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Tick tock.

Those aie piecious seconus that aie quickly whizzing by, anu though they
seem minuscule, those moments may be the only chance you get to captuie a uonoi's
attention. Youi website is the fiist souice a piospect is going to look to when
ieseaiching, anu if it's not exciting, cleai, anu usei-fiienuly, you may be losing a lot of
potential uonations. Bow can youi website captivate the minus of visitois foi longei
than a few seconus. Take a look at this checklist anu see how youi website measuies

Want to see a few nonpiofits that aie uoing it iight. We've naiioweu it uown to oui top

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Big Biotheis Big Sisteis of Canaua pioviues valuable mentoiship to Canaua's
youth, but they also coulu be mentois foi othei nonpiofit websites. This
oiganization has a fantastic uonation page. It is a easy to access, offeis many
uiffeient giving options, anu incluues a unique featuie: a viueo.

1&/.'#&/ 2.$)*
You've shown piospects that youi cause is woith theii uollais, anu
they'ie ieauy to give. Take a look at BBBS Canaua as a fantastic example
of a usei-fiienuly uonations page. Listeu as the top piefeience foi
making uonations, the link to 3/4#/) 1&/.'#&/* leaus to an online foim
that even gives useis the option to make theii contiibution iecuiiing.
This is extiemely useful foi those who wish to continuously uonate, but
Homepage Website Content Landing Pages Donation Page Resource Page
PlghllghL laLesL &
houesL conLenL vla
fronL page news or
Lwluer feed.

Make sure
organlzauon's mlsslon
ls lmmedlaLely

Make [uonaLe now]
8uuon sLand ouL ln
muluple places.

WrlLe emouonally
engaglng copy.

lnclude subscrlbe Lo
newsleuer/blog form

ulsplay Lhe logos of
any sponsors LhaL
supporL your
use compelllng, sLory-
Lelllng lmagery

use creauve
lnfographlc Lo dlsplay
compelllng cause

8log 3x per week

lncorporaLe promlnenL
calls-Lo-acuon on blog
posLs and lnslde pages

Clearly and separaLely
LargeL volunLeers and

Share success sLorles
as oen as posslble

Lnsure conLacL
lnformauon ls
avallable for

Make lmporLanL
conLenL easlly
accesslble wlLh
one cllck.

Make sure each
page ls opumlzed
for SLC (lL's worLh
hlrlng an agency Lo
keep up wlLh
consLanL search
englne changes.)
lnclude your logo.

8emove navlgauon.

lnclude Soclal Medla

?our uLle musL maLch
Lhe Loplc.

8ulld separaLe landlng
pages for volunLeers,
parLners, sponsors,

lnclude slmple, shoL

lollow-up form
submlsslon wlLh Lhank
you page LhaL lncludes

PlghllghL onllne donauon
as maln glvlng opuon.

ulsplay muluple glvlng
opuons on uonaLe age
(Mall, hone, 1rlbuLe,
Memorlam eLc).

lnclude a vldeo sLresslng
Lhe lmporLance of every
dollar for your cause

Cn Lhe onllne form,
make sure Lhe opuon Lo
make donauon recurrlng
ls llsLed

uon't want the hassle of filling out a foim eveiy time. The less woik foi
youi uonois, the bettei. 0nline uonations aie not the only way to give,
anu BBBS Canaua makes that cleai by pioviuing links foi othei foims of
giving (in-tiibute, in-memoiiam, etc) below. The stanuout featuie of
this page. The extiemely touching viueo that featuies smiling chiluien
talking about theii uieams anu why they like theii big biotheis anu big
sisteis. A viueo like BBBS Canaua's is key foi emotional uiaw to youi
cause. 0se this cieative outlet as a way to show fiisthanu what youi
oiganization stanus foi anu wheie a uonoi's uollais will go.

5'4./'. 6#**#&/
Nouein. Attiactive. 0sei-fiienuly. uieat navigation. No, I'm not uesciibing a
bianu new spoits cai. I'm talking about Atlanta Nission's website. Atlanta
Nission pioves to be an inteinet all-stai iight fiom the get-go, staiting with its
homepage. This oiganization pioviues sheltei anu life iesouices foi ovei 9Su
men, women, anu chiluien on a uaily basis, but that's not the only thing it uoes
iight. 0ne majoi aspect of theii success is the appeal of theii homepage; so let's
check out what makes it so top-notch.

