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Professor I.

Connie Davis
Com 240 2B1, Cross-Cultural Communications
February 14, 2014
Josh Landon

I. Introduction
A. Opener- "Who knows a Catholic?"
B. I'm not RC, but I'll where my RC hat
C. Important as a world religion... three... three... 1 billion in the world
D. the plan for the speech
II. Body
A. Church history
B. Belief and Practice
1. God
2. Man
3. Jesus
4. Salvation
5. Church
6. Authority
III. Conclusion
A. So, in conclusion, RC makes radical claims about Jesus and our salvation in Him, built
within the framework of classical theism. God is the creator and sole purpose for
creation, He made everything for Himself, we are failing as humans, He came as a man,
died, and rose again to give us new life in Himself so that we might be brought into union
with Him through Christ.
B. Objections, concerns, confusions?
C. So check it out, because what you believe about all this is pretty much the most important
thing about you and it determines almost everything else in your worldview. It could
even determine the meaningfulness of your life and what your eternity is like.

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