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Proposal Outline

Names: Brittany Crabtree, Lindy Cooper, Emily Lavender, Autumn Combs

Title of Project: Robots Rock!
Needs and Opportunities: The students that we worked with were high end learners
that needed an outlet to explore their interests in science and robotics. We had the
opportunity to pull them out of the classroom to extend their learning.
Audience/ Clients/ Users: The audience that this project will cater to is a group of high
end learners in first grade.
- Week 1: Review manuals and complete an inventory of materials.
- Week 2: Build robots.
- Week 3: Basic programming and student interviews.
- Week 4: Trial and error programing.
Product: We will create a video that journals our process. There will also be an app that
we create to provide a journal of processes and pictures from our sessions
together. There will also be a powerpoint presentation.
Reality Check: The robot kit is the main resource needed. It will be provided by the
teacher we are working with. This kit will also include the LEGO computer software to
program the robots. We will need a computer with the LEGO software downloaded to it.
We will also need technology with video and photo taking capabilities.
Conclusion: We are excited to provide these students with opportunities that are not
otherwise offered to them. With the idea that robotics is one of the new frontiers of
science, we think it is critical to provide these students with an opportunity to explore
their early passion.

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