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C.Selooneson MBA.

CupubIIILIes ure mosL oILen deveIoped In
specIIIc IuncLIonuI ureus sucI us murkeLIng or
operuLIons or In u purL oI u IuncLIonuI ureu sucI
us dIsLrIbuLIon or reseurcI & deveIopmenL.
L Is uIso IeusIbIe Lo meusure und compure
cupubIIILIes In IuncLIonuI ureus. TIus , u
compuny couId be consIdered us InIerenLIy
sLrong In murkeLIng owIng Lo u compeLence In
dIsLrIbuLIon skIIIs . Or u compuny couId be
compeLILIve In operuLIons owIng Lo superIor
reseurcI und deveIopmenL InIrusLrucLure.
OrgunIsuLIonuI cupubIIILy IucLors ure sLruLegIc
sLrengLIs und weuknesses exIsLIng In dIIIerenL
IuncLIonuI ureus wILIIn un orgunIsuLIon, wIIcI
ure oI crucIuI ImporLunce Lo sLruLegy IormuIuLIon
und ImpIemenLuLIon. TIe orgunIsuLIon InLo sIx
IurgeIy uccepLed und commonIy undersLood
IuncLIonuI ureus. TIese ure:
nIormuLIon und
GeneruI munugemenL
InancIal CapabIlIty:
InuncIuI cupubIIILy IucLors reIuLe Lo LIe
uvuIIubIIILy , usuges und munugemenL oI Iunds
und uII uIIIed uspecLs LIuL Iuve u beurIng on un
orgunIsuLIon`s cupubIIILy Lo ImpIemenL ILs
Some oI LIe ImporLunL IucLors wIIcI InIIuence LIe
IInuncIuI cupubIIILy oI uny orgunIsuLIon ure us
IoIIows :
ucLors reIuLed Lo usuge oI Iunds cupILuI
sLrucLure, procuremenL oI cupILuI,
conLroIIersIIp, IInuncIng und reIuLIonsIIp wILI
Ienders, bunks und IInuncIuI InsLILuLIons.
ucLors reIuLed Lo usuge oI Iunds cupILuI
InvesLmenL, IIxed usseL ucquIsILIon, currenL
usseLs, Iouns und udvunces, dIvIdend
dIsLrIbuLIon und reIuLIonsIIp wILI
sIureIoIders .
ucLors reIuLed Lo munugemenL oI Iunds
IInuncIuI, uccounLIng und budgeLIng sysLems;
munugemenL conLroI sysLem, sLuLe oI IInuncIuI
IeuILI, cusI, InIIuLIon, credIL, reLurn und rIsk
munugemenL; cosL reducLIon und conLroI und
Lux pIunnIng und udvunLuges
|arketIng CapabIlIty:
MurkeLIng cupubIIILy IucLors reIuLe Lo LIe
prIcIng, promoLIon und dIsLrIbuLIon oI producLs or
servIces, und uII LIe uIIIed uspecLs LIuL Iuve u
beurIng on un orgunIsuLIon`s cupucILy und ubIIILy Lo
ImpIemenL ILs sLruLegIes.
Some oI LIe ImporLunL IucLors wIIcI InIIuence LIe
murkeLIng cupubIIILy oI uny orgunIsuLIon ure us
IoIIows :
Prodoct reluted Iuctors vurIeLy, dIIIerenLIuLIon,
mIx quuIILy, posILIonIng, udvunLuges, eLc..
Price reluted Iuctors prIcIng objecLIve, poIIcIes,
cIunges, proLecLIon, udvunLuges, eLc..
Pluce reluted Iuctors dIsLrIbuLIon,
LrunsporLuLIon und IogIsLIcs, murkeLIng
cIunneIs, murkeLIng InLermedIurIes, eLc..
Promotion reluted Iuctors promoLIonuI
LooIs, suIes promoLIon, udverLIsIng pubIIc
reIuLIons, eLc..
ntegrutive und systemic Iuctors
murkeLIng mIx, murkeL sLundIng, compuny
Imuge, murkeLIng orgunIsuLIon, murkeLIng
sysLem, murkeLIng munugemenL InIormuLIon
sysLem, eLc..
peratIons CapabIlIty:
OperuLIons cupubIIILy IucLors reIuLe Lo LIe
producLIon oI producLs or servIces, use oI muLerIuI
resources und uII uIIIed uspecLs LIuL Iuve u beurIng
on un orgunIsuLIon`s cupucILy und ubIIILy Lo
ImpIemenL ILs sLruLegIes.
Some oI LIe ImporLunL IucLors wIIcI InIIuence
LIe operuLIons cupubIIILy oI uny orgunIsuLIon ure us
IoIIows :
Prodoction system CupucILy, IocuLIon, IuyouL,
producL or servIce desIgn, work sysLems, degree oI
uuLomuLIon, exLenL oI verLIcuI InLegruLIon, eLc..
5erutions und control system uggreguLe
producLIon pIunnIng ,muLerIuI suppIy, InvenLory,
cosL und quuIILy conLroI, muInLenunce sysLems und
procedures, eLc..
# system personneI IucIIILIes, producL
deveIopmenL, puLenL rIgILs, IeveI oI LecInoIogy
used , LecInIcuI coIIuboruLIon und supporL, eLc..
!ersonnel CapabIlIty:
PersonneI cupubIIILy IucLors reIuLe Lo LIe
exIsLence und use oI Iumun resources und skIIIs,
und uII uIIIed uspecLs LIuL Iuve u beurIng on un
orgunIsuLIon`s cupucILy und ubIIILy Lo ImpIemenL ILs
Some oI LIe ImporLunL IucLors wIIcI InIIuence LIe
PersonneI cupubIIILy oI uny orgunIsuLIon ure us
IoIIows :
%e 5ersonnel system sysLems Ior munpower
pIunnIng, seIecLIon, deveIopmenL, compensuLIon,
