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VocabuIary Lesson March 4

Author: Lauren Spinabelli

Date created: 03/02/2014 8:00 PM EDT ; Date modified: 04/08/2014 12:33 PM EDT
Subject(s) Language Arts (English)
Grade/Level Grade 8
Objectives Students will be able to:
Learn their new vocabulary words by filling out graphic organizers.
Become experts for their assigned words by working in groups.
Help their classmates learn and remember new vocabulary words by coming up with a mnemonic device.
Complete sentences in Unit 9 by using their new vocabulary words.
PA- Pennsylvania Common Core Standards (Draft) (2013)
Subject: English Language Arts Grade 6-12
Grade: Grade 8
Content Area: 1.2 Reading Informational Text Students read, understand, and respond to informational text-with an
emphasis on comprehension, vocabulary acquisition, and making connections among ideas and between texts with focus
on textual evidence.
Vocabulary Acquisition and Use
CC.1.2.8.J Acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate general academic and domain-specific words and
phrases; gather vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase important to comprehension or
Materials and resources:
Vocabulary workshop workbook, Unit 9
Graphic organizer worksheets
Promethium Board
The number of computers required is 1.
1. graphic organizer.docx
Lesson Procedures
1. Stuuents begin with the following bell-iingei:
When things started to go awry, I could tell by the mien on Carols face that she was very disgruntled.
Copy down the underlined words in the sentence above and use context clues to guess their meaning.

2. Teachei infoims the class that touay they will be in woiking in gioups to fill out a giaphic oiganizei foi
theii new vocabulaiy woius. Befoie getting into theii gioups, they 'ie given a blank giaphic oiganizei to
fill out the woiu, uefinition, pait of speech, anu mnemonic uevice.

S. 0nce they have theii giaphic oiganizeis ieauy, the teachei will explain the gioup pioject. The class will
be split into five gioups using name notecaius. Each gioup will be assigneu foui woius fiom 0nit 9.
Theii iesponsibility as a gioup is to become expeits on those foui woiusknow theii uefinitions anu
paits of speech. Lastly, they must come up with a mnemonic uevice oi a clevei tiick to iemembei the
woiu anu it's uefinition. This can be an illustiation, a ihyme, oi anything that ielates the woiu to its

4. Next, the class will be split into gioups. The class has twenty-six stuuents total, so theie will be foui
gioups of five anu one gioup of six. Each gioup is assigneu theii foui woius to teach to the class.

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S. The gioups aie given 1S-2u minutes to fill out the giaphic oiganizei foi theii foui woius, anu piepaie to
piesent theii woius to the class. They can use the Piomethium Boaiu to piesent to the class anu
illustiate theii mnemonic uevice.
6. 0nce each gioup has filleu out theii oiganizei foi theii woius anu aie ieauy to piesent to the class, the
gioups will begin piesenting. The teachei will ieminu the class to be iespectful anu quiet while theii
peeis aie piesenting, anu to follow along anu fill out theii giaphic oiganizeis. They can wait until the
gioup is finisheu piesenting to iaise theii hanus anu ask questions if they misseu something.

7. 0nce all the gioups have piesenteu anu the class has theii giaphic oiganizeis filleu out, the class will
begin the sentence completion on page 1u1 in theii vocabulaiy woikbooks to woik on as a class.

8. As a wiap-up, the teachei will quiz the stuuents on a few of the vocabulaiy woius. She will give an
oveiview of eveiything they completeu in class, anu ieminu them to use theii giaphic oiganizeis anu
mnemonic uevices to stuuy theii vocabulaiy woius.

9. If theie is time left in class, the teachei can explain the timeu ieview game anu have the stuuents tiy it
Assessment Prior to the end of class, the teacher will quiz the class aloud on the vocabulary words they just learned.
Time permitting, students will play a timed review game using the words and their definitions.
Lesson Analysis and
I thought this lesson went very well! The students seemed excited to break from the norm and learn vocabulary in a new
way. They liked the stickers I used to seperate them into groups, and they did a great job presenting to one another. A
few of the presentations were pretty quiet but after I reminded them to speak up, they went a lot better. Having them
come up with their own clever mnemonic devices helped them to better remember their vocabulary words than if I had
simply given them to them.
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