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No uoubt about it, the entiie homepaie is incieuibly stiiking. Fiom the
moment the page loaus, a sliueshow of photos uepicting the
oiganization in action takes the stage, allowing us as visitois to ieally
get glimpse of how Atlanta Nission is helping those in neeu. To get the
cut-anu-uiy answei as to what the nonpiofit actually aims to achieve,
they explicitly state theii mission below theii featuieu sliueshow, which
pioviues even moie claiity foi useis.
What else is uone iight. While the pictuies aie evei changing, one pait
of the sliueshow stays in place the entiie time: a highlighteu "Begin a
Bonation" foim anu call-to-action button. The simplicity of this 4-fielu
foim, as well as the high levels of visibility aie fantastic ways to
immeuiately attiact uonois as soon as they entei youi site.
Speaking of appeal, youi oiganization piobably has some pietty
impiessive statistics that you woulu love to shaie with the woilu. If
they'ie buiieu within a ianuom paiagiaph in a blog post, it is much
moie uifficult to get that woiu out. Atlanta Nission uiu it again. The
oiganization featuies a subsection with S stanuout statistics, all wiitten
in yellow, bolueu font, splasheu against a black backgiounu. While this
is an extiemely small-scale infogiaphic, this is an up-anu-coming way of
cieatively shaiing infoimation. By making these facts stanu out, Atlanta
Nission has maue it easiei to ietain the infoimation, iathei than simply
wiiting them in a paiagiaph elsewheie on the website.
Anothei plus to this site is the usei-fiienuly news feeu, which allows
you to quickly switch between iecent blog posts, viueos ielevant to
theii mission statement, anu theii vaiious social meuia outlets. This
shows just how active of an oiganization they aie, anu pievents the site
fiom going stale.

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This nonpiofit's homepage is "the cat's meow." I'm talking about the Westein PA
Bumane Society, which pioviues caie anu sheltei to homeless animals thioughout
the Westein Pennsylvania aiea. The iecent ievamp of theii website has been a
majoi step foi the oiganization, anu now, it is coloiful, easy to navigate, emotionally
compelling, anu captivating with stoiies. Let's take a look at what makes this
website's homepage such a stanuout.

Who can iesist the innocent eyes of a fuiiy fiienu, just begging to be
auopteu anu loveu. This is immeuiately what you see upon enteiing the
WPBS's website. The photos of animals fiom the sheltei aie peifectly
highlighteu anu attiactive - they aie not excessive oi uistiacting, anu
aie clean, piofessional, anu imply the WPBS's mission of pioviuing foi
Anothei highlight of the WPBS's website is the vaiious coloiful call-to-
action buttons, which call upon the usei to eithei auopt a pet, uonate to
the cause, oi volunteei. These aie maue veiy visible, so it's easy to spot
as soon as potential uonois entei the site, anu they won't lose inteiest
clicking thiough multiple pages. Not to mention that anothei "Bonate"
call-to-action is highlighteu in gieen at the top of the page along the
navigation bai, making the iequest impossible to miss. Anothei cool
featuie is the simple newslettei subsciiption foim. All suppoiteis have
to uo is entei theii email anu submit it. Again, the less woik foi them,
the bettei. This is essential because it is an easy way to ieach those who
ieally caie about youi cause, which in tuin, coulu mean moie
contiibutions anu volunteeis.
Lastly, who uoesn't like to ieau a heaitwaiming stoiy. Featuieu on the
homepage is a link to the stoiy of one animal cuiiently available foi
auoption at the sheltei. This is a gieat way to piomote auoptions
thiough emotional engagement. The pictuie of the cat catches the eye,
anu using language such as "Neet Nuiphy" instantly makes this
auoption listing much moie peisonal anu stoiy like, iathei than a
classifieu auveitisement.

Reauy to stait checking things off the list foi youi own nonpiofit website. Reauy to
attiact moie uonois with a compelling, mouein, anu completely accessible site, like the
thiee we've featuieu. It's nevei too late to stait! It may seem like an oveiwhelming job,
but by taking on one categoiy at a time, it is entiiely uoable anu 1uu% woithwhile.
Naybe Y00R site will be featuieu as a nonpiofit website all-stai. Take a step in the iight
uiiection, anu sign up foi a fiee consultation with the expeits at BonoiPio, anu see how
we can powei youi puipose.

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