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Pete the Cat -- Intro.

Goals/Objectives (NC School Counseling Standards 2, 3, 4)
1. Students will understand as well as be able to explain a bit about myself
-- who I am and most importantly, what I do as a counselor.
2. ith Pete the Cat, students will be able to explore and comprehend an
aspect of what a counselor does -- !"s a counselor, I help students to see
that sometimes thin#s mi#ht not #o my way, but not to worry because
$it%s all #ood%.&
'. Students will understand that they can come tal( to me about anythin#,
but that there are also appropriate times to come tal( to me. )xample
--*attlin# on Someone +It%s all #ood,- .s. /eelin# Sad "bout Somethin#
+Let%s tal( about it-.

Pete the Cat 0oo(

Pete the Cat Shoe or(sheet

1ptional2 "ctual Pete the Cat shoe cutout+s- as well as real strawberries,
blueberries, etc. for him to !wal(& throu#h as the story is read.
1. Start off by introducin# myself -- who I am, where I%m from, what I%m
doin# here, etc. +'-3 minutes-
2. 4et into the boo( -- and let the class read and sin# alon# with the text.
+15 minutes-
'. 6o.e into the acti.ity -- desi#nin# shoes. ).eryone steps in stuff
sometimes -- it could be an unexpected e.ent, somethin# that frustrates
us, somethin# that ma(es us an#ry, etc. 0ut it%s not the end of the world.
In the words of Pete the Cat, !7oes Pete cry8 4oodness, no, ... because
it%s all #ood.& Shoes should be colorful, distinct, and describe yourself.
+15-13 minutes-
9. 7ifferentiate between when to come see 6r. :oc(ey. Should you come
see me because you need to tattle on someone8 ;o, because it%s all
#ood. 0ut can you come tal( to me about somethin# you%re excited
about, or e.en somethin# that%s ma(in# you sad or somethin# serious8
<es, I can help you wor( throu#h those thin#s. +'-3 minutes-
3. rap it up with some ta(e aways -- happens, it%s all #ood.
hen to come see me, etc. +a couple minutes-
Pete the Cat = Second
Goals/Objectives (NC School Counseling Standards 2, 3, 4)
1. Students will be able to demonstrate respect and point out
similarities and differences between their artistic creations
2. Students will learn appropriate ways to complement each other for
the wor( that they ha.e done.
'. Students will better understand in respect to !>ow do I
fit in my shoes8&
Pete the Cat 0oo(
Pete the Cat Shoes /rom Intro Lesson
Colorful <arn for Shoes
1. Start off by recappin# what was tal(ed about last time = with Pete,
his shoes, etc.
2. 6o.e the lesson from bein# about what I do as a counselor to the
students. >a.e the students describe how their shoes !fit& them =
what their shoes tell us about them +used as a time to describe and
#et to better (now one another-.
'. >a.e the students !tie& their shoes to#ether with yarn for the next
9. >a.e the students brea( into small #roups to share their shoes with
one another. )ncoura#e discussion and (indness throu#h
complementin# and listenin# as well as learnin# about one another.
3. rap up the discussion and #o ta(e aways = hat did you
learn about some of your classmates8 hat did you learn about
Pete the Cat = *hird
Goals/Objectives (NC School Counseling Standards 2, 3, 4)
1. Students will be use creati.ity to create their own story with Pete the
Cat usin# the concept of 4ardner%s 6ultiple Intelli#ences.
2. Students will continue to understand and respect the differences in
each of their ways of expression = whether throu#h art, son#, story,
'. Students will be able to understand that we all learn and communicate
best in .arious ways.

Pete the Cat 0oo(

Pete the Cat Shoes

Plenty of "rt Supplies +).erythin# from Paper and 6ar(ers to Clay,

1. Students shall be#in by re.iewin# what we%.e done throu#h the first
two lessons = what I do as a counselor, who they are as people, and
what they%.e learned thus far.
2. Students will then ha.e an opportunity to create their own .ersion of
Pete the Cat usin# medium they so choose. *his could
include drawin# a picture, writin# out a story, creatin# a son#, creatin#
a drama or dialo#ue, doin# a conflict mediation between the parties?
the s(y%s the limit,
'. Students will ha.e an opportunity to share their
creations@presentations@stories with the class.
9. *hen, at the end, include a final wrap up about the students%
experiences with Pete the Cat.
3. Counselor or teacher can han# final presentations and shoes on the
walls in the hallways or in the classrooms.

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