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Each term teachers complete a, Children With special Needs, (CWSN) overview form of
the work undertaken by our Teacher ides, (T!s")
#ocus of teacher aide work can be either with an individual or $roup%s or both"
CWSN cover the followin$ aspects& academic, health, En$lish Second 'an$ua$e, (ES('),
speech and behavioural issues"
The CWSN form re)uires teachers to write a reflection, recommendations and a comment
from the Teacher id"
CWSN information is also put on to etap support re$ister by teacher"
Data: Group focuses; *ictation, handwritin$, spellin$, phonic awareness, alphabet and letter
sounds and knowled$e, writin$, readin$, comprehension, vocabulary, oral lan$ua$e, rhythm, rhymin$
and repetition of vocabulary, buildin$ sentence structures, syllabification, letter formations,
+eadin$ +ecovery, En$lish Second 'an$ua$e, (ES('), ,ealth issues, speech issues, Numeracy,
+epeated +eadin$, co-operative $ames, behavioural issues, personal mana$ement skills"
The )uality of our Teacher ides (T) - they are skilled and professional in assistin$ our
+esource Teacher 'earnin$ .ehaviour, (+T'.) assisted in some professional development
for our new T!s"
Students have made si$nificant increase and pro$ress"
Students are workin$ with T for on$oin$ support once discontinued from +eadin$
Ts reflective comment on how the particular pro$rammes are runnin$"
T!s workin$ in classrooms and supportin$ our /aori students"
T!s are valued and also supported by all staff"
,ui are held and /aori student achievement is reported and discussed"
Continued fundin$ re)uired to provide our T pro$rammes within the school"
0arents, care$ivers, whanau not followin$ up on daily homework routines and limited support
at home for those CWSN"
cademic, developmental ability and different learnin$ styles of students"
Teachers may not refer students due to a variety of reasons"
Students maybe wait listed by +esource Teacher 'earnin$ 1 .ehaviour, (+T'.) due to
already lar$e caseloads"
Early intervention paramount in identifyin$ at risk students and fundin$ to support this"
.ehavioural issues, +T'., +esource Teacher 'iteracy, (+T'it) and Child *evelopment Centre
(C*C) referrals take time to process the documentation"
Time is always a factor in the process of $ettin$ additional support - as parental consent is
re)uired first, referral form completed by teachers" SENC( tables the applications at
+T'. intake meetin$" Teachers have meetin$s with parties involved and several
observations may take place before any intervention is actioned"
Students havin$ support at the same time each day may miss out on a part of classroom
dditional Community support $ained with 0arent Tutor +eadin$ 0ro$rammes" +T'. teachin$
this strate$y"
0rofessional support of +T'. and +T'it in our community"
2nterestin$ that boys re)uire more T assistance than $irls"
Some students re)uire a short intervention timeframe and others need a lot lon$er"
Small $roup and 3-3 work benefits our children with special needs"
#amily history of support for some students"
'ow percenta$e of whanau attend hui%meetin$s about akon$a"
2t is notable that a hi$h percenta$e are boys re)uire T assistance of some type e$4
behavioural, ES(', academic, speech, self-mana$ement skills"
hi$h percenta$e of our si5ty /aori students re)uire assistance from T for support
compared to other ethnic $roups"
3-3 or small $roup assistance benefits our students with learnin$ difficulties and special
0rofessional development for Teacher ides should be ali$ned with our writin$ focus for
6738 to ensure on$oin$ effective practice"
Ensure continued fundin$ for our T!s pro$rammes is available and obtainable"
+edesi$n CWSN form for 6738 to show added value"
Ne%t Ste&"
0lan the 0rofessional development for Teacher ides as noted in recommendations"
*iscuss with the staff the restructurin$ on the CWSN form"
Pre"ente' ():
/rs 9ulie Wilson Date: 36%33%673:

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