR code or follow the link provided to
open our class field trip app.
- A schedule is provided in the app for you to
reference during the day.
- There will be questions posted by Ms. Combs on
the News Feed for all students to participate in
discussion. Students should reply to all questions
posed in order to receive a participation grade.
- There is an option in the app as well for group
pictures. Students should post pictures that are
taken throughout the day. These should promote
learning and be appropriate.


I will contact the school nurse to acquire any necessary medical
information about the students going on the trip. If any of the
students medicine needs to be administered during this time, the
nurse will have to give me the medicine. After I get the medicine from
her with instructions, I will administer it to the student at the
appropriate time. I cannot allow students to bring any medication from
home to take during the trip.

In the event of an accident an ambulance will be called immediately.
Following that call, the school administration will be contacted in order
to call parents. The partner teacher will stay with the students at the
site of the field trip while the other teacher goes to the hospital with
the child.

In Case of Lost Child:
If a child gets separated from the group at any point during the trip,
the front lobby of the facility will be the rendezvous point. The child
or adult should wait there for a teacher or their chaperone to come
and find them. Because we are using an app, the students will also be
able to contact the group to find people if he/she becomes lost.

Management Plan
- Students should wear their fifth grade field trip shirts. This will
help ensure that the students are easy to locate in the facility
while the groups are walking around and exploring.
- Groups
o Students will be divided into four groups with a chaperone
for each group.
o Group 1 (Ms. Green)- Adam, Taylor, Ella, Brenna
o Group 2 (Ms. Humphries)- John, Angelica, Juan, Catalina
o Group 3 (Ms. Davis)- Eduardo, Leisel, Tanja, Fred
o Group 4 (Ms. Combs)- Tyrone, Natalia, Daniel, Abigail, Tyler
- Students will be assigned to a group leader or chaperone. We will
talk about the importance of staying with your chaperone at all
times and treating him/her as if they were me.
- Bus behavior will also be discussed. The students need to
remember to remain in their seats at all times facing forward.
There will also be no screaming while on the bus. These are minor
things that could lead to large problems if not addressed.
- Other rules that are necessary for the trip are:
o Have fun!
o Stay with your assigned group at all times!
o Use your device for learning purposes.
o Be responsible with your device and appropriate with the
information you post.
- If there is a problem or concern with one of the students, they
will be relocated to Ms. Combs group.

Lunch Plan
The cafeteria is providing sack lunches for students to
eat on the trip. These sack lunches will be packed into
coolers and will be loaded onto the bus the morning of
the trip. The lunches will stay on the bus until time for
the students to eat. Each student will receive one sack
lunch. These lunches will have already been charged to
their lunch accounts.

The students should eat breakfast prior to leaving for
the trip at the school. There will not be a snack during
the trip.

o Group 1 (Ms. Green)- Adam, Taylor, Ella, Brenna
o Group 2 (Ms. Humphries)- John, Angelica, Juan,
o Group 3 (Ms. Davis)- Eduardo, Leisel, Tanja, Fred
o Group 4 (Ms. Combs)- Tyrone, Natalia, Daniel,
Abigail, Tyler

Schedule of Events
- 8 am: Depart from Trace Crossings Elementary
- 10 am: Arrive at Sci-Quest
- 10-10:10 am: Check in and get tickets
- 10:15-11:00 am: Attend Cells Alive! Class
- 11:00-11:45 am: Explore Exhibits/Visit Gift Shop
- 11:50 am: Meet in lobby for lunch
- 12 pm: Lunch
- 12:30 pm: Depart from Sci-Quest
- 2:30 pm: Return to Trace Crossings

Communication Information
Contact Information:
- Ms. Combs- (205) 456-7890
- Ms. Lavender- (205) 345-6789
- Ms. Green (Chaperone) (205) 234-5678
- Ms. Humphries (Chaperone)- (205) 534-6754
- Ms. Davis (Chaperone)- (205) 412-3244
- Mr. Collins (Bus Driver)- (205) 534-5544
- Trace Crossings Elementary- (205) 439-2700

Where to?
- Sci-Quest Hands on Science Center: 1435 Paramount Dr
Huntsville Al 35806

- 8 am: Depart from Trace Crossings Elementary
- 10 am: Arrive at Sci-Quest
- 10-10:10 am: Check in and get tickets
- 10:15-11:00 am: Attend Cells Alive! Class
- 11:00-11:45 am: Explore Exhibits/Visit Gift Shop
- 11:50 am: Meet in lobby for lunch
- 12 pm: Lunch
- 12:30 pm: Depart from Sci-Quest
- 2:30 pm: Return to Trace Crossings
Assessment of Learning
Pre/Post Assessment
- Pre-Assessment: Students will complete a KWL
chart on cells (including cell parts, functions, and
interdependent relationships)
- During Trip Assessment: Students will be asked to
answer questions and post pictures to the class
field trip app.

- Post-Assessment- Students will return to Trace
Crossings and complete a PQP (Praise, Question,
Polish). This should talk about the trip.

Name: ____________
KWL Chart
Complete the following chart based on the information studied on cell
parts, cell functions, and interdependent relationships within the cell

What I know.

What I still want
to know.

One interesting
thing I have

Name: ___________
PQP Chart
Complete the chart based on your experience at Sci-Quest and the
Cells Alive! class.

One Praise about
the trip.

One question that
I still have.
One thing that
could be polished
about the trip.

Dear Sci-Quest,
Thank you for your hospitality and willingness to
partner with us to provide our students an extension
and enrichment to their learning. Thank you for all that
you are doing to enhance the learning community in not
only Huntsville, but Alabama as well.
All of the students had a very fun time and talk of
when they will return in the future. Our chaperones
also talked of the day and their favorite parts. This is
definitely one day that the students will remember
when they think of cells and their fifth grade class.
With your help, we have made a positive impact in their

Thank you again for all of your help!

Ms. Combs
Fifth Grade Teacher
Trace Crossings Elementary

Dear Parents/Guardians,
Thank you all for your hard work and enthusiasm
during the busy field trip time. The students all
enjoyed their time at the Science Center, and many
talked of taking you to the exhibits. It is a joy to see
them excited about their education and engaged so well
in it.
During our day at Sci-Quest, the students were
busy answering questions and posting pictures to our
class field trip app. I will include the link and QR code
for you to download the app. I think you all will enjoy
seeing their learning take place while they were also
having so much fun!


Thank you for all that you do for our class!
Ms. Combs

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