communIcuLIon und uppruIsuI, posILIon oI LIe
personneI depurLmenL wILIIn LIe orgunIsuLIon,
procedures und sLundurds, eLc..
rgunisutionul und em5loyees
curucteristics corporuLe Imuge, quuIILy oI
munugers, sLuII und workers percepLIon ubouL
und Imuge oI LIe orgunIsuLIon us un empIoyer,
uvuIIubIIILy oI deveIopmenLuI opporLunILIes Ior
empIoyees, workIng condILIons, eLc..
ndostriul relutions &nIon munugemenL
reIuLIonsIIp, coIIecLIve burguInIng, suIeLy,
weIIure und securILy, empIoyee suLIsIucLIon und
moruIe, eLc..
nformatIon management CapabIlIty:
nIormuLIon munugemenL CupubIIILy IucLors
reIuLe Lo LIe desIgn und munugemenL oI LIe IIow
oI InIormuLIon Irom ouLsIde InLo, und wILIIn un
orgunIsuLIon Ior LIe purpose oI decIsIonmukIng
und uII uIIIed uspecLs LIuL Iuve u IeurIng on un
orgunIsuLIon`s cupucILy und ubIIILy Lo ImpIemenL
ILs sLruLegIes.
Some oI LIe ImporLunL IucLors wIIcI
InIIuence LIe nIormuLIon munugemenL
cupubIIILy oI uny orgunIsuLIon ure us IoIIows :
cqoisition und retention oI inIormution
sources, quunLILy, quuIILy und LImeIInes oI
InIormuLIon, reLenLIon cupubIIILy und securILy oI
Processing und syntesis oI inIormution
duLubuse munugemenL, compuLer sysLems, soILwure
cupubIIILy und ubIIILy Lo synLIesIs oI InIormuLIon
#etrievul und osuge oI inIormution
vuIIubIIILy und upproprIuLeness oI InIormuLIon
IormuLs, und cupucILy Lo ussImIIuLe und use
%runsmission und disseminution speed,
scope, wIdLI und depLI oI coveruge oI InIormuLIon,
und u wIIIIngness Lo uccepL InIormuLIon.
eneral management CapabIlIty:
GeneruI munugemenL CupubIIILy reIuLes Lo
LIe InLegruLIon, coordInuLIon und dIrecLIon oI
LIe IuncLIonuI cupubIIILIes Lowurds common
gouIs und uII uIIIed uspecLs LIuL Iuve u beurIng
on un orgunIsuLIon`s cupucILy und ubIIILy Lo
ImpIemenL ILs sLruLegIes.
Some oI LIe ImporLunL IucLors wIIcI
InIIuence LIe generuI munugemenL cupubIIILy oI
uny orgunIsuLIon ure us IoIIows :
enerul munugement system sLruLegIc
munugemenL sysLem, processes reIuLed Lo seLLIng
sLruLegIc InLenL, sLruLegy IormuIuLIon und
ImpIemenLuLIon mucIInery, sLruLegy evuIuuLIon
sysLem, munugemenL InIormuLIon sysLem, corporuLe
pIunnIng sysLem, rewurds und IncenLIves sysLem Ior
Lop munugers, eLc..
enerul munugers orIenLuLIon, rIsk propensILy,
vuIues, norms, personuI gouIs, compeLence, cupucILy
Ior work, Lruck record, buIunce oI IuncLIonuI
experIence, eLc..
ternul relutionsi5 InIIuence on und rupporL
wILI LIe governmenL, reguIuLory ugencIes und
IInuncIuI InsLILuLIons; pubIIc reIuLIons, sense oI
socIuI responsIbIIILy, pIIIunLIropy, pubIIc Imuge us
corporuLe cILIzen, eLc..
inunciul Cu5ubility
ujuj CusI MunugemenL
C CenLruIIzed puymenL, decenLruIIzed coIIecLIon
ReIIunce IIgI InvesLor conIIdence
EscorLs mIcubIe reIuLIon wILI Is
urketing Cu5ubility
HIndusLun ever IsLrIbuLIon CIunneI
JCC unk Ide vurIeLy oI producLs
TuLu Compuny J ProducL muge
5erutions Cu5ubility
uksImI mucIIne works ubsorb ImporLed
uImer & uwrIe R& ew specIuILy cIemIcuIs
Personnel Cu5ubility
poIIo Lyres ndusLrIuI reIuLIons probIem
enerul munugement cu5ubility
MuIuyuIum Munuromu IurgesL seIIIng newspuper
&ncIuIIenged IeudersIIp &nIIIed, sLubIe
esL edILed & mosL proIessIonuIIy produced
udvuntuges 5roIile
Nutore oI
Com5etitive strengts or weuknesses
1. inunce

HIgI cosL oI cupILuI; reserves und surpIus

posILIon unsuLIsIucLory

Ierce compeLILIon In IndusLry; compuny`s

posILIon secure uL presenL
. 5erutions

PIunL & mucIInery In exceIIenL condILIon;

cupLIve sources Ior purLs und componenLs
. Personnel

"uuIILy oI munugers und workers compurubIe

wILI LIuL In compeLILor compunIes
. nIormution

dvunced munugemenL InIormuLIon sysLem In

pIuce; mosL LrudILIonuI IuncLIons sucI us puyroII
und uccounLIng compuLerIsed; compuny
websILe Ius IImILed scope Ior ecommerce

HIgI quuIILy und experIenced Lop munugemenL

generuIIy udopLs u proucLIve sLunce wILI regurd
Lo decIsIonmukIng

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