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Excellence - 6 Merit - 4 Achieved - 2 Not Achieved-

Questions:Works through
the questioning template
Has made well considered
big questions and effective
guiding questions
Has made thoughtful big
questions and useful
supplementary questions
Has worked through the
template and made some
worthwhile questions
Big question is not big
and supplementary
questions are low level

Analysis of Information:
Selecting and analysing
(highlight, underline,
annotate) appropriate
sources to answer the big
A wide variety of suitable
sources found and analysed
by underlining, highlighting
and comprehensively
annotated that will help to
answer the big question
A variety of suitable
sources found and
analysed by underlining,
highlighting and some
annotation that will help
to answer the big
Suitable sources found
and analysed by
underlining or highlighting,
that will help to answer
the big question
Few sources found
that are credible and
helpful for answering
the big question

Synthesis of Information:
Using graphic organisers to
sort and sift relevant and
useful information and
rewrite into own words
Has effectively used 3 or
more graphic organisers to
synthesise and find
information that is
relevant and useful in
answering the big question
and has rewritten this into
own words
Has used 2 or more
graphic organisers to sort
through information to
find some information
that is relevant and
useful in answering the
big question and is mostly
rewritten in own words
Has made attempts to use
graphic organisers to find
some information that is
relevant and useful in
answering the big question
but has still used copy and
Little attempt made to
use the graphic
organisers to find
useful information
and has used copy and
pasted large amounts
of information

Information: Sufficient to
allow completion of inquiry
and answer the big question
Sufficient information
from a wide variety of
sources which will answer
the big question an in-
depth presentation to be
Sufficient information
from a variety of sources
to answer the big
question and allow an in-
depth presentation to be
Sufficient information
located from sources to
answer the big question
and complete the inquiry
although it may not be in-
information to answer
the big question or
make a worthwhile

Presentation: Final
Consistently appropriate
content and coverage,
logical progression of
ideas, good use of extra
features that engages
audience and answers the
big question
Consistently appropriate
content and coverage,
good use of extra
features that engages
audience and answers the
big question
Appropriate content and
coverage, attempts to use
extra features that
engages audience and
attempts to answer the
big question
Content mostly cut and
paste, little attempt to
engage the audience,
doesnt really answer
the big question

Taking Action:
appropriate, useful and
Appropriate, useful and
thoughtful action planned
to engage
Appropriate and useful
action planned
Action is planned No plans made to take
action or inappropriate
action planned

Reflection:comments to
help refine the inquiry
Reflection is insightful and
comprehensive and guides
the next step of the
Reflection clear and
critical and useful for
further progress in the
Reflection done regularly
and with some thought,
some useful observations
Little or no
participation in , or
comprehension of, the
value and format of

Evaluation: of the inquiry
Worthwhile and
comprehensive comments
made about the inquiry
process that demonstrates
a deep and thorough
understanding of the
inquiry process
Worthwhile comments
made about the inquiry
process that
demonstrates a thorough
understanding of the
inquiry process
Comments made about the
inquiry process that
understanding of the
Few comments made
about the inquiry

Checkpoint Marks

Total points

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